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Crazy In Your Love, General Hubby


How many years I need to forget you!
but how to forget someone lived in my soul
I lived all my life avoiding love in order not to be pained by anyone
but It was my fate to fall for you.
you promised not to leave my hands one day
But you left them willingly
leaving me a deep incurable scar, not in my heart only....but also in my soul
Suffering the only thing left me
those unforgettable memories in my mind & in my heart
Our Laughter
Our Beautiful Moments together
Our Touches
& our dreams which we couldn't fulfill any of them
making me live 100 characters other than mine
Wearing 100 faces to hide my deep grave behind them from others
Eager to know when I be able to get these prisoned tears in my eyes out
to get rid of this unbearable pain in my heart
But I know very well that they will never get out
because since you left
my soul became a prisoner inside me
that soul which loved you more than it loved itself
I wonder where the smile I had when you were here, go?!
& ask myself 1000 times aday would I go back to be my old self again?
but the only answer I got each time I asked myself this
That I will never be that one again
You know why?....
Because without you.....I will never be complete
I hope I can forget you one day to be able to go on
but how to forget someone deeply dwelled in each inch of me, mere jaan💔
[my soul's lover]
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
It's so interesting story filled with surprises
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
excitement ,Twists & hidden secrets
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
You can say, it's a masterpiece
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
I hope you like and support

Characters Intro(1)

Our FL : Violet.
as her name means she is like beautiful purple flower
A cheerful, friendly, helpful girl & beloved by everyone around her.....or you can say that she was like this
but after she faced some matter in her life.......everything changed in her character......even her own name
& that purple flower turned to .....Petra [her new name]
That Ghost(just a nickname)each one fears
a woman with a cold, merciless heart, a heart as tough as stones
Showing cold shoulder to everyone there, making them believe that she is unbreakable
but the truth that she was too broken from inside & hides that behind her cold deeds
FL's Father
Mr Henry : The General of The army a respected man by everyone in the army, whatever he orders all in the army obey blindly Has so strong personality in work but has a totally different kind personality in the house with his only daughter violet who he has no one in this life other than her & loves her the most. Cares about no one even his own self, but cares all caring about his daughter's happiness.
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
Please read part 2 of the characters intro

Characters Intro (P2)

Our 1st ML : Soren
One of the most clever generals in the army with unique skills Stern, addicted to work, duty is before everything in his eyes although he is much more younger Mr Henry [the FL's Father] but his good qualities made him a personal friend to Mr Henry meet each other in work & out work sharing everything about their lives Despite of that, he has a hidden part of his personality he will never figure it out till he meets Violet
Our Second ML : Aiden
Skillful person & the personal doctor of Mr Henry Very successful in his field, beloved by everyone around him His personality is the opposite of Soren's, Cool, gentle, soft & kind guy.
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
that was the intro about our main characters
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
as for the other characters I will introduce them
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
within the progress of the story inshallah
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
😊Please new story needs your support
Co- Author  : Aml Ali.
Co- Author : Aml Ali.
I hope you give it to it❤

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