NovelToon NovelToon

The Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

Return to Earth 1

Nine heavens and hell.

In the ninth hell, only the most powerful demons are gathered.

A constantly burning flame, twisted earth and bloody sky.

In it, the demons of heaven and hell were repeating their fighting forever.

It wasn't a fight to hide who was the strongest.

It's been a battle for the last 10,000 years.

Orot existed in the heart of Old Hell, a deserted land with a heterogeneous castle.

The apex of all demons.

The place where the Demon King who united Hell divided into seven forces stayed.

Huge throne.

A young man with black feet sat on a white throne made of the bones of the Seven Demon Dukes.

An intense mage was emanating from him as he sat on the throne and closed his eyes.

Thousands of demons, who stood before the throne on one knee, trembled less at the magic emanating from him.

One of the fierce demons slowly moves his foot toward the throne.

Five meters. Skin covered in red fur.

Mountain sheep horns on the body and forehead, made of rock-hard muscles.

The wings of a giant bat with pointed molars and back.

A typical demon figure, he kneels before the Demon King.



Known to have no one to deal with but the Grand Duke, even in Nine Heaven and Hell, he called out to the young man in front of his eyes with a frightened expression.

It was strange to see Balok, the monster himself, fearing him for his human appearance.

But none of the demons here understands his terror.

Demon King.

It was only a petty human being that fell into hell ten thousand years ago and began to devour other demons with the power of predation.

From a thousand hells to nine thousand hells.

Man, who grew up devouring demons, became the master of all hell in 10,000 years.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of demons were devoured by his power, and even the seven Dukes, who could not kill each other because each was too strong, kneeled before him.

The apex of the Devil. A monster that devours all the demons of Old Heaven

Even Balok, who did not know fear, was forced to tremble in front of him.

"Why are you trying to go back? Hasn't the King already had all hell?"

Balak opened his mouth trembling in fear.

The young man's eyes, which were closed, slowly floated.

Magi, who became even more powerful, swung from his body.

"Take whatever you have."



Valoc, in his firm voice, dropped his head with a disastrous look.

'But if this is the choice of the Devil.'

As long as he swore his eternal allegiance to him, he had to follow his choice.

"Baloch, are you going to make me talk twice?"

"… Sorry."

Baloch bows his head in a slick position, causing his men to bring the rainy goods.

The items he told me to prepare were the armor that the Duke of the Seven Demons had.

It was said that all the weapons containing the power of the Nine Heavens Hell were powerful enough to twist the boundaries of dimension and time when they were assembled.

I was able to gather all the gear by killing Baal a while ago, and now I put it in front of him honestly.

"We're ready."


The rains slowly rose from the throne and approached the seven armaments that had different shapes.

The seven armor containing the power of the Nine Heavens Hell were amplifying the magi contained in them as if they were interacting with each other.

'If you push the maggies I absorbed here.'

It was possible to open the dimensional cracks forcibly.


A short sigh came out of the mouth of the rain.

It felt unrealistic that there was so little time left to return to Earth that I longed for so much.


It's going back.


The massive magi that flowed from his entire body flowed towards the armour.

The power of predation that swallowed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of demons.

His body was already filled with maggots so immense that even if he were to describe it as containing the Nine Heavens Hell itself, it would not be exaggerated.

All over the world.

Rain was a word referring to the huge mass of magi that lay within his body.

It was rare for a demon who had not been eaten by him among the demons who called me from heaven and hell, so it could be called the proper name.

Magi and seven armour flowing from the Battle of Man interacted with each other.


A crack in space occurred and a black gate appeared before his eyes.

'I can go back to Earth.'

The image of the Earth that remained in his memory faded in his mind.

Home that will not be forgotten after 10,000 years.

There was no family waiting for him, nor was there a lover who swore an oath of eternity.

But it is.

'At least it'll be better than here.'

A place where there's nothing to eat or play.

I could do anything to get out of this godforsaken land where only blood and slaughter remained.

'We have to adjust the time.'

I didn't want to go back to Earth ten thousand years ago.

If the time had passed ten thousand years, there would hardly have remained the face of the Earth that he missed.

'Kim Chi Chi Dog may be missing.'

The earth without Kim Chi Chi Dog was creepy enough to imagine.

All he wants is to go back to the Earth he lived on before he came.

Fortunately, using the Seven Dukes' armor, it was also possible to adjust the time together.

