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Why Can't You Let Me Die?

Episode 1

It was the night time when the moon was hiding behind the clouds and trees covering the clouds she wanted to free herself from this brutal and harsh reality.

There were voices calling her to stay with them, but for her freedom was more important than anything else. She was upset and sad ,all she can remember at that moment was sorrows and griefs with all the pain she has felt.

The real story begins....

No😭 noooo😭😭😭 don't do this .Please don't .You have whole life infront of you to do what you wanted to do, her mother was calling her and pleading to come back.

That girl was Lily her daughter.

Lily said ' mother don't cry .I'm here to seek my freedom that my life hasn't given me. Only by doing this i can be free. Free from everything. No responsibilities,no pain, no suffering , no hurting anyone's emotions, not even causing any kind of damage to anyone.'

Another voice came.

Dear sis don't leave us😭 . Please 🙏. We need you. By doing this you are not only hurting yourself but also other too. Please don't do this. This was her younger brother calling for, who was 3 years younger than Lily.

Lily replied ' -Sorry my dear .Sorry for not being a good sister.

-Sorry for not being able to do my best

-Sorry for not being able to handle my responsibilities

- for not being good enough to teach to educate you

-Lastly , sorry for being so stupid and dumb.

Be a good boy and don't create problems for mother and father. Be obedient. Take it as a last request from your older sister.'

Suddenly a boy came near Lily and hugged her tightly. His name was Sam.

Sam confessed his feelings to Lily.

'Lily I love you♥️ .I really really Love you❤️❤️❤️❤️.Please stay .I wanted to tell you this from long time but I was afraid that you will no longer want to be my friend.I thought ,confession will ruin our friendship. But now I don't care .I just want you to be alive even if you hate me i wont care but please don't die on us.'

Lily says' Ohhh Sam .It's so sweet of you, but i can't return you the same feelings .I'm really sorry.😞 You are such an amazing person that anyone will fall in love with you.'

Sam : ' But it won't be you'😿

Lily:'Today i will tell you why i won't accept anyone's feelings even if i wanted to. Mother do you remember the promise that i have made to you.The promise in which I told you that i will marry the person you will choose for me and will never ever fall in love with anyone nor will there be any affairs.'

Lily's Mother requests her' Lily if you want you can accept his confession but please don't take such a drastic step.'

Lily replies' Mother it's a promise and i wont break it. And this has nothing to do with promise as well. Only by dying i can be freed from all the promises , problems and worries.'

Lily slowly push Sam who was still hugging her and gives a good bye kiss on his cheeks with few farewell words as memories for him

Lily: 'Good bye Sam .Take this kiss as a token of my gratitude towards your feelings and as a last gift too.'

'Bye everyone .Goodbye.' She says and jumps down from the cliff.

While jumping Lily offers her apology to each and everyone she has met in her life.

' Sorry everyone. Sorry for not being a good daughter.Sorry for not being a good sister Sorry for not being a good friend.Sorry for not being good neice.Sorry for not being a good granddaugther.Sorry for not being neither a good student nor a good learner or teacher. Sorry for not being a good girl.Sorry for not being a good person.Sorry for not being a good human being. Lastly sorry to everyone who are hurt by me.SORRY

Episode 2

She drowns in the water. Deeper and deeper.

At such moment, Lily was still happy but a bit guilty for her move.

But we all know every ending leads to a new beginning .So does her suicide too.

Lily's thoughts while taking her last breadth were " Atlast i will be free. I wish everyone a happy life." She closes her eyes and recalls all bad and good things happen to her. Suddenly a hand approaches her pulls her towards her but she loses her concisiousness.

That person saves her and brings to his house. He after reaching his house which was like a castle take her in his room and places her on his bed .While placing her on bed he says " I won't let you die .You were always mine and mine only." He then calls his maid and asks her to change Lily's clothes and asks his assistantant to call the doctor. The docter says "She needs lots of rest and she has caught fever .It will be too long before she wakes up. Her body has already responded to her condition by putting her in coma. So in this span someone needs to take care of her by moving her body periodically in order to keep circulatory system in good state."

Her life-saver says " Thankyou very much docter.I will take care of her as she is precious to me.Thankyou very much."

