NovelToon NovelToon

Rebirth Of The Female Tycoon


hello every one it's your author here
this is my 4th chat story!
hope I receive your support with this too!
one fine day
Mansion of Arthur
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*frowns in her sleep*
Young miss
please wake up!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*opens her eyes and sits up with a jerk*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
Young miss?
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*looks at the maid*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl) can leave
*goes out*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*looks around*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《that dream was weird》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*gets freshened up and goes downstairs*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
dining area
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
Morning dad and brother!
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
*ignores her as usual and eats his food*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*smiles* Morning Amara
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*joins them at the table*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*starts eating her meal*
after a while
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*sitting in the sofa in a daze*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
hey Amara is everything okay?
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
uh- yeah....I just had this weird dream and now I can't remember it that clearly
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
A dream is just a dream, don't think about it too much
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*nods* hmmm
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
go take your things from your room, I'll go start the car.
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
okay brother!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*goes to her room*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*goes to the garage*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*walks down with the bag*
beep beep
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*waves his hand from the driver seat*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*stops abruptly* 《I got a sense of déjà vu》
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
hey Amara come let's go!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
ahhh right sorry
Sawozki School of Management Studies
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
well then off you go, I might not be able to pick you up later, so have one of your friends drop you off at home
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
uh?..wait what did you say?
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*looks at her blankly*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
uh nevermind, bye Lucian!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《what is happening?!》
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Bestieeeeeee! *jumps on fl*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*holds her* you are going to give me a heart attack some da-
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*pauses* 《I feel like I've said that...》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《in the dream...》
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*snaps out of her thoughts*
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
come on, it's professor Ronaldo's class
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
huh? the first period?! his class?!
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
yep! now hurry up! *pulls fl along*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《it can't be that I had vision of the future right?! *chuckles*》
see you guys in the next episode!


that evening
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
they just had to have us attend after hour classes...*sighs*
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Yep its already 8. Hey Amara, will you really be alright going home alone?
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
yep don't worry!
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
Hailey Jefferson (fl bff)
okay then call me once you've reach you home!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
yeah bye!!!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*walks to the bus stop*
kidnapper 1
kidnapper 1
*walks over*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*looks at them through the corner of her eyes*《looks like I should have went somewhere safe》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*frowns* *calls someone*
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
hello? 📱
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)'s me Amara 📱
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
oh what do you want?📱
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
umm can you come pick me up? I'm in-
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
I don't have the time, I'll hang up if that is it 📱
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
hey Asaph one minu-📱
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
Asaph Mendez (fl fiancé)
*hang up*
Kidnapper 2
Kidnapper 2
*gets close to fl*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*panics* *and calls her dad*
the number you've dialed is not picking up the call
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*starts walking away from the bus stop and about to call Lucian*
Kidnapper 2
Kidnapper 2
*looks at kidnapper 1 and nods*
kidnapper 1
kidnapper 1
*runs after fl and injects something into her neck*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
ahhhhh hel- mhhhhhh
Kidnapper 2
Kidnapper 2
*covers her mouth*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*struggles and starts to loose her strength slowly*
Kidnapper 2
Kidnapper 2
*smirks and pulls her into a van*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*faints* 《help....》
A few hours later
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*eyelids tremble*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*opens her eyes*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
hello, is someone there?
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*brings her knees closer to her chest and curls up*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《it's okay Amara, you'll be rescued soon》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*hugs her knees*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*falls alseep*
few hours later
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*wakes up with a startle*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《it can't be....》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*takes deep breath to calm down*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*stands up and starts touching the room to know its structure*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*looks up the window which is the single source of light in the room*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*walks near it and calls out again*
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
hello?! anybody there?!!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*goes back to the place she was sitting and sits down hugging her knees*
in the mansion of Arthur
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*scared* young master, young miss haven't come back yet-
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
*walks inside* I have some news
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Dad- *stops looking behind his dad*
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*peeks from behind Jeffery*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*shocked to see a girl who looks exactly like his late mother*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
let me introduce Amira, Amira Arthur, your sister
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*looks at his dad in confusion* dad what do you mean?!
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
I'm not sure of the exact details but I guess Amira was exchanged with Amara when they were born
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Amira is your real sister, treat her well
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
*pats Amira's head gently*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*processing the whole thing*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Amira, call him brother
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*deliberately softens her voice* brother...
see you guys in the next episode bye!!!


Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
《I don't even know how long I've been here》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*stomach growls* 《I'm hungry one answers no matter how loud I shout》
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
*deep in thoughts* and the dream is becoming more and more clear as I spend time in this dark room...
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
if the dream is true then I've been reborn....
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
uhhhhh I'm going crazy!
Amara Jones (fl)
Amara Jones (fl)
I'll wait for 2 more days if the dream is true then i would be......
Mansion of Arthur
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
so, I saw her at the mall when I was discussing some details with a client of ours. Her striking resemblance to you mother had me shook
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*looks at Jeffery as if she is comforting him*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
yes she look very similar to mom but dad how could you be so sure that she is your daughter?!
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
*hands over a few files to him*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*takes a look at it*
99% match in DNA.......confirmed that....Jeffery......biological father......Amira
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*looks up at Amira* really are my sister...
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
but dad then who is Amara?...
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
she should probably be the daughter of Amira's adopted parents
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother) your parents know about this?
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*Shakes her head as no* I came here as an exchange student and i just found out about it this they have no idea about it...
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
where are your adopted parents from?
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Lilan...they are settled there
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
we need to talk to them about go rest, Lucian show her a room, she must be tired
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
yes dad- dad wait Amara!
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
what about her *looks displeased*
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
dad she hasn't come back home yet...
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
Jeffery Arthur (fl foster dad)
handle it yourself, I don't wanna talk about her, *leaves to him room*
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister) she my sister?
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
yes, one minute Amira *calls fl*
the number you have dialed is currently switched off
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*frowns in worry*
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
don't worry she should be about my age...may be she went over to one of her friends home...
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)'s....
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
brother...maybe you are overthinking
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
Lucian Arthur (fl adopted brother)
*sighs* leave it, I'll show you your room...
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
hmmm *smiles*
in the guest room
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
《I need to have them finish the work off soon》
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*calls someone*
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*walks into the bathroom* hey, it's me...find a way to sell somewhere faraway, make sure you don't get caught 📱
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*hangs up*
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
Amira Arthur (fl adopted/foster sister)
*clenches her fists* I'm sorry, but I can't let you come back, I'll never let you snatch what's mine!

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