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Episode 1

Sweetheart, come here, why are you hiding? Alexander's gentle voice was audible in the living room.

Alexander looked at his little princess with excitement, she was the twinkle in his eye, while Mariana watched as her little one took her first steps towards her father.

Mischief all day, I insisted that you come to me, yet you have your favorite, she said with a pout, pretending to be offended. Alexa, you're a traitor. Ha, ha, ha.

As they smiled, the maid arrived to announce that the two great friends of the Gentleman had arrived.

Lucio Esquivel and Marco Lombardo, both men entered, seeing their dear friend alongside his little one. Lucio looked at little Alexa and told her she was a beautiful girl, whereas Marco stooped down to her level, lifted her in his arms, and said, you’re not just beautiful, you’re a princess, you’re going to break many hearts, to which Alexander disagreed and said my girl will be a novice, prompting everyone to laugh.

Alexa laughed along with everyone, not understanding what they were talking about – she was just a year and two months old, a small child surrounded by young people. Alexander was 24, Lucio was of the same age, and Marco was the youngest at 21.

The three were very good friends until things would change among them, bringing an excessive amount of tension due to the impending ordeal, great pain, and sorrow.

Time passed, and there were only two days left until Alexa's 8th birthday, her life was that of a princess; Alexander and Mariana spoiled her in every possible way, but in recent weeks Alexander had been acting very strange, anguished and nervous, still, he always tried to say it was nothing.

One afternoon he met with Marco and confided in him, which led to Marco slamming his fist on the desk, shaking his head in anger at the folly committed – he couldn’t believe Lucio had been so foolish as to associate with such low-life characters and get Alexander involved. He knew that of the three, Alexander was the most trusting and had the best temperament, nevertheless, Marco was outraged by the looming situation.

Marco called Lucio, and he immediately appeared. When he walked through the door with a smile, seeing his two friends, he never imagined he’d be greeted with Marco's fist and a raised eyebrow.

Damn it, why are you hitting me? What did I do to be welcomed like this? Have you gone mad, Marco?

Tell me, idiot, how did you let Alexander do business with Simonds? You know that bastard is an opportunist and now our friend is in serious trouble.

Marco, how could you think I’d do something to hurt him? I'd never do that; we're like brothers, you know that.

As Alexander saw the situation, he explained, as it seemed there was a misunderstanding: the truth is, Lucio just introduced me, and he presented a proposal I thought would be very profitable. But I don't know what happened; the investors backed out halfway, and I’m about to lose everything. He said this, clutching his head with both hands.

Marco shook his head, unable to fathom how he could help; a small investment would be useless, as it wouldn't get him out of the mess he was in…

While the men discussed solutions and how to support Alexander, Monique, Marco’s fiancee, arrived.

When she stood before the three handsome men, she thought about why she should settle for Marco when Lucio and Alexander might also be part of her fun or, say, her bachelorette farewell.

Lucio could clearly see how uppity Monique was, while Alexander had too much on his mind to focus on anything else. He simply got up and said goodbye to his friends, telling them he'd seek them out again to figure out a way out of his predicament.

Lucio walked out with him, leaving Marco alone with the love of his life – or at least that’s what he claimed, as Monique and he had been a couple since school.

So, when she stood behind him, winding her arms around his neck, she leaned in close to his ear out of curiosity and whispered, "Sweetheart, did something happen?"

Marco simply replied, "Nothing we can't handle. Now come tell me, did you like the gift I sent you?"

"Yes, it's beautiful. I didn't wear it because I'm afraid of losing it."

Marco just nodded, contemplating talking to his mother about helping Alexander. If necessary, he would become a partner to save his company and ensure that Mariana and little Alexa would be fine.

Hey, darling, you're not paying attention to me.

I'm just thinking about matters I need to resolve.

Oh no, I won’t have that. Our wedding is next week, and I don't want any distractions. We need to finish the last preparations, so whatever you're thinking of doing, put it off until later.

