NovelToon NovelToon

Sarva Shreshtha

Episode 2

Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Some modern experts and researcher said that Warlord is gone in a deep sleep for recovery but some says he is not alive, Even some are unable to believe that he is really that powerful who survived the attack of god killing weapon.
Mam it really truth, did demons really attacked us.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Yes, Our researchers found traces of war and old civilisation and more importantly, the holy temple is still exists and protecting humans from demons.
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
That means Wing Cavalry is also exist
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Yes ofcourse, and even our emperor are also a former student of holy temple
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
Mam, Sushant is sleeping in class during your lecture.
Ruby got angry and goes near Sushant
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Sushant wake up
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Sushant wake up
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
He is done for today, Mam will definitely punish him.
Mam, he studied overnight that's why he fell asleep during class
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
I didn't question you
Sushant slowly open eyes and sat down
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Why are you sleeping in class?
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I already completed this subject and my notes are ready. So, I don't think I need to revise it Again
Doesn't you know how to talk with teachers
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I did anything wrong, sleeping during is wrong, but I already completed this chapter.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
It doesn't matter, stand up straight until the class end.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant stood straight, Maya is looking at him and she is sad.
Demons still exists?
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Not for sure, but demonic beasts still exists, their main habitat is the dark forest and areas near chaos mountain.
Random student (male)
Random student (male)
Mam you said spiritual beasts also helped humans during great war
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Yes, at that time demons also attacking sacred forests that is main habitat of spiritual Beasts also covered the thirty percent of over all world. After the battle, humans and the leader of spiritual Beasts signed a peace treaty in which human will not attack spiritual beasts and spiritual beasts will not attack humans. Humans will not create problem and mess in their territory, and they will not invade in human territories to do mess and chaos
What if human break this treaty
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
They will invade in human territories and do destruction, this time holy temple will not protect humans and humans are not powerful to defend against spiritual beasts
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
How you know that?
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Just a guess
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
Sushant you know about this
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Everything related to it.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Where is the Warlord? answer me if you know.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
A soldier in Warlord's team is injured and laying over ground but concious, he saw everything that happened at that time and according to him Warlord goes in North and there is only two undiscovered places, first the dark forest, second the chaos mountain and if we investigate the ancient scriptures of our ancestors then we will found that there was a secret passage in dark forest or chaos mountain that connects the land of evil, means the home of demons and demonic beasts. According to my guess, If Warlord is alive then he is somewhere in that area.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
[He really analysed everything in detail]
I am sure you are just bluffing to attract the attention of all girls.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
So what will you do if I am doing that.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Sushant behave yourself, and Amar you also stand straight until the class end. You both can fight after school if you want. I'll not overlook your both's behaviour next time
Sorry mam.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sorry mam
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
Mam one more question
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
Are all demons are evil?

