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Chapter 1: Catching the Affair

There was a knock on the door. Lin Yun pressed a hand to her forehead and felt a sharp pain in her eyes.

The knocking continued. Lin Yun struggled to sit up and answered softly, “Who is it?”

Her hoarse voice was accompanied by a tearing pain in her throat.

Lin Yun’s brows were tightly furrowed as she heard some sounds beside her.

Startled, she turned around and saw a face that should not be there.

“Zheng Yu?!” Lin Yun screamed, ignoring the pain in her throat.


The man who was lying on the bed rubbed the back of his head and sat up.

“Why are you here?” Lin Yun looked at the half-***** Zheng Yu in horror and subconsciously looked down at herself.

A low-cut lace dress covered her important parts.

She screamed again and covered her body with the blanket.

The person knocking on the door seemed to have heard the commotion inside and slammed the door even harder.

“Open the door! Open the door!”

“Miss Lin Yun, are you inside?”

“That’s right! Come out!”

Shouts rose and fell outside, and Lin Yun’s face turned even paler.

Zheng Yu looked at Lin Yun’s panicked expression with disgust. He picked up the sleeping robe beside him and covered himself with it before walking towards the door.

The moment the door opened, a group of reporters rushed in.

The camera flashed coldly at Lin Yun, who was still sitting on the bed.

“Indeed, Mr. Zheng is here too!”

“Miss Lin Yun, did you send us a message to announce your good news with Mr. Zheng?”

“Are you declaring war on Miss Lin Yu by doing this?”

“When did you and Mr. Zheng start? Didn’t he just announce his engagement to Miss Lin Yu?”

The overwhelming questions stunned Lin Yun.

She stared blankly at Zheng Yu, who was standing at the door, watching the show.

She had never sent any messages!

Her phone had been missing since last night!

How did she get here and why was she lying on the same bed as Zheng Yu…

A reporter followed her gaze and looked at Zheng Yu. “Mr. Zheng, do you have anything to say?”

“As you can see, I was framed by this woman!”

Zheng Yu accused Lin Yun of her crimes.

“Framed? Are you saying that… all of this was arranged by Miss Lin Yun?”

“Yes! I came here because I received her message!” Zheng Yu gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Yun. There was no hint of panic on his face.

“I didn’t expect to be hit on the head when I just got here. I fainted!”

As Zheng Yu spoke, he showed everyone the wound on the back of his head.

Flashlights flashed desperately, recording evidence of crime.

“Are you saying that all of this was planned by Miss Lin Yun to sow discord between you and Miss Lin Yu?”

Hearing this, Zheng Yu turned to look at Lin Yun. “I didn’t expect you to be so vicious!”

“Xiaoyu and I are already engaged! Why can’t you let it go?!”

“Why did you snatch something that belonged to her!”

Hearing Zheng Yu’s accusation, Lin Yun’s mouth opened and closed, but she didn’t know how to explain.

At that moment, there was a commotion outside the door.

The reporters at the back made way.

A woman quickly walked to the door of the room. When she saw the scene inside, she gasped and took two steps back.

She covered her mouth with one hand, her tears falling uncontrollably.

“Sister, how could you do this to me!” Lin Yu complained in a low voice as she stared at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun wanted to explain, but Lin Yu didn’t give her a chance.

“I know that my return to the Lin family has caused you to lose your original identity…”

“But I’m no longer fighting with you for my parents’ love. I can give up everything you want!”

“As long as you… leave Zheng Yu to me…”

“I really love him!”

“Why can’t you fulfill my wish?”

Lin Yu cried softly. Her appearance made the hearts of all the men present tighten.

When Lin Yun heard the accusation, she frantically carried a bundle of blankets and walked forward.

“I didn’t! It wasn’t me!” Lin Yun’s disheveled appearance was not convincing to her, making her look even more helpless.

Tears streamed down Lin Yu’s face as her voice trembled. “If it’s not you, could it be Zheng Yu?”

