NovelToon NovelToon

Back In Time : Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold.

First day back

Hello readers 👋 This is my first time writing a chat story, I hope you will enjoy it. (˵´•‿•`˵ ⑅)
NOTE:📜 𝛂° ( Dominant Alpha) 𝛂 ( Alpha) 𝛀° ( Dominant Omega) 𝛀 (Omega) β (Beta) 🍅 (blushing) 💓 (heartbeat, fluttering, romantically) ❄️ (cold tone) 📱 (speaking on the phone) ✉️📩( texting) ⌨ or < > ( MC's communication tool, text-to-voice) 💭 or ( ) ( speaking in the mind) ** ( action )
Ok Let's begin. ___〆(´•‿‿•`)
-Central Capital Police Station-
-Inside the police station-
Did he confess?
Captain Devon *salute 🫡* No sir, he didn't say a single word.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Did you get his files?
Yes sir, here... *gives him the files*
Devon takes a quick look through the file then enters the interrogation room.
... 💭(Who's this guy?) *nervous*😓
💭(He wasn't here in the past)😓
Devon pulled the chair then sat down. He opened the files and started reading out loud:
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Noel Jones 𝛀° Dominant Omega Age: 25 years old Height: 182 cm, 5'11 Education: 2nd year at Central Capital University, Literature Department Familial status: •Single, unmarked. •6-year-old daughter •Adoptive mother Work : Freelance Novel Writer. Preference genre: Crime fiction Characteristics: Antisocial, introverted, suffers from selective mutism.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Reya Jones 𝛂° Dominant Alpha Age:6 years old Height: 110 cm,3'7 Education: 1st Grade at Central Capital Primary School Familial status: 𝛀°Father, Adoptive Grandmother and Mimi 😺 Characteristics: Extroverted, lively, protective of her Papa
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Tia Jones β Beta Age: 55 years old Height:158 cm,5'2 Education: Graduated from High school Work: home stay grandmother Familial status: Widow, no biological children, adopted son and granddaughter. Characteristics: warm, loves children, a little shy
After reading about "selective mutism" Devon signals to an officer to come and take off Noel's handcuffs.
NOTE:📜 SELECTIVE MUTISM is an anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Do you have a device that you use for communication?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
You * point at the officer*Go and bring that device here.
Yes, sir!
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Until you get your device let me introduce myself:
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° Dominant Alpha Age: 27 years old Height:187 cm 6'1 Education: Graduated from Central Capital Military University Familial status: Single, only child, mother and father, grandmother Work: Central Capital's Police, Captain Characteristics: Extroverted, social, 💭(manipulative, wicked, slay fox)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(what's wrong with this guy? Introducing himself like we are on some kind of blind date.)
Cough... Here sir *puts the communication device on the table, and hurries away*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*signals to Noel to take it*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨ <Thank you>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
❄️Ok, now that we can communicate, let's start the interrogation.❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(This is my chance)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I need to calm down)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I don't want to go through those horrible years again)
To be continued ~~~
That's it for this episode
cough... cough... Author! How could you not introduce me in the first episode???!!! You even introduced another man to my wife!!! (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Mimi♀️ (Reya
Mimi♀️ (Reya's cat)
Meow?! woosh... *ran away*
Author?.... author!!!! Where are you? come out!!!
┴┬┴|_☉) *whispering* ok guys, we see each other in the next episode. kisses 😘

