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The Domineering Glutton Of The Future

Chapter 1: Waking Up (1)

“Aiyo, this is a Spirit Tonic that is hard to come by. It was actually wasted on a cripple!”

Exactly! This girl has been sleeping for more than ten years. Do you actually think she will wake up?”

“Ha! This Spirit Tonic is nothing. I heard from others that Mo Yang has a lot of good stuff. Unfortunately, all of them are with his sister!”

The noisy female voices were buzzing in Mo Chu’s ears. It was like hundreds of ducks cawing tirelessly, causing her a headache.

“Shush, be quiet. If someone were to spread these words, and Mo Yang hears them, we would be in big trouble!”

“Hmph, what’s there to be afraid of?! We are speaking the truth.” An arrogant female voice suddenly raised her voice. In her anger, she could not help but reveal a hint of shyness. “If it wasn’t for this wretched girl dragging Mo Yang down, he wouldn’t have to risk his life every time!”

“That’s true.”

“Qingqing is right!”

“That’s right.” Hearing all the girls’ compliments, the arrogant female voice became even louder. She said, “If you ask me, this kind of trash is better off dead! Being alive is simply a burden. When will she stop dragging Mo Yang down like this?!”

“What did you say?” Suddenly, a deep and angry male voice interrupted.

“I said, that girl –” the woman continued. However, when she turned and looked at the source of the voice, her face turned pale. The rest of her words seemed to be stuck in her throat, and she could not spit them out no matter how hard she tried.

All the women in the room had a sudden change in expression. Some of them even started to tremble slightly.

The man standing at the door had handsome facial features. He was tall and strong, and his handsome temperament was very attractive. At that moment, his body was stained with a large amount of bright red blood. They could all smell the thick scent of blood. The man’s face was also cold, while his slightly bloodshot eyes stared fiercely at them, his killing intent almost gushed out.

The woman forced a smile and asked in a trembling voice, “Mo... Mo Yang, when did you come back?”

Mo Yang ignored her. They could not help but feel shocked by the anger that was spewing out from his body. “What did you say about my sister just now?”


There was a moment of silence in the room.

Everyone was suppressed by Mo Yang’s anger. They did not dare to open their mouths.

After a long time, the arrogant girl finally opened her mouth to defend herself. “I... We are only doing it for you.”

However, when she looked into Mo Yang’s anger-filled eyes, she could not help but shudder. She started to stutter, “I... I feel bad for you. It’s just not worth it.”

“What’s not worth it?” Mo Yang was so angry that he laughed instead. However, the cold smile made people feel even more terrified.

“Mo Chu being like this, isn’t she just a burden?!”

Hu Qing’s father was the captain of the ‘Wild Wolf’ team. She only dared to be so arrogant because of her identity. After all, Mo Yang was also a member of this group. He had to give her some face no matter what.


Hu Qing was still feeling some satisfaction when she suddenly let out a blood-curdling scream. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she clutched the right side of her face tightly, a trace of blood slowly seeping out from her fingers.

“Oh my God!”

When the few women beside her saw this scene, they could not help but exclaim in shock. The number of women in the Federation was much smaller than the number of men. Usually, most of them were sought after and protected. They did not expect Mo Yang to actually be so ruthless!

The women all took a few steps back, afraid that they would be targeted by Mo Yang.

“Burden?” Mo Yang raised his eyebrows, and a terrifying aura erupted from his entire body. “Little Chu is my only treasure! Who allowed you to use that word to describe her?

Chapter 2: Waking Up (2)

“How dare you hurt me!” No matter what happened, a woman would always care about her appearance the most. Mo Yang actually hurt her face.

Hu Qing’s face suddenly darkened, and hatred and humiliation grew in her heart.

She raised her hand, and she stabbed the sharp dagger fiercely towards Mo Yang. However, Mo Yang had already noticed it, and he held Hu Qing’s hand tightly.

“If it wasn’t for Captain Hu’s sake, I wouldn’t have let you off so easily today!” Mo Yang’s tone was slightly gloomy. He raised his slender left hand slightly, and a ball of purple-black lightning appeared out of thin air in his palm. The lightning emitted a sizzling sound, and it was truly terrifying.

“Ah!” Seeing this, the women in the background boards could not help but scream again. Their faces turned pale, and they wished they could leave immediately.

Mo Yang was already a tier 5 expert, and he could be considered a top talent in the whole Wild Wolf Team. Just the small ball of elemental energy in his hand was enough to kill all of them!

“So, so what? Are you going to kill me?” Hu Qing was the closest to Mo Yang, and she could clearly feel the power of the lightning element in his hand. However, even so, she did not want to lose face. She resisted and retorted, “That girl was a waste of space in the first place. No, she can’t even be compared to a waste of space.”

“Shut up!” Mo Yang’s eyes became darker and darker. There was a hint of flirtatious redness in his deep gaze. He held Hu Qing’s large palm and was about to break her wrist.

“Ah– it hurts, it hurts so much. Let go of me!”

A painful cry resounded throughout the entire room. Everyone could feel her frightening pain through her sharp and trembling voice.

Hu Qing’s tears immediately flowed out. Snot flowed down her nose, staining her meticulously painted makeup. Her entire body seemed to be curled up on the ground. Only one of her wrists was tightly held by Mo Yang, and she appeared to be in a sorry state.

“Brother Mo, these are the resources allocated for this mission. Please count them.” The door was pulled open with a ‘swoosh’. Wei Yuan held his storage bag in his hand. Before he could finish his sentence, he was already stunned by the scene before him.