They both then shakes hands🤝 "Docter James my assistant Liam will see you off.Once again thankyou very much"

Lily has been slept for days. When Lily wakes up she finds a person sitting near her bed by laying his head down on the edge of the bed and holding her hand .Lily gets shocked😳.

"I'm dead? Is this heaven ? Is this person an angel?"

She then tries to pull her hand back. Her actions wakes him up.

"ohh my goodness .Finally ....finally you are awake. Thank god you are alive. I'm so happy. Lily I'm so happy."

He starts rejoicing in happiness .

Listening the word alive .Lily gets shocked 😳😱

"Why ......why am I alive? I was supposed to be dead. I was supposed to be free from this world ,but...but I'm still alive. Why?😭😭"

Hearing her words he gets upset and starts walking towards her .She gets little bit frightened . Although she wanted to die but not in hands of some stranger and with more pain.

He than hugs her tightly and says" Silly I won't be able to live without you. My life is incomplete same as a pen without ink."

She then asks him "Who are you ? I don't even know your name. How did you know that i was committing suicide? "

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself 😅.My name is Mark. By the way i have loved you for a long time and i have known everything about you."

"But i arrived late to rescue you" he says with sad face😞.

Lily gets angry after hearing those words."Are you stupid or what? 😠 I finally tried to escape this evil world and you save me Kept me alive ." Tears starts falling from her eyes " I just... j...just wanted freedom and you imprisoned me again by keeping me alive😭😭😭😭😭😭"

Mark stands up and says " You can live here freely. You will get all the freedom you want. Just do not try to kill yourself. You can do whatever you want even if it costs me anything i won't imprison you. You are free to live the way you want."

For a moment she was convinced but then she remember something that changed her mind.

"I won't be free even if you say so . I will be burdened by responsibility again. I don't want that. I just want o die."

Mark interupts her ,pats her head gently and says" Silly doll ,you don't have to die for that and don't think about stupid things .You won't be burdened by any responsibilities I assure you. But just stay with me. Otherwise i will die eventually without you!"

Lily gets confused."Why did you love me? And how did you fall for me?"

"My beloved Silly doll 😚"

"Just quit with that nickname.😒 And get straight to the point ,will you?"She gets more irritated by hearing him call her by some other name.

"Awww😚 don't be mad ,just give me one chance to prove myself. If i failed to keep my words then you are free to kill yourself and will accompany you as my punishment."

" Aghh😣🤯 Seriously 🤦🏻‍♀️.Are you kidding me? After all the pain i went through to kill myself now I'm stuck with this stupid Loverboy of mine.😑"

Mark teases her more "Aww 😚 Atleast you accepted me as your Loverboy".😂😂😂😂😂 Then he laughs

"You 😠😠😠....You better keep you words or I will kill you with my own hands before kill myself😾."

Mark then hold her hands in his and kiss es them."I will be honoured to die in your hands"😘

"🤐 are you for sure?" She then releases a sigh and says "I quit arguing with you. 😔 You won .I will try to stay alive and get my freedom but no one from my family or friends should know that I'm alive or you won't see me ever again😤."

Hello friends .This is my new novel. I will keep this short and won't elongate it so please tell me you views about my work.I will be more than happy to read your comments.Thankyou for reading though.🥰🥰🥰🥰

Episode 3

Mark agrees with her. Lily asks him that how did he know her. Mark replies

" Oh correct😅 i skipped that question earlier sorry🥺.Actually i saw you on the bridge helping an old lady when you were returning home from your classes.It was love at first sight. "

Lily keeps getting shocks continuously.

" Love at first sight😳.Like seriously 😱?"

Then Mark continued"You were so kind hearted. "

"Oh yeah my kindness was always taken advantage of😢" Lily says' with sad tone and in slow voice but still Mark hears it .

Maybe he has sharp ears unlike me😂 Sorry for this .😅---Me

"I heard it ,but don't worry your kindness won't be take advantage of ever again.Now let me continue"

"Ok🙂 " She says with mild smile on her face. Cause this was the first time that someone understood her.

He than continue again😅 "That time you were in 10th standard. I fell for your actions and that beauty hidden deep within you in such a way that i wanted to see you all the time and be happy. So I started visiting that bridge more frequently in order to just peek at you. " Mark was happy while saying this but suddenly his mood went off.