Suddenly, his secretary’s interruption made them both turn.

Do you not know how to knock? scolded Monique, looking at her with annoyance. She thought highly of herself as Marco's girlfriend, since he would inherit the Lombardo group and become the country’s most important CEO.

Marco dismissed it and asked, Anais, what do you need?

Sir, the truth is a package has arrived, but they say it must be delivered to you personally.

Alright, let her come in with the delivery person.

Monique curiously watched Marco, assuming it was another surprise for her. When the delivery person came in carrying a box adorned with a beautiful pink ribbon and a PRINCESAS label, Monique's eyes sparkled – it was clear the package was for her. However, when Marco signed and the delivery person left, she reached for the box, which Marco stopped her from opening, saying, What do you think you're doing?

Darling, it's obvious, I want to open my gift.

Marco smiled and told her, "Your gift is at home; this isn’t for you."

What do you mean, it's not for me? Who else are you buying things for, Marco Lombardo? he sighed and said, Monique, I don't like jealousy scenes, so you better cut the nonsense; this isn't for any other woman. It's for a child.

You have a secret child?

"Don't be ridiculous. How could I hide my own child? That's for Alexa Ferreti."

"Why not have it sent to her home?"

"Because I want to give it to her in person, as I do every birthday."

"Well, alright, but remember to set everything aside and focus on us."

Monique, I will, but I also have things to do, and I'm not changing my plans, okay? he said this a bit irritated, annoyed by Monique's domineering attitude – Marco disliked being controlled.

Episode 2

Marco departed from the company with Monique, and instructed his secretary to lock his office when she left. He didn't want anyone to spoil the surprise he had planned for Alexa. Hence, after taking these precautions, they went out to lunch together.

Monique, on her part, was annoyed. She disliked the special attention Marco paid that young girl, so in jest, she told him, "Marco, maybe Alexa is your daughter."

Hearing such a preposterous statement, Marco lifted his gaze, looked at her and, with an iciness in his voice, replied, "Don't ever joke about something like that again. Alexander is my brother, and Mariana is like a sister to me. I don't understand why I sometimes can't make sense of you, but I’m telling you now, if you’re going to continue with your nonsense, we'd better think things over, because I'm not in the mood for this kind of foolishness."

"Honey, it was just a joke; don't take it so seriously," she said, apologizing with a wink. She knew she needed to make amends with Marco after lunch, so she decided to take him to her apartment. She couldn't cancel their plans at such a crucial moment…

The next day, Lucio received a phone call that turned his face ashen. Through the line, the wails and cries of a woman who didn't understand what had happened and was screaming for help could be heard.

Lucio immediately took out his phone and tried to call Marco, but his phone was switched off. With no other choice, he reluctantly called Marco’s tiresome girlfriend, so he dialed her number. As her phone began to ring, the two people entwined in the sheets under the covers awoke.

Marco opened his eyes and muttered, "Your phone's ringing," and she just nodded, reaching out to grab it. But when she saw Lucio's name on the display, she was surprised and exclaimed, "It's Lucio."

"Why would he call you? I didn't know you were that close," Marco said, puzzled, so he urged her to answer.

Monique rolled her eyes in annoyance but answered the call. All she heard on the line was the man's voice saying, "Let me talk to Marco."

She turned towards Marco and simply said, "He wants to speak to you."

"Darling, I'll make some breakfast while you talk to your friend," she suggested.

He just nodded, and upon answering, noticed Lucio's voice sounded odd, so he demanded abruptly, "What's going on?"

"It's Alex...our friend."

"What about him?"

"They found him dead in his office; it looks like he committed suicide."

"What? That can't be true. Where are you? I’m coming right now."

"I am on my way to his house. Mariana...she's taking it really badly."

"We’ll meet there," Alexander hung up abruptly, searching for his clothes and phone. Noticing the phone was off, he assumed Monique was responsible. He’d address it later, but for now, he quickly got dressed, left the bedroom even as Monique tried to ask him something. He just told her he'd call her back later and made a hasty exit without looking back.