First day back II

Hi readers 👋 episode 1 was a little short, but I'll try to make longer episodes from now.
Here's episode 2 hope you enjoy it
A little DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Let's continue ___〆(´•‿‿•`)
-In the interrogation room-
Noel took a deep breath in hope to calm himself while waiting for Devon's questions.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(This is my chance to change the trajectory of my life.)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I can't make any mistake)
Devon looked at Noel sensing his nervousness
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
let me remind lies... don't try to scheme your way out of it, is not going to work.❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*nervous* ⌨ <I understand>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
What's your relationship with Mrs Rogers?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Mrs Rogers? I'm sorry, I don't know who you are talking about>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*shows photo*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Do you recognize her?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*surprised* ⌨<Yes, she is working at the library near my home>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(Why is she mentioned?)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(Did they mentioned it in the past?)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I don't remember, I was panicking back then) *nervous*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*looks at Noel with probing eyes*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
💭(he's nervous, hmm)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
How often do you go to that library?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I don't know, sometimes 1time a week, sometimes 2 times a week, depending on my free time>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
You went there pretty frequently for the past couple weeks, were you more free, or it was for something else?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(what's with these questions? Does this have to do with the case?)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*thinking* 💭(It was so many years ago I don't remember)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
answer the question!❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*remembers* 💭(Ah... I know, the Mystery of a black soul book)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<The old lady told me that the book I requested will be delivered in a couple of weeks, so I went there more frequently, hoping I would be able to borrowed it sooner>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
A book?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Yes, it's called the "Mystery of a black soul" by Shelby Brian>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<There are just a few copies left in this country, so I was excited to be able to read it>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
💭(hmm... something is not right, he doesn't seem to lie)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Did you ever have a conflict with Mr Rogers?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<No, I would just go in, select a book, sign the borrow list and go out>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<about two months ago there was an advertisement paper about requesting books plastered on the library door so from then on I requested some books>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<It should be registered in the request notebook>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*signals to the big mirror in the interrogation room*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Ok, we will surely check it
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Have you ever met Mrs Rogers son?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Are you sure?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Yes. As I said, I would just go borrow books or request books, At most I would nod or wave as a form of communication, so I don't know anything about the old lady or her family>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*slams a photo on the table*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Does it ring a bell to you know? *smirks*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*looks at the photo, thinking*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*observing*💭(no major reaction, no panic?)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*looks straight at Devon*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I had never seen this person>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
You really never seen him?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Yes, I don't remember to ever seen this person.>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Ok. I understand
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*looking at Devon suspiciously*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
He is Mrs Rogers son, Anton 𝛂(alpha), he would help from time to time in the library.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
But a couple of weeks ago, precisely when you started going there more frequently, he was there too, helping out his mother.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I really can't remember, I don't think I met this person in my past)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(But I don't understand why is he asking about this)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(Is this related to the case? Are they the so-called "witnesses"?)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*getting angry*💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<what do you try to say?>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Can you get to the point officer?>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*raises his eyebrows*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
💭(angry? Ha... quite a reaction)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Sure I'll get to the point ❄️
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
According to Mrs Rogers you were interested in her son, as soon as you knew that he would be there, you would also go.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
This situation escalated, and you started to harass her son by using your pheromones, so she banned you from the library.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
But you didn't stop, you went there Sunday evening and waited outside for him.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Mrs Rogers wanted to call the police, but her son stopped her, he told her that he is going to talk with you.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
He then went out to have a word with you, you two went in the alley next to the library and didn't come back.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
She received a text from him : ✉️ everything is settled, he finally understood, don't worry, go home first, I'm going out to have a couple of drinks with my friends ✉️
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
But he didn't go home all night, she tried to call him, but no one picked up, she was worried, but she needed to go to work, when she was close to the library she tried to call him again, this time she heard his phone ringing, she went to search from were the sound came and find him laying cold in the alley next to the library.
Devon finished talking and leaned back in his chair, putting his hands across his chest and waited for Noel's reply and reaction.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(so it was that old lady's son who died back then?)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(but what kind of nonsense is this?) 💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(they must have bribed her to lie)💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I can't believe she would lie about her son murder)💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I never knew what happened in the past, I panicked, and they took advantage) 💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(No! I will not let their plan succeed)💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<This is a complete nonsense>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I never met him in the library nor outside>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Do you mean that Mrs Rogers lied?❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Yes, as I said, I never met or seen this man >
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
What motive should she have to lie about her own son murder?❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I don't know>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨< But I don't understand, just because she says so, you came and arrested me?>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Where is the evidence? There should be security cameras in the library, at the entrance of the library and on the street>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<You could check it and see that I never met that man>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
The cameras from the library are damaged from some time we can't verify your testimony ❄️
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
The street camera does show you going to the library, and it shows Anton 𝛂 (alpha) going to the library.❄️
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
So you can still tell that you haven't seen or met him? *slams his hand on the table*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<You say that the street camera shows me going in the library, then, shouldn't it show that I was waiting or not for him that day?>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<This is a total nonsense, you're arresting me without any concrete evidence>💢
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*slams his hand again on the table and gets up from his chair leaning towards Noel*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Do you imply that our police department is incompetent Mr Jones ?💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Exactly! >💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I was brought to the police station handcuffed, pushed into the interrogation room, questioned for hours, not allowed to contact a lawyer and after seeing that I can't talk they tried to force me to plead guilty and all of this without any concrete evidence >
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<if this is not incompetence, what is it? >
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<The only evidence is that I went to the library, that person went too and his mother accusations >
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I don't think I'm the only one going to the library, there are usually 10-15 people there and some of them are regular, did you question them, asking if they have seen me with that old lady's son?>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<How about when they arrested me at the train station ? They already assumed that I wanted to run away >
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<And the most hilarious thing is I wasn't even in Central Capital from Friday afternoon, I just came back this morning>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*sits back down*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Do you have any evidence to sustain your claims?❄️
To be continued ~
This is it for episode 2
You forgot about me again author! When will I appear? ๑(`н´)๑
┴┬┴|_☉) 💭(he's here again..hhaaaa)
Mimi♀️ (Reya
Mimi♀️ (Reya's cat)
meow! 💭 (tsk... this peasants) 〈๑꒡ᆽ꒡๑〉
Author?! come out... I won't be angry... I just want to ask some questions 😁
┴┬┴|_☉) ML there's just a few chapters before you appear.Be patient please 🥺
┴┬┴|_☉)*sigh* see you in the next episode guys. 😘