"Then, I'm going."


Baloch bows with a seething expression in his words with a firm will.

Reese opens her mouth with 18 eyes and tears like chicken poop.

"Argh. Are you really going to abandon me?"

"Don't cry."

'Cause I'm scared.'

Reese's tears were so bizarre that she couldn't even make it out of Horror movies.

Whether he had mistaken his words or not, Reese shouted, trembling at dozens of tentacles.

"Ah! How kind of words! I think my heart will burst in love with this, Reese King."

Along with that, a real tentacle in Reese's chest exploded and exuded a yellow pus.

'Oh my God.'

"My king! My love!"

'Don't come.'

"Ah, I want to be with this Lyrish King too!"

'Get away from me.'

As she poured her pus, the rain fell on her as she approached and threw herself with an open crack in front of her eyes.

"O king! I will follow you, Leelis, no matter what!"

With a terrifying cry echoing from behind, a strange sensation wraps around the whole body of the rain.

'Let's never meet again.'

Towards Reese, no, for 10,000 years, all kinds of hardships have steered the boundaries of time in the dimension of raining, stopping towards one hell.

'It's not easy.'

Adjusting for the absolute existence of time was not easy either.

Rain adjusted the boundaries of time as much as possible, similar to the time period during which he was sucked into hell.

'10, 20 years of error is fine.'

He who was born and raised as an orphan did not have a past that he wanted to change, nor a future that he wanted to go to.

It didn't matter if he just left some of what the Earth looked like he knew.



At the end of the time adjustment, intense suction pulled him.

Rain was sucked into its inhalation, unable to resist, and closed its eyes still.

I've detected the nucleus of the crack.

Activate the Dimensional Defense Mechanism 'Guyana System'.

Failed. Failed.

The power of the crack nucleus is too strong.

Focus all defensive mechanisms of infinity on the nucleus of the rift. Gaia system is overloaded.

Failed. Failed.

The power of the crack nucleus is too strong. There is no complete exclusion for the nucleus of the crack.

Judging by the impossibility of full exclusion, we begin sealing against the nucleus of the crack.

Failed. Failed.

The power of the crack nucleus is too strong. A complete seal on the nucleus of the crack is not possible.

Begin a restrictive seal on the nucleus of the crack.

What are you talking about? '

Rain on the mineral voice in the ear distorted his expression.

But his thoughts didn't last long.


His consciousness breaks with a twisted sense of the world.

* * *


Intense pain in pressing the body.

Tough enough to move a finger.

The sober rains opened their eyes with painful moaning.

'Where is this place?'

The first thing that came into my eyes was a lush forest.

A glowing glow descends through the bushes, and the cheeks of rain are epileptic.


Rain caused the body to breathe deeply. My head was dizzy by the pain and helplessness that spread throughout my body.

'I need to check my condition first.'

I had to check what happened to his body.


[Load status window information.]


As soon as he thought he would check his condition, a blue window appeared in front of his eyes with a clear bubble.

Rain frowned upon the sudden phenomenon and looked at the blue window in front of his eyes.

[Status Window]

Player Name: Aung Woo

Level: 1 [1st Awakening]

Primary Awakening Characteristics: Power of predation (Ran k:???))

* Most of the forces with the properties are sealed.

Power: 8

Agility: 9

HP: 7

Magic Power: 0

Margi (unique stats): 12

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 7

"... What is this?"

Before I fell to hell, it was a state window reminiscent of the games I played in the past.

Rain distorted the face of this incomprehensible phenomenon.

'Most of the power that predation has is sealed?'

The power of predation.

The only power he had that fell into Hell and the powerful power that made him the ruler of the Nine Heavens.

All he had was the power to sleep.

The restlessness that has been built up over the last 10,000 years has been pushed into words that the power has been sealed.


The rain sank with a deep breath of agitation in my heart.

I was well aware that panicking about an incomprehensible phenomenon only aggravated the situation.

'Calm down.'

What matters now is knowing exactly what state you are in.

Rain tried to boost the power of 'All Horses', where tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of demons' magic clumps together.

'It's not moving.'

To be precise, only a very small amount of Magi was moving according to his will.

Thinking about the infinite amount of Magi that Manhattan has, it's a small amount of Magi that can't even be dust.

"This will make power hard to use."

Rain murmured with distorted looks.

Among the demons were individuals who had special powers, such as the power of 'predation' that he had.

