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After Reincarnation, I Married My Ex-Husband's Uncle

Episode 1

"What the hell is going on? Why did I come back here?"

As I opened my eyes and saw where I was, I cursed internally... To make you understand, I would have to start telling my first story and why I am cursing so deep...

In my first life, as far as I can remember, I was a beautiful lady of high society. I was stunning, with long silver hair, a slender figure, gray eyes, and skin as white as snow. My family held the same power as royalty and we always maintained good relations, as a clash between both forces would be catastrophic for our kingdom. The ones who would suffer the most in a civil war would be the low-income people.

My family was at the top of the nobility ranks and consisted of my father, Duke Gerald Liberto, a tall man with hair similar to mine, as well as my siblings; my mother, Duchess Francesca Liberto, who possessed an unmatched beauty, although none of her children inherited the reddish color of her hair or her fiery ruby eyes; my brother, the successor to the duchy, Marcos Liberto, and my sister, Margaret Liberto, who were twins and looked so much alike. And then there was me, Melanie Liberto, the youngest of the Liberto family. At a glance, my family resembled copies of my father, with my mother being the only one who stood out.

I was raised in extravagant luxury, just like my siblings. However, they were righteous, honest, and noble-hearted, bringing glory to the duchy... On the other hand, I was just a spoiled brat, selfish, and greedy, wanting to control everything. There was a reason why I became so full of myself from an early age. Initially, I surrounded myself with friends and maids who took advantage of my position, as my parents and siblings were always busy with their duties and didn't pay much attention to me. They always offered to take me with them, but I preferred being a lazy bum. However, this wasn't the main reason why I believed I was superior...

During that time, it was customary for a priest from the temple to be invited to each family's celebration when a new member was born, be it from a rich or poor family. The priest would bring good omens, not just for the newborn, but for the entire family.

For my birth, the omen was incredibly good, too good. It was said that I would be the most important lady in the empire and would sit on the empress's throne. So, I grew up with that burden on my shoulders, a burden that only I in the family took seriously. My relatives would just laugh, which filled me with rage.

Thus, I grew up isolating myself from my family, with bad company, believing that I had the empress's position secured... And yes, that formula was never going to end well.

When I turned nineteen years old, after a year of begging, I managed to be engaged to the crown prince. At that time, I despised the emperor, who happened to be the prince's uncle. The monarch had imposed a law prohibiting marital agreements with minors and engagements were not to be forced by anyone in the family; he personally signed the engagement contracts to prevent nobles from selling their daughters. I hated him at that moment because I had wanted to be the crown prince's betrothed since I was very young.

On the other hand, I don't know much about why the emperor's nephew was chosen for the throne instead of a successor to the emperor... I just remember hearing that the emperor was suffering from a severe illness that prevented him from conceiving an heir.

It was a person who died young, a little before I met my tragic end.

I know he was loved, as from a very young age he was on the battlefield, bringing glory to the empire, reclaiming territory that belonged to us and preventing more unnecessary wars. Everyone mourned his death, especially considering his young age, I believe he was about twenty-six years old. It was a sad story, but at the time I didn't pay much attention to it. I never saw him in person, I only remember hearing his voice once, but I never saw him personally. He was very reserved, but ultimately a good monarch, a stark contrast to his successor.

After the emperor passed away, the prince was crowned and it was expected that he would marry. After two years, I achieved my goal and we got married. The truth is, there was never any love between us. He hated me for pressuring him into marrying me, and I only desired power. Along the way, I trampled on others, mistreated them, made deals with insignificant nobles... among other things that deeply embarrass me to this day.

As expected, all the actions of my twenty-one years of life led to the end of my first life. I sat in the empress's seat, but only for one day.

The next day, I learned that the omen of my birth was not just the pretty words that my family had told me, there was something more... the prophecy said that I could be the most important woman in this kingdom, but I could also be the most hated and bring death to my entire family... Who would have thought that these things were so accurate... The morning after my coronation, all my crimes were uncovered, and I, along with my family, were taken to the guillotine.

My heart ached every time I saw a family member's head roll... How foolish I was, if only I could turn back time... I only remember their faces rolling and my tears falling, while the prince, now emperor, watched everything from his box with a smile, and by his side, a twelve-year-old girl. Because the first thing he did when he became emperor was to abolish all the laws imposed by his uncle.

