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Married to my beloved uncle

Episode 1

Thunderous applause echoed through the auditorium of a prestigious university as a girl's name was announced, becoming the top graduate of the year.

The beautiful girl in a sage green kebaya beamed widely as a professor adorned her with a 'cum laude' sash.

"Congratulations, Archie. You truly are a bright student," praised the elderly professor, extending a hand.

Archie shook hands with her professor, modestly bowing her head. She was immensely grateful for her hard-earned sweet success.

"Thank you very much, ma'am," Archie said, reciprocated by a smile from the professor.

Archie looked towards her family, who had come bearing smiles. Tears of joy glistened in her eyes, for today she fulfilled her father's wishes.

Archiena, the girl who had devoted four years to earning her communication degree, approached her family.

Almost all the graduates' eyes were on her, but Archie's gaze was solely fixed on her parents.

Upon reaching them, Archie hugged her mother, crying with unmatched happiness in her embrace.

"Congratulations, my dear. Mom is so proud of you, truly proud," voiced mama Gita, Archiena's mother.

"Thanks, Ma. This is also because of papa and you," Archie responded with a beaming smile.

Then Archie embraced her father, expressing her gratitude to the man who was the hero in her life.

"You're papa's pride, Archie," said papa Dito, kissing his daughter's forehead.

Archie kept smiling, about to speak to her sister, but Adinda abruptly left without a word.

Archie remained positive, perhaps her sister had urgent matters, which is why she chose to leave the auditorium so suddenly.

After the graduation ceremony, Archie partook in a photo session with her family, where she reunited with her beloved, Aditya.

Like Archie, Aditya also graduated today, even though he had not earned the distinction of top graduate like Archie.

"Congratulations, darling. You're truly remarkable, and I'm proud of you," Aditya said, gently stroking his girlfriend's hand.

Archie smiled sweetly. "Congratulations to you too, Adit. I'm glad we graduated together," she replied softly.

Aditya grinned, inviting his girlfriend to pose with him for photos, each holding their graduation caps.

They experimented with various poses for lasting memories, unlikely to be recreated.

And why? Because Archie was going to marry and had decided to focus on taking care of her husband. Her Bachelor's degree was sufficient for job searching, so furthering her education, which could distract her from her wifely duties, was unnecessary.

"Archie, my goodness. I'm truly proud of you, congratulations," cooed Aunt Risa, hugging her soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

"Thank you, Auntie. Adit's support has been invaluable," Archie replied, looking at her boyfriend.

"I can hardly wait to make you my daughter-in-law," Aunt Risa declared, causing Archie to blush shyly.

"Archie, congratulations. Here's a little something from your uncle," said Anto, Aditya's father.

Archie hesitated to accept, but upon Aunt Risa's insistence, she finally took the present and bouquet filled with chocolates.

After the congratulations, both Archie's and Aditya's families gathered for a group photo, their broad smiles reflecting pure joy.

Having finished with photographs, they all decided to head home, promising to meet that evening to discuss Archie and Aditya's wedding.

As her parents had promised, they planned to marry Archie off after her graduation.


That evening, Archie's and Aditya's families convened at a star-rated restaurant. They savored the food before them amidst lively conversation.

"I think we should hasten the wedding, Sir. They've been together for two years, and it's surely something they both eagerly await," proposed Anto.

Papa Dito nodded in agreement. "I'm essentially in favor; I'll leave the decision to Archie because I trust my daughter's choices," he responded.

Archie nodded, her eyes meeting Aditya's silent gaze. She was confident he was awaiting her say.

"Adit, what do you think?" Archie asked for her boyfriend's opinion.

Jolted by the sound of his name, he turned to Archie and nodded affirmatively.

"I'd like it to be soon, darling. You know how long I've wished for us to be married," Aditya replied calmly and with a smile.

Archie grasped Aditya's hand. He always radiated smiles toward her, though at times he might be harsh.

Indeed, Archie concealed aspects of Aditya's personality from her family. Aditya hated defeat, insisting on Archie's concession. A forceful nature meant Archie often had to acquiesce to his desires.

Yet Archie loved Aditya, not out of naivety but because she knew behind that temperament was a profound love for her.

"Why are you smiling? What's your answer?" teased mama Gita, playfully prodding her daughter.

Archie's smile returned sheepishly, her nod confirming her mother's inquiry.