Furious, she hurled everything she had prepared for breakfast onto the floor while cursing under her breath, "Damn Marco. You'll pay when I become your wife."

Minutes later, Marco joined Lucio outside Alexander's house. They were both filled with a sad and questioning gaze. They knew the moment would be anything but easy, yet as they gathered courage to enter, they found a distraught Mariana. Little Alexa wasn't there, fortunately. Her grandmother had picked her up, hoping to spare her from the tragic scene.

Lucio approached Mariana, and seeing him, she flung herself into his arms, weeping, "Tell me this is a joke, that it's not true."

Marco observed the scene, feeling as if a sword pierced his heart. He and Alexander had been close friends. Marco had skipped grades due to his exceptional intellect—he was referred to as the ‘brainy one’ or the ‘nerdy handsome’ of their trio. Pranks were common among them, but nothing like this tragedy had ever crossed their minds.

Marco spoke to the officer to learn the details. The officer's report suggested suicide, and the case was closed without a full investigation. To Marco, the situation seemed suspicious, especially the hasty conclusion and lack of thorough investigation. His rage intensified when he heard the officer's next announcement.

"We're not here just to notify the family of the death. We're here to evict them. The lady can’t stay here anymore; her husband lost the house. Perhaps that’s why he killed himself—out of guilt for leaving his family destitute. Such an irresponsible man."

Marco looked on with indignation. Furious about the prematurely closed case, the lack of investigation, the attempt to evict the family, he silently resolved to settle the score later, with proper evidence. He didn't want to burden Mariana with his doubts right now. Instead, he subtly approached Mariana and said, "Did you hear what the officer mentioned?"

She looked back at him with red, swollen eyes, "I don’t care about losing the house. I can't bear the thought of never seeing Alexander again."

Her words stirred both Lucio and Marco. Marco was aware that Lucio had always harbored feelings for Mariana. Lucio had stepped aside when he realized Mariana and Alexander were a couple. Mariana had been friends with Lucio first, but he had been too shy to confess his feelings in time, and when he finally did, she was already involved with Alexander. Respecting their relationship, Lucio had given up on his feelings to see her happy with his friend.

Lucio took Mariana home with him that day, and Marco made no objection, knowing that Monique would create drama and the situation could become awkward. Lucio would not hurt Mariana and would look after her and Alexa.

After Alexander's vigil and subsequent burial, everyone was still in shock.

Finding herself in dire straits, Mariana decided to work. She had a daughter to support, even though Alexander's friends offered help. Upon learning that she was job hunting, Marco hired her as his assistant. He was now married to Monique, whose jealous tantrums and outbursts prompted Mariana to resign, to avoid trouble for Marco. He refused to accept her resignation, instead transferring her to another area to keep the peace with Monique.

Monique, a middling model who enjoyed living in the spotlight, had seen her career soar upon becoming Mrs. Lombardo.

Lucio changed his ways over time and eventually asked Mariana to be his girlfriend. She was stunned by the proposal, but Alexa's words surprised her even more, as the child told her to accept "Daddy Lucio." Though Mariana's heart still ached for Alexander, she decided to give love a chance.

That afternoon, Lucio met with Marco and revealed his proposal. Marco hadn't taken it well, feeling as though it betrayed his friend. Still, he realized that Mariana was young and deserved to live her life happily, and with someone, she knew well.

"So Lucio, how did little Alexa react to the news?"

"Well, she's thrilled. She called me 'Dad.' And Mariana agreed to give us a chance. You know it's no secret that I've always loved her. I respected the fact that she chose Alexander, my brother, but I won't continue to hide my feelings any longer."

Episode 3

I'm glad to hear she welcomes you,

When you go to visit, you know how happy she gets when she sees you.

I can't right now, I don't know why, but when I see her all the memories and time spent with her father hit me hard, it's still tough for me.