Among the hundreds of thousands of demons he devoured with the power of predation, 666 were powerful.

He was able to use the remaining powers, except for the powers that the Seven Demons possessed.

Power differed from one power to another, but it basically required that much magic to express power.

Now he had an overwhelming amount of power that was no more than the power he could use with just one grain of dust.

'Now Margiro won't be able to use the power of the blade at all.'

Savnaq's power is' the power of the blade '.

It was the power to pull a machete out of the body.

'Not a good power, though.'

If Magi had enough, there was a way to use the power of the blade well, but the amount of Magi he now had was difficult.

Rain used the power of the blade to focus its consciousness on its left hand.

Heh heh!

His left back widens and a sharp, black blade pops out.

I felt Magi running out of my body.

'It's hard to adapt.'

After using the infinite power of Magi Fung, I became frustrated because I was so constrained.

"... Anyway, the words in this status window are true."

It was undeniable that for some reason his power was sealed, but most of the Magi of Almighty became unusable.

It meant that this' status window 'that came before his eyes accurately reflected his condition.

"... Are you really in the game?"

At this point, the rains began to make me anxious to see if this was the right place.

"Argh, Argh!"

Such an unpleasant sound came from scratching iron in his ear.

The rain turned its head in the direction where it heard it.

"Oh, shit."

His expression, which found the owner of the unpleasant sound, crumpled roughly.

A small key that comes to the chest. Light green skin and sharp teeth.

An ugly bird that seems to see the lowest level of monsters in hell.

There was no such creature on Earth he knew.

"Is this... not Earth?"

Rain murmured in a voice of deep despair.

I didn't even laugh at the idea that the place that barely returned in 10,000 years might not be Earth.


A crowd of green monsters who discovered the rain began to rush to him screaming.

unfamiliar earth, unfamiliar landscape 1

'What the hell is wrong with that?'

I must have opened the gate to Earth.

Ten thousand years ago, I felt the same way when I was sucked into a sudden crack.

The present desperate situation has complicated my mind.


The green monsters, who are still on the hunting ground, shout out a bigger roar. Then I swung a crude sword in my hand toward the rain.


"Kii Yi Yi!"

The arm of a green monster falls to the ground on a black blade that is swung in an instant.

The rains bounce around, wielding the sword made by the power of the blade.

It is said that most of the Magi of the Great War were sealed, but he was the Demon King who ruled all of Nine Heaven and Hell.

There was nothing I could do against such a petty monster.

'Let's get rid of these guys first.'

Monsters rushed to die screaming, and there was no time to think differently.

The rain looks at the green monsters running from all sides with deep sunken eyes.

Living as an animal emanated from his body.


The body of the green monsters who received his livelihood frontally trembled.


If I could use the full power of Almighty War, I could kill it by releasing the energy lightly without having to move my body, but now I can't.

"It's been a long time since I moved like this."

His feet hit the ground lightly.

The blade of the Magi slashes the throat of the green monsters, avoiding the attack of the green monsters as if they were seizing.



After countless combat experiences that had accumulated over the last 10,000 years melted away, the green monsters rebelled against the movement and became luxurious corpses.


[You have successfully defeated a grade E Common Monster Goblin.]

[EXP increases.]

[Level increased to 3.]

'Level up?'

When I killed all the green monsters that attacked me, Goblins, I saw a blue window in front of my eyes again.

Once again, I opened the status window and saw that the level of 1 had risen to 3.

'The stats are up.'

Increases STR, HP, and AGI stats by 1 depending on the level-up.

It wasn't just numbers. I felt a slight but stronger sensation as my stats rose.

"This isn't important right now."

It wasn't important to level up and stats up.

It was more important to check whether this was the right place or not to live because we couldn't do it.

"Wow, I wish I could use Alocesse's power at this point."

Thinking of his power to fly freely through the sky, he smiles bitterly.

The power of perforation consumed more magic than I thought because it even ignored the laws of inertia and moved the air.

With the number of magi he now had, it was only possible to run high.

Rain approaches the bodies of Goblins with their necks cut off.

'I wish there was some information I could get.'

What he needed now was information about this unidentified world.

Rain reaches out to the Goblin corpses and opens its mouth with a loud voice.


The power of predation.

The absolute power that made him ruler of heaven and hell was revealed.

The black magic that came out of his hand covered the bodies of the Goblins.


