NovelToon NovelToon

Reborn Of An Innocent Girl To A Villain


This is a story filled with sibling bond, toxic parents, revenge and romance.
Hope u like the story
Beginning, 2019
In New York, in a luxury penthouse lived the Anderson family.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I don't have a good life, I know no one's life is perfect but mine's a living hell.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I have a mean, selfish and a snake for a stepmother. She is the devil himself and my father falls for her acts and lies all the time.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
So basically my brother and I have a very toxic family. I wonder if family is the right word.
Lillian grins, but her eyes is filled with sadness.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
My father is blind when it comes to her. He loves that snake more than his blood-related children. It hurts me, he hurts me.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Will this still be happening if my mother was alive?
She said with tears in her eyes.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I loved my mother so much, I still do. She died of cancer. We attended her funeral, it was heartbreaking.
By now Lillian was crying thinking back to the bad memories.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
My father loved my mother more than us but when she died he broke and became a monster who married a monster.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I HATE Grace!!! She is a snake who thinks she took my mother's place, but she can't cuz my mother was an angel not a... like her.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Lillian come and do ur chores!!! U can't neglect ur responsibilities.
She shouted at her making her flinch.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Ok. The only reason I put up with her is cuz of my brother, or I would run away and try to survive in the world, but I can't do that cuz I know I won't be able to take care of Matt. I will move out the second I turn 18, I will also take Matt with me, Grace and my father doesn't deserve either of us.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Hurry up now!!!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I am going.
She goes to the kitchen and does the dishes and after cleaning the whole house she did the laundry.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Lilly why didn't u ask me to help u?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
U don't need to I can do it alone. U go do ur schoolwork.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
U always say that! I wanna help u, u can't keep doing this alone!!!
Matt was whining annoyed that Lillian never wanted his help.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Come on Mr Brave Pants I'll ask for ur help next time ok?
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Ugh fine. Ur annoying.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I am but u know u love me.
Lillian says as she hugs him.
Matt smiles
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I do love ya sis.
Lillian pulls back and so does he.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I love ya little bro.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I love ya too big sis.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Now did u do ur schoolwork?
She asks him and he smiles
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I knew u were gonna ask that, almost done. How about urs?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I didn't even get started on it. I was busy ya know?
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Ya I know that's one of the reasons I wanna help so u have time to do ur assignments.
Matt says sadly
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
My big sister does everything that witch says cuz I can go to school here at least, if we go from here maybe I won't be able to go and have to work instead. She loves and protests me, so I wanna do the same.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Wanna go finish our homework together?
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
They finish their assignments and decide to hang out. They go to the mall and get some school supplies, clothes and some snacks.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Let's go to a restaurant sis.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I don't think we can.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Right the mean queen won't let us eat out when she is cooking the disgusting thing she calls food.
He says chucking
Lillian laughs
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Ya les go home.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
More like a slavery house.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Don't worry too much. We will get out of the hell house, I promise.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I know and I believe we can do it.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
We're gonna be late and the mean queen will put us in the dungeons.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Nah, I'll steal her crown.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Sure Nature. Now les go.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
U know I only allow mother to call me that. She called me Nature cuz I love and care about the earth, flowers and trees.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I miss her so much!!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I miss her too. And she was right u really love nature.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Sorry for calling u that I know it reminds u of her and it makes u sad that she is no longer with us anymore.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
It's fine u can call me that. And it's impossible not to miss her, I got used to it. When I think of her I don't feel sad I feel happy reminiscing the memories.
Matt accepted his destiny, but that doesn't mean he will accept everything. He will change his life for the better no matter the cost.
They take a cab and arrive to their "so-called" home. As soon as they step out of the car they see Grace standing at the door.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Where were u two??!!
She shouts at them,
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
We went shopping.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
And who gave u permission????
She shouts at them louder
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
We don't need to take permission from u!!!
She states with confidence, but her voice would tell u she is angry.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Really? Ur under my roof.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Not under urs but our father's and our's. U can order us around, but this is too much. U have to let us go out we need fresh air.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
U have to ask permission-
Grace got caught of by Lillian's screams
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
Yes that true but u have to respect ur mother!
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
She is not our mother and she will never be!!! Got it?
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
Grace is ur mother and my wife! So respect her.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian shouts out of anger, she has too much rage built up inside her.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
FUNNY UR TALKING ABOUT "RESPECT", RESPECT GOES BOTH WAYS!!!! So when she respects us we will too.
Matt yelled at the top of his lungs
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Look what they are saying about me darling. I do everything for them to accept me, but they still don't.
She said while looking at Alex with fake tears streaming down her face.
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
That's it! U made her cry!!!
He yells and drags them to the basement.
Lillian sees Grace smirking. Her plans always works and this time it was no different.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
NO! U can't do this to ur own children cuz of a woman!!!!!
She cries hurt that their biological father would do this to them every time they upset that snake.
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
That woman is my wife.
He says sharply bringing more tears to Lillian's eyes
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
And we're ur children bastard even though I wish we weren't.
Matt says with a straight face and there is no trace of any emotion in his voice
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
Shut up!!!!
He shouts loudly at them. Warning ⛔ This part contents violence, abuse viewers are advised. Skip it if you are don't want to see it
He beats them until their bloody, and leaves locking the door.
Lillian cries quietly and swears she will have her revenge one day for what they did to them. She'll make them both kneel before her begging for mercy which she will not give.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Stop Lilly don't cry. Don't let them get to u.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
How come ur not crying??? U don't even have a tear in ur eyes.
She asks him looking at him shocked
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
It happens so much that it doesn't affect me anymore. It's not the first time but u still cry like the first time.
Lillian hugs him tightly and he hugs back
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Ur really brave and strong Matt u know that right?
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I know, but don't cry when u do it breaks me. Promise to not let them make u cry anymore!!!!
Matt says his voice cracking
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Promise. I am so sorry for not being strong and unable to do anything about them. I hope u can forgive ur weak sister.
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Don't say that ur stronger than u think sis. Always remember I love ya very much!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I love ya more Mr Brave Pants.

