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Mafia's Wild Kitten

Episode 1

**Ken Smith**-

I waved farewell to miss valentine, the owner of the shop i worked at. she gave me a timid smile, reminding me to lock the doors properly on time... with a nod I waved her off and got back to my work.

I am Ken 23 years old, after completing my studies the only thing i did was work, day and night to pay the debt my dad had left for me, my father run away from home 3 years ago with all the money and i had to work all day and night to pay back the money with interest and fu\*k here i am

"It's already 3 in the morning should i close early but there are still two people inside"

Miss valentine's special guest and our frequent customers, and one of them is Chris Avort, very handsome guy if I dared to think about him and my crush, ever since he asked me to personally assist him everyday, i had watched and liked him from that day, falling for his kind and gentle personality but the fact that i can't win his heart, i am only fine with sneaking glances at him from afar

Even the sight of him winking at the lady customers is make all the girls swoon over him, whenever he entered in the bar, the aura seemed to change as if everything is flipped upside down, the cigar and toxic air is changed into the scent that allowed me to breathe in sweet air.

"Excuse me-"

"Excuse me-" Chris said letting me out of my deep thoughts

"huh- I'm sorry" i quickly greeted him and helped him with the bill

"good-bye" Chris said greeting me back to reality

"Have a nice day sir- i mean night!"

"goodnight?" He chuckled in amusement and waved at me before getting past through the door and I scolded myself in my brain for being such a klutz

*I think i should close early today*\ the feeling of being alone always make me paranoid that someone or something can appear out of nowhere, i really regret taking nightshift, i cleaned all the tables and took all the empty bottles to put back in the trash and suddenly... i heard some voices outside, I was confused coz it's already 4 in the morning and i get down hiding myself

just when i thought of locking the door i heard the door creak open once again, with two men beside he stepped out of the black shiny car and he entered the bar and glanced around, giving back the gun to other men

"let's go!" he said in low voice yet still very deep, he pulled out a phone from his pocket and called someone while taking a seat on the couch

*should I go and serve him or* \ the gun in his hand give me the shivers to my spine, i never seen someone this handsome and dangerous, even his aura didn't let me take any step further

"Well that was quite easy" his dark blue eyes scanning the room and his men looking around to see if anyone was watching

He started discussing his plan with the other person about killing some criminals while I was trembling like a leaf, too afraid to even move but no one noticed me in the room. I cleared my head, moving slowly and as i was about to open the door slowly, the door made a big creak noise, making me freeze on the spot

"Guess we have cat here spying on us and i hate cats" he said smirking

"Boys you know what to do! Right!" he said giving orders to men beside him

"Exactly so little cat it's better you come out or you really wanna continue playing hide and seek"

"come out wherever you are?" smirking

"I'm going to have some fun with my cat, you guys search and find who is it"

I crawled up, controlling my breath and put my hand on my mouth

"c'mon kitty i just want to play" laughing

His tone sent the shivers down my spine because of the dominance he had in his voice

My breath was hitching and my body was trembling in fear, i moved back in the opposite direction of the door and when i realised i was facing him, my body froze, shaking all over.

He laughed coming towards me, his dark eyes giving shocks to me, my heart was pounding and cheeks were burning i never saw someone gorgeous like him, his long eyelashes making me weak, he's too perfect to be human.

He took a heavy step towards me bringing his gun to cage me

"Aww turns out the kitten is not that wild" he smirked and my eyes were purely swirling with fear and my eyes watering

"How adorable" he stepped closer to me and i stepped backwards until my back hit the wall, realisation hit me hard *i was trapped*

it was harder to breath as the only voice i can hear is clock ticking, my vision was becoming blurry like i was on the brink of passing out.




Hey guys!!Thank you for coming and reading. I hope you like the update and don't forget to like, vote and comment 😁

Bie~Bie ♡

Episode 2

\*\*Zack Francis\*\*-

He was sweating, trembling yet i can't take my eyes off the boy in front of me, he seems fragile yet his eyes can say he's not a coward

"How adorable" i have never seen someone like kitten before, he is pure and innocent I'm sure of that

For all my life i get everyone's attention, i get whatever i wanted, I'm successful billionaire and Mafia leader that can kill anyone without any mercy, no one is more dangerous than me in this city and here i finally found something amusing a kitten who dared to look me in the eye.

"Are you not afraid of me?"

"please let me go" lovely he's too beautiful for a boy,

I can listen to his sweet voice for days, it's gentle and captivating

"I don't think so sweetheart Afterall you heard a very important part of my plan didn't you?"

