NovelToon NovelToon

Bitter Side Of Love

My Mates

Just because I am a Mafia leader, I don't deserve any love or care... is it really fair?
Why? My family didn't even ask me... "Why did you join the mafia?"... They never asked this... they only said, " How dare do such a thing!" and "I am ashamed of you."
They could have asked me that right? Why didn't they try to know the reason...?
Gabriel, was at a party... it was crowded with omegas, alphas and betas... his family was also there...
But they weren't with him... all the alphas, omegas and betas come to this party to find their fated partners...
Gabriel was also one of them...
He didn't want anything from his mate or mates... he only wanted their love and care... that's all... it's not too hard right?
They are his fated partners after all... it shouldn't be hard for them...
Gabriel is the dominant alpha... so there are a lot of chances that he will have two mates...
He was standing in a corner... swinging his wine glass which was almost empty... he was looking at the people who were talking and interacting with everyone...
Some already found their mates... but he didn't, that' s why he was standing there...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(I wonder... will I meet my mates here? Some people are coming from the gate...)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(Maybe my mates will also come...)
He kept looking at the main door... Hoping that he will see his mate...
Then his heart suddenly started beating faster than it should be while looking at a person...
His inner wolf was going crazy... it was an Omega... he had such a sweet smell...
He wanted to go and hug that person... he was very happy...
He found his mate... but will he accept him?
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(He is here... my mate...) 😁
That omega had beautiful black hair and shiny black eyes...
His eyelashes were long and beautiful... his figure was smooth and slender...
Everyone was bewitched by his beauty... some alphas wanted his to be their mate... but unfortunately he wasn't...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
(Now... where is that a$$h0le friend of mine....) 💢
Then an Omega with blond hair and blue eyes came running towards Nathan...
He jumped on him and hugged him tightly...
Carlos Ramos (MC
Carlos Ramos (MC's friend)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Where the hell were you...?! I told you to wait for me at the entrance...!! 💢
Carlos Ramos (MC
Carlos Ramos (MC's friend)
Come on don't be mad...😗
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(Who is that person...? He looks like an omega so it's fine...)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
What ever...🙄
Carlos Ramos (MC
Carlos Ramos (MC's friend)
Come let's go...!!
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Then a man bumped into Nathan... he was tall and had broad shoulders...
He kinda looked like a writer...
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Oh..! I am sorry...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
It's okay...
When Nathan and Mathew looked at each other... their hearts started to beat fast and the same goes with Gabriel...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(My second mate...!!)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
You are my mate...
Carlos Ramos (MC
Carlos Ramos (MC's friend)
Woah bro... congrats... you already found your fated one...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Well, then let me introduce myself... I am Mathew Hayden... a writer...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
You give those vibes...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
I am Nathaniel Curzon
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
I'm glad to know you...😊
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Carlos Ramos (MC
Carlos Ramos (MC's friend)
Well... I'll leave you both alone...I also need to find mine...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
All the best...
Carlos Ramos (MC
Carlos Ramos (MC's friend)
Gabriel on the other hand finally decided to approach his two mates...
He keeps his empty wine glass on the table and starts to walk towards them...
What will happen...?

2: Rules and Orders

I don't care anymore... I am tired... I tried my best to make them understand... I lost my hope... I give up...
Now, my only hope is my mates... I hope they will understand me and love me... stay with me... care for me... I hope
Gabriel walked towards his two mates who were talking with each other... he was feeling nervous... he took a deep breath to calm himself
He tapped on the shoulder of Mathew... Mathew and Nathan turned and looked at Gabriel...
Gabriel gives an awkward smile...
When Mathew and Nathan looked at him and breathed his pheromones their eyes went wide and their eyes color changed...
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
You are our mate...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Um... yeah...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
I found both of my mates...!!
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
*chuckles* Yes you did...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(They are all right now.... but will they still be like this after they know my identity...?)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
What is your name...?
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
My name... Gabriel...
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
It's a nice name...
Gabriel looked down... and again took a deep breath... his heart beating faster than a metro train...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote...
His voice trembled as he spooked his full name... He was wondering why it was so silent... he raised his head and looked at his two mates
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Could you please repeat that again...?
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Was it Gabriel Grote...?
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
His voice broke in the middle
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
You are the youngest son of the Grote family...
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Who is a f*cking mafia...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(Come on... you did expect it right...)
He didn't say anything... he just nodded his head
He couldn't look at them in their eyes... as they were seeing him with hatred...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
I can't...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
I can't accept you as my mate...!!
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
How can it be...!!?
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Nathan calm down...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(Of course... who would want to accept a mafia as their mate...)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(Just because that many mafias are single... but some of them are lucky whose mates accept them...)
Because Nathan shouted... everyone's attention was towards them...
Gabriel bit his lips and tried not to break down in tears... his heart... it was hurting...
It was as if it was broken...💔
People were whispering among them... here the rumors start...
Sirs... please stop creating a mess like this...
The king has called you three in front of his presence...
That's right... even though it was modern time... the country was ruled by a king and queen....
No one can defy them... everyone has to follow what the king and queen said...
But luckily the king and the queen were kind-hearted persons...
Gabriel, Nathan and Mathew... followed the guard who was leading them to the king and queen
Two persons were sitting on the throne with such grace and power that it could make anyone bow down to their knees...
The three of them bowed their heads to show respect to the king and queen...
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Rise your heads... ❄️
Yup... as you all can see... the king and queen are young...
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
What is the matter...?
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
Gabriel... explain...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Yes your majesty... the matter is that my mates Mathew and Nathaniel do not wish to accept me as their mate...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
(It feels as if he and the king and queen know each other....)
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Hm... But why? ❄️
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Your Majesty... shall I explain...?
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
The reason is that Gabriel is a mafia leader...
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
But still he is your mate...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Even though he is... he is still a mafia...
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Well, as you guys are mates... you three will stay together in one mansion for one year ❄️
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
Then in that one year... try to get to know each other...
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
If you three still don't want to be together then you are free to leave...
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
But king...
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
No questions or excuses shall be heard... it is the rule...❄️
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(I wonder how it will turn out to be... but I will try my best to make them like me...)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Gabriel was feeling a bit happy... he had a little hope...
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Every once a day a guard will go to check whether you three are following the rules or not...❄️
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
So, don't dare try to run away or defy the rules...