Past Life

Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I will kill everyone who made my life miserable! I will make their pathetic life worse than hell that even the heavens will cry for them.
Lillian said smiling an evil smile like the devil's.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I will be worse than the devil, I will not have remorse for anyone who tries to stop me and has a hand in the hell I indured.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I will make sure to return the favor!!!!
She said grinning thinking of what she will do to them, she has so many ways it's hard to decide.
The day when her life actually ended
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
I... I can't do this anymore, they still don't accept me as... their.... mo.. ther.
The snake said through her fake cries
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
It's ok. My darling don't upset urself, u know they have issues since their mother died they can't get attached to any woman cuz they are afraid of losing u if they get close to u.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Really u .... th... ink so?
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
Of course u are an amazing woman.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
No...u are ur j..ust to comfort me.
She managed to reply through her sobs, she is an amazing actress if she started a career in acting I am sure she would win a lot of Oscars
She ran to her room and Alex ran after her but he didn't ran fast enough, she locked the door and started sobbing loudly
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
Grace don't cry my dear, it's Lillian's birthday I'll punish them for making u cry another day.
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Why cuz u love them more then me?
She started crying like a baby again
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
No I love u both plz don't cry or I'll lose my control.
When Alex said that she smiled but continued crying
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
☁️(thoughts) He is still as stupid as always he fell for it. Now I just need to wait for him to lock them in the basement.
She thought smiling as she thought about how he would beat them until they are bloody, she grinned
He went to Lillian's room and dragged her to the basement
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
U made her cry again!!!!
He yelled so loudly that the whole neighborhood heard
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I did not do anything!!!!
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
U did u and Matt still don't accept her as ur mom, in fact u and him don't even speak to her. U stupid children don't love and respect her or me!!!!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
F u and her!!!!
Lillian shouts loudly that made Alex flinch for the first time
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Do u know what I go through Every. Single. Day. cuz of u two??? ANSWER ME!!! ALL U F***ING THINK ABOUT IS U AND HER!!!! WHAT ABOUT US????
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
She yells so loud that she could hear her voice so loud as if she was speaking into a microphone
Matt hears the commotion and runs to the living room
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt threatens him holding a knife in his hand
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
U think that will scare me????
He asks laughing
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Matt don't make ur self a murder for him, he is not worth it!! I beg u!!!!!
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
He swears still holding onto the knife and pointing it at him
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt screams and suddenly starts laughing hysterically
The snake comes out of her room and runs to Alex with tears streaming down her face
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Don't do.... this ..u ..will....regret it
She says through sobs
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
NO!! I won't, do u regret getting us beaten by fake crying u *****??!!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
She yells furiously
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
SHUT UP!!! Matt and Lillian shout together
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
That's it!
He screams coming closer to them
Matt stabs his hand
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I warned u, but u didn't listen.
He says calmly with his voice cold as ice while Alex is screaming and Grace is crying
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace yelled, crying hard
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Did he stop?? NO , he did not so why should we??!!
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
I can cuz u did worst things to us and we didn't say or do anything about it! BUT THAT IS OVER, NOW I WILL GIVE U A TASTE OF UR OWN MEDICINE!!!!
Matt yelled, a yell that sent shivers down Alex's and Grace's spine
They both looked at each other and had a look that said we messed up terribly
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
See what u forced Matt to do??!! If u just behaved like a parent none of this would happen!!!!!
Lillian spoke calmly,the calmness in her voice had scared her father. It made him want to jump out of his skin. He realised that he had really broken both of his children
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
Grace Anderson(Stepmother)
U are right but that's cuz u both don't have discipline so we have to resort to such methods!!!
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
U are right as always my love.
Alex Anderson(Father)
Alex Anderson(Father)
U both are going to the basement until u learn ur lesson!
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Matt Anderson(Brother)
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
And spare dragging us there, we'll go there ourselves.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
With that both of them walked in, closed the door and he locked it.
The same thing as always happened but this time it was different none of them cared anymore. No screams or cries

