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The Legend Of: The Magical Book

Episode 1 (New life)

Once There was a Witch, her name is 'Sabrina', she wanted a book called 'The book of Mysterious', so she performed a magic spell so she can get that book and she became successful in that, but the book had some magical powers so it disappeared from there and it fell down in the 'Velow street' in Monaco city, that magical book is finding someone who can save it from that witch.

Next day, a girl is going through that vellow street and sees the book which was fell aside. Her name is 'Christina', she went near and took that book and saw the title of the book it was “THE BOOK OF MYSTERIOUS” and thinks "which is this book it's too old but it's quite attractive, and why it is here? did someone fell it, but there is no one here, let me take it to my home" then she takes it to her home, while she reach to home she tries to open it but it is not opening it looks like it is locked, then she leaves it there. The next day when Christina comes to see the book it was disappeared from her house, Christina gets shock and thinks "where that book gone? how did it disappeared from here, I think I didn't brought that book only I think I was dreaming yesterday, leave it".

After one month, at ADAM high school, Cristina is going to school, while going she saw a girl who is coming in her direction, She came running and says "hello! my name is 'Serena', today is my first day in this school and I don't know anyone here, will you be my friend?" so by hearing this Christina felts weird, then she thinks for awhile and agrees to become her friend, but Christina was really very surprised when suddenly someone comes and asks to become her friend but Christina thought that it may be fact and accepted it.

After school, when Christina and Serena were coming back from school. Serena went shopping to bring snacks and juice for Christina and sees that there was a park nearby so they decided to go for park then Serena says to Christina to sit in the park and wait till she brings snacks and juice. While Christina was going to the park she gets something in her leg and she was going to fall but Serena was too far and could not call for her help, but at that time an unknown boy came and caught Christina, Serena sees Christina and comes running there and thanked that boy who helped Christina. Then He says that it's okay and told his name is 'Alex', then Christina also thanked him but he didn't talk anything and went away suddenly. It was very weird for them.

The next day, In the School Christina, saw Alex and she said "hello!" to him but he didn't answer, then Serena sees Christina and asked her "what are you thinking?" then Chistina told her about the incident and by hearing this Serena feels weird and she was thinking why did he behave like this. After the school Serena sees Alex and goes near him but then she sees him with a girl, so Serena stops there and thought that now it is not the correct time and didn't speak to him and then she came back to Christina and told her about it.

Christina was thinking about talking to Alex and ask him why is he not talking to her. The next day, she went to Alex and asked him that why he is not talking so he gave her smile and said her "don't be anxious, I am not speaking to you because my girlfriend does not like it, so when she is with me, I can't talk to you so don't feel bad because she thinks that if you became a friend of mine then I will not talk to her". Christina asked, "why would she think like that?". Alex replied "because you're very beautiful. Christina said "Really? don't fool me". At last Alex said "okay okay!! When she is not with me I'll come and join you now come let's go". At that time Serena comes to Christina and asks "why are you here?". Christina replied that "Just now I met Alex he said his girlfriend won't like it so he was not talking with us when she is near". Serena said "so that's the case. okay, let it be now come let's go to the canteen. I will take some sandwiches, what about you?". Christina replied "I will take some Noodles. Serena! Come fast let's go I am very hungry".

Episode 2

While going back home, Serena decided to go to Library when she reached there no one was there she was searching for a book when she saw the time it was 11:30 pm at night and the librarian had closed the library. When she came to the door it was locked then she shouted ''Open the door!!! Open the door!!!!'' She heard a voice like someone is coming near her then she saw a shadow on the floor. When she went near she saw a boy and asked him '''What are you doing here''. Then he fainted and fell on her. She told him ''wake up this is not the time to be anxious.

She saw his face he was very cute and handsome. He was so beautiful that she was seeing him without blinking her eyes. She went and brought water and sprinkled it on his face. He woke up and he saw a beautiful girl in front of him. She asked him who are you? why did you fall? what is your name? where are you from? what are you doing here?''. ''Wait! Wait! don't ask too many questions together or else I will be fainted again ask the questions one by one. So she says ''alright say one by one''. So he says his name is ......."My Name is 'Azen'. I was searching for a book and I had not eaten lunch from the morning so I fainted". Then they two were talking so much that it became morning. Then the Librarian came and opened the door and he asked "SORRY" to both of them. In the morning Serena went to school and attended the class but it was late so she started to run while she was passing on the corridor she saw a boy sleeping in the class while the class was going on. It was weird for her and when she saw that boy she felt something similar but she ignored it and rushed to the class.

Sabrina, the Witch was searching a way to find the book. She had a magical crystal ball in which she can see anything she needs. She used all the powers to find that book in the crystal ball but she could not find the book in it. So she made a cat through her magical powers and sent it to find the book.

