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Changes Of Wind


A blue haired six year boy Teddy Lupin was drawing a family picture; a strong man with a pair of kind eyes, covered in glasses 'Harry Potter ' a cute blue haired boy wearing a red t-shirt with a golden lion on it Teddy Lupin and a beautiful red haired woman, Ginni weasely with her baby bump .After all, she's pregnant with her first child.

Yeah ,Teddy wasn't there real son. Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonk were Edward Remus Lupin's (Teddy) parents who officially made Harry the godfather. Teddy is a Metamorphmegas ( a wizard or witch who can become an animal or can change hight, hair color or gender or face structure) just like his mother. After they died Teddy started living with Harry every now and then, and became his family. Teddy lives with his grandma for most of the time though. And Harry brings him when ever he wants to. Teddy has a special place in Harry's heart. After all Harry sees himself behind those eyes, seeking some love.

Teddy finished his drawing and ran upstairs to show it to Ginni. But when he finally reached to her room he panicked seeing Ginni struggling in pain. Teddy shouted Harry's name and asked to come upstairs cause Ginni was hurt. Harry hurried up and helped Ginni. Then Harry and Molly brought Ginni to St-mungos.

Teddy was with Luna and Rolf. Rolf was reading about magical creature Bowtruckle; " and they are also called wand maker's friend." "Do you know Harry said I'm a true lion. A perfect Gryffindor ." "hmm " Rolf sighed and Teddy giggled .Luna came in with cookies in her hand. Suddenly Harry came in using apparation "Are you ready to meet the new family member ,Teddy . " happiness totally visible in his voice ."Is it a girl or a boy? " Rolf asked excitedly ."um...boy."Harry replied grinning .

After some time passed, they were standing outside of the medical chamber where Ginni was, Harry looked at Teddy and saw he was nervous .So he sat on his knees so he was the same level as him "Hey Ted, we are going to meet the new family member. That doesn't mean we'll love you any less. And trust me he will become your best friend. " Teddy smile and nodded in agreement. "I promise you I'll be good with him."

They entered the room where Ginni was holding the baby boy ."what's his name?" _Teddy asked excitedly . "James " Teddy smile at his brother."Can I hold him plz."

"But you are ......"Ginni started but stop right after seeing Teddy's pleading eyes "OK seat here.... hold.. hold your hand like this.... yeah here you go ."

Teddy hold the baby and felt very happy. He was amused by the small hand, feet,his closed eyes and everything as he never saw a baby before. Teddy felt that the baby was so fragile. He became scared what if he will hurt him with out realizing .

5 years later

It's summer vacation finally Teddy is in home. He came from Hogwarts. "TED, you are finally home. I missed you." James came screaming. He hugged Teddy as tight as he could." "Let him breath first James. He must be tired."- Harry said. "You just love him more than me. I'm hurt."James said dramatically. And Harry could only think about one person, his own father. After all he was also so dramatic, at least that's what Harry has heared. "By the way I brought some chocolate."- Teddy announced and smiled . "Yay..... Teddy you are awesome." - James said grinning.

(PS :let me know if you like it. Don't be a silent reader... please)


11 years later

Third person's P.O.V

James woke up with a thud noise . And saw Teddy the clumsy boy was getting up from the floor. "I'm fine, sorry for waking you up ." -Teddy said assuringly. "You are looking different. Are you going somewhere? " -James asked while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Well, thanks for this great observation. "-Teddy said sarcastically. "I'm going on a date with Vic."-Teddy replied with a 'obviously' tone, changing his hair color from tarquish to parpale, brown, black and then back to tarquish.

Of course ,Vic' James thought to himself . Teddy and Victorie are dating each other for 2 years now. James suddenly felt a strange burning . He was jealous of his own cousin. After all James found himself growing some feelings for Teddy almost one year ago. When he used a potion 'Daydream Charm ' gifted by his cousin Fred.

~~Flashback ~~

James ran in his room after the celebration.Fred Weasely his cousin gifted him a potion which he was so excited about. So he close the door unpacked the potion and read the instructions : "open the bottle carefully .Drink half of it. Close your eyes and soon you will see a dream that you desire to see. 'You will see the person your heart want to see(the person you're in love with) .' " James heart was beating so fast while he drank half of the bottle. Half of him didn't wanted to believe it but anyway James closed his eyes.

~ Dream ~

James is sitting beside a beautiful lake. The lake was blue. There were a tree beside him. And the sun was setting. James love the evening sky. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder .A strong hand pull him up and kissed him gently. James felt as if there is a washing machine in his stomach. "I was looking for you. "-a sweet voice spoke up. 'I know this voice ' James thought .