3: Live Together

The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Then it is decided... the guards shall drop you three to the mansion you will be staying in...❄️
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(It is clear that they don't want to stay with me... but still I hope that in this one year, one day they will accept me...)
Gabriel looked at Nathan and Mathew... they looked angry, sad... there was hatred...
So many emotions all at once... Gabriel sighed and looked down as he could not see those emotions which were visible on their faces...
The Queen (Tiana)
The Queen (Tiana)
Well, guards prepare a car...!!
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Ah...! Your majesty if you don't mind can I say something...?
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Go ahead...❄️
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Um… The mansion we will be staying in... is it under the royals...?
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
It is... any problem...?❄️
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Ah...! No not at all...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
(How am I supposed to stay with a mafia... it really brings back all the bad memories of my past when I hear the word "Mafia")
Your majesty the car is ready...
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
Well then, follow the guard he will take you three to the mansion...❄️
The King (Sebastian)
The King (Sebastian)
And don't dare break the rules...❄️
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Of course your majesty...
Three of them bowed and left...
While leaving... Gabriel saw his family who were looking at him with the same emotions his mates were...
The family who once loved him a lot now hates him the most... well he doesn't mind...
After all now no one dares to hurt his family...
Gabriel looked at them and smiled... but they just turned their heads looking somewhere else
Ignoring him...
All those actions were noticed by two certain persons who were walking beside him while maintaining a 1-metre distance...
It was none other than Nathan and Mathew... but they didn't say anything...
Following the guard they reached the car... Gabriel sat in the front seat beside the guard who was going to drive the car... Nathan and Mathew sat in the back seat...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
(He looks sad...because of his family I guess...)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
(Well, of course his family will hate him... after all he joined the underworld...)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
(Well, the atmosphere is awkward...) *sigh*
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(I wonder what will happen once we get there...)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(I hope everything will turn out to be good...)
Gabriel rests his head on his hand and looks out of the window... he closes and feels the warm breeze that comes in from the car window
After 30 minutes drive they finally reach their destination...
The car stops in front of a grand mansion... it was smaller than the palace but still very big...
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
Mathew Hayden (ML 2)
That is huge...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Yeah... it gives off royal vibes...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(Seriously... why this big...!!)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
(I should have known...)
I will be going then... there are maids and a butler taking care of this mansion...
If you guys need something then please tell them about it...
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Nathaniel Curzon (MC)
Sure... thank you...😊
Your welcome...
Nathan and Mathew go ahead... while Gabriel stays behind...
Mr. Grote... the king asked for your presence tomorrow in the palace...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Hm...I will be there...❄️
Then the guard left with the car
And Gabriel went inside the mansion... he was greeted by the butler with a smiling face which he didn't get much of...
Butler John
Butler John
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Thank you Butler John... 😊
Butler John
Butler John
It is nice to meet you again...😊
Gabriel panicked but calmed down after he saw that his mates weren't here...
Butler John
Butler John
Don't worry... they are not here... they went inside their room...😊
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
I see, thank goodness...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Then I guess I will stay in another room...
Butler John
Butler John
Yes... I told the maids to prepare two rooms just in case...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Thank you Butler John...🙂
Butler John
Butler John
Don't worry dear... It will be okay...
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Hm... I hope....
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Which room...?
Butler John
Butler John
Your usual one...😊
Gabriel Grote (ML)
Gabriel Grote (ML)
I will be going to my room then...
Butler John
Butler John
I shall prepare dinner...
Gabriel smiled and went to his room...

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