"I want to marry Adit soon, Ma," confirmed Archie confidently.

Aunt Risa rose to embrace Archie, overtaken by joy at the prospect of the prompt wedding.

"I'm so happy, dear," Aunt Risa expressed, tightening her hug.

Aditya's smile strained; his gaze fixed ahead toward a girl giving him a piercing look.

The girl's hands tightened around the knife for cutting her steak. Eyes brimming with tears spoke of deep sorrow.

Adinda rose from her seat. "Excuse me for a moment; I need the restroom," she said, leaving the table.

Archie watched her sister leave, puzzled by Adinda's evident tearful wipe.

"Why does Dinda seem sad?" Archie thought to herself.

Aditya's ringing phone snapped Archie out of her reverie.

"Adit, your phone," she softly indicated.

"Yes, love. Excuse me, this is from Aldo," Aditya said as he stood with a 'hello' escaping his lips.

"The food's cooling, please help yourselves," Mama Gita remarked to her future in-laws.

"Archie, let's eat, dear," Risa encouraged her future daughter-in-law.

Archie nodded and proceeded to eat, convivial chatter accompanying her meal.

Meanwhile, outside the restroom, a heated, yet hushed confrontation drew bystanders' attention.

"You can't be angry, Dinda. From the start, I said I'd marry your sister, but I insisted on you as my mistress," Aditya told Adinda, the sister of his wife-to-be and his secret lover.

"Yes, I know. But still, I'm upset, I can't accept this," Adinda replied emotionally.

Adinda was the opposite of Archie: while Archie was gentle, Adinda was emotional.

However, beneath her explosive emotions lay a trait Aditya couldn't resist. Adinda would always obey him, unlike Archie, who needed scolding first.

Furthermore, being with Archie was tedious due to her frequent mention of sin, while Dinda had no shame in showing her wilder side.

Archie and Adinda, born of the same womb, yet so distinctly different.


To be continued...

Episode 2

After last night's discussion about the wedding, a decision was finally reached that Archie and Aditya would tie the knot in two weeks.

Two weeks may seem brief, but everything should fall into place once finances come into play. Both Archie's and Aditya's families are actively involved in preparing for their children's wedding.

Currently, Archie is at Aditya's house. They had originally planned to immediately go to the jewelry store to collect the jewelry they had ordered, but since Aditya left his phone at home, they had to return to retrieve it.

As Archie waits for Aditya, she sits in the living room, engrossed in her phone. She opens various apps to pass the time.

"Assalamualaikum," greets a voice from the door.

Hearing the voice, Archie gets up and looks towards the door. She recognizes the newcomer – they've met several times at Aditya's family gatherings.

"Uncle Kaivan," Archie greets respectfully.

The man acknowledged with a brief nod, his lips sealed in silence.

Archie understood; Aditya had mentioned that Uncle Kaivan, his mother Risa's brother, was typically reserved and sparing with words. He'd only speak when necessary, otherwise relying on nods or shakes of the head for communication.

"Aunt Risa isn't here, Uncle. Adit said she's out meeting friends," Archie explains unasked.

"Yes," replies Kaivan curtly, then steps further into his sister's house.

Archie smiles and allows Kaivan to enter since he has every right to do so.

Shortly after, Aditya arrives. It's unclear why it took him so long just to pick up his phone.

"Sorry for the wait, love," Aditya says to his fiancee.

Archie responds with a smile and a nod.

"It's fine, Adit. Oh, by the way, Uncle Kaivan was here, seemed like he was looking for Aunt Risa," Archie informs him.

"Really? Wait here, I'll go see him," Aditya replies before going to find his uncle.

Archie's wait is shorter this time. When Aditya returns, he hurries her out of the house.

Before stepping into the car, Archie glances up and spots Kaivan on a phone call with someone.

Kaivan looks down, catching Archie's polite smile and a slight nod goodbye.

He doesn't respond and continues his conversation as he walks away.

"Let's go, sweetheart," urges Aditya.

Archie nods and quickly gets into her future husband's car, making sure to buckle up for safety.

"We'll go straight home after picking up the jewelry," Aditya states, without looking at Archie.

"Home? Aren't we eating out first?" Archie asks.

She's puzzled because they had planned to eat and watch a movie together.

