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Love After You

Episode 1

Carla woke up like every day, it was 6 in the morning. She entered the shower and, when she got out, she dressed in something simple but warm. The day looked cold. Once she was ready, she went downstairs to prepare Mauricio's breakfast, her husband.

They had been married for 5 years, 5 years in which Carla had given herself body and soul, putting aside her dreams and goals. Graduating with honors from law school had meant nothing. She still remembered the sleepless nights in college. All of that was in the past now, her dream of running her father's law firm was part of her past.

Now her life revolved around taking care of her husband. At 29 years old, with a dream house and a dedicated husband, what more could she ask for? That was the dream of many.

"Good morning, honey," Mauricio greeted her with a kiss on her forehead.

"Hello, dear," she replied. Carla served him a cup of coffee and handed it to him.

"What will you do today?" he asked while taking a sip of his coffee and sitting at the kitchen island.

"To be honest, not much. I'll visit my parents and have breakfast with them," Carla served him breakfast – some toast, fried eggs, and fruit.

"I'll be going on a trip in a few days. I was thinking you could go to the cabin with your parents while I'm away," he suggested.

Carla met Mauricio in law school. He was three years older and in his final year, so he was a great help to her. A few months after they met, they started a relationship. After finishing their studies, Mauricio joined his father-in-law's law firm. Three years later, they got married. Mauricio devoted himself to his career, taking charge of Antonio's law firm, Carla's father, and wow, he had done it well, earning the recognition of many in Manhattan. Mauricio had even made headlines as one of the best-paid and best lawyers.

Carla smiled at her beloved husband's proposal. She really needed a break. She loved her husband, but the routine also exhausted her, so a change of scenery would help.

"I would love to," Carla approached and sat on his lap, causing a bit of discomfort, which he concealed very well. "Thank you for thinking of me."

"I love you, darling. I will always think of you." Carla kissed him.

After talking for a while longer, Mauricio said goodbye and left for work. Carla went upstairs to get ready and went to have breakfast with her parents.



Since I started high school, I envisioned myself as the best lawyer in all of Manhattan. My dream was to take over my family's law firm, so I worked hard and graduated as the top of my class. But that no longer mattered after I got married. Mauricio became everything to me, I live for him.

He is a wonderful man, and the love he gives me every day fills me with life. Although, if I am being honest, it hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows. In our 5 years of marriage, we haven't been able to have children. He says it doesn't matter to him, but I know he longs to be a father. I have been to many specialists, but they all say the same thing: my ovaries have low egg production. I have undergone treatments, but nothing has worked.

Mauricio went on his trip, just as he said he would, and I did exactly what he recommended – I went to the cabin with my parents for a week.

I have an older brother, but he seems to be the only one interested in spending time with our parents since Camilo has only focused on the company he and his friend Mateo created.

The days passed, and I returned home. On that same day, it was our anniversary. I had spent the whole week at the cabin planning how to surprise my husband. So, the first step was to go to his office to pick him up, and then I would take him out to dinner. He usually worked late, and he had been doing so since he returned from his trip, but today I would ask him to go out for dinner. I had chosen a beautiful red dress that highlighted my figure. One of the advantages of not having children was that I still looked good.

But not everything could be perfect, in Carla's life, there were always obstacles and painful truths, and Carla was about to see the truth of her life.

She drove her Mercedes to Montiel Buffet, founded by her father Antonio and now managed by Mauricio, her husband. It was around 7 in the evening when she arrived at the building.

She parked the car on the other side of the street. As she was about to get out, she saw her husband coming out, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, which made her smile. She tried to call him, but he quickly got into his car, so she had no choice but to follow him. She had been driving for almost 20 minutes, but he wasn't heading home. Where was he in such a hurry to go, Carla wondered. Almost half an hour later, they arrived at a very exclusive area of Manhattan, not far from their house.

Perhaps he was visiting another client, Carla thought, but to her surprise, she saw a little boy of about 4 years old coming out of one of those beautiful houses.

"Daddy!" the little one shouted excitedly.

"Hi, my champion," Mauricio responded, lifting him up in his arms.

Carla was frozen, unable to believe what she was seeing. But her surprise turned into despair when she saw a beautiful woman of about 30 or 33 years old coming out of the house.

"Darling, you're home," the woman said to Mauricio, giving him a tender kiss.

"Hi, sweetheart. I missed you," Mauricio hugged her, still holding the little boy in his arms.

Carla observed everything carefully. She wanted to make sure that what she was seeing was real. After seeing them enter the house, she got back into her car and remained silent for a long time, as if searching for a reason or rather an answer to what was happening. What should she do? What was the first step to take? Why was this happening to her?

Episode 2


I had never prepared myself for something like this. I had devoted several years of my life to studying, and boy, I thought I was smart. How was it possible that something like this was happening to me? With how careful and distrustful I was, at what point had that bastard deceived me in such a way?