The women behind him seemed to have woken up from their shock as they screamed and ran out one after another.


The Federation’s medical equipment was very advanced.

It only took half an hour to treat Hu Qing’s little injury with the medical equipment before she came out. Her face was as clean as new, without a trace.

“Mo Yang, what happened this time was indeed Qingqing’s fault.” In the room, Hu Tian glared fiercely at his daughter. This insensible girl! “Don’t worry, I will definitely teach her a good lesson. Just for my sake, will you spare her this time?”

Hu Tian was the leader of the Wild Wolf Team. He had sharp and rough facial features. However, he could not hide the vicissitudes of life between his brows.

He was a righteous person. His personality was upright, and he had always been admired by others. However, he could not be ruthless towards his only daughter, which was why Hu Qing had developed such an arrogant and indulgent personality.

“Dad, what did I do wrong?” Hu Qing was a classic case of forgetting about the pain after the scar was healed. Now that she had her father’s support, she immediately felt confident again. “What I said was the truth, to begin with.”

The rest of her words were silenced under Mo Yang’s sharp gaze, and she did not dare to continue.

She was really frightened. If it was not for Wei Yuan coincidentally coming in just now and putting a stop to Mo Yang, she really felt like she would have been killed by Mo Yang.

Mo Yang sat on the sofa quietly, his figure upright.

After a while, he said, “Let’s forget about this matter.”

Before Hu Tian and the rest could let out a sigh of relief, Mo Yang’s next words sounded like thunder in their ears. “Also, I want to leave the team.”

... ...

Chapter 3: Waking Up (3)


Hu Tian’s eyes widened, and he asked sternly, “Kid, what did you say just now?”

The other members also stared at Mo Yang in disbelief. They had been on missions together for almost five years and they had worked well together. Now, just because of such a small matter, Mo Yang said that he wanted to leave?

“I said, I want to leave the team.” Mo Yang looked straight at Leader Hu, his tone firm.

With a smack, Hu Tian slammed the table with all his strength, his face filled with anger. “What are you talking about! All these years, we’ve been going through so much trouble together. Just because of this, you want to leave the team?”

“Yeah.” The other members also spoke up to persuade him to stay. “Mo Yang, if you leave, a crucial piece will be missing in our Wild Wolf Team, right?”

“That’s right. Are you willing to leave just like that?”

However, Mo Yang remained unmoved.

“Enough.” Captain Hu knew that his daughter was in the wrong. He sighed and said, “Qing Qing is indeed not decent. If you want to punish her, I won’t say anything more. That should be enough, right?”

Hu Tian also couldn’t bear to see his daughter suffer. However, Mo Yang was already a tier 5 lightning attribute expert at such a young age. His potential was immeasurable. It wasn’t worth letting him leave just for such a trivial matter.

Moreover, on account of him being the leader, Mo Yang would not be so harsh on Hu Qing.

“Dad, what are you talking about!” Hu Qing did not understand her father’s painstaking efforts. Upon hearing these words, she immediately flew into a rage. He wanted her to apologize to Mo Yang? She would rather crawl directly into the bloodthirsty tiger’s mouth!

“Captain, I believe that I have already made myself clear.” Mo Yang remained seated on the sofa, his expression unwavering.

Heh! This kid does not listen!

Hu Tian frowned and tried to persuade him to stay. “Aren’t we brothers by now? Are you really willing to leave?”

“Captain,” Mo Yang’s tone finally changed. He turned his head to look at the sealed cabin in the room and his expression softened. “You should know how important Little Chu is to me.”

“I didn’t know about Hu Qing and the others’ attitude towards Little Chu before, but now that I know, I can’t turn a blind eye to it. I can’t live in the same space as someone who hates Little Chu.”

Hearing that, Hu Tian’s expression suddenly stiffened. It was only now that he remembered how much Mo Yang treasured his sister.

This fellow did not keep any of the spiritual treasures he usually obtained from missions. He used them all on Mo Chu. The Federation Coins allocated to him were also used to purchase the Spirit Tonic that Mo Chu needed. It could be said that Mo Yang valued Mo Chu more than himself!

“Then Hu Qing and the others can change as well!” Wei Yuan had always worshiped Mo Yang the most. How could he just watch his idol leave?

Mo Yang did not make a sound. He only glanced at Hu Qing with his eyes. The meaning behind it was self-evident.

Hu Tian, who was at the side, was too embarrassed to speak. After all, Hu Qing was his daughter. Of course, he knew his daughter’s habits very well.

“That’s all for now. I’ll pack my things later.” Before Mo Yang could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a short and loud whistle.

Ding ding– Ding ding–

The expression on Mo Yang’s face suddenly froze. He suddenly turned his head to look at the sealed cabin in the middle of the room.

The sealed cabin, which had been silent for fifteen years, was now emitting a loud sound. An obvious green light beside the cabin suddenly lit up — it was connected to the brainwaves of the people in the sealed cabin. In other words, the people in the cabin had already woken up!

Everyone was in a daze. Leaving them behind, Mo Yang Strode towards the sealed cabin. His eyes were astonishingly bright as he looked straight at the girl in the cabin.

“Little Chu, Little Chu.” Although his heart was surging with emotions, Mo Yang’s voice was extremely gentle. This was his biological sister who had fallen into a deep sleep since she was born. Now, she was finally... finally going to wake up.

Under his fiery gaze, the young girl in the sealed cabin was still sleeping peacefully. There was not the slightest movement.

The honking of the horn continued to sing as though it wanted the whole world to hear it.

... ...

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