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My Hands Are Small But They Are My Own

part 1

It’s not the first time that Dazai has snuck into the brothel that Kouyou nee-san runs, and it certainly won’t be the last. Being Mori’s protege has it’s perks and he gets free run of most places on his name alone, but he is still a minor and Kouyou does run a brothel. Kouyou bends to him for most matters, but this is one that she’s put her foot down on.

What she doesn’t know is that he charmed the courtesans who work here with one simple smile and that they are more than willing to let him in whenever he wants. They think he’s adorable, and who is he to argue with them? Especially when it gets him easy access to a place he’s supposed to be barred from.

...And especially because he has a mission tonight....

Dazai knows that Kouyou has a new ward. He knows this because he’s heard overheard Mori talking to nee-san about it, whispering behind closed doors where they had assumed that no one would overhear them, but they always seem to underestimate how clever he is and how much he hates Mori (it will be their downfall, someday, he thinks). He doesn’t have a whole lot to go on, just a name-Nakahara Chuuya- and a location.

From what he overheard, he knows that Chuuya is staying somewhere in the brothel. Part of him wonders just what about the kid is so special that Kouyou nee-san would let him stay there when Dazai is barred entry; she must be really attached to him to go to such great lengths to hide him.

Thankfully, the girls at the brothel know more than him. All he has to do is mention the name to them, and they erupt into a fit of giggles and smiles and titters that make his head hurt but he knows better than to let his irritation show. They trip over themselves to tell him about the cute little redhead kid that Kouyou-sama guards like a hawk; they tell him that it’s rare to see her without him clutching at the back of his kimono, hiding behind her. Chuuya is from France, the courtesans whisper to him, and he’s got the most beautiful blue eyes and silky red hair.

And all of this is fascinating, but it doesn’t tell what he really wants to know, which is where Chuuya’s been staying. Dazai has never been the kind of person to trust other people’s opinions; he’ll decide if Chuuya has any merit or is worth his time when he meets, because anyone who Mori takes an interest in is someone Dazai needs to keep tabs on. All it takes is a sweet smile and a innocent question, and the women are pointing him up the stairs, to the top floor, where Chuuya’s bedroom is supposed to be.

hello, yes this is chuuya or author name Nikolai

this is my first novel

but I'll end this in a cliffhanger because im cruel to people

yes im a bsd fan or bungou stray dogs fan

this is a fanfic so its not real

chuuya is not from france hehehe

Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo, kiss kiss~ ^^

part 2

If Dazai were nice, he would knock on the door and poke his head in, introduce himself politely. He would be quiet and calm and subtle about his unannounced visit.

Dazai is not nice.

He throws Chuuya’s door wide open, letting it slam against the wall with a bang. The person who had been sitting on the bed (he can only assume it’s Chuuya) leaps a full foot into the air and scrambles to face him, and Dazai finally gets a good look at this boy everyone’s been talking about.

Immediately, Dazai can see why Kouyou nee-san has taken Chuuya under her wing. The boy is...well, beautiful, there’s really no other way to describe it. He’s petit, a good 12 cm shorter than Dazai is, and he’s skinny; a strong breeze looks like it could knock him over. Chuuya is pale, paler than anyone Dazai has ever seen before in his (admittedly short) life but still breathtakingly beautiful, proving a sharp contrast with his eyes that are a dark blue that make Dazai think of the water down by the port and his hair that is an almost unnatural shade of red and falls around his shoulder in soft curls.

He’s only distracted for a second by the other’s looks, but it’s a second too long. Anger at himself wells up inside him and Dazai resists the urge to grind his teeth. He’s a mafia brat, and things like sex and a pretty face shouldn’t matter to him, not if he wants to stay alive. And usually, he’s very good at keeping his emotions under control-his ability to disconnect from feelings is what drew Mori’s attention in the first place.

“Hello.” Dazai says pleasantly, masking his distaste. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” He takes a step into the room and is pleased to see Chuuya scoot backwards on his bed. Good. The kid should be afraid of him.

“My name is Dazai Osamu.” He continues, and he can see Chuuya’s eyes widen in recognition. He’s not surprised; he’s become rather infamous in the Port Mafia as Mori’s shadow, a demon prodigy in his own right. He knows exactly what he’s capable of and it looks like Chuuya does as well, and that pleases him. “And you’re Nakahara Chuuya.” It’s a statement, not a question, and Dazai takes another step towards Chuuya as he speaks.

Shoved back into the corner of the bed, Chuuya looks like a cornered animal. However, he doesn’t seem to be frightened. His body is stiff and his lips are parted slightly, but he hasn’t backed away from Dazai again and his expression is impressively blank. Dazai realizes that Kouyou hasn’t taken the boy in just for his pretty face; there’s something dark about him, something he does a very good job of hiding but is dangerous nonetheless. Dazai stops and tilts his head and ponders just what about this scrawny brat could be useful to a mafia executive. His distraction costs him, because he fails to notice the other tensing and shifting his legs around.

^^^To be continued. ^^^

part 3

Chuuya kicks him.

Dazai has been trained in the art of combat and while it’s not his favorite thing, he is decent at it. Chuuya’s strike is sloppy and the position he kicked him from didn’t allow for the blow to have full force.

It still hurts.

Dazai stumbles backwards, knocked off balance from the blow. Chuuya clipped him just in the ribs, right where he has old bruises and cuts from training with Mori. It stings and the breath is knocked out of him, but he remains standing. When he looks up again, Chuuya is eyeing him coolly.

Dazai lets out a bark of laughter.

This is interesting, this is fun. No one has dared to oppose him in a long time and yet here this kids is with the guts to hit him.

Unfortunately, all the noises he’s made up to this point had drawn unwanted attention. He feels Kouyou nee-san’s presence behind him before he actually turns to face her, and oh she is mad. She doesn’t say anything to him, but she doesn’t really have to either. Dazai knows exactly how much trouble he’s in and what the consequences are. He watches as she glances over quickly at Chuuya and, upon finding him unharmed, turns her attention back to him. He holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender; he’s strong, but so is Kouyou and pissing her off more tonight is a bad idea.

As Kouyou is grabbing his wrist and yanking him along, it occurs to him that Chuuya didn’t speak a single word. In fact, the other didn’t make a sound, didn’t even cry for help like Dazai had been so sure he would do. He lets himself be lead from the room thinking of only one thing-Nakahara Chuuya is definitely worth his time.


Mori is waiting for him when he gets back, eyes cold and posture still, and Dazai knows that Kouyou nee-san has already informed him that his protege has found out about Chuuya.

Pain is something Dazai is used to however, so this is okay.

It’s okay, because now he knows where Chuuya’s bedroom is, and there’s an old tree right outside of it that is perfect for climbing on. Pain won’t deter him from his new mission-make Chuuya talk to him.


Chuuya looks utterly terrified to see someone appear outside of his bedroom window, and Dazai can’t blame him. His punishment from Mori has left him with several new bandages wrapped around his head and arms, so he knows he looks like some sort of mummy straight out of a horror story that’s just popped up outside his window.

There’s not much he can do besides smile and wave, however, so that’s what he does. Out of fear of him falling, out of shock-who knows really?-Chuuya dashes over to the window and throws it open.

^^^To be continued. ^^^

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