NovelToon NovelToon



Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
How was your day ?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Hectic as always.
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
HAHA .., I'm not even surprised. Your café sells the best desserts in Seoul.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Hmm. Christmas is near, Will you be coming home ?
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Ofcrse I will be there.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Then you'll have the tastiest cake.
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
(giggles) You're all cakes are the tastiest Hyung
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Then I'll Call you later, I've reached home. Take Care Hyung. Bye
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Bye.(hang up)
Taehyung is the eldest brother of Jimin. He is 4 years older than him. He is living in Seoul with his famous little café Whipped Hearts' That is famous for tastiest cakes and desserts.
He and his brother Jimin are orphan. Their parents left them Alone when Jimin was 6 and Taehyung was 10. Taehyung worked hard along studying. He worked as dishwasher, bar tender, Maid everything to feed him and his brother. After his degree in food technology course, he opened his own small café.
It was difficult at first. But he worked harder every day. At the end, His every sweat and tears paid off. Now he has his own House, His own Car, His own freedom.
Jimin is studying abroad. He sends him Money every month, where Jimin strictly said 'No' that He have Job, and He is stable. But who is he kidding? Taehyung !?.. Even though Taehyung knows Jimin is getting paid more than enough, But still he is his little Brother, One and only family of his. So, Taehyung Don't care the protest, He wins.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Huh!? Where are they taking these things ?.
As he was near his house, he saw some persons carrying goods and furniture's.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
New neighbor!? Finally, someone in that house.
He stood there a minute before walking inside his house.
After 3 days, @7 in the evening.
Taehyung finished packaging cookies that he made for his new neighbor.
He took the cookies he made And walked to the next door.
Taehyung ranged the doorbell.
A minute passed
He rang the doorbell again.
Finally, he heard the faint sound of footsteps. It grew louder until the door swung open.
There stood the most sexy man face to face of Taehyung. He had a piercing on his lower lip, And another on his right eyebrow and in his ears too. He had a long curly dark hairs covering back of his neck and some falling on either side of his face. Not only that, but he has sharp jawlines that can cut a paper. Black thick eyebrows furrowing on his forehead. His eyes fierce and cold. Taehyung Mouth opened, his eye widened, his stood there amazed of this man's hotness. Every single features of this Man is sexy And at the same time the mole under the shadows of his lower lip makes him cute.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
The sexy man looked at the little adorable human before him.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung Stood in front of this man in his white sweater, he had a long ear chain in his left ear, blonde hair. The sexy man waved before his eyes to land him from this train of thoughts.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Uh! These are for you,
He shoved the basket in his hands
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Welcome to neighborhood.
Taehyung happily chirped with a little bounce.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
He said with a little smile, and looked at him A brief second of silence.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Do you want to come in ?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung said, he was curious as hell.
He walked into the hall. Their footsteps echoing against the marble floor. The air conditioner is on making it colder. The smell of vanilla lingering in the air.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Would you like some lemonade..?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
That would be nice
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Thankyou for offering
After Two or three minutes, sexy man comes inside the living room with a glass of lemonade. He passed the glass of lemonade to Taehyung and sat opposite to him, not so far.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows While sipping a little from the glass.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I'm Taehyung.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I live next door left besides yours.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook Jeon.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Nice to have you Has my Neighbor.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
(smiles with a nod)
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I am running a café downtown.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Come In, If you are passing by
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Sure, I will
After some time
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
It was great talking to you.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
l'll be going then
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷


After two weeks 🍃
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Thank-you for ordering. Have a nice Day
Taehyung said while giving the packages to his customer's with a boxy smile.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Momo, You told me you have date tonight. You can leave now.
Momo; We will have more customers at eve-
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I can take it from here (smiles)
Momo; Okay then.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Have a good date !
Momo; Thank-you.
After sometime, The café door opened And Jungkook walked in.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Hey Sexy !
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I will call you that. Mr Sexy. (he bites his lower lips slowly looking into his eyes)
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
What would you like to have Mr. Sexy ?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Banana Milkshake.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Anything else ..? Have a look at this menu .
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
After a minute, looking into the menu he looks up at Taehyung.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
What did you decide to have ?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
The menu doesn't have the thing I want. (he shakes his head placing the menu back on the counter)
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
What do you want ?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung can feel heebies-jeebies in his stomach. he looked down fluttered
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Haha..! I was just kidding (he waves his hands left to right)
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
(look up with a tint of blush on his cheeks)
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
I'll let you choose.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Sure (he nodded)
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
You can sit near the window. I will be back with your order (boxy smile)
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Here your milkshake,
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
And Here I got you Banana Pudding ,
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Thank you
Jungkook paid the bill and walked out of the café. It was already 8 in the evening.
He closed the café, took his bike wear his helmet and drives to home. On his way he saw Jungkook waiting for bus. He stopped his bike near the depot.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Hey sexy ! (he waved)
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Huh! Babydoll..?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Waiting for the bus..?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Let me give you a lift
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Noh Noh .. It's okay
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Come on Sexy … We are on the same lane.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook settled back on the bike, his both hand near Taehyung's waist.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
You ready.?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung starts to drive.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Sexy... What do you do ?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
I am final year Art student.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
I can be your god (he murmured)
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I am so sorry-
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
l called you are Younger than ..m…me
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Does that matter..?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
If you're okay, then it doesn't matter.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
I'm more than okay (he beamed a little)
Taehyung saw Jungkook through the rearview mirror, and he smiled
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Well, what about your family …?
Jungkook immediately go blank. He cursed himself for blurting it loud.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I am sorry If i-
Jungkook placed his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
My parents abandoned me and my sister, later we were taken to an orphanage
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Where is your sister now.?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
She is dead
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
l am sorry for your loss
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung stopped his bike in front of Jungkook's house, he got down from the Bike
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Thankyou for the ride
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
You are welcome
They Stared each other in silence
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I'm here whenever you need me
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Thankyou Very much
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
It's alright


Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Here You go Sexy ..,
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
What is this ?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Some snacks and desserts
Taehyung shoved the package into his hands. He saw kook standing near the gate of his house, so he stopped his bike and gave some snacks and desserts that he made to him.
Both of them were chit-chatting near the gate without minding bothering about anything. But a Short figure was Intensely Looking at them from the next door. He walked towards them, They keep talking. He moved a little closer, still they didn't Mind.
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Jimin shouted a Little loud giving Taehyung a mini heart attack. Kook too flinched suddenly by hearing the shout.
He looked at Taehyung who patting his chest. Then he glared coldly at the midget who gave him a sudden shock.
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Hyung .., are you okay ..?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Yes I am
He assured the worried Jimin with a smile.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
When did you come ? Why didn't you call me ? I would've come and get you na-
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Easy there Hyung
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
I know You're so busy to even lift a call. And it's Christmas in Two days. Your café must be loaded with Peoples and Their Orders.
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
So I just come on my on. Please don't be sad, You can definitely come and get me next time.. Is that okay..?
Jimin hugged his Hyung who was sad that he didn't get to pick up his younger brother from the airport. He was also regretful that he didn't check his phone till now.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung glances at Jungkook who is standing there looking at them dumbfounded. Because he was ignored like air by these two.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
I'm sorry.. Jungkook, This is my Brother Jimin.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Minnie .., This is My Neighbor And My Friend, Jungkook
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Nice to meet You .
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
My pleasure..
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Okay then Jungkook
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Talk to you later. Good night
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Good Nyt
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Hyung .., Why won't we Invite Jungkook-shii to Dinner ..? It's Christmas tomorrow, The more, the merrier
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Ya ..I will invite him for Dinner .
Jimin 🍷
Jimin 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Hey Sexy ..
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Yeah, Babydoll..
Taehyung called Jungkook as it was midnight and tomorrow is Christmas, he wanted to know if he is occupied tomorrow.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Did I disturb You..? I saw lights are still on inside, So I called You.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Yea ..I was Painting
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Hmm.. I called you to ask whether you're occupied tomorrow.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
I am totally free tomorrow..why did you ask ..?
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
It's Christmas na ... I want to invite you for dinner.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Will you be coming..?
Taehyung asked with hope. He really wanted his Sexy to be with them for dinner. These weeks they really got close and something is also blooming inside Taehyung. His mind chooses to ignore the feeling, But Jungkook was also signifying something. And Both of their Hearts knows the Answer.
He got sad when His sexy went completely silent hearing his invite. But our Jungkook was jumping Inside his mind with extreme happiness that his crush invited him to Dinner.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷 you there-..?
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Uh.. Yes .. I will be there
Both of them smiled shyly. There are really lovesick for each other.
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷
Okay then ..I am hanging up the call .. Go and sleep, don't sit up for too long.
Jungkook 🍷
Jungkook 🍷
Yea.. Good night
Taehyung 🍷
Taehyung 🍷

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