Zheng Yu took a step forward and hugged Lin Yu. “Xiaoyu, don’t worry. I won’t betray you!”

“Let’s go! Stay away from this evil woman!” Zheng Yu said as she pulled Lin Yu away.

“No! If… if sister really doesn’t want to let you go, I…” Lin Yu said with some difficulty.

Lin Yun grabbed Lin Yu’s hand. “Xiaoyu, believe me, I really didn’t! I don’t know what happened…”

Lin Yu was Lin Yun’s last life-saving straw.

She hoped that Lin Yu would believe her and help her resolve her predicament.

The moment Lin Yun grabbed Lin Yu, she felt as if she had been pricked by a needle.

She swung her arm and slapped Lin Yun across the face.

A bright red mark instantly appeared on Lin Yun’s face.

Even the reporters couldn’t help but gasp.

However, Lin Yu didn’t seem to notice her strength and only sobbed, looking very aggrieved.

“Stop talking! No matter what, I won’t marry her! The only person I want to marry is you!” Zheng Yu said firmly, facing the reporters and letting them record this moment.

Lin Yun wanted to go forward but was pushed to the ground by Zheng Yu.

Zheng Yu threw her phone heavily on Lin Yun’s face. “Take a look yourself!”

“Lin Yun! I feel disgusted knowing you!”

At some point in time, Zheng Yu’s way of addressing her had changed. Everything had changed!

The Zheng Yu who had once gently called her “Little Yun” had disappeared!

Zheng Yu hugged Lin Yu tightly with his back facing Lin Yun. “Lin Yun, remember this! You will bring about your own downfall! You will pay the price for your actions!”

With that, Zheng Yu hugged Lin Yu and left without looking back.

Lin Yun sat alone in the room, facing the reporters’ unrestrained flashes, her face even paler.

Chapter 2: Tragic Death

After a hellish experience, Lin Yun wrapped her coat tightly around her body, trying to make herself feel warm.

As she walked along the streets, news would occasionally roll in the display window.

“Miss Lin Yu and Mr. Zheng Yu’s wedding is imminent!”

“The Lin Group has officially cut off all ties with their adopted daughter, Lin Yun!”

Occasionally, the sorrowful cries of Wang Lan, her adoptive mother, could be heard from the television, lamenting about having raised an ingrate for more than twenty years!

These sounds, in Lin Yun’s ears, gradually numbed her piercing pain. She walked aimlessly on the streets, from dusk to midnight.

It was as though she wanted to continue walking like this until she reached a place she didn’t know.

Right at this moment, a beam of light suddenly lit up behind her.

Lin Yun turned around and saw a car driving towards her with its headlights on.

There were very few cars in this place. When cars drove here, they would usually light up their headlights and illuminate the road ahead.

Lin Yun tactfully moved aside to avoid obstructing the car.

But in the next moment, the car suddenly accelerated and sped towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun watched in shock as the car sped towards her.

When the car was only ten meters away from her, someone suddenly rushed out from the other side.

Before Lin Yun could see who it was, she was pushed to the other side of the road.

Bang! The person who pushed her was sent flying by the speeding car.

Lin Yun stood rooted to the spot in a daze. In the next instant, her gaze was drawn to a shiny object on the man’s chest.

Lin Yun came back to her senses and immediately realized who that person was…

She screamed and rushed towards the person who was knocked away. “Lu Chen! No!”

Before she could reach Lu Chen, the headlights of the car flashed before her eyes again.

In the next instant, Lin Yun heard a loud crash.

She felt her body suddenly rise into the air and then fall heavily to the ground.

She could feel warm blood flowing out of her body.

Her eyes were blurry from the blood as she looked at the pair of stilettos and slender legs that were stepping out of the car.

A scene flashed across Lin Yun’s mind…

“Sis! Do these shoes look nice?” Lin Yu picked up a pair of exquisite diamond-studded stilettos from the display rack and looked at Lin Yun.

