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Wish Upon Soul


Aika Faye Mildred has grown from a pampered bubbly child to a mild tempered serene lady. Nobody knows she treasures her two childhood sweethearts a lot.

Elmer Amell Forbes and Silas Asher Ford growing alongside Aika grow apart from her as their family moves away..Years later fate brings them together but eventually lead to the doom of the two.

"W-why?.." cries Aika in anguish. Looking upto the moon she prays countless times,"Let fate turn over and I pledge upon my soul to forestall their suffering."

Opening her eyes , Aika find herself back to 8 years old. " Soulmates..." smiling to herself, recalling her fond memories. Sometimes she gets lost in the moment and reminds herself to guide her two sweethearts to discern their soulmates but doesn't force much changes in their childhood days.

Elmer and Silas had a foreboding feeling but couldn't pinpoint it ...Going on with the days full of joy, suddenly something breaks them going crazy with yearning..


Aika is the daughter of Henry Elias Mildred, a rich businessman and Ayu Hayashi,rich lady from a traditional long standing Japanese family.

Elmer is the only son and heir to the Forbes family. In later years loses his father so had to grow up quickly to support the family.

Silas loses his parents when he is just 2 years old and gets adopted by Elmer's parents. His father was Elmer's father's friend and assistant so entrusted him to their family.

Elmer's mother Audelia Sharon Forbes loves her husband Andrew Ebert Forbes and her son Elmer. She accepts Silas in family and has some fondness for him. After losing her husband she goes into depression and her temperament changes as she becomes sharp with her words and sometimes speaks harshly.

Aika grows in a loving family but things change when her father's company went bankrupt so had to go to her mother's homeland to live. As her parents grew busy with their jobs she was almost left behind with almost none to take care of. Her mother became more strict with her as she grows into a perfect noble lady according to her parents wishes. When her family finally goes on track her mother becomes pregnant with her little brother Eric Zale Mildred. Her parents focus more on the younger child as they are again filled with affection but Aika could no longer integrate into the family as she felt like a polite guest in the family.

Forbes and Mildred family are family friends and there were verbal agreements of marriage between their families. Mrs Forbes liked Aika as her own daughter.

This is set in place called Lyndan city. It is nearly like modern setting but has some fantasy elements like there is existence of soulmates and mystery places mostly like some unfounded rumors or so it is told.

In this world 16 years of age is considered adult and they are prompted to find soulmates if can or arranged by families to be engaged. At this age they also graduate from school then go for university. By 20 years of age they are urged to marry regardless of whether they find their soulmates. Lovers of same genders are not acceptable much in their world though may exist and it is very rare that soulmates of same gender have romantic relationship.Only soulmates can mark each other be it platonic or romantic.

Some Highlights:

Aika's father and mother is referred to as Mr and Mrs Mildred.

Elmer's father and mother as Mr and Mrs Forbes.

likewise will be done with any new characters parents.

This is a polyamory story so it will have Elmer×Silas×Aika.



"Are you awake?", came a young boy's voice.

Blinking her eyes to adjust to the light, Aika falls into confusion.

Then came another voice teasing "Little fella is still a baby sleeping all the time.."

Something struck her as she goes into a daze looking at her childhood sweethearts. "Elm? Sil?" came out almost like a murmur in the breeze.

"Yes little lady dizzy from too much sleep?" said Silas with a gentle smile.

"Sweet pea is turning into a sleepy head," teased Elmer as he rubbed her head almost making her dizzy.

Aika giggled from his touch and their nostalgic nicknames bringing out an overwhelming fondness for the moment.

Elmer and Silas felt a tug at their heartstrings at the sight of such Aika and hearing her sweet giggles. They couldn't put their finger on this sudden emotion.

Aika looked at them as she pouted trying to hide the overwhelming emotions prompting to burst out at the moment. Sitting under the tree, Silas had a book in his hand, Elmer was sitting cross legged arm to arm with Silas while Aika sat opposite facing them. The afternoon sunlight was seeping in through the gaps in the tree falling on her soft light brown hair.

Silas put down the book by his side while Elmer poked Aika's cheeks saying with a grin "What does sweet pea wanna play?"

"I think you are playing with me like I am some doll," Aika almost glared at Elmer, puffing up her cheeks.

"Stop teasing our little miss or she is gonna be a pufferfish for the whole day," said Silas looking at them.

Aika widened her eyes at Silas as if he just didn't tease her. Then they laughed together.