The size of the black energy that covered Goblins' corpses decreased with a gruesome sound.

Information about the Goblins began to flow into his head.

The power of predation alone could not even read the subject's memory.

All we can tell by the power of predation is biometric information.

Goblin's physical characteristics, habits, and various information came into his head about how he lived and where he was weakened.

However, there was no reliable information on who he wanted to be in this world.

"Damn it."

It was when I spit out a short curse on my sad heart.


I felt a very familiar energy from him during the energy that is being absorbed by predation.


It was a trace of energy that could hardly be felt, but it could not deceive his senses.

Rain's eyes sparkled.


There was a very small amount of Magi in Goblin's body.


[Magi stats +1.]

Then a message window came to mind that Magi stats had risen as if wedged into his speculation.

Along with that, I felt a feeling of growing maggots in my body and getting darker.

"... damn it."

Despite the increase in maggots, it was a rough curse from the mouth of the rain.

Magi's existence in this world, the energy of hell, meant that this place was more likely than not to be Earth.


I was restless in his face.

The only reason he survived hell was because he hoped that one day he could return to Earth.

An endless battle. All these years of desperate struggle among demons who have no interest but to kill their opponent have passed through his head like a machete.

"You can't do this."

Greater frustration struck him than he had in the battle against the Demon Duke before he died.

It was then.


A scream echoed from afar.

The snow of the rain, which was in frustration, flashed.

"This is…."

It wasn't the voice of demons or monsters.

He was intuitive. This scream was human.

That too...


The body of the rain trembled.

An exhilarating melody was conveyed on his whole body.

It seemed as though a scream echoed through his ears.

"It's a woman!"

If anyone heard me, I would call myself a pervert, but there was nothing to say.

But now he couldn't afford to keep his human face.

It was 10,000 years old.

For 10,000 years, he never even saw a video of a woman appear.

It was rather strange to stay sane.


The rain rushes in the direction of the scream, kicking roughly.

The power of speed.

The power used by a demon named Valeport was manifested through his body.

The black magic that came out of his body was bound to his leg.

Magi decreases at a rapid rate and his body is shot forward like an arrow.

It was a horrible speed based on humans, but even now it feels too frustrating to him.

'Even if Margie was enough!'

If only the Magi of Almighty could be used, it would be able to move at a speed close to instantaneous movement.

I couldn't feel the fact that I couldn't use the Horsepower of Heaven at this time.



I heard screams more clearly.

The screams of the Goblins who had just attacked him were also heard.

'Please, I hope you're not just a monster like Reese!'

It was nice to be ugly. It was nice to be fat.

With two eyes, one nose and one mouth, he was satisfied with it.

"May there be no tentacles! '

Thinking now of the horrible tentacles of Reese, he concentrates his whole body on his feet.

It's been a long time since I felt a sigh.

I felt more frustrated with my breathless body just because I ran a power race, not a battle.

'Found it.'

Passing through the wooded bushes, I saw a small space.

A woman, surrounded by more than 10 Goblins, hesitated to sit there in terror.

Wounded by the leg, she grabs the red-blooded leg with both hands.


Short elasticity flowed from the mouth of the rains.

Seeing a woman surrounded by a group of Goblins, his body was overwhelmed.

Cool eyes on black feet raised to the waist. The plump lips, the clumsy nose, even the little dot on the left side of the mouth.

If I passed by the side of the road, I looked beautiful enough to turn my head.

But for him now, she was beautiful and not important at all.

For him now, the beauty of appearance was only a very minor matter.

"It's human."

It was human.

A human with two eyes, one nose, and one mouth.

A pure human without pus, tentacles, bat wings, and red fur covering his body.


I felt unbearable.

I also wanted to thank God for chewing for ten thousand years after I fell to hell.



Looking at the Goblins running around with their crude swords in their hands, the black-footed woman closes her eyes.

She looked at the sword swinging towards herself and intuited her death.

It was then.



Urgent screams flow from the Goblins' mouths.

In an instant, the rains between them begin to massacre the Goblins with a swift movement like a predator.


The eyes of the black-footed woman who had fallen were enlarged.

She looks at more than 10 Goblins with an unbelievable rainfall that is slaughtering them in less than a few seconds.



A black blade violently pierces the last Goblin's neck.

The rain, which twisted the blade and completely cut off Goblin's breath, reached the woman who fell on the floor.

"Go, thank you."