"Maybe not today, love. Another time, is that alright?" Aditya speaks softly, tenderly returning her gaze.

Archie nods again. "Sure, that's fine. But where are you off to?" she inquires.

Aditya pauses before responding. "You know I like to hang out with my friends," he says quietly.

Sensing the shift in Aditya's tone, Archie nods in understanding. She knows her fiance quite well.

"Okay, sorry I forgot," Archie says, and Aditya offers her a smile.

The couple retrieves their jewelry from the store – not just any jewelry, but the nuptial tokens for their upcoming wedding.

As promised, they head straight back, as Aditya has other important matters to attend to.

The drive home is silent; Aditya focuses on the road and intermittently checks his phone.

Archie notices but trusts him implicitly. Although Aditya can be haughty with her at times, she's assured of his deep love and has no reason for suspicion.

Upon reaching Archie's family home, Archie doesn't step out immediately. She looks back at her partner, offering a sweet smile.

"Drive safely and let me know when you get home," she says.

"Will do, darling," Aditya replies.

Aditya reaches for Archie's hand, leaning in to kiss her, but she turns away, pressing against his chest to keep a distance.

"Adit..." Archie chides gently.

Aditya breathes in deeply, visibly frustrated by her rejection.

This is what bothers him about Archie. It's hard enough to get close, let alone more intimate. Archie and Adinda, Aditya's prospective sister-in-law, are different, and this difference sometimes leads Aditya to prioritize Adinda over his own fiancee.

"Just go inside and rest. I have to leave, and I'll message you later," Aditya says, smiling despite his irritation.

Archie nods, strokes the back of his hand, then steps out of the car.

After a brief wave, Aditya drives off speedily.

"Sorry, Adit. We can do all this once we're married," Archie murmurs to herself.

She walks into her house, hands free of any baggage, since Aditya will take care of the jewelry.

As Archie enters, Adinda exits. She's neatly dressed in her jeans and crop top.

Adinda gives her sister a scornful look and strides away without a word.

"Where are you going, Adinda?" Archie asks.

Pausing, Adinda whirls around, annoyance clear in her gaze.

"That's none of your business," snaps Adinda sharply.

Archie approaches, grasping her sister's wrist to stop her. "It is my business, Dinda. You said you were ill this morning, so you skipped university. And now this?" Archie reminds her.

Adinda shakes off her sister's hand, glaring fiercely.

"I'm sick of it. You think you're the only one who can go out? I want to as well," Adinda retorts loudly.

"Dinda, lower your voice. Let's talk inside," Archie suggests, but Adinda refuses.

"No!" Adinda protests.

"I can't forbid you anything unless you were sick, but you are," Archie insists, increasingly firm.

Adinda scoffs and departs, disregarding her sister's pleas and her restrictions. She heads off to meet her future brother-in-law and her own secret lover.


Episode 3

Two distinct people of different genders, unbound by any matrimonial tie, were reclined upon a bed in a hotel. The man and woman, wrapped in each other's embrace, lay in the aftermath of committing a grievous sin.

Aditya and Adinda – both meant so much to Archie, yet both betrayed her trust.

Their illicit affair over the past year hadn't left them with any trace of remorse; on the contrary, it was quite the opposite.

Aditya, soon to wed his beloved, Archie, lay with the woman who was to become his sister-in-law. Their entanglement went beyond mere repose; they shared the closeness of a husband and wife.

"What excuse did you give Archie before coming here?" Aditya asked, his hand moving over Adinda's shoulder.

"I didn't give any excuse. She tried to stop me, but I snuck out," Adinda replied.

Adinda grasped Aditya's caressing hand, and without a word, guided it to touch her breast.

Aditya smiled broadly; this boldness was what he liked in Adinda. Her wild nature always left him satisfied, unlike the naïve Archie.

"You really are naughty," Aditya whispered, tightening his grip on Adinda's breast.

"Do you not like it?" Adinda challenged.

Adinda's other hand had found its way under the covers, clutching Aditya's intimate space. This act drew an even wider smile from him.

"I like it very much," Aditya admitted with a shiver of pleasure prompted by Adinda's touch.

Delighted with his response, Adinda swept aside the blanket that had concealed their bare bodies, now exposed to each other's view.

"I'm more tempting and fiery than my sister, aren't I?" Adinda asked, her hand still active below.