First day back III

Hi 👋 welcome back
let's begin ___〆(´•‿‿•`)
A little DISCLAIMER ⚠️ This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Do you have any evidence to sustain your claims?❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<of course I have>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I boarded the train to City M Friday afternoon at 15:45pm with my daughter and my adoptive mother. This could be checked from the security cameras from the train station as well from the information center>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<We arrived at 21:45 in the evening at City M train station, from there we took a taxi directly to the guest house belonging to the "Secondary gender identification and disorder treatment"hospital>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<We spent the night there and in the morning my daughter was admitted to the hospital and of course I stayed and slept there with her until Sunday night>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I boarded the train from City M at 23:15pm Sunday evening and arrived at the Central Capital train station at 7:30am, 2 hours later than it supposed to due to a railroad accident>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*getting angry*💢
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*gets up and goes near the mirror *
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Call Officer Daniels and Officer Eric here right now!!!💢
The people behind the mirror panicked and sent one of them to bring the two Officers
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*looks at Noel*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
💭(this shouldn't be a lie, it's not hard to verify his words)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
💭(But what is going on here?)*suspicious*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
If what you said is true I will make sure that people who are behind this would be punished ❄️
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I hope so>
2 minutes later
Officer Daniels and Officer Eric entered the interrogation room sweating from nervousness
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
*salute 🫡* Captain!
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
*salute 🫡* Captain Devon!
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*Glaring at Officer Daniels*
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*looks at Officer Eric*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Eric I want Noel Jones's train route information and check the security camera recording from Central Capital to City M and back.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
And from "Secondary gender identification and disorder treatment" hospital too.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Hurry up!❄️
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
Yes, sir!
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
*leaves the room in a hurry*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(This officer Daniels 💢 He is the one who forced me to plead guilty in the past)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*glares at Officer Daniels*
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Officer Daniels, since when does this Police Department restrict the suspect rights to a lawyer?❄️
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
*nervous* *trying to hold back*
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
There is no such thing Captain Devon
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
The suspect was the one who refused
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(Ha... he didn't even ask 💢)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Did the suspect refuse to plead guilty too?
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
*nervous* Yes, but we collected the evidence and Mrs Rogers testimony which clearly indicated that the suspect was guilty
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Evidence? What about the suspect's testimony?
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
*nervous* The suspect didn't cooperate with the interrogation and refused to talk
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
But in the files you sent it's written black and white the suspect's testimony.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(my testimony? This time I didn't even move my head)💢
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(They really try hard to put me behind bars)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
If he refused to talk, how did you manage to get this done? *raise his eyebrows*
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
*sweating* I... The suspect...
Officer Daniels got interrupted by Officer Eric storming in
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
Captain I'm back!
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
Here's the information you asked *hands over the files*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*takes it and looks through it*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*nervous* 💭(I hope everything is correct)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Officer Daniels the suspect testimony that you give to me says that Mr Jones agrees with the statement that he met the victim Anton 𝛂 (alpha) Sunday evening. Correct?
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Yes, sir! We have the video evidence from the street camera where you can see Mr Jones and the victim met, then walked slowly into the alley.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Tell me the exact time ❄️
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
18:33 pm
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
*looks at officer Daniels*
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
where is the security video record?
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
it was accidentally damaged by one of the group. But I saw it and Mr Jones was indeed in the video
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
The only way that's possible is if Mr Jones can teleport.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
These files brought by Eric prove that Mr Jones was not in the Central Capital the day the murder happened. From Friday afternoon 16:45 until Monday 7:30 Mr Jones was outside Central City.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*sigh of relief*
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Eric escort Officer Daniels to the other interrogation room and send someone to bring Mrs Rogers in for questioning
Officer Daniels β
Officer Daniels β
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
Officer Eric β (Devon
Officer Eric β (Devon's subordinate)
*grabs Officer Daniels arm and drags him out*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<thank you, Captain Devon for your trust>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