"Hey, Jamesie. " ' Teddy? ' James was shocked . Teddy was looking at him with love in his eyes. James doesn't know why but he asked the tarquish boy "Do you love me? " The boy look him in the eyes , and replied "Yes, of course I love you with all of my heart and soul. And you know you love me too more than you think,right? ."- the boy said with a smirk on his face. "Now open your eyes and embrace the truth.

~ Dream ~

James opened his eyes with Albus on his bed watching him with a knowing look . "How did you came in .I locked.... of course the stupid 'Alohomora ' " -James cursed. "So Teddy ,huh? "- Albus said wiggling his eye brows. "Didn't mummy ever told you it's rude to eavsdrop , Al Potter. " Albus just rolled his eyes. "Anyway everybody waiting for you to have the delicious dinner, birthday boy."- Albus said.

~~ Flashback ~~

James's trains of thought got lost by a voice which belong to a certain metamorphmegas. "JAMES.. are you even listening? " James didn't know how to respond so he just humed. "How am I looking then? "- the metamorph asked with a slight annoyance present in his voice.

Teddy was wearing black shoes,black geans and yellow T-shirt. 'Is he celebrating hufflepuff pride today .' -James thought with a smile .Then he let his eyes rest on Teddy's face. Teddy have six piercing which coumpliment his face . Three in his right ear, two in left and finally one in the middle of his lips which some how always tempt James. " are looking sec...I.. I mean... Nice."

(PS : let me know if you like it. Don't be a silent reader.... please)


Third person's p.o.v

" are looking sec "- Teddy started blushing " ..I.. I mean... Nice." - as James compliment him he saw Teddy's hair became a pink shade .A smirk started growing on James face," May I ask why your hair is pink?" Teddy mentally slap himself, " Sure go ahead and ask ." James chuckled, " hmm, so tell me why... " Teddy interrupted and said, "I just wanted to see if it suits me or not. " " hmm! Of course."- James said smirking not convinced. "By the way you are looking quite s.e.x.y with that tomato red face and pink hair.... don't change it." Teddy started scratching his neck . Which he always does when he feels awkward. James was busy looking at the 'Anchor tattoo ' on Teddy's hand. The only tattoo on Teddy's body which hold some painful memories.

"Alohomora.... Alohomora....aloho.. Alohomora "-James started jarking his wand on the door, but it just won't work. 'Wow great now what ?' James thought . 'Now I will have to ruin Teddy's date or my mood. '- James sighed. Teddy and James share an apartment and now James was waiting outside of the house because he forgot to bring his key. "Alohomora...... why?"

"And Dom was so shock when she saw me in this outfit... What is wrong with you? You look so.....what are you thinking ?"-Vic said frustrated. "Nothing I just ...was thinking" Teddy started thinking for an answer " Case. I was thinking about a case. "- Teddy sighed of relief. Teddy was thinking about his sexuality. Now a days Teddy was confused about his sexual preference. He found himself checking out his tattoo artist so many times. And the weirdest part is when he check out his god brother James or blush when ever he compliment him or tease him . "Any way I was thinking about us, this morning. I think we should get married. " Teddy was turning pale. OK this is high time I should tell Vic about my sexuality. ' Vic I think I am bi... ' 'Vic now a days I check out bo... No' ' Vic I think I love unicorn colour.... SERIOUSLY! ' " Vic , I.... I.. I love you." "awe I love you too honey. "

James's p.o.v

I was searching for a blue hair boy. There he is. I started approaching them .' Of course they were snogging each other. My heart was aching now . Ah.... PDA Maybe I should leave. ' "Hey James ." - Teddy said with a smile. I smiled back. Vic just rolled her eyes. I don't know why she does not like me. Not even a little bit. Specially when I'm with Teddy. Though no offence but I also hate her with my heart and my soul." Well James we're having a date now. But if you want you can join us. "-Vic said with a bitchy tone. "First of all I don't like boring people . And anyway I have allergies doctor asked me not to hang out with bitchy people and you know I stay with Teddy, right?" "Vic I have to go, I forgot I have to meet Harry .Ok Love bye ? "

"Thank you. It's good to know I'm your first priority. "- I said smirking. "Don't flatter yourself .You didn't had to do that. You -" I was touching his waist so he hissed. "You're a bit thin kinda like a girl. " "stop ....please " Teddy said blushing furiously. 'I love to tease this metamorphmegas .' "Anyway why did you ruin my date like that. " " I forgot my key in the apartment and probably my wand's battery has died "- I said laughing. "But no seriously Alohomora wasn't working." "It is because I put a charm on our door. I need some privacy. " "What do you want me to do to you Ted that you need some privacy?"- I said wiggling my brows with a smirk. Teddy reach for his neck awkwardly "shut up. " 'I love to tease this boy .'

( PS :Teddy think that James is so cool .So whenever he touch or tease him he think it's normal and he is just over thinking .So he don't react that much. let me know if you like it. Don't be a silent reader... please)

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