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I Married A Mobster

Episode 1

In a fetid and grimy basement, a woman was shackled to a wall along with eight girls, ranging in age from 9 to 17, who were in the same plight as her. The woman looked at them with sadness and worry while the girls wept incessantly.

"Stay calm, my daughters, all will be well," the woman said with a wide smile on her face, trying to comfort them all.

"How can we be okay if he's locked us in this disgusting dungeon?" the voice of the one who hadn't been crying out pierced the air. Her voice was sweet but filled with much resentment. Despite being the youngest at only nine years old, she was very mature for her age. "If only I could use my powers, we could escape from here, but he sealed them before locking us up," said the little girl, annoyed while moving her hands trying to break the chains that held her prisoner.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening and the sunlight pouring in was heard. At that moment, all but the youngest hid behind the woman who was their mother. Footsteps approached—she could see and feel the fear and anger in the atmosphere—when suddenly, a man dressed in black with a sinister smile on his lips appeared in front of the cell. It seemed as if he took pleasure in seeing those poor souls trapped in that place.

"You'll soon be free from suffering, you'll see," he said, laughing. "Though it's a shame, I would have loved to see you writhe in pain and agony."

"How can you do this to us?" the woman asked with pure hatred in her voice, and the man just looked into the cell where we were, laughing even louder.

"You mean nothing to me, just trash," he said with disdain. "I should have killed you long ago. I only used you to get everything I wanted," he spoke, then turned and walked away.

"I swear that one day you will beg me to kill you, and believe what I say, I will make it as slow and painful as possible," said the little girl with venom in a whisper. The man, having heard her despite the whisper, just laughed heartily.

"You think you're very brave, don't you?" said the man, turning around to enter the cell with a firearm in his hands. He approached the youngest girl and then pointed the gun at her head, disengaging the safety. The mother began to scream and plead for him not to do it. The man placed his finger on the trigger.

"DON'T DO IT!" I shouted with force and opened my eyes, realizing that it had all been a terrible nightmare. I had woken up very agitated, scared, and sweating all over my body. "It was just a dream, nothing more," I said, trying to calm myself, but the nightmare had been too vivid.

I sat on the bed attempting to forget, but I couldn't, so I got up to shower to calm down. After a few minutes, I left, changed, and went down to my dining room for breakfast. Going downstairs, I prepared a nice meal to start the day.

When I finished eating, I left my house and headed to university. Although I was only 19 years old, I was in my final year at university and was taking some advanced courses to finish my degree in medicine.

As I was on my way, I couldn't get that horrible dream out of my head; upon arriving at the university, I was startled when someone placed a hand on my shoulder and in a swift move, I knocked him over to see it was my boyfriend.

"I'm so sorry, my love," I said genuinely sorry.

"What's wrong with you, Amy?" he asked, looking annoyed as he got up from the ground.

"I'm really sorry, Teo, I'm just a bit jittery," I said, apologizing.

"I get that, but what happened?" he asked.

"I had a terrible nightmare, and I can't shake it off; it was so scary."

"Don't worry, it was just a nightmare," he said, taking my hands. He looked at me, "I have to go, my love," he said before leaving, which I found strange. Something was bothering him, and I wanted to find out, but before I could follow him, my best friend stopped me.

"Girl, why did you come to university?" she said, surprised, and hugged me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, very confused.

"Friend, today is June 30th, today is the anniversary of your parents' death," she said.

At that moment, I realized it was the mournful anniversary for me; my parents died three years ago in a traffic accident, and my sister, after the accident, distanced herself from me and left me to my fate because I was not her blood sister.

My parents adopted me when I was ten; as they told me, they found me in a forest very weak and close to dying, they took me to a hospital, and there I was diagnosed with amnesia, as I could not remember anything from my past, not even my name, they felt pity seeing me alone in the world and decided to adopt me.

A year later, the couple had a daughter, and as she grew up, she developed resentment toward me; she hated me more and more, although I didn't understand why, as I had done nothing to deserve it.

When I turned 15, my parents had an accident, and they died, but since they did not leave a will, everything went to my sister, as she was their biological child while I, being adopted, was left nothing. With no adoption documents found, I did not want to fight with my sister, so she kicked me out onto the street after the funeral. I lived on the streets for a few months until a woman found me and took me to her home, but she only wanted to prostitute me, so I ran away as soon as I could. Soon after, I found a job as a waitress, and the owner of the place helped me continue my studies; since then, she had become a mother to me. Nevertheless, on the anniversaries, I visited my parents' grave to leave flowers and talk to them.