"Yes, you are far more captivating," Aditya replied, his voice choked with surging desire.

Adinda's smile widened with satisfaction as she ramped up her movements, eager to savor pleasure with Aditya.

"Let's go again, my future brother-in-law," Adinda whispered enticingly.

"With pleasure," Aditya responded, then pushed Adinda beneath him.

Aditya's gaze held a hungry look as he hovered over the alluring figure of his future sister-in-law, fully aroused by her wanton behavior.

"Ah, brother!" cried out Adinda, yanking at Aditya's hair.


After spending the day from dawn till dusk together, Aditya and Adinda parted ways in the hotel's basement. Heading towards their respective cars, they prepared to head home.

"I'm off, then, brother. We must meet again!" Adinda said sweetly.

"Of course," Aditya replied with tenderness.

After a quick peck on Aditya's cheek, Adinda climbed into her car. She honked her horn as a farewell gesture and then drove away from Aditya.

Exhaling deeply, Aditya felt revitalized after his rendezvous with Adinda.

He considered himself fortunate: he had Adinda, and soon he would have her sister too.

He found himself undoubtedly handsome, capable of captivating both sisters with his seductive charm.

"Mother must be looking for me," he murmured to himself and swiftly drove off.

Unbeknownst to Aditya, someone had been observing him throughout, including the time he spent with Adinda.

That person sighed, said nothing further, and departed from the basement having concluded their business there.

Meanwhile, Aditya, on his way home, removed his shirt, eager to rid himself of any lingering scent from his affair with Adinda.

Swapping it for a black t-shirt, he stopped at a convenience store to purchase drinks and other items to justify his outing to his parents later.

"Hey, isn't that Adit?" someone called out, prompting Aditya to turn and recognize the greeter.

"Oh, Fika," Aditya acknowledged, upon realizing who had addressed him.

Fika was a friend of Adinda's from university.

"Just by yourself, Adit? Where's Archie?" Fika inquired, making idle conversation.

"She's at her place. You don't always tag along with your significant other," Aditya replied and dismissed himself from the conversation.

Bidding the store goodbye after paying, Aditya hurried home, enjoying the empty night roads and reaching his destination in less than thirty minutes.

"Adit, where have you been!" Risa bombarded her son upon his entry.

She had been trying to reach him since noon, only to find his phone constantly busy.

"Just dropping off Archie and then hanging out with friends," Aditya lied.

"You shouldn't always stay out this late, Adit. Remember, you're getting married soon, and you'll have a wife to think about," his father, Anto, reprimanded.

"Instead of these aimless gatherings, better you learn about working in your uncle's company," Anto suggested further.

Sighing, Aditya resented having to defend his lack of eagerness to return home. His parents' persistence irritated him, especially considering his impending nuptials.

"Father, I've said I'll consider work after the wedding," said a slightly annoyed Aditya.

"Adit, you should speak properly," came a stern voice from the staircase.

The family turned to see Kaivan, the brother-in-law, descending.

"You should indeed learn the company business rather than wasting your time," Kaivan advised.

Aditya answered, "Uncle, I'm aware. But the time isn't right yet. I still have time."

"Then speak respectfully, without raising your voice," Kaivan corrected, silencing Aditya with his firm tone.

Even Risa, Kaivan's own sister, was quieted by Kaivan's authoritative demeanor.

Focusing his gaze on his sister and brother-in-law, Kaivan inquired, "How many days until Adit's wedding?"

"Two weeks, Van. Why do you ask?" Risa responded.

"Nothing important. There's work I need to attend to," said Kaivan and left.

For the duration leading up to Aditya's marriage, Kaivan would stay with his sister and brother-in-law before returning to his apartment, taking the opportunity for a long-overdue family reunion. Always engulfed in his work, he rarely had the chance to spend time with his loved ones.

Shifting back to Aditya, the young man promptly left the living room, bound for his bedroom after a short dispute that concluded with his uncle's counsel.

Aditya closed the door roughly, clicked his tongue, and ruffled his hair in frustration. He felt cornered by his parents' pressure to begin work, compounded by his approaching marriage.

Internally, Aditya felt irked because Archie persistently pressed for marriage despite his unreadiness for domestic life.

Aditya was content with his carefree existence, yet due to Archie's insistence and her family's wealth, he found it impossible to resist the lure of potential affluence through matrimony.


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