I knew that woman perfectly well. It was Sofia, I had known her since university. She had studied with Mauricio and they had graduated together.

My mind was a complete mess. I still don't know how I managed to restrain myself from approaching and punching that son of a bitch in the face.

After witnessing such a scene and feeling like the other woman, I drove to the city center. I needed to clear my mind. The place was bustling, but I still felt lonely, so I parked and got out of the car. I didn't know where to go or who to turn to. I walked for a while until I reached a park, which was somewhat deserted. I sat down and cried, releasing all the pain that I carried within me. In the blink of an eye, my perfect life had crumbled.

"Carla," a familiar voice said, though I hadn't heard it in years.

I looked up and found myself met with Alexa's brown eyes - my best friend, the one I had grown up with. But I hadn't seen her in years.

In her eyes, I saw concern. She looked somewhat different, like a true professional, much more mature.

"Alexa," I whispered.

Seeing my state, she hugged me. Oh, how much I needed that embrace. It felt like going back to our teenage years, consoling each other after a breakup.

"What's wrong, dear?" she asked, once she let go of me.

"My life is a mess," I confessed. I couldn't lie to her.

"Come on, let's go home," she said.

"Do you live nearby?" I asked.

She took my hand and pulled me along. I had missed her so much. After my marriage to Mauricio, she distanced herself, and over time, we stopped talking.

"Yes, just two blocks away. I was taking Tito for a walk," she replied, pointing to the little puppy by her side.

Just as she had said, her house was only two blocks away. It was beautiful, smaller than mine, but very cozy.

Upon entering, I could feel the warmth. In every corner, I could see her personal touch, with brown and yellow colors everywhere.

"Do you live alone?" I asked, while observing everything.

"Yes," she shouted from the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she returned with two glasses and a bottle of wine. She lit the fireplace, and we sat down on the carpet.

"Now, tell me," she said.

For a moment, I had forgotten about the mess of a life I had. I wished it was all a dream and that everything would be fine when I woke up, but it wasn't. This was the harsh reality - I had been deceived for years. The man I considered to be the most wonderful person had turned out to be a complete idiot.

I told my friend in great detail about my life over the past five years. She listened attentively, expressing anger, sadness, and anger through her gestures.

"I knew he was a complete idiot," she said before hugging me.

"I've missed you," I told her.

"I missed you too, friend," she said, wiping away my tears.

That's how we spent the night, until midnight. We had consumed about three bottles of wine, but I was still composed. It seemed my alcohol tolerance was good, while Alexa was already acting crazy, dancing without music and laughing at anything.

The truth was, seeing her again made me feel good. I still don't know why she distanced herself, but we'll have time to talk about that.

That night, I decided to stay at her house. The truth was, I didn't have the strength or desire to confront Mauricio. So, for now, I would avoid him.


Before going to bed, Carla sent a message to her parents, informing them of her whereabouts. She didn't want to, but she did the same with Mauricio. She didn't want to give him any warning. She would think of the best way to confront him later. Carla and Alexa slept like when they were girls, having their slumber parties.



I met Carla at law school, where she always stood out among everyone. She was a highly competitive woman who detested being recognized solely as Antonio Montiel's daughter, one of Manhattan's top lawyers. So, she constantly proved that she was more than just her last name, that she was more than Antonio Montiel's daughter.

Our relationship evolved over the months. I liked her, knowing that being with her could help me achieve my goals quickly and securely. Hence, I decided to make her my wife. Some may think I am a scoundrel, but both of us would benefit. She would be with the man she loves, and I would attain the power and recognition I desired.

I did end up achieving all of that, but I hated being in Antonio's shadow. I despised being recognized solely as Antonio Montiel's son-in-law, even though it meant leaving Sofia, the love of my life, behind to acquire everything. We spent a year apart until I coincidentally bumped into her at an event. Of course, I was with Carla, and Sofia was there with her boss, the owner of a small law firm in Los Angeles.

As soon as I had the chance, I approached her. In her eyes, I saw that she still loved me as much as I loved her. So, without being seen, I took her hand and spirited her away from that place. There was a hotel nearby where we became one again. It was complete madness, but I loved her like I would never love anyone else.

From that day on, I couldn't stop seeing her. Two months later, I married Carla. Sofia suffered because of my marriage, but I explained to her why I did it. At first, she wanted nothing to do with me, but eventually, she understood.

With Carla, things are calm. She is a wonderful woman, but I do not love her. She was only a stepping stone to achieve my goals. I know she doesn't deserve any of this. She has been a devoted and loving wife, not to mention her incredible ability to give me pleasure—it's magnificent.