I have a few more questions for you than we are done here, and you can leave
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<sure, please go ahead>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Can you think about someone who would want to harm you?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(not just think I can name them all)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(but I can't say that, there is no proof)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<No. I don't usually communicate with others>
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
You went to City M with your daughter and adoptive mother, but you came back alone. Why?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<I came to bring our cat to my daughter. We need to stay for 2 weeks in City M and my daughter doesn't want to stay without our cat >
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
You're a freelance novelist , quite successful, it's no doubt you have a few rivals. Did you have any conflict with them ?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<No, well there is some bickering from time to time but nothing serious >
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
How about the 𝛂°Dominant Alpha father of your daughter? Have you had some conflict with him or with his family?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(how could we have any conflict, since that night we never met again)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<No there is no conflict, never been any conflict between us>
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I don't even want to remember him)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(those golden eyes hunted me in my dreams for years)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
Ok. That is all. You can leave.
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML
Devon Franklin 𝛂° (ML's friend)
My colleagues will give your belongings, please have your phone at you at all times. We will contact you as soon as we have any information
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
⌨<Ok. Thank you, Captain Devon>
-Outside the Police Station-
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(I did it! I changed it. I am going to live a good life with my daughter and Mama Tia)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(And for those who made my life miserable in my past , he.. he ... 😈 I will gift you with a long painful death)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(Thank you, Gods, for sending me back 10 years in the past, I won't let you down)
*walking slowly, breathing in the fresh air*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
🎶🎶 You are my sunshine 🌞🎶🎶 🎶🎶 My only sunshine 🌞🎶🎶 🎶🎶 You make me happy 😊 🎶🎶 🎶🎶 When skies are gray 🩶🎶🎶
~Phone screen~ My princess👸 ===Calling===
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*answers the call*
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 PAPAAAAA!!!!! 💢💢💢 Why didn't you reply to my messages and calls?
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(my little princess, my daughter , Papa couldn't protect you in the past life) *tears flowing down his cheeks*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(But not in this life, even if my life would turn dark I will make sure you would live in the light)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*wipes his eyes*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*clear his throat*
Reya is the only one who can make Noel talk. Since she was born Reya would be happy and giggle every time she heard Noel's voice. If hearing his voice makes her happy, he will talk to her all day.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 This knight had sinned, my princess please punish me
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 This princess demands an explanation
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 This knight was tired after a long journey to bring the princess her precious, unreplaceable cat and fell asleep.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 Forgive me my princess
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 hmph! Maybe... If you come back quickly I will think about it. This princess demands chocolate and strawberry cake!
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*smiles warmly*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 This knight is thankful for the princess mercy.
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 You should be *giggles*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 Ok baby, I need to hang up. I'm going to take Mimi home then eat something. You listen to Grandma Tia and the doctor. Ok?
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 Ok. But come back quickly, or I won't be your princess anymore. *pouting*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 I'll be there tomorrow evening, Papa will bring you Mimi and chocolate strawberry cake. I'll buy some story books, and we will read bedtime stories.
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 Pinky promise? *sniffles*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📱 Pinky promise. Kisses 😘😘😘 Papa loves you
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC
Reya Jones 𝛂° (MC's Daughter)
📱 kisses 😘😘😘 Baby loves you too.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*Ends the call*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*opens messages on phone*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📩 Mama Tia, I'm sorry I made you worry. I was tired from traveling and fell asleep.
Tia Jones β(MC
Tia Jones β(MC's adoptive mother)
✉️ I'm glad that you are ok. Take care of yourself, eat something then rest. Don't worry about little Reya ,I'm here.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
📩 Thank you. You take care too and rest , I will be there tomorrow evening.
Tia Jones β(MC
Tia Jones β(MC's adoptive mother)
✉️ok ok, you be careful on the way back.
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*puts phone in his pocket*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*walks home unhurried*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*hears footsteps behind him*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*Stops* chuckle
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
💭(It's good that you came,at least I don't need to waste my breath to find you)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*Turns around and punches the other person*
Hiss... *licks his corner of his mouth* 💭(Blood?)
Ha...💢 pretty good punch
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
*looks at the person in front of him*
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
Noel Jones 𝛀° (MC)
To be continued ~
I hope you enjoyed it.
See you next episode 😘👋
Author...(〣ಠ︵ಠ) when is my time to shine?
not yet 🤪 ML , not yet.
Bye bye ✺◟(✽ →ܫ←)◞✺

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