Episode 2

Many nobles sold their daughters to that pervert and then accused me, married that girl. The fear was evident from miles away, poor girl, but I was not there to pity anyone, my family was dying in front of my eyes and I could not do anything...

If I had not been the evil person I was, at that time my family could have done something, everyone would be alive... what a stupid existence I had...

That's how my first life ended, for some strange reason, I was born in a very different world, it seemed more modern than I remembered, there was no magic here, like in my other life, no emperors.

I adapted to the situation as I grew up.

Before I was born, I heard a voice that said, "if you repent, prove it in this life."

I had come back to life as a baby, I remembered everything from my previous life, so I was not surprised by the life that I had, let's call it karma. What caught my attention was that I looked just as beautiful as in my past life, except for my hair color, which was black here, but my eyes were still there, every day since I could look at myself in the mirror, I felt my own accusing gaze, for my past crimes.

In this life, I did not get to live under the care of a loving family, on the contrary, I was abandoned to be raised in an orphanage, no one wanted to adopt me, so I grew up there. This time I was going to do it right.

I knew all my caregivers, most of them were nuns who took care of me day after day, encouraged me to study and be better. They were great people I crossed paths with in my life.

I always knew that money was scarce, as we lived on charity and what the church provided us, which was very little. Therefore, as soon as I could work, I did, and with that money, I helped the sisters as best as I could.

Since I studied very young, obtaining a scholarship at an early age was not difficult. After a few years of sacrifice, I managed to graduate.

I studied medicine, I was interested not only in modern medicine but also in traditional medicine, it was incredible how with just a touch of the wrist, one could detect everything that was happening in a body. In addition, I delved into the medicinal use of plants, as I treated my patients with alternative medicine, when possible, I preferred to heal with some plants rather than pills full of chemicals, it was not always possible, but for minor ailments it was...

After forming a small prestige and after many romantic setbacks, he arrived... my greatest love in this life, to him I confessed everything, even my memories. I ended up marrying him, but instead of moving, I enlarged the orphanage, it would be easier to protect those children there... he always supported me, I understood a lot about life by his side, he was there in the good times, like when I won the award for best surgeon, and in not-so-good times, like when I was diagnosed with infertility. I thought that was the end of our relationship. However, he did not move from my side.

We grew more and more, and our family became all those kids living in the orphanage, some were lucky and found families, others did not have them, they became our children... we helped many children.

However, this life was not going to leave my happiness for long, after a few years of marriage, my faithful companion lost his life in a traffic accident, he was involved in a multiple collision, he left me too quickly.

From that day on, I only focused on my work and my children. Slowly, I aged and my health deteriorated more and more, age was playing a bad trick on me, my end was just around the corner, but I was not sad, on the contrary, I was excited to see what new adventure I would find, I would try to reunite with my beloved. I begged all the gods to keep my memory intact, so I could search for that special being, who vanished so quickly in this life...

In time, I left that plane, surrounded by many people who cried at my departure, I closed my eyes without regretting anything, this life was extraordinary, I went hungry and cold, but still, I was happy, very happy...

When I felt like I was falling into the abyss, a voice… the same one that told me to do it right in this life, speaks to me again.

-Well done, girl, you exceeded my expectations, I will give you a prize...-

Before I could respond, I felt myself falling into emptiness. At first, I was scared, but then I let myself go, feeling peace. Is this what it feels like to die without regrets?

However, slowly but surely, I began to feel my body again. I opened my eyes slowly and couldn't believe what I saw. Damn, is this a prize? Is my punishment still ongoing?

I knew exactly where I was. It was the royal palace, back in my previous life.

I'm seventeen at this moment, remembering this foolishness. One day, I wanted to seduce the prince and pretended to faint. That day, the emperor arrived. It was the only time I heard him speak. They entered when I was pretending to be unconscious, so I remained still until they left. Then, maidens and doctors came in, sent by the emperor to check on me. I had to rush home, not wanting them to examine me with the provocative clothes I had underneath. What a shame!

I'm still alone, so the prince didn't bring the emperor. I have to leave…

I approached the window and jumped without much thought. I was on the first floor, there were bushes and no one was guarding. If I died, better by my own hands than at the hands of that sadistic prince…

I twisted my ankle when I jumped and I think I hurt my right side. I hope I didn't fracture a rib. It hurt like hell. I forgot that in this life, I was very idle. In my previous life, I did everything to stay in shape and keep my mind occupied. Until my last days, I practiced martial arts as a distraction. I was already a master of four different martial arts. I'll have to train myself…

I took advantage of the bushes and hid, as I heard voices approaching.