Episode 3

No matter how many years pass and how much pleasure Carla gives me, she has never managed to awaken in me anything more than just that, pleasure. I hope Sofia never finds out, as that would be a problem. She would never forgive me. Plus, I have led her to believe that I have never touched Carla.

Today was just like any other day, attending to some clients and going to court. At the end of the day, I left the office with a beautiful bouquet of flowers that I had asked my assistant to buy. I was dying to see my son and the love of my life.

When I arrived, they greeted me with joy, as always. After having dinner as a family, I played with my champion until he fell asleep. That was my favorite part, being able to be with them. But unfortunately, I had to face reality again.

I had been so busy that I had forgotten that today was my anniversary with Carla. Luckily, Sofia reminded me, so I hurried home. On the way, I bought another bouquet of flowers, but when I arrived, everything was dark. I thought maybe she was waiting for me in the bedroom in some sexy lingerie, but she wasn't there either.

I waited for her for hours, but she never showed up. It seemed strange to me, because every year she would prepare a delicious dinner and then dress up for me. But today wasn't like that.

It was midnight when I received a message. She told me that she had run into Alexa and would be spending the night with her. I decided not to make a big deal out of it and went to bed.


Carla couldn't sleep all night. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying so much. Her friend got up early and made her a delicious breakfast to cheer her up.

"You look terrible," Alexa said as she entered the room with a tray in her hands.

"I know," Carla responded, sitting on the bed.

The two of them settled on the bed and started eating breakfast.

"What are you planning to do?" Alexa asked.

Carla sighed as she took a bite of fruit.

"I still don't know. It's been five years of marriage plus three years of dating. It's hard to just end something like this," she replied.

"I understand, but remember that none of this is your fault. You gave your best," Alexa consoled her.

"But what if it is my fault? I haven't given him children in five years of marriage. Maybe that's why he's looking for someone else," Carla said, crying.

"Stop, Carla. You're not sounding like yourself. You've given him the best years of your life. You've been a dedicated wife, even giving up your career, which was what you loved the most, for him. How can you say something like that?" Alexa was indignant at her friend's way of thinking.

"Maybe it wasn't enough."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. What happened to my friend, the one who defended women, the one who said we should never let ourselves be humiliated by any man, no matter how in love we are? Your brain has definitely been changed," Alexa got up from the bed and paced back and forth.

"Alexa, I love Mauricio. I don't want to lose him," Carla's crying was heart-wrenching.

Alexa approached her and hugged her. It hurt to see her friend like this. She knew more than anyone how much Carla loved Mauricio.

"You haven't lost anyone. It's him who has lost a wonderful person. No one will love him the way you have loved him. You're strong, you can overcome anything. It will be difficult, but you're not alone," Carla felt fortunate to have Alexa by her side again.


I spent the rest of the morning with Alexa. She told me what she had been doing for the past five years. She was still single, but available for any man who wanted to try her. Since we were teenagers, she never liked serious relationships, but that didn't stop her from falling in love several times. Now she was a professional woman, sure of what she wanted for her future.

To be honest, I envied her at this moment. She had successfully pursued her career, lived life to its fullest, without attachment to anything or anyone.

Meanwhile, I am here not knowing what to do with my marriage. I know what Mauricio has done is unforgivable, but my love for him is strong.

As I was saying, after spending the morning with Alexa, I decided to go back home. As expected, he wasn't there, so I went up to the room and took a long shower. Tonight, I would talk to him and confront him. I needed to hear from his own mouth what had happened, I needed him to be honest.

The rest of the day, I did what I normally did. I prepared dinner and waited for him, but once again, he arrived late. It was difficult not to think that maybe he had been seeing that woman and the child, but I had to stay calm.

"Hi, love, you have no idea how much I missed you," he said as soon as he walked into the house and saw me.

I said absolutely nothing. I loved him.

"How was your day? How is Alexa? I love you, love," he said, and then he kissed me.

In that moment, I forgot everything. His hands roamed every inch of my body, every touch made me shiver. His name escaped from my mouth amid moans. We made love over and over again until we fell asleep. We didn't even taste the dinner I had prepared, and worse yet, we didn't even talk.

Around two in the morning, his phone rang. He quickly got up to answer it. I thought maybe it was an emergency from a client, but it wasn't.

"Hello, darling, what's going on? Are you and the child okay?" he said, sounding very worried in a low voice.

It was her, it was that woman, the mother of his child.

"I'll be right there," he said.

I didn't know what she had told him, but he seemed very worried. I pretended to still be asleep. He quickly got dressed, then he approached and kissed my forehead.

Once I heard the door close, I couldn't help but cry. Now I understood his late night outings, and here I was, thinking it was work-related matters, but no.

That woman had that power over him. Whenever she wanted, he would run to see her. What was I in his life, if she and that child were his family? What place did I occupy?


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