After realizing the day, I decided to go back home, but while I was leaving, I saw Teo enter an alley; I looked in and discovered him kissing and about to make love with a woman. I was disgusted to see that the woman he was cheating on me with was my own sister. I stopped looking and left there as fast as I could, took my phone, and called my friend.

"I'll come with you tomorrow," I stated seriously and hung up.

The week before, Alice had invited me to go with some of her friends to Glavas, a beautiful city known as the city of lights and sin, because many things could be done there, both legal and illegal.

One of Alice's friends was getting married, and they decided to throw her a party and a bachelorette there. Alice and her friends were 22 years old and were with me in the last year of university. They were very nice to me and kept me company.

As soon as I got home, I began to prepare my bags to leave as soon as possible. When finished, I went to the cemetery, and upon arrival, I saw Arthur, the family lawyer. I approached him and greeted him.

"Hello, Arthur," I said.

"Hello, Amy."

"It's the first time I've seen you since they passed away."

"I'm very sorry for everything that happened."

"You don't have to be, what are you doing here?"

"After your sister kicked you out, I couldn't find you and thought you might come here; I have something to give you."

"I don't want anything," I said firmly.

"I'm sure you'll want it when I tell you what it is."

"Fine, what is it?"

"It's a letter from your parents," he revealed, and I looked at him for the first time since I'd stopped beside him. "They wrote this some time ago and told me to give it to you when you came of age."

"Do you know what the letter says?"

"They didn't tell me anything about it, just that I had to give it to you when you were older."

"Thank you," I said after taking it.

I chatted a bit with Arthur, but suddenly my sister's screechy voice was heard asking what he was doing there. I really didn't want to fight with her, so I turned around and walked away, not without seeing who was beside her. I passed by her side and paused.

"You're made for each other," I said expressionlessly.

I walked back to my apartment, and when I got there, I sat on my couch, took the letter, and opened it.

"To my dear daughter:

As you must know by now, we are not your biological parents. As we told you, we found you in a forest close to dying, and it was true, but what we didn't tell you is that you had a very serious injury on your neck as if someone had tried to assassinate you. We took you to the hospital, and they saved your life. Nobody knew who you were, but we found out that you were holding something in your hands. The police got involved, and when they investigated what you had, they told us you were in great danger. So your father and I decided to adopt you and did everything possible so that you wouldn't be recognized. We put a spell on you to change your appearance, and what helped was that you had amnesia.

We took you out of the country with us so you could live peacefully. If you want to return to your true appearance, all you have to do is take off the necklace you wear around your neck.

We love you, and we always will.

Sincerely, your parents."

After reading the letter, I stood in front of a mirror, seeing a woman with long, clear red hair down to her waist, bright green eyes, and pale skin with blushing cheeks. I looked at myself and removed the necklace. As I did, my head started to hurt a lot, and when I looked again, several memories flooded my mind. I couldn't believe who and what I was; finally, my memories were returning, but the recollections were too much for my mind, and I fainted.

Episode 2

When I awoke, it was already daytime; I had been unconscious for over twelve hours. I checked the time, got up, and put my necklace back on to resume my concealment. I now understood why I enjoyed doing many things that others saw as wrong and why I felt I didn't fit in with normal society. However, I also knew that the appearance I had been adopting was crucial for my safety. From that moment on, I unleashed my true personality; the sweet and tender girl was gone, replaced by a new, self-assured individual.

After showering, I began to ready myself, and once I finished packing, I grabbed my luggage to head towards the transporters that would take us to Gravas. Upon arrival, I saw the others were already there. We gathered together and passed through the portal; an hour later, we reached our destination. As we emerged from the transporters, dusk was settling in. We hailed a taxi to take us to the hotel where Alice had made room reservations. She had chosen a luxurious hotel with its own casino. Upon arrival, we checked in, and each of us proceeded to our respective rooms. I walked the hotel corridors to my suite, entered, and placed one of my suitcases near the bed. With the other, I went into the bathroom for a refreshing shower after the journey.

After drying off, I left the bathroom and approached the bed to pick out some casual clothes, only to realize that my suitcase was no longer where I had left it. I searched the entire room until I spotted a note on the nightstand. Picking it up, I saw it was from Alice: "Loosen up, I left you a dress. Put it on and come down to the restaurant for dinner." The note was brief. I sighed heavily at the sight of the dreadful outfit laid out on the bed—a swamp-green dress cut to the knee without a neckline, matched with flat sandals of the same color. "With friends like you, who needs enemies?" I thought, with a mental nod to my so-called friend.

