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Chase Me:Reborn Villainness For Revege


April sighed as she walked up the cold steps towards her once home. She hadn't called it home since her mother passed away. Her father asked her to return today for a family dinner. She could only do as he asked. She entered and the butler an elderly man called Mr Evans bowed and smiled at her.
Tom Evans (Butler)
Tom Evans (Butler)
"No one is home yet."
Smiled back this elderly butler had always been kind to her.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"That's okay I'll just visit my mother's room them okay Tom."
The butler bowed with a smile and she walked up the stairs. While she was here she had wanted to get one of her mother's pictures so she had snuck upstairs. It was her mother's room but she hadn't been allowed to go into it. Her stepmother had over time taken everything that should have been hers left behind by her mother. But she had always said when she was married she would return everything to her.
When she had reached her mother's room and stood inside it was like time stood still and her mother was alive again she smiled and lightly touched her mother's armoire. Her father had kept the room exactly how she had left it eight year's ago, apart from her jewellery they had been put in the safe. But April noticed her stepmother and stepsister had started to wear her mother's jewellery recently. When she asked her father he had scolded her not to be greedy.
She was once loved and happy in this house. She had her mother and father who doted on her every whim and loved her unconditionally.
When she turned twelve and her mother passed away suddenly, her world collapsed and her dreams shattered.
She was still young she could say nothing as her father brought in a stepmother and stepsister into the house. She thought her father was forgetting her mother and she grew resentful and had initially acted out, but that leads to punishments and being scolded so over time she learned to be submissive.
The stepmother and step-sister were kind. Little by little she didn't notice as they took her bedroom which was the best in the house. Then her stepmother took her mothers art and when she asked about it, her father would shout at her so she gave up and just did as they asked.
She even cooked and cleaned the house, while the butler and maid only watched. Her father never noticed how tired she was or how thin she got. His business started to boom and he was busy and the stepmother slowly took over everything that should be hers.
Thinking of the past her mother had indeed died in this room. She had a sudden heart attack and died that same night. Now she was older she questioned her mother's death.
When she came into the room earlier she felt something was off but she wasn't sure what. As she stood there reminiscing something sharp and heavy hit her head.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
The impact flung her to the floor and she reached up and felt the sticky wet liquid on her head that had to be blood. Then darkness clouded her vision as she passed out.
She started to wake her head was throbbing and her vision blurry.
The smell of smoke and the taste of the ash hits her throat it overpowers her lungs and fills them. She chokes out her cries for help but she knows no one will come to save her.
Cough cough cough
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"He.. lp. Me... ple...ease."
She went to get up but she felt her wrists and ankles were bound. Fear tipped her, she didn't want to die so she pulled on her bound wrists. The friction burnt and she felt her skin break blood easing down her fingers.
Burning sensation fills her mouth and throat, making her cough.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"He.. lp. Me... ple...ease."
Cough Cough Cough
Her hands and ankles were bound so right, it was impossible to free herself. She can feel the pain and burning sensation on her wrists as she tries to free them from the ropes. She gave up and tried to get out of the room first. She knows the layout of this room, it was her mother's bedroom that she had shared with her father, so she used the memory of the layout to find the door.
The room is heavy with grey and black smoke so she crawled under it as she slowly reaches the door.
Cough Cough Cough
Her lungs are burning with the smoke and ash. She sat up leaning her weight on the door and with both hands tries the door handle.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
The door was locked from the outside. She pounded the door with her fists.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"Fire... cough, cough. Help... please."
Lucy Jones(FL Stepsister)
Lucy Jones(FL Stepsister)
"Sister is that you? Don't try and free yourself now just die like a good little puppet you are. Mother said this is how you should die and I should watch just as she watched your mother die. Unfortunately, your death will be pretty swift... I would have preferred something more... violent."
Cough Cough Cough
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"Lucy?" Why was she saying this? Hadn't she always given in to their demands?
Pungent smoke shot up in an angry jet. The gleams and flashes of the light from the flames burnt her mother's armoire with her pictures of their time together. Tears streamed down her face as she watched the flames rise with a golden heat. Bang Bang Bang
Lucy Jones(FL Stepsister)
Lucy Jones(FL Stepsister)
"Don't go dying before the flames hit you. I'd love to stay and hear you scream as your flesh melts but I have a wedding to attend. Yes, you do know the groom... he was your childhood sweetheart James I'm to be Mrs Stewart. Don't you want to congratulate me?"
