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Tied To You

Tied To me

Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
You thought...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
That you can escape from me?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'm sure...that I'm very clear about this
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
About all of this
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
That I'm going to chase you
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
No matter where you are....
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'll be hurt you if I have to
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Since I couldn't tame you
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
At least let me take care of you
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Or I'll hurt those you love
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
If you want to play the victim... I'll play the villain
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Since you can't stop running from me
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
So please don't forget or regret this later on
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Though I'll let you go if you win
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
But if I win ....
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'll engrave this word on you
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Kim taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
You're Tied To me
your author
your author
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your author
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Having to go back home on your own is a normal thing for high school.
It's Simple, you just have to take a bus cover, get a taxi, or for some cases just walk back home if you lift close by.
And going by foot, was the schedule today for Kim Taehyung.
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I told you I am fine on my own
Come on, I am just going along with you for-
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
For taking a glimpse at my sister, well unfortunately for you, she is not available
he said annoyed by the particular friend
The one that has been pestering to work along by his side
That's not what I- wait... your sister's not at home?
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Jesus... I already told you
The led rolled his eyes
Is that why you worked home today?
.... when will she be available then?
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
For you ?after you die, maybe
Jimin lifted a brow, with arms on his chest, felt hurt by what his best friend said
Jimin said with pout on his mouth
But even with the cute pout, all Taehyung did was releasing a deep long sigh, along with unusual annoyed face
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Now that you know, just leave me be
Like a Ghost, the moment Taehyung turned his head the boy was nowhere to be seen
Causing the lad to rolled his eyes again, annoyed as hell
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Like... In the past, having someone following me like this would have been dangerous...
A familiar face went pass by his mind, the smirking face of a particular someone, licking cum dripping off his fingers
And it sent shivers down to Tae's back almost immediately, which caused him to stagger on his feet
Realizing that he almost fell down the street, Taehyung snapped back into reality, and the lad stood there by side of the road
All frozen, with cold sweats, stiff face and body
It scares him…that for a fact..
That his whole body reacts to it unconsciously
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"I was just thinking for a moment... and yet..."
The lad lifted his hand, that are now a bit damp, as sweats takes over control
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"I'm… Trembling..."
He was scared
For a experience, befalling him once
The one where he experienced an exotic first time, a lot...of times...
And by the second of each thought, some words were showing up, as if his memory shelves, came wide open by itself
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Let's.... play a game
Certainly...a game that he wouldn't like
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'll let you go if you win
Came along with a bet in line
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
But if you lose....
The moment when the word lose actually meant so much to him,
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'll engrave this word on your body....real...hard
The threat, that came alongside his beating heart
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
For even if you're underage
By blinking eruptingly, hearing his name being called by a familiar voice, Taehyung looked at behind him again
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
The friend sighed in wonder, slightly worried about him
I was about to walk off, until I saw you staggering by sidewalk like this....
You were frozen still, and even if I called you from behind, you didn't even hear me..
What is it?
He frown
The frowns went deeper when he saw Taehyung, gulping a saliva nervously
The lad were blinking away, avoiding glances, and are panting for some reason, despite standing still for the past minutes
This... could it be...are you having an anxiety attack?
Are you alright
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Y-yeah... I'm, don't worry...
Yet despite the response, Jimin still bothers to take care of his friend
Jesus...tae.. you're please stop acting like a kid...
I mean, what would your sister do? If something happened to you earlier?
A car could have hit you if you're not careful enough
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I remembered when she was restless... looking for you That Night..
Hearing the word, somehow trigger the lad, alarmed by what his friend said
You were missing for almost a month....all because you were running from ho-
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I-I got it already ! So please stop!
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Please I thought that we agreed about keeping this down on the ground...
Ah…yeah... right, I forgot...
Nerves were invading the lad, he felt uncomfortable by everything
Anyway.... should I walk you home?
Jimin asked slightly scratching the top of his head
It took some time, but taehyung sighed with determined look
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
No need... I'll be fine...
He said as he take few step back
You sure? Then do be careful...
Maybe what people said was right, that keeping a steady breath, does control you mind
Cause that's how taehyung managed to calm down as he walked down to his neighbourhood
He had already thought of laying down on his bed, sleeping like a log
Kim IU
Kim IU
Tae , I won't be able to pick you up, just for today you might have to take a bus
Was what his sister said with apologetic look
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"But I didn't want to take a bus"
There's too many people, and it's not like he had that much allowance to call a taxi either
lack of friends, due to his certain personality was minus in figuring out if anyone would give him a lift
and he'd certainly refuse anyone with ulterior motives just like what jimin did
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Not like it would matter anyway..
He felt his eyes tiring, as he saw the front porch of his house, a descent place called home
Opening the door with keys, the lad took off his shoes, and threw down his bag to the table right infront of him
It felt nice to have a house for yourself...,but it's not like he isn't welcoming his sister anyway
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"The house did belongs to her in the first place"
He smiled
Speaking of his older sibling, Tae took a glance at the clock, hanging on the wall
It's been a few hours since her shift was supposed to be over
If not for something urgent, then she would have been able to pick him up
But the girl is all grown up, she can take care of herself
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"I trust her"
He thought, streching his body out
Yet as he was just about to go upstairs, the sound of the door unlocking took his attention
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"Finally "
He thought
The lad walked fast to the front door, planning on greeting his sister, when he saw her
Kim IU
Kim IU
Ah, Taehyung-ah, you're back already
IU smiled as she put the key back in her bag
The lad couldn't help but gaze beside the person standing beside her, their arms, linked together
Kim IU
Kim IU
You see tae, today, I'm planning on introducing you, your future brother in law
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Fu... future.. brother..
IU felt puzzled, seeing her brother's reaction,the lad looked shocked
To death perhaps..
So she took a glimpse at the man she linked arms with...
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Nice to meet you.. Kim Taehyung-shi..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'm.. Jeon Jungkook