Returning to the bathroom, I retrieved the other suitcase. I rummaged through it until I found a lovely, sexy white dress. Holding it up, I started to get dressed, put on makeup, and removed the collar my parents had given me—to transform my figure. The transformation complete, I stood before the mirror. To my astonishment, a beautiful woman with night-black hair, dark sky-blue eyes, and porcelain skin stared back at me. Her eyes were subtly accentuated with makeup, and her lips colored with blood-red lipstick. Around her neck hung a white gold chain with a heart-shaped jade pendant. The white dress hugged her form, a V-neckline and spaghetti straps enhancing the elegance, the hem reaching her knees with a slit adding an extra touch of sensuality. I slipped on white stiletto heels with metallic tips and lace detailing.

Realizing I was ready, I left my room and headed towards the hotel restaurant. I was about to introduce my transformed appearance to my friend and her group when I overheard their conversation.

"Amy can't do a thing without me; she can't even dress herself. I had to use my powers to burn the hideous clothes she brought so they wouldn't embarrass us," Alice joked, inducing raucous laughter. "She's so clueless; I've slept with all her boyfriends, and we've all been laughing at her innocence."

"If you don't like her, why invite her?" asked another friend, chuckling in response.

"Precisely to humiliate her, just for a laugh. A week ago, a guy contacted me, offering a lot of money for a virgin, and Amy was the perfect pick," Alice declared.

"And if she refuses him?" asked her sister.

"I have a plan for that," Alice answered, pulling out a vial with a clear liquid. "This is a potent aphrodisiac. I'll slip it into her drink, then lead her to the man's room."

"You're wicked," commented one of the girls, amused.

"It's just business," Alice retorted with a malicious laugh.

Hearing the terrible plot they were crafting against me, I decided to leave then and there, choosing not to act against them at the moment—there would be time for that later. Alice's betrayal hurt immensely; I had loved her like a sister. The laughter of my erstwhile friends stirred an immense anger within me. I glanced at their table, which suddenly seemed stained with a thick red fluid exuding a foul odor—an illusion I had created with my powers.

"I shouldn't have trusted her so much, to think that I was going to reveal my true appearance to her," I contemplated. Observing them now, I realized Alice had been kind to me when it was convenient, often copying my exam answers since studying wasn't her strong suit.

With my head held high, I walked past their table without a word, a smile on my face, suddenly devoid of those I trusted most. I continued through the restaurant to the hotel bar—a lovely oak setup with an array of drinks and empty stools. Seeing no one else around, I took a seat at the bar and contemplated what I might drink to wash away the bitter taste of betrayal. The bartender approached soon after with a friendly smile.

"Good evening, miss. What would you like to drink tonight?" he inquired, sporting a genuine and amiable grin.

"A Jack Daniels, neat," I requested, returning his smile.

"Coming right up," he replied.

He prepared the drink, returned with the bottle of whisky and the glass, and poured me a serving. "Here you are. Enjoy your drink, miss," he said, but before he could put the bottle away, I stopped him.

"Leave the bottle, please," I asked. He looked puzzled but obliged. "Thank you."

After the bartender left to attend to another patron, I downed the glass in one go and poured myself another. An hour later, I had emptied the bottle but felt fine; my tolerance for alcohol was notably high.

"Leo, another bottle, please," I called, having read the name on the bartender's badge. He looked up, then returned with another bottle.

"How foolish of me to be so trusting. But no matter, there's nothing I can do about it now," I mused with a smile. "I've been pathetic, but that ends today. They'll pay dearly for their betrayal," I said, gripping the glass, a vengeful glint in my eyes.

Episode 3

Pov.: Luka

My name is Luka Lebedev; I am a vampire and one of the world's most wanted mobsters due to my illicit dealings. Still, since the police cannot identify me thanks to my face-shifting abilities, I roam in daylight without fear of arrest. I am someone cold, calculating, and ruthless, seeing no need for a woman by my side for life—I much prefer solitude.

At present, I'm on a business trip, traveling from Malgrad to Gravas. Though transporters are quick, the journey lasts about five hours. Upon reaching my destination, I checked into a city hotel called the Atlas, retreated to my room, and lay down to sleep for a couple of hours after the wearisome trip.

One of my men woke me up, indicating it was nearly time for our scheduled meeting. I rose from bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower; twenty minutes later, I emerged with a towel wrapped around my waist. I rifled through my suitcase for an all-black suit and matching shoes.

I descended to the lobby where my men awaited to depart. We all exited the hotel and climbed into tinted-window SUVs, commencing our direct journey to the nightclub where the deal was set to take place. Fifteen minutes later, we arrived, and the guard allowed us immediate entry.