“Miss Lin has good taste! This pair of shoes is the only one in the country!”

“There is only one other pair overseas, and it is owned by the top celebrity Amanda.”

That pair of beautiful shoes appeared before Lin Yun.

Lin Yun wanted to raise her head to look at the owner of the shoes, but she found that she could not move at all.

The bloody foam in her mouth muted her even if she opened her mouth.

Lin Yun felt her blood gushing out of her body.

Her blood spread to the beautiful shoes not far away.

The owner of the shoes didn’t seem to care at all. She walked over to Lin Yun step by step in a pool of blood.

She squatted down and whispered into Lin Yun’s ear, “My dear sister, you look surprised to see me!”

Lin Yun struggled to look at the smiling face in front of her.

At this moment, that face was no longer as innocent and pure as before. Instead, it was as bloodthirsty and vicious as a devil…

“You, how could you…” Every time Lin Yun said a word, blood foamed out of her mouth.

She could not understand nor imagine!

Lin Yu reached out her hand and gently dipped it into the blood on the ground. She sniffed it.

“The blood of a lowly fisherman like you has occupied my identity for 20 years!”

“What’s wrong? The world has finally discovered your evil smell. I’m here to help you escape. Shouldn’t you thank me?”

“Or… do you think you deserve to live in this world?”

“Why…” Lin Yun looked at the demonic face.

Blood dripped from Lin Yun’s face.

“Why?” Lin Yu suddenly laughed out loud. “How dare you ask why?”

“If you hadn’t snatched my position back then, would I have lived in poverty for 20 years?”

“Do you know how I spent the past 20 years?”

A faint but terrifying smile appeared on Lin Yu’s face.

“Do you know how much I wished I had the same hair clip as my classmates?”

“I begged my parents to buy it for me! But they said that they were very poor and don’t have money!”

“Since I don’t have money, no one else can have what I don’t have!”

“Do you know how happy I felt when I broke the hair clip?”

As Lin Yu spoke, she narrowed her eyes. A vicious glint flashed across her eyes, causing Lin Yun to involuntarily vomit a mouthful of blood.

Lin Yu looked at Lin Yun’s miserable appearance and her smile slowly deepened. “My good sister! Don’t worry and go in peace!”

“No, Dad, Mom…” Lin Yun looked at Lin Yu unwillingly. Her fingers moved, but she realized that she couldn’t lift them up.

Lin Yu seemed to have heard something funny and laughed even harder.

“Mom and Dad? You still think Mom and Dad will come to your rescue?”

“Stop dreaming!”

“Do you really think Mom and Dad will still treat you like their own daughter after knowing your background?”

“If not for the fact that you were engaged to Zheng Yu back then and that you had so many years of careful nurturing and value, they would have chased you out of the house when they knew that you were not their biological child!”

“You actually didn’t realize it yourself, and even gave me the marriage contract with Zheng Yu!”

“I really don’t know if I should call you naive or stupid.”

As Lin Yu spoke, she chuckled and covered her mouth with one hand. She looked really happy.

“Speaking of which, I have to thank you!”

“If it weren’t for you, Zheng Yu wouldn’t have loved me so deeply!”

“The performance today won’t be as exciting either!”

“All thanks to you, my good sister!”

As Lin Yu spoke, she placed a cell phone in her handbag beside Lin Yun.

Lin Yun could tell at a glance that it was her lost phone!

“Does it feel terrible to be abandoned by everyone?”

“Don’t be afraid, everything will pass!”

“I will take back everything that belongs to me!”

“And you are destined to disappear from this world under the curses of the world!”

Lin Yun’s vision gradually blurred…

She couldn’t hear Lin Yu’s voice, so she could only watch her mouth open and close…

She can’t accept this!

Lin Yu… everything the Lin family did to her…

She wanted revenge!

Chapter 3: Rebirth

“Ugh…” The intense pain was accompanied by the numbness in half of her body. Lin Yun moaned in pain.