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
Lucy Jones(FL Stepsister)
Lucy Jones(FL Stepsister)
"Because now I have your inheritance, your man plus all your artwork and designs. I no longer need to pretend to like you. Just be a good sister and die a horrible, painful and slow death."
Cough Cough Cough Bang Bang Bang
She started to hit the door with her fists. Hoping that someone, anyone would hear her and rescue her.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"Pl... ease."
April fell to the floor as her lungs were chocked with the heavy smoke. She saw the flames lick the walls and inch towards her.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"If I could be so lucky please God grant me a second chance at this life I won't be so foolish again."
The flames had reached her and engulfed her in fire and blood. Her blood-curdling screams filled the mansion.


Two days later a tall muscular man wearing a well-tailored all-black suit walked out of a hotel and entered his Lincoln Navigator, his chauffeur closed his door and he tilted his head back and closed his eyes.
This man was Dean Davis CEO of Davis conglomerate. He was the notorious CEO who rose to fame being the youngest and most cutthroat in business. He earned this name as a young man reading stocks earning his money from there he built his business empire
His head ached, so to take away his burdens he thought of her. His angel, April.
She was so pure and sweet, she was his sunshine, the rain and all that was good on this earth.
After a while, the car stopped and he got out, his long sculpted legs strode to his private lift. He entered and hit the top floor button.
The lift doors opened and his secretary, Oliver Smyth greeted him, following him into his office. He took off his suit jacket and rolled up his black shirt sleeves, revealing a tattooed sleeve inked on his forearm. The black ink stood out against his swarthy skin.
His secretary was hesitant to speak for the news he was about to break would only infuriate his boss.
Dean was signing a document and raised his black obsidian eyes they were a bottomless pool of darkness.
Dean Davis (ML)
Dean Davis (ML)
"It's April Jones sir... she... she died in a fire two days ago."
There was a deathly silence in the room, then he stood up and stared out of the ceiling to floor window. He could see the whole city from where he stood, but the world seemed to now lose its light. His fists clenched, his jaw tightened and his brows furrowed. He felt the pain of loss for the first time since he was seven when he lost both his parents in a car accident.
After a while Dean slicked back his hair, he was still furious and felt the need to vent his anger. He went to his desk and sat down again, not looking up at his trembling secretary and long time friend.
Dean Davis (ML)
Dean Davis (ML)
"Find out everything."
He never investigated her thoroughly before as he respected her privacy and if their paths did ever cross again he wanted her to open up to him herself. But now he wanted to know everything.
Dean grabbed his whiskey and filled his tumbler, he swirled the amber liquid and drank it in one go. He remembered the first time he met his April.
It all happened two years ago on a wet and stormy night. He had been out finalising a business contract and after the deal was settled he didn't take his chauffeured car instead he opted to walk. It was only two streets to his penthouse apartment.
The brisk night air was sharp against his chilled face and the night held a chill in the air. He had only seen his chauffeur drive off and had only walked for about a minute when he was suddenly attacked from behind.
There were six men in total all armed with guns but that didn't faze Dean. He grew up on the streets he knew how to fight and how to defend himself. He followed them into the alleyway willing to take on the easy challenge, he made short work of the men taking them down swiftly in one hit. He didn't kill unless necessary so he knocked them unconscious leaving them in the alley.
Dean pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned his hands, discarding the handkerchief on the cold, wet ground. He turned to walk out of the alley as he fixed his coat.
He then felt a stabbing pain in his arm, a thug that was on the floor had jumped up and stabbed him when his back was turned. Dean quickly incapacitated him, he twisted his neck snapping it in one fluid motion.
Thug fell to the ground and the other five men looked on in horror. Dean's eyes seem to glow with intensity and he smirked at them menacingly. He had no trouble killing those who would harm him and there were many out there that would. He had made a name for himself since he was young but people always seemed to try their luck.
They made their way out of the alley using a different route. But that was okay he would send his elite guards after them, he hit a button on his watch alerting his team.
The thugs ran without looking back they would refuse a job like this if they ever heard the name Dean Davis again.
Dean leaned against the cold brick wall of the alley, he could feel the trickle of blood flow from his arm and the smell of iron in the air. He wondered what gave the men their confidence to attack him. He stood straight and then slightly swayed.
Dean Davis (ML)
Dean Davis (ML)
The knife he was stabbed with must have been drugged, he felt dizzy. The effects were quick he knew it was probably a knock out drug of some kind. He looked up and saw what he could only describe as an angel.