"no I didn't I swear"

'lying right through my face kitten you really are something \smirking\'

"lying is a sin my kitten i suggest you don't lie and tell me everything"

"i-i won't tell anyone! i promise! please don't kill me"

'if i wanted to i would have done it already, it's a piece of cake for me but let's play around with kitten more'

"Beg me-" he get down onto his knees and started pleading for his life, without blinking an eye, his eyes still staring right at me

"get up" he get up and i gripped his cheeks with one hand, making him look like a fish

"I'm warning you if you dare to say anything about this, you'll regret living your whole life" he nodded quickly, feeling relieved

"until next time kitten" winking

He had a confused look on his face and began to run away,

Until he said

"And please can you lock the door while you're leaving Mrs valentine will be mad at me if i have it unlocked you can hide the key in the pot outside! Thanks!" and with that said, he ran out of the building as if his life depended on it

"pfft- did you heard that jack!" leaning on wall, lighting cigarette

"he's really something ordering me around to do stuff for him"

"but should we really let him go" jack said

"Do you think I'd do something without a reason?"

"Leo delete the camera footage and do what he said! lock the door"

"something is going on in your mind right?" leo said

"i found a kitten and i'm going to play with it and I need every little detail about him on my table" smirking

\*\*Ken Smith\*\*-

I shut the glass door behind him and started running, i don't even know who they are and next time, what does he mean by next time, i hugged myself and started walking more faster

It was pitch black, few star's shining in the sky, the cold breeze was touching on my skin i continued walking on sidewalks, i smiled and rubbed my hand on my arms up and down, as i saw my apartment

I unlocked the door get inside, feeling the warmth and cozy scent, i felt relieved that I'm home and i really want everything to be a nightmare

i changed my clothes and got inside my bedroom, jumping onto my bed and cuddling with my pillow which made me think of Chris... but i don't stand any chance in front of him, i felt lonely which made me realise i have to be lonely for my entire life, my mother died and i don't know where my father is.. and the only thing i have to do is pay off the debt which is not possible in this life

i let out all the thoughts out of my mind and drifted myself into a sleep slumber, letting my mind to take rest




Hey guys!!Thank you for coming and reading. I hope you like the update and don't forget to like, vote and comment 😁

Bie~Bie ♡

Episode 3

Next Day Morning

*knock knock*

*knock knock*

i woke up because of the loud noises outside my door

"Hey kid open the door!" the bangs grew louder

"open up! I know you're in there!" with that he slammed on the door more loudly

They're not going to give up unless they break my door down or should I open it, no no that's never gonna happen they not gonna let me off if i do that.

After sometime the noises outside the door go quite and a brown envelope appears under the door.

i quickly picked up the envelope with shaking hands and read what's on it.

'we'll come back next week and if you don't pay 5 million dollars by then, I'll double the interest on it'

"see you next week!" the man said walking away from the door

My whole body froze, there's no way i can pay that back i worked so hard and collect atleast 1 million dollars, but how can I get the more money in this short time

fu*k fu*k..... I'm already living a hell of life what should I do? I'm really going to die at this rate... tears fall from my eyes... i rub my eyes

I'm screwed up, maybe i should beg them for my life or maybe they'll let me work for them or should I call police, it's my father's debt in the first place or maybe i should ask for someone's help.... yeah Mrs valentine she is the one only i can ask for help or if not i have to be the slave of those loansharks for my whole life

*oh shit shit shit...... i forgot about the time I'm late*

I got ready and left the house as soon as possible but still I missed my bus, i didn't have any time to wait and i started running as my heart was beating loudly

*i don't want to get fired from this well paid job*

i was exhausted but still i didn't stop, until i reached and entered the room running up to Mrs valentine and apologize properly, my hands and legs were shaking as I was panting, trying to catch my breath

"it's okay Dear, now go and change your uniform and attend our customers!"

"i-i'll get right on it ma'am"

"and check everything again properly someone important is coming today

i changed my uniform and take care of all the cleaning and arranged everything for Mrs valentine's special guests who is coming in Evening, an entire day was passed by like this leaving me drained of all energy, as i was about to go in the back room to get some rest i noticed Chris opening the glass door, i felt myself blushing and my heart starting to beat faster, i looked away stealing glances at him.

we finally made eye contact and Chris winked at me with gentle smile, running his fingers through his hair, he went to meet Mrs Valentine, chatting and laughing

i was about to get the chance to talk to him but suddenly the glass door opened and suddenly the aura changed inside the bar making everyone freeze, everybody stared at the person who entered and girls pointing and even taking pictures of him, but he ignored everyone and just looked at me like he was looking for his prey, he started coming towards me, suddenly i realised a familiar face and two people beside him, remembering what happened in the morning.....




Hey guys!!Thank you for coming and reading. I hope you like the update and don't forget to like, vote and comment 😁

Bie~Bie ♡

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