Kim Hyo joo
Kim Hyo joo
The yelling he received from his mother, kept on echoing through his mind
What can a 16 years old boy do? When he had just confessed to his one and only parents...
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Mom… I'm gay..
Perhaps he should have filtered it more careful…. Saying such blunt things to a religious family...even made his sister stunned
She was one to shield him...and he was the one who ruined a family dinner
But Taehyung had no other choice...he hated being fake, and his mother had always asked him about having girlfriends
Even though she taught her children to never lie to her...such things still got her mad..
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
*It can't be...that she'll cut ties over my sexuality right?"
Well, the boy knows deep down that something's wrong with him
When you watched. A Disney movie, just to drool over the prince….that couldn't mean any good..or normal...
And surely... Running off the house, entering a gay bar, disguising himself as 17 years old... might not be the right thing to do
You sure you're 17 boy?
The legal adult age is actually 21 in Korea, but this is an illegal bar anyway… And the boy did his research..
This he had to lie about his age, cause the owner wouldn't serve him if he's not at the very least….17
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Taehyung said as he gulped another glass of drink
Only to roll his eyes, out into the darkness
And down... Onto the arms of one man..that had been keeping an eye on him ...
Kim IU
Kim IU
Mom! Stop! Don't do this!
Kim Hyo joo
Kim Hyo joo
Let go of me! That boy needs a beating!
Kim IU
Kim IU
Stop! I rarely came home and you guys are doing this to me?! He's just a child mom!
Noona loudly stated
Kim Hyo joo
Kim Hyo joo
No son of mine shall behave like this!
The glare she gave, showed clearly how both disappointed and angry she was of me
Why are they like this? Noona even said that I'm just a child..
I'm not! Age doesn't differentiate my right to claim my own sexuality course!
I'm all growned up to realize hat is going on about my surrounding and of my inside is that of an adult
I can reasonize and divide things that are of favour and not...
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
And my sexuality is something I decide! Not you!
I yelled, storming off the house
Kim IU
Kim IU
As I ran out, hearing the call of my sister, my hands moved to close both ears, legs running even faster
I know that it's dangerous for me to walk out at such hour
But who cares?! I won't let them stomp down on me anymore
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"I'm not a child, I can have my own decision, and no one is collide their opinion with mine!"
I screamed on my thoughts, running off the neighborhood
For 15 minutes..
I just ran to where my path led me to..
Panting in both sweat, along with slight nerves of fear..I saw the stair, leading to an underground gay bar
I had wanted to come here... each time I passed by to school...
But back then, I had a lot to lose..
I had so much... To hold me from going here....
Restrained me... from this place...
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
But not anymore
You're awake?
Taehyung squinted his eyes when he saw the ceiling lights were blinding him, causing the boy to lift up his arms, covering his sensitive eyes
Why...I..who are you?
He asked, sitting up, still unaware of his surrounding
Infront of him, a smiling man, white pale, with a dark black hair, Walked close
You were unconscious..Kim Taehyung-shi
He casually said, sitting at the corner of the bed
I hope you won't mind look at your school lunch
He handed back the card on top of the lad's wallet
Why don't you drink this first?
Infront of him, a glass of water, was put at the small table beside him standing tall beside the wallet
But the lad wasn't thirsty the least
Taehyung had grew some suspicious towards the man infront of him, gulping as he looked around the white room
But hope hadn't leave him,he was scared, but just maybe.. This man wasn't as dangerous as he thought he is
Until he looked down
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Wh-why am I naked?!!
Covered by the bed sheet, Taehyung felt a cold tingling touch on the wrist of his legs
There, a bold cuffs, chained his ankle, to the bed's pole under down there
In horror, he looked back up to the man, now standing up right infront of him
Smirking.. without a care in the world
16..and yet you illegal gay bar ..
Underage... running away from home..I suppose?
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Why are you doing this?!
Taehyung screamed, afraid for the worst
But the mysterious man held up something that catched his attention
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
My phone !
Responding to the lad, the man smiled, leaning down to him
His hand went to the lad, still with the phone
But as taehyung reached for it
Before he realized it, his android phone had fell down right on top of the glass water
Now soaking wet
I did... Told you to drink it earlier
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
A-AH! Y-
Just before Taehyung spoke another word in his deep anger, a hand covered his mouth
He was pinned down to the bed, as a rag of clothe had been shoved down to his mouth, leaving him yapping
He held the lad's hand, holding a tight grip
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
*chuckles.. I can clearly tell the fear in your eyes
But don't worry... It'll all feel good.. Real soon
Taehyung watched in horror as the man's hand touched his chin, lifting it up
Trailing down slowly to his chest
Down to the stomach... the-
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
With another smirk, he moved his hand rapidly, as he held a tight grip of the lad's member
Fapping it fast and fast, so fast that it was somehow a new sensation to Taehyung
His body had tensed up, so tense he couldn't even wiggle his way out
And after only minutes to pass by
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
He came...
Even though the man had released his hand, now standing straight again, Taehyung was left limp, powerless in a sexual manners
His body were twitching, the never have anyone ever made him feel like this...
Never had anyone touched him this way But the person infront of him
... might want to remember my name
The one that are now smirking while licking a few cum drops off his fingers
As we will be doing much more..than just this
Looking down at the lad
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I'm Jeon Jungkook...
He said, closing in to Taehyung's face
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
And from now on
Yanking the still powerless boy's jaw up, with a dominating look
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
You're Tied to me
your author
your author
Hello guys Thankyou for reading and supporting me and please don't hate any character here. This just imagination.

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