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Sold to the Cruel Mafia

Episode 1

My name is Elisa. I have a quiet life, but the only bad luck I had was being born into a mafia family. My parents were great people, always helping those in need. However, their flaw was getting involved with this exhausting life. Something bad always happens to those who choose such a complicated path.

When I was only 10 years old, I lost my father. He was in a chase with other mobsters and ended up losing his life in a car accident. Fortunately, my mother was not with him that day. Not that I was happy about my father's death, but it would have been more painful if I had lost both of them.

My older brother took over the mafia, continuing what our father started. With his daring and intelligence, he sought out those who caused our father's death, and justice was served. I've never been in favor of violence, but this death could not have gone unpunished.

Plans I made, dreams I dreamed for myself. All of this was lost the moment the scoundrel who has the same blood as me dared to sell me.

It was at that moment that I discovered that my life would become hell, for I was promised to Don Montanari, of the Italian mafia. My brother saw fit to sell me to him, as if I were a piece of meat or any other priced thing.

When our mother found out, she was desperate. While hugging me, she fought with him and said to his face that Dad would never have done such a thing to our family. I hugged my mother tightly, as if that embrace were a farewell.

When Matheus told me, in front of my mother, the reason why he sold me, I simply slapped him in the face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I put my hands on my chest, feeling my heart pounding.

Matheus had the courage to approach me and ask for forgiveness for what he had done. As he held my face in his hands, he said he did it all to save the empire Dad built.

I pulled away from Matheus's touch as I cursed him with every name I could think of. The anger I felt at that moment was inexplicable. I wiped away the tears that were falling. It was painful to see that my brother preferred the damned empire over me, his own sister.

Mom stepped in front of me and asked Matheus why he did this to our family. There were so many other ways to resolve things.

"Why didn't you take out a loan?"

"No, Mom," Matheus let out a frustrated breath. "The bank denied the amount because my name is dirty."

"And you chose to ask our enemy for help? Really?" I said, already tired of it all.

"Let's stop with the drama, Elisa, it's done. Okay? Did I screw up? I did! But this empire that's almost falling apart is what supports my mother and has supported you until now. You should be grateful that I have..."

"Grateful for what, Matheus? Huh? For selling me? Tell me, you son of a bitch. You want to know? I hate you, and you don't know how disappointed I am in you. Dad always said that you would be the businessman and that you would continue the beautiful work he started. And what a fine job, and fine businessman you have become," I said disdainfully. "Just tell me one thing, Matheus, why did you decide to tell me this now? Go on, tell me, I want to know," I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because Montanari called me and said he wanted you immediately," he said calmly.

"Like hell I'm going with that devil, you hear me, Matheus? Go to hell, both of you, with that damn money and your shitty empire. I'm leaving this house, right now" I walked out of there to my room, hearing my mother's voice, who was now arguing with Matheus and at the same time calling out to me.

I grabbed a suitcase from the top of the wardrobe and put my clothes inside. I took a shower, got dressed and then went out. When I got to the living room, no one was there anymore. I believe Mom went to bed, and Matheus had gone to hell where he belongs.

I walked to the front door, pulling my suitcase, and just as I was about to leave, one of the security guards stepped in front of me.

"Where do you think you're going, miss?"

"None of your business. Now get out of my way, or I'll hit you with this suitcase," I said through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Ferrari gave orders not to let you leave, miss."

"You don't say!?" I glared at him.

"Jason, leave her to me," Matheus ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"What's this charade all about? Can you explain this to me?" I asked.

"I can. You're not going anywhere; you're only leaving here with Don Montanari, period."

"Go to hell" I grabbed my suitcase and continued walking out of there.

I was stopped by all my brother's guard dogs, and on top of that with several guns pointed at me. I gave a slight smile, simply not believing what was happening right there before my eyes.

"I think you'd better be alive and marry Don Montanari than die," Matheus said.

"I'd rather be killed than marry that wretch and have to look at your face."

"Don't be dramatic, sis. Come on. Tomorrow you'll be calmer, I'm sure" Matheus pulled me back inside the house, walked me to my room, and without warning, slapped me across the face.

"Why did you hit me?" I asked, my face burning and my throat sore from the lump of rage forming there.

"Because you sound like a spoiled child, Elisa. And because I don't want you defying me in front of my soldiers. Have some respect for me, I'm the Don of this whole damn thing."

"A fucking Don, who had to sell his sister to pay off his goddamn debts. What kind of Don is that? Admit it, even you know, you're the reason the business is going under," I said, anger consuming me.

I glared at him with even more hatred as I watched Matheus walk out of the room and lock the door. I ran to the door and pounded on it for him to open it, but the jerk didn't.

I laid down on my bed and cried. I don't know how long I stayed like that because I fell asleep soon after.