"Have you heard of soulmates?" asked Elmer compelling the other two.

Aika went in a daze by the familiar conversation they had once. Then she remembered she might be 8 years old now while the two of them were 10 years old. Many emotions flickered through her eyes as it returned to calm which went unnoticed by the other two.

Silas looked at Elmer thinking saying slowly, " Yeah the one father was talking about. Everyone longs for a soulmate in their life. He said we might turn out to be platonic soulmates like our dads were."

Elmer almost laughed ," Yeah right how do one even knows who are their soulmates. He longed for a romantic soulmate but apparently couldn't

find. Well its looks that my parents are on good terms so I joked maybe they were soulmates. He rebuked me on spot, scraing me."

Aika didn't interrupt their conversation as her gaze lingered between them.

"What happened to our little lady today? So quiet " said as Elmer raised his eyebrows amusingly. Silas too looked over with a inquisitive gaze.

Aika POV

Elm and Sil looked at me. I almost couldn't help myself hugging them. I restrained myself as I put on a small smile.

"No just quite curious about soulmates that you are talking about."

"You really took the topic seriously. Who knows whether soulmates exist. Didn't your parents talk about it? I heard they were soulmates." Elmer shrugged.

" Don't know maybe."

"Ya it was said that your parents were true soulmates. Everyone is envious of even finding one in their life. It seems all those who find their romantic soulmate get married" Silas added indifferently.

"Who guys might also be true soulmates." I intentionally said making it look like it was slip of my tongue taking in every expressions of theirs.

"Are you kidding?! How can that be? You really don't know only a man and a woman become true soulmates while their maybe another one who become friends like Asher and my dad" snapped Elmer. Silas also had a strange expression as he looked at me puzzled as to say how can I have such thoughts.

I pouted whining saying in a joking tone, " A person may have a friend and a lover soulmate and that doesn't have to depend on gender."

Both of them looked at me like I am a naive spoiled baby who doesn't understand the world. It makes feel like I am a strange creature dropped in this world.

I huffed and turn to run away from there. I completely missed their eyes flickering in thought as they looked at my back. I returned inside my room as I watched them from balcony taking in almost everything about them, their looks, the fresh air letting my emotions spill little by little feeling alive.

Silas POV

Here only Amell and I were left sitting staring into our little lady's disappearing back. I snapped into my senses as Amell elbowed me.

"Do you think something is strange about sweet pea today?" Amell said as he looked into my eyes.

"Hm..she didn't look much cheerful and lively."

As we stare into each other eyes , some weird emotions passed through my heart in an instant. I couldn't catch or discern the feeling. Maybe Amell felt the same as he looked away having a stiff grin.

The awkward situation didn't last a minute as Uncle Mildred came to inform us of father's return.

Elmer POV

I breathed a sigh of relief as Uncle Mildred took us in to find dad as it broke the weird situation though I couldn't understand what made it awkward.

Sweet pea was sitting with dad smiling as he praised her "Princess is looking so lovely!"

Something is different about her demeanor but I couldn't pinpoint the difference. She is looking more happy than usual but not too cheerful. I simply stopped thinking frustrated.

Dad beckoned Asher and me to come over as he started talking about how adorable sweet pea is. I rolled my eyes at his usual antics. Asher started smiling.

After a bit of chatting we bid farewell to the Mildred family.

Aika POV

After dinner and acting like a spoiled princess to my parents, I went back to my room locking the door. I slid down leaning against the door feeling exhausted.

Its been years since my parents even looked at me properly. I couldn't almost maintain my bubbly character of childhood days. I feel so hollow now as I gaze almost at nothing.

The moonlight was seeping through the windows as it illuminated the room. I walk up to the small balcony on the other side of the window. Looking up at the moon I smile gratefully pressing down the deep heaviness in my heart. I wished countless times on nights like these as I was slowly losing myself despairing.

"This time let me aid you, my beloveds. Hopefully my wish can come true." I murmured seeming like a strong oath.


Laughter rang in the garden as Silas was blindfolded while Elmer and Aika were running around him escaping from him trying not to be caught.

Aika POV

"Stupid Ashy" Elm teased Sil as he tapped on his shoulder escaping quickly.

I was entranced by this nostalgic sight looking at them. I went in a daze for a moment that I didn't notice when I was entrapped in someone's arms.

This much I longed for it.

"Caught you" Sil smiled as he took off the blindfold. With his innocent face and gleam in his eyes, caging me in his arms said, "Little lady is still so small really like a munchkin ."