Young girl filled his vision walking towards him. She had long flowing jet black hair and a white dress that flowed to her knees. Her pale jade-like skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. He blinked again and she still walked towards him. He didn't know why he was then drawn to her. He walked up to her and grabbed her hand. Her hand was so small and delicate in his large palm.
Dean Davis (ML)
Dean Davis (ML)
"Help me." His world went dark as he blacked out.


When he woke up he looked around, scanning his surroundings. He lay in a small bedroom on a queen-sized bed. The sheets were a burgundy colour and everywhere was strange to him. His top half was ***** and his wound on his arm was dressed in a bandage. He felt hot and sweaty all over. Then he heard a noise from the door on his left.
In walked the girl from earlier, she had a wet cloth in one hand and his black shirt in the other. She smiled at him, all he could do was stare at her beauty.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"I'm April, I just wanted to give you back your shirt and wipe the sweat on your body."
She looked at him nervously with a slight blush in her cheeks.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"I'd offer you my shower but you can't get your wound wet. I'll leave this stuff here for you. Your phone is over here, I charged it for you."
She set down the wet cloth and lay his shirt on a nearby chair, she then took his phone from her pocket and placed it on the bedside table. He had never met someone so pure, he lacked the words to thank her.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"You can stay till morning if you like. I'll sleep on the sofa."
She turned to leave then stopped and turned her head.
April Jones (FL)
April Jones (FL)
"I think you have a fever I gave you some medicine earlier. In three hours you can take another two tablets on the table."
She gave him another heart-stealing smile before leaving the room. Dean tried to sit up but the fever and lack of blood made him weak. He lay there staring at the ceiling before slowly falling asleep.
Few hours later he woke as his fever had subsided. He saw the medicine and a bottle of water on the nightstand, he took the medicine swallowing it down with the water. Feeling better he sat up. He grabbed his phone and turned it on. The light lit up the small dark room.
Battery fully charged
His lips slightly curved in a rare smile at her thoughtfulness. He put his legs on the ground and found the black shirt she had laid out for him. It was his from earlier but it had been washed, dried and ironed. It smelt of coconut just like her bed linen.
Dean put on his shirt minding his bandage and walked to her bedroom window. Lifting his phone to his ear as he fixed his shirt buttons he called his secretary.
Dean Davis (ML)
Dean Davis (ML)
"Pick me up, I'll send you my address now."
Dean hung up and sent his location ping to his secretary. He sat back down and put on his shoes and then went to the living room.
He saw her first, his eyes seemed to find her wherever she went. She was curled up on the sofa with a thin blanket wrapped around herself. He frowned and picked her up gently and carried her back to her bed and tucked her in. He had never been gentle with anyone. He brushed her hair out of her face and stood up. He stood there in the darkness staring at her for a while until he heard his phone.
The incoming message let him know his secretary had arrived. "Thanks for the rescue, angel."
He stooped down and kissed her forehead surprising himself, he shook his head and left the room, walking out her door without looking back.
He woke back up from his memories. His head was clouded with a mixture of pain and anger. He filled up his tumbler and took another shot. He pinched his glabella feeling yet another headache coming on.
The door opened and his secretary and friend brought in a thick file. He placed it on Deans desk.
Oliver (Dean Secretary)
Oliver (Dean Secretary)
"I'm sorry sir."
Dean furrowed his brows at Oliver reaching for the file and opening it. There was a small picture attached. He ran his thumb over April's pretty face and then picked it up and leaned it against his open laptop.
He started to read and as he read about his angel's life his anger built up and grew in his heart until it came out as hot as any dragon has ever flamed. The rage in his eyes could burn those around him into ash.
Dean Davis (ML)
Dean Davis (ML)
"Let's go, I will visit her so call family now."
Dean stood from his desk, putting Aprils picture into his ****** pocket.
His secretary and friend Oliver grabbed his car keys and followed Dean down in the lift. Dean was acting very weird ever since the night he met April. If she hadn't died Oliver was sure that she would have been his lady boss.
His boss was only ever interested in building his empire so when he mentioned a girl for the first time Oliver paid close attention. He was sure that after reading about her miserable life and horrifying death the people involved end would come slowly and brutally.
They both got out of the lift and got into the black Lincoln Navigator. Once seated inside Dean leaned his head back, thinking of April. Oliver started the car's engine.
A flash of light and small flickers of amber flame appeared from between the winding metal. The black Lincoln Navigator continued to scorch for a while sending emblems of thick black smoke up into the night. The metal of the car groaned like the final cry of some wounded beast.
After that all was silent.

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