“Do you still feel pain after death?” Lin Yun suddenly felt a little strange.

She slowly opened her eyes which were stinging from the overhead light.

She subconsciously raised her hand and covered her eyes, but she was stunned when she saw the string of tubes hanging on her hand.

“This is… an infusion device?” Lin Yun turned her head in a daze and looked at the infusion device beside the tube.

It was indeed commonly seen in hospital wards…

This was…

Lin Yun was even more confused. She looked around and found the scene familiar.

“Did someone save me and send me to the hospital?” Her mind was filled with confusion, but she could not find an answer…

“How’s the patient?” A sound came from outside the door.

Lin Yun looked in the direction of the voice.

“I just changed the medicine. She should wake up soon.” Another gentle voice sounded.

Then, the sound of the door opening could be heard, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Lin Yun looked at the few people who had entered, her eyes filled with confusion…

“You’re awake! How are you feeling?” The lead doctor wore a mask and picked up the medical record beside Lin Yun’s bed to check.

Lin Yun looked at the doctor’s face carefully, and the confusion in her eyes gradually turned into surprise.

Seeing that Lin Yun did not answer, the doctor looked up at her, only to see her looking at him in horror.

The doctor smiled and shook his head helplessly.

“Why? Are you still afraid of seeing a doctor?” the doctor asked with a smile. Behind him, the young nurse giggled.

Lin Yun didn’t react and continued to stare at him.

He removed his mask helplessly and looked at Lin Yun. “How is it? I hope my face didn’t scare you!”

Lin Yun looked at that familiar face and blinked hard. “Dr. Cheng?”

The doctor seemed surprised and nodded. “You know me?”

Lin Yun looked at the chubby nurse behind Doctor Cheng. “Nurse Han?”

The young nurse was sniggering when she was suddenly startled by the name. “Yep!”

Lin Yun looked at the two familiar people in front of her. Although she found it unbelievable, her heart was still filled with hope.

She asked nervously, “What happened to me?”

Dr. Cheng immediately put on a serious face and said in all seriousness, “You’re just a young lady. Even if you want to help, you don’t have to do it yourself!”

“This is because the criminal’s knife is blunt. If it’s really a sharp knife, you’re finished!”

Although Dr. Cheng’s words were harsh, she could still hear his concern.

After hearing Dr. Cheng’s words, Lin Yun could finally confirm her guess!

She had really returned to the time when the accident happened four years ago!

Although she did not know how all of this happened, but…

She was in the hospital now, and the wound on her waist was exactly the same as before!

In other words…

She had been reborn!

Lin Yun could not hide her excitement as tears flowed down her face.

Her cry shocked Dr. Cheng and the rest.

“You little girl, I only said a few words to you. Why are you crying?” Doctor Cheng turned to look at the nurse at the side helplessly.

The head nurse glared at Dr. Cheng and picked up a tissue to wipe Lin Yun’s tears.

“Dr. Cheng is a stubborn person, but his heart is soft. He’s just worried about you!” the head nurse said earnestly, her movements gentle.

“Yes, yes, I know. I just…” Lin Yun didn’t know how to describe her current feelings.

The head nurse smiled and comforted Lin Yun. “Don’t be afraid! After experiencing that kind of thing, it’s always good to cry to let it out!”

Lin Yun knew that the head nurse was talking about her being stabbed.

Although she wasn’t crying because of this matter, she felt better when someone comforted her.

She had finally cried enough and looked at Dr. Cheng with an aggrieved expression. “Dr. Cheng, when can I be discharged?”

Seeing that Lin Yun had finally stopped crying, Dr. Cheng sighed helplessly. “Don’t be in a hurry to be discharged. There are still many follow-up tests to be done!”

“Then…” Lin Yun hesitated before asking,” What about my family? ”

“Sigh, you’re right. Ever since your operation, your family has been missing for an entire day!” Nurse Han snorted unhappily.

Lin Yun smiled knowingly. She was not as bothered as before.

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