Second Chance

Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Am I dead???
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
No I can't be I don't remember anything.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
W.. What happened?
She felt herself falling down a long and pitch black cliff
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
What's happening to me??!!
Lillian screamed while tumbling down at the speed of light
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Make it stop!!!!!
She screamed at the top of her lungs as she was getting light-headed
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Help me!
But she continued falling
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Matt help pls
She heard nothing , she saw nothing
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Matt pls
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
He isn't here to save me again is he??
She asked herself a question she knew the answer perfectly well
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
She yelled sobbing as dread started to settle in her
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Am I dead? Then who's gonna take care of Matt and calm him down????
She wiped her tears and tried to calm herself down
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Matt is gonna be fine.
She kept whispering to herself
Lillian accepted her fate and gave up all hope as there was no one to help her
Finally, the falling stopped and she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, it takes sometime for her to see clearly
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
What happened?
She whispered softly, looking around her surroundings to see she was in some kind of ward. The smell of artificial fragrance hit her nose, the kind of fragrance u would find contained in soaps and cleaners.
Where was she?
But the smell was oddly familiar like she had been here before. She looked down and noticed that she was laying on a hospital bed. In a VIP ward
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Why am I here?!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
What happened???
She asked herself confused, her voice hoarse. When she tried to move she felt a sharp pain from her abdomen
She winced in pain, going back to her former position. She touched her stomach and her fingers started to cover in blood and drip to the blanket
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
She slowly started to remember what had happened. Not only that, but she was shot by a man continuously so much so her ballistic vest got torn. After that she fell and hit her head on the hard concrete ground. She also remembered running away with Matt, joining an agency and began training to be an agent. Just then a nurse came
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
Good you're finally awake Ms Anderson. How r u d...? Oh my goodness ur bleeding!!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
So what if I am bleeding?
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
Miss Anderson, u can't move too much as u had surgery.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
W… W… What?
She started at the nurse blankly while she tended to her wound
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
U had surgery. So pls miss don't move.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
When? Why?
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
2 days ago. U were shot, don't u remember?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Uh no I don't.
She lied. She knew she got shot, but she wasn't going to let her know that, how could she know if she was working with them. In her past life her graceful snake of a stepmom hired people to trail her and her brother and even paid those nasty people to take them out, but they got lucky and they somehow always survived.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Uhh. Why was I shot? And by whom?
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
I have no idea
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Right. You don't know anything about me aside from my medical record and basic information needed for my treatment
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
Yes, Miss.
She smiled awkwardly
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
I better inform Mr Mayer.
That name. She remembered it, it was the name of the owner of the agency she worked at.
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
Mr Mayer will then inform the FBI agents who have been guarding ur room since u got admitted here
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
The FBI r here?
She asked shocked
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
☁️(thoughts) They must be here for my protection as someone just attempted to murder me. But r they on my parents orders or the chief of police?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
R they sent by my parents?
Lillian felt a bitter taste in her mouth at her calling them "parents" when they were far from it.
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
No, they r sent by the chief of police by the request of the president.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
The president!? What does she have to do with me?
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
It's cuz u r a high skilled private detective and u worked on many cases involving the president.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Ur saying I worked with the president!!!?
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Wow. ☁️(thoughts) I am so cool. I worked with the president💃💃
Roxanne (Nurse)
Roxanne (Nurse)
I must tell Mr Mayer ur awake he is worried sick
She smiled and left the VIP ward
Lillian checked her would that the nurse had just dressed. She hissed in pain as her fingers touched it.
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Lillian r u feeling better?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I am better now
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
U scared me there. I thought I was never gonna see u again
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
U hv nothing to worry about I can't die, u know that
Melvin chuckled
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
I know, but I am afraid that ur luck will run out. U hv been in the hospital a million times but u always got out.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I know and I will get out this time too.
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
This time is different u r severally injured and u were in a coma for 2 days, I was afraid u would never wake up
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I am fine Melvin there's nothing to worry about. Just hv the vests improved and this will never happen again.
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Of course. It was the vest's fault
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Obviously. Now call those guard out my door, now that u know I am fine
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Ur wish is my command.
He turns to go out the door when he stops in his tracks in realization of what she just said
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Who told u there r cops out ur room?
He asked confused
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
That nurse. She is too talkative. What happened to Carlet why isn't she here?
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
U don't like Roxanne? Do u?
Lillian rolled her eyes in annoyance
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
As a matter of fact no I don't. So answer my question where is my fav doc!?
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
She is really busy at the moment.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Busy? What kind of busy personal or work?
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Both. She is opening her own hospital and got engaged
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
About damn time
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