I understand, and how about your marriage, you've been married for three years, when will you tell me I'll be an uncle?

I still don't know; with her damn career now she's traveling in London and won't be back for a month. I guess she prefers traveling over staying at home waiting for me, but you know how duty calls.

I understand...

It's been a year since Mariana and Lucio became a couple, and he has a big surprise in store because today he'll propose to her.

Meanwhile, Marco is living at work. He's heard from his other workers that Mariana is excelling in the Marketing department. Six months ago, she became the head of that department, and he has given her every chance to rise and learn, placing her in every conference their company has provided. It's the least he can do for her, especially after the detective he hired told him that his friend's death wasn't a suicide. It looks like someone paid a lot to close the case; there's someone behind it. What he doesn't understand is why he can't find the wretch who killed his friend, yet he has his doubts concerning Lucio, who seems so determined to win Mariana over. He questions if Lucio could be involved but also doubts it because he knew how much he cared for Alexander...

The investigation continues, and one day Lucio calls Marco and asks him to come over, revealing he's been married to Mariana for a year, and she's pregnant.

When Marco reached the house, he rang the doorbell and was surprised to see the housekeeper who had worked with Alexander. Nonetheless, he greeted Doña Imelda politely and proceeded inside, where he found a couple of suitcases—someone had recently returned from a trip, or someone was leaving. Suddenly, he felt a hug and glanced down to see the beaming eyes of Alexa.

Princess, look how big you've grown.

Thank you for coming; I wanted to say goodbye.

Goodbye? Are those suitcases yours?

Yes, I asked dad Lucio to convince mom to let me board in London, so we won't see each other for a long time. I hope you can visit when you can.

He nodded and promised her that he'd visit.

At that moment, Lucio and Mariana came out of the kitchen, greeting him warmly. Seeing Lucio being so attentive to Alexa, Marco let go of the suspicion he had about him. Lucio clearly saw her as a daughter, and Marco felt that Alexander would be happy knowing his family was in good hands.

After a pleasant time and a lovely lunch, they all headed to the airport.

Alexa convinced Marco to accompany her, and before saying goodbye and boarding the plane, she said, "You didn't give me my 8th present, and I understand why. But you know, dad is happy now—I dreamed it, and he said he wanted to see you happy too. You're the only one left." Marco nodded and hugged her tightly.

Alexa felt joyful to have said farewell to Marco. She saw him not just as her father's friend but also as her secret crush.

Once she left, she arrived at a new school, where the residence was huge, filled with girls her age and boys in the east wing.

A 15-year-old boy saw Alexa arrive and thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Approaching her during formation, he introduced himself as Luke Simonds.

"Hi, my name is Alexa Ferreti," she responded.

"Alexa, that's a beautiful name, as lovely as its owner," Luke replied.

Alexa just thanked him and went to her room.

The boys behind Luke teased him, saying she hadn't seemed impressed and that winning her over would be tough. Luke retorted that he didn't want someone desperately trailing after him.

Back in Italy, Marco had asked Monique for a child, and she agreed after one final fashion show, they would start the family he so desired.

Mariana was enjoying a beautiful pregnancy, pampered by Lucio, who had proved to be a wonderful husband and caretaker.

Alexa had many classmates but grew tired of Luke's constant, foolish attempts. Time flew by, and she turned into a stunning young lady.

One day in the lounge, a news story startled Alexa. The screen showed the man she had always loved—her father's best friend. The newscaster announced that CEO Lombardo was divorcing and now returned to the eligible bachelor scene. At nearly 38, he still had allure, with a commanding character and business acumen that ranked him at the top. Alexa couldn't fathom what had happened to Marco's love for Monique.

Amber, one of her friends, snapped Alexa out of her thoughts, asking if that wasn't the handsome man that made her sigh. Alexa nodded silently. Nearby, Luke overheard and realized he couldn't compete with an older man for Alexa's affections.

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