Inside, we observed various scantily clad women dancing for money, but we maneuvered through without much heed, ascending to the VIP section, meeting the individual who was to become a new associate. I was about to finalize a significant deal. The meeting took place, but I wasn't in the mood to linger there; hours were spent negotiating terms until we finally agreed, signed the deal, and I left the place as soon as the ink dried.

Upon exiting the club, I decided I fancied a drink. The nearest spot was the casino, so I made my way there. Entering and spotting the gaming tables, I thought I might indulge in gaming after my drink. I weaved between tables until reaching the bar. Noticing it wasn't crowded, I reverted to my true form and took a seat, but before signaling the bartender, I caught sight of him serving a bottle of whiskey to a woman three stools down from me. I observed her taking small sips for a moment. She was beauty incarnate, with long curly copper-red hair cascading to her waist and eyes of deep, icy, mysterious azure; her perfectly sized lips seemed to beckon for kisses until swollen. She could evoke sighs from anyone gazing at her, enrapturing me like some fragile glass doll, yet her aura warned of caution. Lowering my gaze, I saw she wore a dress that clung to her form, rendering her both sensuous and elegant. Minutes passed before the bartender drew my attention.

"Sir, what can I get you?" he asked, polishing a glass.

"A Scotch on the rocks," I replied, after glancing at his name tag.

"Coming right up," he said, turning his back.

"Leonel," I called, and he looked over. "Do you know who she is?" I asked subtly, indicating the woman who occupied my thoughts.

"No, sir, she just arrived, sat down, and ordered the bottle," he informed me.

"You're telling me she's drinking a whole bottle by herself?" I asked, raising my voice slightly in surprise—it was rare to see a woman drink so much.

"It's her second," a sweet voice interjected. I realized she had overheard; as I turned, she was regarding me with a smile. "Care for some company?" she offered, shaking the bottle in her hand.

"Sir, your Scotch," Leonel said, but I ignored him, absorbed in the fearless smile of the woman.

"What's the matter? If you don't want company, I'll continue alone," she said, turning away to pour herself another glass.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, trying to recapture her attention, but she ignored me. "Hey!" I tried again, yet she only took another sip—a frustrating turn, as no one had ever ignored me and lived to tell the tale. I gulped down my Scotch and moved closer. "Hey!" I shouted in her ear.

"What's your problem, idiot?!" she retorted angrily, clutching her ear. "Are you trying to make me deaf, you buffoon?" Her infuriated tone and glare were palpable.

"It's the first time someone has insulted me twice," I thought and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" she demanded, her sharp gaze laden with anger.

"I'll accept your invitation," I said. She looked me up and down then averted her eyes. "Leo, another clean glass, please."

"Right away, miss," the bartender replied, snapping back to the unfolding situation.

"So you knew, you didn't have to shout," she said, locking eyes with me.

"I called, but you didn't hear, or you purposely ignored me," I countered.

"Still, you didn’t have to shout; there are other ways," she replied, not breaking eye contact.

"Here you go, sir," Leonel said, swiftly departing.

"Ice or neat?" she asked.

"Neat," I replied, and watched her smile. She filled both our glasses with the amber liquid.

"Here," she said, extending a glass to me.

"Don't you take it with ice?" I inquired, noticing her glass.

"I hate watered-down whiskey," she grimaced. "I prefer it straight," she continued, sipping her drink which I mirrored. "Changing topics, what brings a handsome man like you, alone to a bar, drinking with a stranger?" she asked, refilling our glasses.

"This woman is unlike any other, speaking with a mafia boss casually," I mused.

"I fancied a drink but didn’t expect to encounter a beauty such as yourself," I replied, smiling unconsciously.

"Thanks for the compliment," she said, blessing me with another addictive smile.

"And what's a lady like you doing alone at the bar?" I queried, genuinely curious.

"I just wanted to forget recent events, and this seemed the only way," she said, her expression darkening yet filled with sheer loathing.

"Something bad happen?" Her words piqued my interest.

"Actually," she paused to drink, "I should be used to betrayal and humiliation by now," she said, and the pain in her face told me she was wounded and trusted no one.

We fell silent for a while but kept drinking. She changed the subject, obviously not wanting to delve further, and I wondered why I was even asking—I never did. But now, I wanted to know about her life, to understand her. She inquired about me, and I shared tidbits of my livelihood, obviously only portions of the truth. I knew full well that if she knew the full scope, she'd flee in terror, and I didn't want that to happen this time. Our conversation flowed easily; I felt able to be myself without judgment, perhaps thanks to the whisky, though I doubted it, given my high tolerance. As we talked, I noticed she evaded certain questions. She was intriguing, clearly knowledgeable about life and the world.

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