I know. Now tell me why u don't like Roxanne? She seems like a nice young lady
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
That's the problem she is too nice!
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
It's her job to be polite
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
She is far from polite. She answered every question I asked
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
So u don't trust her? Do u think it is a Delacy again?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Ya I don't trust her. I hv a bad feeling it will turn out like my once good friend Delacy
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Just cuz she's nice?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
U know what I mean, Melvin!
She yelled trying to seat up
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Relax Lillian. Don't try to sit, u had surgery for God's sake!!!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Ya will if u don't look into her I will sit until I get discharged!
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Now, now threatening me r we Lilly?
She scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
U will look into her won't u?
Still attempting to sit to prove her point
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Ofc I will look into her if it makes you feel better
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Thxs luv ya
He rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile but failing miserably. Melvin left the room smiling a smile Lillian caught
Melvin is a father figure for Lillian, an incredible fatherlike at that. He is an even better father than her own father
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
☁️(thoughts) Huh. I wish he was my real father then my life would be a lot better
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
Hello Miss Anderson, I am Officer Remer and I would like to ask u some questions about the incident if ur alright with that
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Hi Officer, sure go ahead
Before officer Remer could reply the other one spoke
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
Hello Miss I am Officer Welles
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Hello Officer
Lillian looked back and forth at the two men
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
First I would like to know how you were shot
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I was shot by a man continuously
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
Do u have anyone in mind that could possibly do this to u?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Yes my stepmother. I believe the man was hired by her
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
Why would she do such a thing?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Just cuz she hates me and my brother.
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
Why would she hate u and ur brother?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Cuz first of all she is terrible woman. Second of all she made me her maid and wouldn't hire a maid even though we can afford it. Third of all she made us prisoners in our own home and had us beaten to death by our father.
Lillian told them the truth. She was tried of lying to everyone. She wanted them to get what they deserved one way or another!
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
And do u think ur father has apart in her schemes?
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Yes he always listens to his wife.
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
I don't think ur stepmother is willing to go as far as murder just for the sole reason she hates u.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
What r u implying officer?
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
There must be another reason. Such as for u not to get ur inheritance.
Lillian scoffed
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I nor want their stupid company or their inheritance. So I don't see a point why she would need to do this.
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
Maybe ur brother wants the company that's why she would try to kill u to hurt him and also as a warning that if he wants to inherit the company, he will lose more than just his sister.
She chuckled
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Believe me none of us want anything that belongs to them.
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
Then there could be another possibility. If I am not wrong ur mother was also from a wealthy family.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Yes, where r u getting at?
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
I think ur stepmother may want to get rid of u and ur brother as to keep ur mother's property and shares in ur father's company.
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
It would make more sense if she wants to get rid of u and ur brother to keep ur mother's property under the Anderson's name.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I haven't thought about that. They didn't tell us anything about my mother's property.
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
They may have hidden it from u, but don't worry we will investigate ur case thoroughly.
Remer(FBI agent)
Remer(FBI agent)
And we will let u know if we find anything. Thank u for ur cooperation Miss Anderson.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
It's the least I can do
Welles(FBI agent)
Welles(FBI agent)
We will take our leave now. Get well soon Miss.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Thx u. I will
The two officers left and Melvin came in
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Eamon really did put his best men on the job.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
He sure did. I didn't know u were on a first name basics with Chief Huxley
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
He was my classmate in high school
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
That's cool. How come u never told me that?
Melvin shrugged
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
It never came up
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
So I figure u told them the truth
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
U don't need to figure when u were eavesdropping.
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
You too good at your job!
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Well I am your best agent.
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Ur so sure of yourself
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I am the best the is no in between. And u and I both know it.
Melvin rolled his eyes in annoyance
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Ofc I do. Now do u think they will actually investigate? You know cuz ur family members r powerful they wouldn't want to get on their bad sides.
Melvin meant parents by saying family members as Lillian doesn't like to call them her parents and refers to them as family members
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
I thought about that but since the president sent them that means she is concerned about my safety. And she will do anything to keep me alive as she owes me her life.
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
And not to mention I keep the country safe
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
I know she will make sure u live but what if the FBI agents r too afraid to take the case
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
The two officers that time my testimony look like law up holders. They would not want to disappoint their chief and the president.
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Ur right they will hv the president's protection if the r brave enough to take the case
Lillian Anderson
Lillian Anderson
And they will get a promotion and be well respected, so I think they will be willing to take the risk
Melvin Mayer
Melvin Mayer
I hope so. Let's just pray they don't back off

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