Episode 2

My name is Ethan Montanari, and I am 30 years old. I am the Don of the Italian mafia, a position I assumed after the death of my father. He was shot more than thirty times by a rival mafia while we were celebrating my ninth birthday at a restaurant. As we were leaving, our car was hit by a hail of bullets. My father died quickly, and I ducked down in the back seat. When they came to check if we were dead, I pretended to be lifeless.

After that damned incident, I spent years having nightmares about that day. It feels like I'm reliving it all over again. I wake up sweaty and with a dry mouth every morning. Now, I take sleeping pills, and that's how I can have a peaceful night.

Nobody knows about this, of course! This is part of my private life, and revealing it could undermine the respect everyone has for me. For my enemies, it would be a weakness.

Today, I am a man feared by all, respected wherever I go, and known in every mafia, everywhere. I am the famous 'Ethan the Merciless'.

Whoever dares to cross my path, I kill without any remorse.

Of my family, the only ones left with me are my sister Elida and my brother Enrico, my adoptive brother. I would do anything for them. I always keep my sister away from all mafia-related matters. I never want to see her involved in that world.

My mother died later, due to heart complications. She spent many years sad in the corners because of my father. She had many breakdowns and battled cancer, which was cured with great difficulty. However, her heart was very compromised due to all the sadness she had gone through.

With the small empire that Dad had left me, I built several others that expanded, making me the most successful Don in all of Italy.

I have all the women I desire and enjoy all the good things with them. I can be thankful for these years of my life, which have been well spent, and I really have nothing to complain about.

About my enemies!? Well, I have many. Whether out of envy or anger, for no apparent reason. However, there is one that has become a thorn in my expensive shoe. "Matheus Ferrari".

This guy always wanted to show himself to be the strongest. He recently joined the mafia and already wanted to start trouble with me. Matheus wanted me to abandon the territory and leave everything in his hands. But, that would never happen. Let the bothered ones retreat.

And when I least expected it, he somehow got my number and called me, saying he had something important to discuss.

We arranged a discreet meeting at a private location. I never do meetings in public places because I know that many may be plotting against me. To my enemies, my head is worth gold, and I would never let my precious life become a tempting offer.

Matheus Ferrari asked me for a considerable amount of money to save his father's mafia, which was drowning in debt and, if not paid soon, would result in his death at the hands of creditors. In return, he offered me his sister's hand in marriage. I didn't expect that to happen, but I ended up accepting. It was a tempting offer. After all, at some point, I would have to get married, and to avoid the fatigue of looking for a bride worthy of someone like me, I immediately accepted.

I never met her in person, only from the photo Matheus showed me. My eyes filled with pride upon seeing her. She is a very beautiful and attractive woman. She would be the perfect wife for a Don. The only problem is that the girl was only 17 years old. I would have to let her turn 18, so I could make her mine, which in her case would be in a month.

Matheus warned me that Elisa is quite temperamental and very stubborn. But, that wasn't a problem for me, I can handle it my way. I will make her adapt to my rules and become a beautiful lady and wife of a Don.

After that brief meeting, I went ahead and forwarded half the money Matheus asked me for, transferring it to his account. However, I made it clear that I like things done right and if he doesn't play ball with me, heads will roll. I would send the other half when I had the ragazza in my hands.

It was already night when I got into my car and went to meet one of my flings, whom I call delusional. She keeps telling everyone that we're getting married, poor thing! I almost feel sorry for contradicting her, so as not to spoil her dreams; I prefer to let her dream big. We spent the night together, had dinner at one of my restaurants, and after that lovely evening meal, we went to an apartment to have fun my way. Soon after, she would be my appetizer.

We got into the hot tub while we talked for a long time. My hand automatically explored her intimacy, and she turned to me, placing her mouth on mine. Unhurriedly, we started having sex right there in the bathtub. But, no more of this affection thing. It was all rough sex, the way I like to do it, the wild way, with the right to spankings and sucking, just for her to remember me when I get married in two days.

After that session of good times, we left the bathtub for the bedroom, and had another therapy session. Because for me, that's what it is, sex therapy.

Already quite exhausted, I end up staying there. We slept embraced, and as always, I wake up in the early morning with the terrible nightmares that torment me day after day.

Without warning Keyla, I took my keys and wallet and went down to the ground floor. I got into my car and left for home. I left her there without even saying 'goodbye'. Tonight might be a farewell, a beautiful bachelor party.

I arrived home late at night. My residence is an imposing mansion, located in a secluded and secure area, with armed guards constantly patrolling the property. I can't afford to be careless, especially with so many enemies lurking.

Episode 3

I woke up early in the morning, took a shower, and did my personal hygiene. After drying off, I dressed in modest and demure clothing. When the door was unlocked, the last person I wanted to see entered my room, carrying a breakfast tray.

"Good morning, Elisa. I brought your breakfast."

"Since when are you the house servant? Or did you just come here to annoy me?"