One night, while going back to home Serena saw a black and weird cat and went near to touch it. But it became a monster she was afraid, but no one was there near her. So she ran from there but the monster was coming behind her. It followed Serena when she came to the end of the street she got afraid and closed her eyes when she opened her eyes she saw a boy In front of her and cast a spell. The monster vanished in the air. When he turned it was Azen he asked are you alright, she said “I am fine. Azen what are you doing here”. He said, “I saw you running so I came here”. Serena said “Ok, thank you, bye’’. The next day, Serena went to Christina and said to her that “a boy saved me yesterday. His name is ……’’ suddenly Alex comes there and says “What are you doing here. Will, you two not read for Exam’’. Then Serena says “What Exam’’. Serena was shocked. Serena asked when is the exam? Alex said “Day after tomorrow’’.

On the day of the exam, Serena comes late. While running on the corridor she crashes to a boy. They both say “SORRY’’ to each other. When they saw their face. It was Azen and Serena. Serena said “Are you also studying in the same school’’. Azen said “Yes’’. Serena said, “Okay, It's not the time to talk let’s talk later”. They both went from there. Serena wrote the exam and came out. And asked Christina “how was your exam’’. Christina said “It was good, How was yours’’. Serena said “It was nice. I met the boy who saved me today before entering the exam hall’’. Christina asked “what is his name and where is he?’’.Serena said to Christina “see, there he is”. Christina said, “where no one is there”. Serena said, “I think he went”.

The next day is the result day - The results are on the notice board. Serena comes to see the result on the notice board. Serena searched her name on the list and she found that she was in 57th rank. She was very happy that she was passed in all subjects. Then she searched her friend's name, she found that Christina had got 3rd rank, Alex had got 35th rank, at last, she searched Azen name but she could not find his name on the list. She was shocked. Then she went to class and she saw that Christina was fighting with her classmate 'Rina' who got 4th rank. Rina was shouting that “I should be in 3rd rank and you should be in 4th rank. But you have done cheating in the exam this time”.

Episode 3

At that time Serena came and stopped them but they did not stop at last Alex came and stopped them. Then Serena came and said “CONGRATULATION” to both of them by shaking hands. Alex said “CONGRATS” to Christina by shaking hands. At that time Christina felt very happy that her heart was pounding very fast and loudly.

After school, Serena went to the library and she saw that Azen was sitting and reading a book. Serena slowly went near him and asked him “why didn’t you attend the exam”. So he replied that “I had an emergency on that day so I couldn’t attend the exam”. Serena said “I was just worried about you so I just asked. By the way, what are you reading ?”. So Azen replied, “I was reading ‘THE BOOK OF MAGIC’ and why did you come here?” Serena said, “I came here to read some novels”.

The next day in the school, when Christina was passing she saw Alex and her heart started pounding fast. Slowly she went near him and wished him a good morning. At that time a girl came and holds Alex’s hand. By seeing this Christina felt very sad and jealous. Alex saw Christina and wished her good morning and said: “meet my girlfriend 'Mona', and Mona this is my new friend Christina”. Mona said, “hello Christina nice to meet you”. Christina replied “hello nice to meet you too. By the way, I have urgent work to do so I will see you two later”. Mona said “wait a minute! I want to say you something that as you are Alex’s friend can we two also be friends”. Christina agreed to become her friend and rushed and accidentally dashed an unknown boy and she was just to fall at that time Alex comes and holds Christina. Christina says thanks to Alex. By seeing this Mona felt jealous and was angry too so she pulls Alex’s hands and takes him away. The next day, Serena and Christina went to Park at that time Serena feels hungry so she went to buy some snacks at that time Christina sees Alex and Mona in the Park. At that time some mischief guys came and started to bully Christina. At that time Alex came running and fought with them and saved Christina. By seeing this Mona got very angry and understood that Alex had some feelings for Christina so she decided to keep Christina away from Alex.

Next day in school, after lunch in break time Mona and Alex were standing in the side of corridor Mona saw Christina and Serena were passing in the corridor and suddenly hugs Alex so that Christina would feel jealous, at that time Christina sees Mona and Alex hugging each other and her heart was broken and she couldn’t control her feelings and run away and cried. Serena followed Christina and saw that she was crying so Serena went near her and asked about her problems. Christina replied that “I like Alex very much but I can’t control my feelings towards him but he likes another girl so now I decided to forget him”. Serena said “don’t worry I will be always with you. Now stop crying tomorrow is ‘TALENTS DAY’ in this we have to participate so get ready let's go discuss and about it”. In the evening after all the classes in the classroom, all were discussing the performance. Alex decided to make team with Mona, Serena, Christina and other schoolmates named Jack, Lisa, Mandy, Monty. And they discussed and decided to make the drama of Cinderella’s story and they gave their team name as ‘DRAMA COMPANY’. Then they started to discuss the roles so they decided to put chits and then everyone took one chit and opened it. As Alex got the role of ‘Prince Charming’ and Serena got the role of ‘Good Witch’ and Lisa and Mandy got ‘2 daughters’, Jack got ‘soldier’, Monty got ‘horse charioteer’ , Mona was expecting the role of Cinderella but she got the role of ‘Step-Mother’ and at last Christina got the role of ‘CINDERELLA’. Christina was not happy by her role but at last, she accepted. Mona was very angry and jealous and wanted to take revenge from Christina.

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