"But as the saying goes all good things comes hand in hand with bad things. I need to go to another country to take over my father's company. I promised myself to always keep that sweet, beautiful and gentle smile on your face. Finally when I returned after 5 years you had already taken this drastic step.😢"

His eyes were filled with tears while he was speaking.He felt guilty as he was not able to keep his promise and for his failure to protect her.

Lily got sad as well. She was broken as she knew that she hurted all the people who loved her and he was one of them.

"I'm sorry but this is one of this reason why i want to die.See now you became the victim too."and started crying 😭😭😭

"Oh Silly doll you haven't done anything . It always hurts to see the person we love getting hurt infront of our eyes"

"Mark but it hurts more too see that the reason for the same is me".

He wipes her tears and says

" I love you❤️" and places a kiss on her forehead.

Lily gets astonished by his actions.😳

" me .."

"Why ? ofcourse i kissed the person i loved hehe😁😁" He does this to distract her attention from sad topic.

"I didn't said I love you"

"Ohh but now you did😆😆"

She was about to throw her anger but her stomach makes some sound like

Borborygmi which means rumbling sound. She feels embarrassed and forgets what she was about to tell him.

Mark laughs 😆😂😂😂 and Lily glares at him.

"Sorry😂 but I wasn't able to control my laughter as your stomach was not able to control that sound."

Lily looks at him with anger😠😠😠😠.

We all know how embarrassed we might feel if this happens with us😂.But it happens with me during lectures hours when we don't get break for about 5 hours 😂😂😂😂.Ok back to the story.

"Ok now i wont laugh see🤐 I'm zipping up my mouth. Now lemme get something for us to eat."

He asks his butler to send food with maids in his room.

After 5 minutes maids enters his room with food.

Mark asks them to keep the food on table and leave. While leaving ,few of the maids gives Lily a cold glare as if they are going to murdered her at any instance .Mark notices Lily's gaze and understands the situation and gives all the maids a death glare .

"All of you don't even dare to mistreat her, especially you few maids there. She is Madame of this castle .Treat her with respect. You may leave." Mark says with cold voice.

He stands up and gets the food near the bed and was about to start their dinner but suddenly he feels like someone is watching them and then he turns back. He finds two of the maids looking at them. Anger takes over him and he then in bold and loud voice says

" Out now😠 ".

Lily picks up the spoon to eat but because of his voice it fells down on the floor. Mark then looks at her .Her face makes him feel at ease and he calms down.

"Pardon me ,you need to witness that side of me. I understand if you are afraid of me but please don't leave me🥺"

Lily was not afraid but more than that she was shocked. She thinks"how can one person's mood change so quickly?

Pfft😂 I'm talking this when i too lose my control 😅".She laughs at her silly thought and says

"Oh Mark I'm not afraid of you and i wont leave you either unless you try to imprison me .By the way this temper of yours won't scare me who has witnessed her the death from such a close distance.😅."

Mark feels at ease as he felt like she was comforting him.

Actually she was but unknowingly😆

The situation gets more interesting when Mark's stomach makes the same rumbling sound as that of Lily.

Lily starts laughing loudly

"hahaha😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 See you were laughing at me a moment ago now tell me how does it feels to be embarrassed?😂"

Seeing her laughing makes him feel happy and says " If my embarrassment can bring that beautiful smile on your face than I'm ready to take everything."

Lily stops laughing and feels little down.Seeing her face he then pulls some tricks on her to make her feel better.

"Previously 🤷🏻‍♀️ you haven't denied the fact that you don't love me and neither did you denied it when i told the maids that you will be the Madame of this castle, sooooo I assume that you have taken liking for me😏.What do you say?

"You....You stop that or else i won't give you any chance.humph😤"

"Yes Ma'am .I won't do that again .Lets continue eating our food."


After having dinner Lily went to sleep and Mark slept on the couch in his room.

Hello fellas .I'm back again .So what do think of my stories .🤔

Lemmme know in comments below.Please like, subscribe and comment. Few words from you can help me alot in my growth. I'm looking forward to your views. Bye see you again .Also i would like to recommend few novel's and chat stories please do check them.

1) Past Love

2)Life is like a hell

3) Secrementum

4)Bitches for bullies

5) Lost -which is my chat story.

Hope you guys will support me .I'm really really looking forward to it.🥰🥰🥰🥰

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