The woman with black feet stood up and bowed her head while she was injured by her legs.

The rains grabbed her stumbling hand and lifted her.


Elasticity again flowed from the mouth of the rain that grabbed her hand.

This soft touch was never felt in hell.


I was sure that the man I wanted to see was so longing for me.

My head flashes white with a buzzing sensation.

The emotions that had endured for 10,000 years, which were forced to be suppressed, exploded at once. Exploded emotions lightly undermined his reason.

"My name is Hansulah. Thank you for your help."

She panicked as she watched the rain trembling with her hands held, but bowed once again without releasing her hands.

Rain looked at her like that and opened her mouth in a more serious voice.

"Let's get married."


"I think three kids would be nice."

"… Yes?"

"W-what is that?"

Hansula stared at the rain with an embarrassing look.

I was suddenly angry at the proposal, and I didn't know if I should be grateful.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

The rain, holding the rope of reason close by, shook her head and let go of her hand.

'You need to wake up.'

It was a man we met very close to.

I didn't want to be branded crazy from the start.

"My name is Augang Woo. Did you say Mr. Han Seola? Are you okay where you got hurt?"

"Oh, yes. No big wounds... Ha ha!"

She fell into place screaming at the pain in her legs for a short time.

She falls on the floor and one of the squares falls out of her pocket.


The snow of the rain flashed when I saw something falling on the floor.

The thing that fell out of Hansula's pants pocket was definitely a smartphone that remained faint in memory.

'Is Earth... right?'

Korean name Hansula on a smartphone.

And most importantly.

'The conversation is working.'

He was talking to her in Korean, which he used before coming to hell, not in the language of demons.

The meaning of language is that this is the Earth, and it proves that she is Korean.

'I'm glad I kept using it so I wouldn't forget.'

Over the course of time, he prohibited his subordinates from using demonic language and made them use it routinely by teaching Korean.

"Are you okay?"


Rain tore the clothes he was wearing and tied her to her leg.

The notion of clothing was made of cloth that was difficult to get from a faint hell.

"Ah…. Yes, thank you."

Hansulah shredded his clothes without hesitation and slightly reddened his cheeks as he looked up at him who tied them to his legs.

When he first got married, he said he liked the three children, so his mind, which was a little wary, disappeared as if it were melting snow.

"Thank you for your concern."

If it wasn't for him, he would have been egged by a bunch of Goblins by now.

Worst case, he could have been dragged by Goblins and subjected to terrible things.

'I heard that some monsters have a desire for humans.'

In that sense, rainfall was more than silver in her life.

She felt guilty about herself, who had been on guard for a while.

'Thank you.'

Hansula nodded with a smile in her mouth.

She had only recently evolved as a player, but she was familiar with their world.

A ruthless existence that can betray anyone even if it is the same party member for profit.

Not everyone did, but it was true that players who were so altruistic that they heard screams and rushed to help out like rain were rare.

"Sit tight."


Rain smiled at the smile that was built on her mouth.

All right.

Getting her likes was quite, no, very valuable.

The existence of Hansulah was quite important for rainfall.

She was also the first person she met after returning from Hell, but more importantly, the information she had.

'What the hell are those monsters doing on Earth?'

There was too much disconnect between the Earth he knew and what he was now seeing.

She was precious enough to explain such distortions.

'First things first.'

Rain turned around with the smartphone she dropped. He lifted his smartphone and naturally pressed the Home button.

When I pressed the Home button, one of the information he wanted to know most came up on the screen.

[May 22, 2023, at 3: 34 PM]


It was definitely in 2018 that he fell to hell. It meant that it was the future five years from now.

"Time adjustment didn't fail. '

It was rainfall that was largely offsetting the errors of 10 and 20 years.

The fact that five years had fallen in the future meant, rather, that time adjustments had been made more successfully than he expected.

But it was only five years ago that the Earth changed so much.

"Five years ago, these monsters appeared on Earth? '

I couldn't understand the monsters wandering around in the forest because of what happened in the last five years.

'I don't have enough information.'

There was insufficient information available to determine the situation immediately. The rain turned its head towards Hansulah.

"Here, this is a smartphone that fell off."

"Oh, thank you."

"Why else would you be in this place?"


Hansulah, who heard him, answered with a dead voice.

"I did a solo gate hunt because I had a bit of a situation. Haha. Now that I've awakened as a player, I was foolish to hunt down a Class E gate as a solo..."