"Your anger towards me will get you nowhere, little sister. Eat your breakfast so you can be well taken care of. And by the way, your wedding to Don is the day after tomorrow, meaning you have three days from today." he said, leaving the room.

I looked at the tray on the nightstand. Even with all the hatred I felt, I ended up sitting on the bed and having coffee and cake.

My mom came into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Good morning, my princess," she said, looking at me.

"Good morning, Mom. My wedding is in three days," I said sadly.

"Honey, your father and I never wanted a life like this for you. He never wanted you involved in mafia business," my mom said. "That's why he never bothered to teach you anything related to it."

"And all that protection didn't help, Mom," I replied, putting the cup back on the tray.

"Even so, never let anyone take that smile from you, or dim that beautiful sparkle you have in your eyes, my princess," she said, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you, I love you so much, and I'm going to miss you terribly," I said, crying.

Mom left me alone in the room. I knew Don Montanari was a very rich and handsome man. I had already heard many people talking about him. They even said that he was a very serious and mysterious man. But, even with all the beauty and wealth in the world, marrying someone is serious business, a step that needs to be well thought out. In my case, I was forced, with no choice, and on top of that, to marry without a shred of love.

...🌼 Three days later......

Now I'm in the car. Montanari sent for me at home, with my bags and everything. Today was the damn wedding, and I had nowhere to run. We drove for almost an hour and a half to his house, which is far from everything. The closer the car got to the place, the more tears I shed. Tears of hatred, for Matheus doing this to my life.

As soon as we arrived, the driver parked the car in front of the mansion. I got out and was greeted by a gray-haired woman. She led me to the room, and as I entered, I saw a team of professional makeup artists waiting for me and a perfectly sculpted wedding dress on a mannequin.

"How lovely," I thought.

I put on the dress with the help of two women who were there to help. The dress was beautiful, but too much for my taste; I preferred something simpler. In a month, I would turn 18, and this was my gift.

"Life successfully ruined."

After I finished with the dress, I stood up so as not to wrinkle it. The makeup team came and did my face. It didn't take long for everything to be ready. I was already prepared for my torture.

I walked out, as calmly as can be. I got into the limousine, which I considered another exaggeration. I would have preferred to go by donkey, to embarrass Montanari and make him give up this absurd idea. The car started, and this time, I couldn't cry so as not to smudge my makeup. I wanted to arrive at the church beautiful, even if it was against my will.

The car stopped in front of the church. There were many people I didn't know, but who were known by my future husband. Maybe he even paid those people to be there, which wouldn't be surprising.

The wedding march began to play. I mentally thanked God that the veil covered my face. I looked to the sides and saw my mother sitting in the front, next to my cynical brother. He definitely has no shame.

I continued walking until I reached Don Montanari. He really was handsome, as they said, but his gaze was intimidating and penetrating, as if he were seeing into my soul. The ceremony proceeded as expected, and time seemed to drag on. And then finally we heard:

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," announced the priest. My heart froze in that instant.

Montanari smiled and unveiled my face. He stared at me for a few seconds, while I maintained my posture, upright and serious.

"You should smile, it's our wedding after all," he whispered.

"Unfortunately I'm not happy, I'm not two-faced," I commented softly.

He rested his warm hands on my back, squeezed me angrily, and kissed me, crushing my lips. Everyone in the church began to applaud.

"Don't fall in love," he warned, smiling at the paparazzi who were there taking pictures.

"Why would I fall in love with you? Give me just one reason," I whispered through gritted teeth.

"Because I kiss well?" he smiled calmly.

"If I fell in love with everyone I've ever kissed, I'd be married to all of them, because they kiss better than you. Believe it?" I whispered ironically.

"I don't," he replied.

"Well, believe me, I'm telling the truth," I said, feeling him squeeze my hand.

We walked hand in hand outside, got into the car, and headed for the mansion. I knew I was starting a life I didn't want. I'm too young to see my life destroyed, but I let it happen.

On the way to the mansion, the silence in the car was thick, almost palpable. I could feel Ethan's penetrating gaze on me, as if he were evaluating my every move, every breath.

"Do you have any idea what you're in for?" his voice broke the silence, rough and direct.

I swallowed hard before answering, trying to maintain my composure in the face of the brutality of his words.

"I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for you," my voice came out firmer than I expected.

He turned his face towards me, his dark eyes flashing with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

"It doesn't matter what you asked for or didn't ask for. You're here because it was decided," his voice was like cutting steel.

"You think you can just decide my fate like that?" my disbelief escaped, my hands clutching the fabric of my dress.

A wry smile appeared on his face, a smile that didn't reach his hard eyes.

"That's exactly what I'm doing. If you haven't figured it out yet, you will in time," his tone was threatening, making it clear that my options were limited.

The rest of the trip was made in silence, every minute seeming like an eternity as I tried to process what lay ahead.

I was literally screwed.

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