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My Age Gap Hubby

My Boss 1

Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
I’m Mia
I am 23 years old
I’m half Italian and half Japanese. My mom’s from Japan and dad from Italy.
I graduated from college recently
Luckily and gratefully I got a job very quickly
I work as a secretary
My boss is a CEO of a local big business
Hmm what to tell you about him…
I have a major crush on my boss!~
I started this job as his secretary three months ago.. but all this three months my boss was nothing but an excellent leader and a gentleman.. his always so kind and always efficient at his work… he’s the best man I ever known.. he’s like my role model.. my respect for him keeps growing and growing everyday..
That’s why I couldn’t helped but fell for him deeper everyday..!
I know it might wrong but.. what can I do.. my heart fell for him too deeply..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
I turned my head to looked at the man so merged working marking
Ahh~ so handsome~
He looks even more attractive when he’s focused on his work
So glad my desk is right across from him.. so whenever I look up.. I can admire his handsome face
Another thing about my boss, he’s is 38 years old.. and we have more than 15 years age difference… but do I care absolutely no! I actually do prefer older guys
I have my palm on my face and elbow on the table as I keep watching my boss work
Ahh~ his tall, masculine figure~ the beard that looks unbelievably séxÿ and his beautiful ocean blue eyes, dark ebony hair
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
But before I could keep admiring-
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
Do I have something on my face, Ms. Suzuki?
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
No sir *sit up straight*
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
Then do you have something to ask me?
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Um yes sir
I stood up, showing my professional appearance, and went to him
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Sir, I have revised the presentation and contact for tomorrow’s meeting with xxx company
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
All there’s left is for you to approve the contract
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Then we can print out for tomorrow
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
I will look over it right now
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
And next time you can call out to me if you need me, instead of staring at me and waiting for me to notice
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Y-yes sir (😳😖)
I placed the pen-drive on his desk and returned to my seat
Aishh!! Got caught staring 🙈
How embarrassing
To be continued…

My Boss 2

<Next day>
<In the conference room >
45 minutes in, the meeting was going well.. the client was liking our proposal that we had been working on over a month
And it is fairly important for the company as well
But during the meeting my lov- boss got an phone call which made him leave the meeting
Now I have to handle everything on my own.. well with my colleagues that were part of the project too.. thankfully I’m not by myself
It must be pretty urgent for him to leave in the middle of a important meeting..
After sometime my boss returned.. and apologized to the clients and we continued our presentation
After meeting
It was a success despite the interruption
We returned to our cabin
And that’s when I found out the cause of my boss leaving the meeting in the middle of the presentation
It’s for his princess…
Little Lilia
Or in short Lia
My boss must have noticed my understanding face
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
Yes.. I had to bring her to office because her nanny had to attend her family emergency
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Oh I see
I give him a smile showing it was no problem
I looked at the sleeping tiny figure
Ahh how cute
Or right! I almost forgot to tell you
This this tiny figure is my boss’s daughter
Remember I said I have a secret crush on him..?
But the problem is.. he’s a married man… though I overheard from my colleague that his wife had a difficult labor and died after giving birth.. poor thing.. his daughter who is only 3 months old without a mother..
Although I know his not seeing any other women.. but it is still hard for me to approach him with that kind of intention.. I am afraid I might lose him before even expressing my feelings to him..
And that’s the reason I’m holding my feelings deep inside me..
Such a tough life I have..
But you know never in two months I saw him break down or in grieving for his wife.. I wonder why…
<Time skips>
We got a early leave today.. for the success of the meeting today and for the hard work, plus overtime we had been putting into this project
To be continued..

