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In This Life I'LL Be A Better Mother

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Talking out loud.
System Chu
System Chu
Hey everyone, I'm system chu.
System Chu
System Chu
But you can call me chu.
System Chu
System Chu
I'll be telling you about a story on how a woman named Shin Sohee became the a villianess in the novel " A Not So Snow White Story".
System Chu
System Chu
Let's begin.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
My name is Shin Sohee.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
I'm a 35 year old unmarried businesswomen.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
And this is how I came to died.
9' o clock, Friday evening at HG company.
Inside the office.
Madam Shin!
Are you working late again tonight?
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Me and the other workers were going to hang out and get some drinks.
Would you like to join us?
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
No, I'm fine.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
I have some work I need to get done by tomorrow.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Maybe next time.
Workers leaves.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
I'm always working that I don't even have time to do anything.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Like partying, dating or even go on vacations.
Two hours later.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Finally home.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
I'll take a nice bubble bath and enjoy some wine.
Heads to the bathroom.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
I should read something while I'm enjoying my bath.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Oh... right.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
One of my employees recommended and lent a book to me.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
I should take a look at it before returning it.
Gets the book and goes into the bathtub.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
It's a novel title " A Not So Snow White Story".
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Is this a child's book.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
Why would they read this?
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
What's it about?
I began reading the book, while soaking in the tub and drinking a glass of wine.
As I was reading the novel, it was similar to snow-white's story but different.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
She is such a bad mother.
Shin Sohee
Shin Sohee
How could she be like that.
As I read through the book and drank almost the entire bottle of wine I began to feel tipsy.
Reading this story made me think to myself, what kind of mother would I be if I had children.
I really hated the antagonist, but I suddenly felt sad and pitied her after finding out the reason why she way the way she was.
I had been in the bathtub for an entire hour, the bottle of wine finished and at the end of the novel whereby the antagonist was killed.
I cried because the ending was so sad and felt sorry. Without realizing it I passed out in my bathtub.
When I woke up, I was in a bathtub, but not mine.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Where am I?
I got out of the bathroom and headed to my room, but the place felt so unfamiliar.
I went to a mirror and couldn't believe my eyes.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
What the hell?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Is this some kid of joke?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Cause it's not funny.
System Chu
System Chu
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
My head started to hurt.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
What's happening?
System Chu
System Chu
Relax and it won't hurt.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Who's there?
I heard a voice in my head.
System Chu
System Chu
I'm System Chu.
System Chu
System Chu
But you can call me chu.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Alright chu, what's going on and where am I?
System Chu
System Chu
You died in your bathtub and was transmigrated into the novel you read.
System Chu
System Chu
And now you have become the antagonist in that novel.
System Chu
System Chu
You have become Lady Charlotte Remington.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
~ End of Chapter ~
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Chapter 2 - New Life

Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I became the villianess in the novel?
System Chu
System Chu
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
A fantasy time period novel?
System Chu
System Chu
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
But why?
System Chu
System Chu
Because she died not appreciating her family, and you died without having one of your own.
System Chu
System Chu
And so my system has granted you a chance to a second life with a family.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
How did I die?
System Chu
System Chu
You drank too much and passed out in the bathtub, which cause you to drowned.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I can't believe this.
System Chu
System Chu
It's true.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
So you're saying I've become Charlotte Remington from the novel "Not So Snow White Story"?
System Chu
System Chu
Charlotte Remington, only daughter of Count Vandenberg, wife of Duke Remington and mother of lady Remington.
System Chu
System Chu
You have a chance to change the fate that will befall Charlotte and also a chance to for fill your dream.
System Chu
System Chu
Though you missed out on your beginning of motherhood, you can still prove what kind of mother you want to be.
System Chu
System Chu
Your only task will be to change your fate.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
That's it?
System Chu
System Chu
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Will I return to my old life?
System Chu
System Chu
How could you return if you died?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
But why did I have to be her?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Besides the facts of the family thing.
System Chu
System Chu
Because you pitied her.
System Chu
System Chu
You felt sad about her situation and understood.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I see.
System Chu
System Chu
Well then I have to get going.
System Chu
System Chu
I'll inform on weather your fate has changed or not.
System Chu
System Chu
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Noticed that she was na***.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Now how do I get dressed.
Rings a bell to summon her maids.
Maid 1
Maid 1
You summoned us madam?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Would you please help me get dressed?
Maid 2
Maid 2
Maid 1
Maid 1
Why do they look shocked?
Did I say something wrong?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Is something wrong?
Maid 2
Maid 2
N... no your grace...
Maid 2
Maid 2
We'll get you dressed.
They then dressed me, brushed my hair and put on my makeup.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Thank you.
They looked shocked once again.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Where shall I find my daughter?
Maid 1
Maid 1
She's in the drawing room, your grace.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Kindly take me too her.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
And have the cook prepare some sweets and tea.
Maid 2
Maid 2
Yes, your grace.
The maids began to whisper to each other.
Maid 1
Maid 1
Did the madam hurt her head? She's been acting very strange.
Maid 2
Maid 2
She has never talked nor say nice things before ever since she came here.
Maid 1
Maid 1
And she wished to see the young miss.
Maid 2
Maid 2
Poor girl.
Maid 1
Maid 1
And she wanted to prepare sweets and tea for the young miss.
Maid 1
Maid 1
Does she want to harm the young miss?
Maid 2
Maid 2
We should report it to, his grace.
Maid 1
Maid 1
The maids escorted her to the drawing room and left.
Goes into the drawing room and saw her daughter studying with her governess.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
May I come in?
Your grace, what brings you here?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I came to see my daughter.
Miss Anya, Your mother's here to see you.
Anya Remington
Anya Remington
Greetings, mother.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Hey, Anya.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Pardon governess, but would it be alright for her to take a break?
I suppose, since your grace is asking.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Thank you.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I would like to be alone with her.
As you wish.
Governess leaves.
Maid 1
Maid 1
The sweets and tea you ordered.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Thank you.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Have a seat and join me Anya.
Anya Remington
Anya Remington
Have I done something wrong?
Anya Remington
Anya Remington
Is it because I called you mother?
Anya Remington
Anya Remington
If it is, I'm sorry.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Anya begin to cry.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Anya, what's wrong?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Don't cry.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
When I tried to calm her down she started to cry even louder.
As soon as I was about to comfort her, someone came in.
~ End of Chapter ~
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Chapter 3 - Difficult

Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
What are you doing?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Was your plan to make her cry?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
What are you talking about?
Turned to Anya.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Anya, are you okay?
Anya Remington
Anya Remington
Yes, father.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Maid, please take Anya away.
Maid 2
Maid 2
Yes, your grace.
The maid left with Anya.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
What's going on?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Why are you here?
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
I was told that you wanted to see Anya.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Which you never do.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
And suddenly requested for sweets and tea be brought.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
For what?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I wanted to spend some time with her.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Why would you?
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Do you have some kind of evil scheme that your plotting?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
What? No!
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Can't I just spend some time with my daughter?
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Your daughter?
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
You've neglected her since she was born, never allowed her to call you mother nor did you want to spend time with her.
Anya started to cry after apologizing for calling me mother. Was it because the owner of this body hated when she was called that? And Anya got scared realizing that mistake.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
And now you refer to yourself as her mother.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
You scared her and made her cry.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
So from now on whenever you request to see her I'll shall be present in the room.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Because she's my daughter.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Don't go near her.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
You can't tell me what to do.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I shall do as I please.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
I'm warning you Charlotte.
Ivan Remington
Ivan Remington
Don't vex me.
He left after that.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
How come such a handsome man is such an a$$**le?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Wait a minute.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Tall, handsome and cold demeanor.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
He's Duke Ivan Remington and Charlotte's husband.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
But now that I'm Charlotte, that makes him my husband.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Oh... goodness...
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
This will be quite difficult.
System Chu
System Chu
Of course it will.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Why are you here?
System Chu
System Chu
I came to check on your progress.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Well there's no progress.
System Chu
System Chu
You didn't except it to be that easy do you?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
No, but...
System Chu
System Chu
You read the novel, you know what the other Charlotte was like and what she did.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
In the novel Charlotte got married to Ivan and later had a daughter. But there was no love in the marriage. Ivan was indifferent to her, so she acted indifferent towards her daughter.
After Anya was born, she had the nanny basically raise her. She was jealous that her daughter got more attention from her husband than her. So she would ignore Anya, yell at her and tell her how much she looked like her father.
System Chu
System Chu
If you want to get close to your daughter, you have to show her that your not the old Charlotte.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I know that.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
But I can't even see her without his lordship permission.
System Chu
System Chu
It's his daughter too.
System Chu
System Chu
And he's protective of her.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I'm aware.
System Chu
System Chu
Then try to be more sincere with your approach.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I will.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I'll think of something tomorrow.
System Chu
System Chu
Chu leaves.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
What can I do?
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I tired have tea with her.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
And this is a fantasy novel, which means technology does not exist here.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Nothing here is modern.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
Forget how I'm gonna makeup with my daughter, how am I gonna survive here?!
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
I've read the novel and knew what Charlotte did in her spare time.
Charlotte Remington
Charlotte Remington
So I guess I'll do that and some new things with Anya.
~ End of Chapter ~
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System Chu
System Chu
😘 thanks

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