Episode 3

As a professional English novelist, you will need to rewrite a novel in English. Please be careful to keep the paragraph structure in its original state and do not add any additional explanations.

"Uncle, I swear she's throwing a fit"

"Well, nephew, let's see, keep your composure, you know it's necessary to be a good leader"

"I know, but this woman is unbearable, the only good thing about her is her family"

"Prince Armando, don't be like that, what did I tell you about speaking like that about people? Have your parents taught you anything good? As a future emperor, you shouldn't be like this, and you know... you're not obligated to marry her"

"Yes, uncle, sorry, but this girl drives me crazy"

I wanted to punch him, so angry, and what's worse is I hate myself during this time... he's such an idiot.

I could spy through the bushes, the two men were passing by, at this moment I'm seventeen, the prince is twenty years old, and I don't remember the emperor well, I estimate he's around twenty-one, he's younger and more attractive than I thought, I always assumed he was in poor health and had an ugly character for not going out, but look at his posture, even though I can't see his face.

At that moment, I see them stop for a second, the emperor told the prince to go ahead because he didn't feel well and wanted to get some fresh air before entering, the prince moves away, the other man takes a few more steps and disappears, I didn't see where he went, he walks so fast... I whispered to myself.

"Is it safe to leave now?"

A male and imposing voice whispered in my ear.

"That depends, on who you're hiding from and why, girl"

When I turned around, I saw that handsome man who had been with the idiot, my eyes filled with tears, instinctively I touched his face... I know, it wasn't a good reaction, the man doesn't know me, but I know him, I'm sure he's my beloved, he has a different hair color, but those eyes are his...

He stood still as I touched him, until he reacted and wiped away my tears, while I pulled my hands away.

"What are you doing, do you know who I am?"

It was obvious who he was; however, I would never admit it, I enjoyed coming back to this place...

"I'm sorry, sir, I saw a pretty face and wanted to touch it, it's my weakness"

"What the hell? Why the tears?"

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"I sprained my ankle"

"That's why you're hiding?"

"What else could be happening?"

We could hear the shouting from inside.

"Uncle, where have you disappeared to!?"

I looked at him at the exact moment he was about to speak, instinctively I covered his mouth.

But as I moved so quickly, I fell on top of him. We ended up with him sitting on the floor, me on top of him and my hands over his mouth... he's my beloved, but he doesn't know it yet, I hope he won't kill me for this... Damn, I feel the pain in my right side, damn it, my head is spinning, I couldn't take the pain anymore, everything started to blur, the last thing I remember saying was...

"Please, don't turn me over to that little prince"

I didn't even feel the fall, but before closing my eyes completely, I saw a shadow jump from the tree. Then everything turned black.

Narrated by Emperor Lucas Di´sepolo.

I have a terrible headache, and this idiot of a nephew comes with another tantrum, god if only I had someone worthy to leave as emperor, I know I don't have much time left, maybe a few more years. But I have to find someone better than this idiot, he'll lead us all to ruin...

As I insulted in my mind, I heard noises in some bushes near where I was passing with my obnoxious nephew, I take the opportunity for him to go away and distance myself.

When I slipped between the bushes, I couldn't believe it, that girl Armando was complaining about, there she was, hidden, she looked nervous, wait why is she crying, am I that intimidating? I must have scared her... she's injured... sounds like an excuse... injured... I see her covering my mouth, I was going to offer her to leave without being seen, but what did she think when she jumped on me.

I saw the pain on her face as she fell into my arms, asking me to take her away from that imbecile. I signaled to my faithful companion and guardian.

"Now, are you fainting too?"

"Don't be an idiot, did you see where she came from?"

"Yes, she jumped from the prince's room, she looked desperate"

"Why didn't you help her?"

"Because I never thought she would jump like a crazy person"

"Fine, take her to my palace without being seen"

"Where should I leave her?"

"Put her in my room, no one should enter until I arrive-"

"Finally, my friend, you're bringing a woman to your room-"

"Who do you think I am? Can't you see she's unconscious?-"

"And what if she isn't?-"

"She is still underage, according to my own rules-"



"It's the first time she hasn't said no-"

Before I could respond, he secretly left with the girl. Idiot; however, I feel better after helping that girl, I believe it will be fun dealing with her.

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