She said in a self-reproaching voice.

When I heard her say, the eyes of rain sparkled.

'Gate, player.'

Gates may refer to where they are now.

'And I woke up as a player….'

Rain recalls the state window I just saw.

The status window clearly said 'Player Name'.

"What's your level?"

Rain asked her in a natural voice.

"I woke up a while ago and now I'm Level 6. But what happened to a high-level player like Mr. Rain at the E-Gate?"

She naturally thought that rainfall was only level 3.

'Of course, if it is.'

A Level 6, she unilaterally massacred a group of Goblins who could not escape the classics.

If the level she was talking about represented a measure of the player's power, it was natural to mistake him for a high level.

"I'm here because I have a situation."

"Ah... You did."

Seeing him dodging the answer, Hansulah nodded.

It was not uncommon for a high-level player to enter a lower gate, but he had no right to catch it as long as he was trying to hide the reason.


"Do you mind if I wake up?"

"Yes. I think I can walk now thanks to Mr. Rain."

"I'll help you."

"Oh, no. It's okay. I can't hurt my lungs anymore..."

"It's not just virtue to speculate."

The rains caught her one arm stumbling.

Hansula bowed her head as if she was ashamed of her faint face.

"Which way do we go?"

"Hey, over here."

She was unconscious of the shame and pointed her hand to one side without even questioning why the high-level rain might even be heading to the gate entrance.

"Let's go."

The rain slowed her down and moved her.

'Fortunately, I have no doubt.'

She would never know about her real identity anyway, but it was better to avoid looking suspicious.

'I'll be treated like a lunatic.'

I didn't want to be thought of as insane by a woman I met in 10,000 years, even beautiful.

The first button of a successful return seems to melt into the society of this planet right now.

Rain naturally hit her face with her as she thought she was limping.

"This place..."

"You've reached the entrance."


Going in the direction she pointed, I saw a white gate.

Its size is about 30 meters.

It was a gate that was much larger than the black gate that rained from hell.

'Then I guess this place wasn't entirely Earth.'

If the place that came through the gate is here, this forest, where the green monsters we just met life, was not Earth.

'Hell... is this place?'

It was a place that could be said to resemble hell in that it was another dimension that came through the gate.

'How this gate is being maintained.'

The rain looked at the white gate with a slightly turbid look in its eyes.

I did not see any powerful armour that would create a space crack like the armour of the Seven Demon Dukes.

"Mr. Rain?"

"Oh, yes. Let's get out of here."

Upon the caller's call, the rainfall lifts her foot at the gate.

Moving between dimension and dimension, with a strange sensation, his body passed through the white gate.

Sung Sung Sung Sung.

"Recruit a Grade E Gate Goblin Hunting Party!"

"Tanker! Where's the tanker?!"

"W-would it be okay for me to join the party if I was a bandit?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, but the rogue family is the envoy."

And he went out of the gate and saw many gathered together, shouting. It was as if I had come to the market.

"Ah, ah."

Rain once again felt a thrilling melody as I looked at the people gathered at the gate.


Humans who longed so much were everywhere.

'I came back....'

It was a different Earth than the Earth he knew, but as familiar as the daylight landscape seemed.

It was now realized that he had returned to Earth. The anxiety that remained dimly disappeared, and the vigour spread throughout his body.

The rain shook lightly with a chilling sensation.


Hansulah called out to him in a cautious voice. The rain turned its head towards her.

"If you don't mind, would you come to my house? I'd like to treat you to a meal."

She said in a voice that she was sorry, looking at the clothes of the rain that had been torn from her legs.

I deserved a monetary reward, but I couldn't afford that for her.

But I didn't want to break up with him just because I thanked him for saving his life.


In her words, the body of the rain trembled.

A woman, who just saved her life with her own help, invites her home.

A woman for 10,000 years was a harsh stimulus to him, whom I had never imagined.

It's like...

"Brother, would you like to eat at my house? 'I feel like I've heard it.


Rain gripped his fist roughly. Intense excitement boiled into his body.

'Wind Bunda.'

All sorts of imaginary narratives unfolded in his head.

In a warm house of imagination, he was giving birth to Hansulah and three children and smiling happily.

'The wind is blowing!!!'

A warm spring breeze was blowing in his heart, decaying as he had spent ten thousand years in hell.