I made a pout hearing 'munchkin' though evoking a strange satisfaction.

"You are wrong. See our little miss has grown up" Elm pulled me out of Sil's arms holding me. Before a grin could be plastered knowing Elm has finally learned to be gentleman, Elm gestured, "taller by a pea size."

I puffed my cheeks punching Elm with my small fists almost like a pat while Elm and Sil burst out laughing.

Silas POV

Glad to see our little lady back to her lively self. Amell and Faye really make my days frolicsome. Every year during these days I get a bit depressed. Two days ago was my parents death anniversary. Since I was only 2 years old when I got adopted by Amell's father, I don't have much memories of my parents but still missed them. Maybe wished had my own loving parents. Yeah I know that Amell's father and mother take care of me like their own son but still maybe don't have much attachment. It's more like their responsibility to take care of me.

As I was lost in my thought, I was suddenly hugged by two bears..ahem I mean Amell and Faye as they were like hanging on my each arm smiling.

"What happened Sil? "Faye said looking up with some concern in her eyes.

"Nothing my little lady."

"Why so lost?" Amell questioned, making it clear that he will not leave me till I am honest.

"Just feeling happy wishing we could stay like this forever" I whispered hugging them tightly burying my face in Amell's shoulder feeling a bit embarrassed to act like a spoiled child.

I always feel like I should always act a bit mature than my peers but deep inside I want to be spoiled by someone..ahh.. so abashed to admit it.

"We will." Amell promised with a grin while Faye just smiled looking at us, a bit more solemn as if she took an oath.

I just wished that fate would keep all three of us together forever.

Elmer POV

Now we are at dining table with Aunt and Uncle Mildred and Mom and Dad. Asher is quietly eating while smiling from time to time. Dad is going on talking with sweet pea about how was her day while mom is also looking at them chatting with her. Aunt as always is eating quietly while telling sweet pea to eat properly like a lady while Uncle like always has a serious face while taking care about all the guests. I don't know how princess came out with such a bubbly personality with her parents though they look a bit softer and gentler than when we are in front of outsiders.

After dinner we bid farewell to them. Giving a hug to princess, I went out with my family.

Finally back home, in Asher and my room, I laid down my bed while Ashy lounging all over me with his head on my chest.

"What happened, Ashy? Why on my bed today?"

"You know I was kinda missing my parents these days. You and Faye always take my empty feelings away..Feeling kinda um.. blissful " Asher was smiling widely with his eyes closed saying softly as he buried his face sideways on my chest. He looked so peaceful like this, acting all spoiled.

I noticed he looked a bit dull these days though he was smiling. I knew his parents death hit him hard though he doesn't show much now after so many years. He always act like a little adult taking on the big brother role for Faye but he is really a softie and spoiled kid at heart. Though we were born on the same date, he is always trying to show he is good boy and mature in front of everyone caring about me like a good brother sometimes nagging at me when I am acting playful but maybe he is also longing for someone to pamper him and bring out his mischievous side like a spoiled brat.

"Sweet dreams puffin~" I whispered gently in his ears patting his back. Soon he fell asleep as I started thinking about whether what I glimpsed at earlier was my illusion. When I just looked away bidding farewell to Faye, I caught a glimpse of flickering emotions on her. It seemed kinda longing reluctant.. Longing for what? Maybe it was my illusion , maybe she was just reluctant as we couldn't stay with her for the night just like a kid who wanted to play more with us but couldn't. You know we used to have sleep overs until she turned 8. Now our parents say we are big enough so boys can't stay the night with girls. Come to think of it our birthday is only 2 months away..Hmm gotta think about gifts..mmm~


Here Elmer dozed off with Silas in his arms. Moonlight seeping in through the gap in between the curtains. The insects buzzing quietly.The whole atmosphere warm and serene.

On the other side, in Aika's room~

"Today is just the second night I came back in time or am I reborn? Don't know since I don't remember dying and.." Aika kept silence for few moments probably remembering the nights she spent after Elmer's and Silas' death and her desperate prayers.

Leaning her head down sideways on her both arms crossed on the railing of the balcony she murmured, "Forget it..just getting to look at them alive and happy can keep me breathing longer."

Again looking up at the moon, the night skies were filled with star now unlike countless night skies she saw when she lost them which were somber and starless so like her. After one look she fell asleep with a blanket covering her leaning against the balcony railing breathing in fresh air feeling alive again.

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