My Boss 3

<Next morning>
I’m late!
I had a few drinks because my colleagues dragged me to celebrate our success
And overslept
I quickly walked inside the cabin and was immediately bowed to apologized
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
I’m sorry sir.. I was late—
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
I lifted my head saw him cradling Lily in his arms
But what’s she doing here so early?
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
I’ll tell you later
He mouthed out while patting his daughter on the back
I nodded and went to my seat
After a while he put her down into her baby crib.. that has been here since I first day I started to work..
And that how I found out about the his baby
He was about to walk to my desk.. when Lily started to cry
He turned back and picked her up in his arms again.. and singing lullabies
See? That’s what I was saying! He’s so gentle and loving and calmly handling everything
But Lily was still crying
Most of the time she’s a sweetheart and doesn’t cry much when boss brings her to the office when her nanny isn’t home… something might be really troubling her..
I couldn’t sit tight anymore
I got up and went to them and extended my arms
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
It’s alright.. I got her..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
*Shakes head* your hands will get tired.. I can carry her for a bit
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
You sure?
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Yes sir
He carefully passed her in my arms.. and I gently wrapped my arms around her tiny body
It’s not my first time carrying her…
And to be accurate I think she’s fond of me
When I was still newcomer.. One day he came with his daughter to the office as the babysitter (nanny) was sick.. he usually brings her to the office anyway, so she got a little close to me.. and is comfortable with me around her.. which she usually doesn’t let anyone near her besides her father and her nanny..
Maybe because when she’s here.. she only sees her father and me most of the time that she gotten used to me
Honestly I like her too! She’s a adorable baby
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Shh shh
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Don’t cry precious
I paced around the room while lightly patting her back but her cries never stop
It’s making me worried a lot
What could be troubling to this little body
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Her dipper?
I asked facing my boss
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
I changed not long ago
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
At home before coming here
Think Mia think
What did you sister do when her baby cried.. think!!
But will it actually work… and if it doesn’t… then I might fell into an awkward situation
But I will try! For her sake
With the idea I got.. I walked to the couch and made myself comfortable
While holding Lily with one hand securely, with the other hand I unbutton the first two buttons of my shirt..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Opening the shirt apart revealing my brã… then without unclipping it.. I pulled down the right brã-cup, exposing my bare bræst
I know my actions have surely surprised my boss.. but at this moment I don’t care.. I just want to help this little precious from suffering and have peaceful sleep
Holding her close, I held my right böôb close to her mouth which she looked confused and for a slight second her cry stopped
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Please let it work *mumble*
She gradually opens her tiny mouth and latches on my nïpplē.. and starts sückîñg.. I know there’s nothing to fill her tummy.. but at least her craving for sückîñg on a bud may reduce..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Looking her so eagerly süćkîñg.. I knew it worked
Because after sucking for a good 10 minutes.. her sobs finally slowed down…. And she doze off in my arms still latching onto my nïpplë..
I didn’t move her until she was fully in her deep slumber.. and then placed her on her baby-crib which is the office..
Seeing the sight my boss seemed touched and smiled at us.. but still in surprise due to my actions.. like who would do that… I mean I don’t mind what I did at all.. in fact I was happy it helped her.. after all a mother’s bræst milk is the best thing for a baby but she’s lacking that.. and I wouldn’t mind filling that motherly spot for her.. after all she’s such a adorable baby.. and I love her just as well as her father..
I carefully placed her onto her crib and patted her until she relaxed down to sleep soundly
I then fixed my brä and shirt and nervously looked towards him
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
Why did you do that?
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Well um.. I seen my elder sister… her baby is 6 months old.. and whenever he cries, it’s either he’s hungry or something is troubling him.. so as to when he’s hungry she bræstfēēds him, which calms him down.
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
And thankfully it worked for Lily too
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
If you don’t mind may I suggest something?
Ethel Tiago
Ethel Tiago
Yes *nods*
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
It’s not the bræstféëfing, that is required… but a mother figure in her life…
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Sir you are busy with work.. and cannot always be around her or fulfill her needs..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
And it’s seem her nanny was absent quite some times before as well..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
So what I think is that you hire at least 2 permanent caretakers.. so one can always fill in case the other one is absent… because she needs someone who can always stay beside her.. and take care of her..
Mia Suzuki
Mia Suzuki
Please consider my suggestion
Saying this I went to my seat and started doing my work.. leaving my boss in a complexion
To be continued…
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