3 unfamiliar earth, unfamiliar landscape (2)

All Sorts of imaginary narratives unfolded in his head.

In a warm house of imagination, he was giving birth to Hansulah and three children and smiling happily.

'The wind is blowing!!!'

A warm spring breeze was blowing in his heart, decaying as he had spent ten thousand years in hell.

"I can't say no unless I tell you that the specifications are not only virtuous."

Rain shines with ultra-long eyes and nods.

From the beginning, it was an attitude that I didn't feel as good as seven eyes.

"Hehe. Yes. Then follow me."

She turns around with a light smile.

At that time, a man in front of the gate walked towards the rain and the snow. He was wearing what looked like a military uniform.

"Please present your player credentials."

"Oh, yes. Here."

In the words of a man, the arrow nodded lightly and put an "E" card in his arms before him.

"Yes, it's confirmed."

After checking roughly his ID in less than a second, he nodded with a grumpy expression.

I felt procedurally verified as if I were checking my social security card at a bar.

"Show me the man over there."

'Oh, shit.'

Rain slightly distorted his face at the words of the man who followed.

"I didn't think I'd have to present my ID separately. '

It was difficult.

Now he didn't have that player's credentials.

'If you lose it, it will complicate the process again.'

In the first place, some bothersome things could have happened because it was not enough to qualify as a player.

Especially now, rainfall is a five-year gap and the identity itself is ambiguous.

His whole plan to naturally adapt to the Earth could collapse beyond mere annoyance.

'And most of all.'

If things get complicated now, the idea of going to Hansula's house is a great opportunity to wait ten thousand years (?) was more likely to become foaming.

'That's never gonna be enough.'

I told him to paddle when the water came in.

When given the chance, blowing it up was a stupid thing to do.

"Wait a minute."

Rain put his hand in his pocket with a slack expression.

Of course, he didn't have anything in his pocket.

'It's a hard power to use right now, Margie.'

He recalled the attitude of the man who was examining Han Seola's identity card.

The time he took the exam was less than a second.

'That much.'

It was time to challenge him with just one grain of dust.

"Here it is."

Rain said that pulling his hand out of his pocket, he lightly stopped.

At the same time, his power was manifested.

The power of oath.

The power of Dantalion is to twist your opponent's perception and deceive your eyes.

It was the power that consumed the enormous Magi as much as the power of power was the power.

The target had a slightly higher hardness, but fortunately, he had a lower hardness than Hanseola at level 6.

As he exercised his power, the eyes of the man in military uniform suddenly became blurred.

He nods slowly, staring at the rain that stops.


It was a short time, not a second, but most of the maggies that the rains had quickly escaped as if they had been punctured.

Rain again lowers its hands as it endures a breathing sensation.

"Then let's go."


Rain, joined by Hansulah, who was out front after the identity check, headed to her house.


The steps of rainfall towards her house were not so light.

Humanity's greed is endless.

At first, I thought it would be enough if I could meet a woman with two eyes, one nose and one mouth, but over time, Hansulah's beautiful appearance became more and more visible.

Imagining the things that would unfold in her house in the future, the rain gripped her fists firmly.


* * *

"This is our home."

Following Hansulah was an apartment with a shabby appearance.

Not only was her silk apartment but the apartment around her was very obsolete.

'I don't think it's safe to live at home.'

It was very different from the urban centre where the hilarious buildings he had hoped for were lined up.

Rain looked at Hangul with an eye full of determination.

'Don't worry, Imam! I'll make some money and get you a nice house!'

Already in his head, Hansulah and himself were building the Great Wall and living a happy future.


"Mom, I'm here."

"What, Mom? '

How dare you be so tempted (?), so of course rainfall, which she thought would live alone, gave an embarrassing look.

A middle-aged woman with a superficial impression hurriedly walked out.

"Hey, are you okay? Where are you hurt?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Did you come in to get the whole party, just like you said? Huh?"

"Ah…. Nothing, of course."

Hansula stuttered, avoiding her gaze. She sneaks her eyes toward the rain and talks.

"This time I met Mr. Oh Gangwoo at the gate. I was in danger of catching monsters, but I was able to be safe with Mr Rain's help."

"Ah! Go, thank you!"

A middle-aged woman holds hands in the rain and bows her elongated head.

It was an attitude that I felt desperately worried about Hansulah entering the gate.

'Oh, shit.'

But for rainfall now, such gratitude did not come to her ears.

'I didn't mean to come here for real food.'

Rain looked at Hangul with an unfair gaze.

The future with her in my head was shattered.

I felt like a plane crashing under a cliff that was accelerating to fly to the window.

"Mr. Rain...?"

"Oh, yes. Nothing."

Rain shakes his head in a rather heavy voice.

I couldn't help feeling disappointed, even though the grass was dead after I couldn't drink Kim Chi Guk alone.

"Haha. The house is... not good. But don't worry. I'm pretty confident in cooking."

Hansula said with a slightly darker smile, whether she thought it was disappointing to see an old apartment.

"Oh, it's not about that, so don't worry."

Before falling to hell, he was a thousand orphans, living in a cramped, old singles room, much cramped than her home.

Those miserable days were hard to eat and live every day.

'But it was better than hell.'

Life on Earth was much better if you were just a little hungry than if the battle of real life were to happen every day together.

"Come in, Mr. Rain."

"Phew, I'm sorry. A precious person in such a poor place.."

The rains entered the house with a fervent welcome from the two men.

The size of the house is about 20 square meters.

It was quite a spacious house compared to the old one.

"Please wait, Mr. Rain. I'll get you ready in a minute."

"Oh, would you mind if I asked you a favour?"

"Yes, of course."

Hansulah nodded with a hesitant expression.

Rain spoke in a calm voice.

"I lost my smartphone, but can I use it for a second?"

"Ah! Yes, I got it."

She takes her smartphone out of her pocket and hands it to him.

In detail, her smartphone was very worn out, and the liquid crystal had a huge crack.

Even the keyboard of a smartphone was what he knew.

'Considering it's been five years.'

I could see again that she sucked pretty badly.

'It's still possible to look at Internet articles.'

What he was trying to ascertain now was what had happened on Earth in the last five years.

The gate and the player. It was something he was familiar with that didn't exist on Earth.

Rain slowly looked for articles five years ago and checked them out.

[turbulent 22 February 2018. The world changes.]

[Hundreds of gates that appeared suddenly disrupted the entire world.]

[Gun gun useless to monsters at the gate. The massacre by hundreds of thousands of Heavy Air Force monsters who were confronted with monsters.]

[Organization of the United Nations Emergency Response Force under the leadership of the United States. South Korea is the ninth participating country.]

[First player to appear in the United States. What is her identity?]

[Increase in the number of players worldwide. Are they the hope of humanity?]

[Is the novel a reality? A prophecy of the arrival of players many years ago in the design of Korean genre fantasies. Even if you search only for "players" in the search box, there are hundreds of works….]


Slowly, the eyes of the rainfall narrowed as I looked at the knight.

'February 22, 2018.'

The day when multiple gates appeared simultaneously all over the world.

And it was the day when the rain itself suddenly appeared in the air, swallowed up by a black gate and fell into hell.

'Then I was caught up in one of the gates that appeared simultaneously that day.'

It was most likely when I thought about it.

The rain continued to search for the identity of the gates that kept him from hell for 10,000 years, but they were all speculative and did not accurately describe what the gates were.

'I'll have to look for it myself later.'

If it was a major national institution, it might have information that didn't come online.

Rain thought of going to state institutions if life stabilized and regained some power.

"What are you looking for?"

Han Seola, who was cooking, approached him.

"I was looking for some news because I wanted to check it out for a second."

"Aha. Shall we prepare dinner later?"

"No, it's fine. Let's eat right now."

I understood the circumstances of the Great River anyway.

Now I liked to move my body and learn about the changing Earth.

"Then I'm ready, so please wait a minute."

Hansulah went into the kitchen and brought out a pot of silver.

"I'm Kim Chi Chi Dog. I wanted to serve you something a little better... Sorry."

She opens the lid with a look of apology, leaving the pot on the table.

The smell of white Kim blooms and stinks.


Two eyes of rain appeared.

A thrilling melody flowed through his body.

"Kim Chi, the stew..."

He looked at Kim Chi Chi Dog on the table with less trembling eyes.

A boiling stew, red kimchi and a lump of pork on top of it were seducing him.

"Kim Chi Chi Dog!!!"


How, how eagerly I waited for this moment.

It's what he dreamed of every day, enduring 10,000 years!

He rushes to the table as if he was starving for a few days.

'Glad to have you back.'

A drop of hot tears flowed down his cheek.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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