Episode 1

God created everything in this including this world and universe. Millions and billions of years ago some giants rule over this world but with time they all vanished by natural disaster and some other accidents.
It proves that death is reality and everyone who born in this world shall die one day. The death never sees who are rich and powerful.
Approximately a thousand years ago before the modern age, When humans are breaking their limits to gain strength and demons were on rampage.
A great battle started between two mega forces. Demons started attacking and capturing human territories.
Human are increasing their powers and demons don't want to see human race surpass demon race in strength because they think human race is a mere race who born to serve them.
The commander of the demon army, Astaroth the demon lord, is leading an army of ten million powerful demons to attack the main territory of humans. The headquarters of holy temple.
The holy temple is the last hope for human to survive. The demon army need to defeat the five million knights of human army and they also known as wing cavalry. The person who was commanding the wing cavalry was our Savior and also known as WARLORD.
A fearless warrior with a calm face but eyes full of anger and fire. The only Immortal warrior of human race.
Astaroth is a Arrogant and stupid demon lord who just want power, power and power. His main target to attack Holy temple is just make human race the weakest race so that they can rule over them.
Before the arrival of Warlord, humans were getting defeat and only defeat. millions of our human soldiers killed by demons. Humans are losing hope to win. But they want to win fight at any cost because they want to protect their family, their children and their people. But they don't have had a leader who can lead them to battle. because of this humans are battling alone in crowd of millions of them.
The demon forces almost conquered the sixty percent of whole world and slaughtered over millions of humans and spiritual beasts.
But still lack of power and a powerful leader.
Finally after the fifty years of nonstop war a Hero appeared who took humans under his command and mastered the divine battle art of heavens.
He is the Warlord, the only Immortal warrior of human army.
In his leadership, human army did a comeback in battle and changed the tide of war. Humans were now full of confidence and moral. They started Killing demons and within next two years, Humans recaptured the eighty percent of world.
Now the time was for final showdown. The battle of holy land
Five million of human knight is standing like a wall in front of holy temple and to stop demon army.
Astaroth is now entering in battle.
Both sides started attacking but like always demons lack of battle formation. Warlord is using a battle formation knows as Trident formation(trisul vyu), Like this one million knights are defending front line in leadership of Warlord and two millions knight were surrounding demon army from right in leadership of another general and two millions were surrounding them from left and trapping the demon army in this circle.
Like this within half day battle, the demon army lost over six million of soldiers and humans lost five hundred thousand soldiers.
After another five hours, Astaroth understood this plan of warlord, but he was already late. The demon army lost their five generals and a total of nine and half million of soldiers. Humans only one million of soldiers. Humans are now full of moral and killing Demons ruthlessly and finally after whole day fight. All demon soldiers died, and some powerful demons Ran away to save themselves but in the end Humans hunted them.
Finally, after fifty years this great war ended. This war is considered as the most bloody war because over five hundred million human lost their lives and over hundreds millions of spiritual Beasts died and over a billion of demon slaughtered.
Warlord captured Astaroth successfully.
Humans are enjoying their victory but Astaroth is planning something.
Those demons who ran away are all heavenly demon general and loyal soldiers of Astaroth. They all killed some trustworthy people of Warlord and took their position.
Warlord and other humans are unaware of it. When Warlord and his team is transporting the war criminals and reached half way of dark forest, the demons who are hiding in Warlord's team by taking human form and stabbed Warlord on back with a demonic weapon and gave him a fatal wound. The demonic weapon is created by the ancestors of demon clan to kill gods. Warlord fell over ground and then those demons killed all human soldiers and free up Astaroth.
Astaroth took weapon in hands and going to cut off Warlord's head but Warlord stood up infront of him like a true warrior and killed all demons who killed his trustworthy people.
Then Astaroth and Warlord fought face to face and Astaroth is winning because Warlord is injured.
But warlord didn't give up and after a bloody battle he successfully killed Astaroth and destroyed that demonic weapon. After that, Warlord look at setting sun and started moving towards North direction and since then nobody knows where is he?
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Some modern experts and researcher said that Warlord is gone in a deep sleep for recovery but some says he is not alive, Even some are unable to believe that he is really that powerful who survived the attack of god killing weapon.

Episode 3

Random student (female)
Random student (female)
Are all demons are evil?
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
I don't think because all humans are not good too.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
According to the holy scriptures, demons were born from the soul of evil gods, There is no chance that they are good, I am sure all demons are evil.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
What if some are good?
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I can guarantee they are all evil, and if some are good then I am sure they are upto something.
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
Wow, Sushant how you know so much?
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Because I don't waste time on bullying others
What you mean by bullying?
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Both of you keep silent
Bell sound
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Amar you can sit now and Sushant stand straight until the lunch break end
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
❄️ okay
Ruby leave class and all students came in took out their lunch boxes.
Sushant is still standing straight and he looks fine. A girl came near him.
Sushant you can sit now, teacher is not here.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
No worry, I am fine, and it is not enough to make me suffer. I can stand whole day without rest.
By the way, I made a study group for our class, I want to invite you in it.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I already completed my syllabus for this year, I am going to join extra combat classes and focus on my training.
You are already number one boy in whole school in combat and martial arts.
I am a karate champion, and I can easily defeat scums like him in just one move.
Sushant kicked Amar's face with so much speed. Amar hit with wall and fell over floor.
Not again, Are you guys want more punishment?
How dare you to hit me. 💢
Amar and Sushant both started fighting, they have also broken furniture of classroom in fight and all girls are cheering for Sushant. Half boys are cheering Amar and half are cheering Sushant
After fifteen minutes of fight Amar got defeated and also injured without wounds, but Sushant is normal.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Do you have anything to say now?
You will regret
Amar, go to pharmacy and Sushant come with me to pharmacy too because you are also hurt.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I am fine, he needs treatment otherwise he needs to suffer pain for next one week
I'll see you later piece of garbage
Amar goes to pharmacy
Random student (male)
Random student (male)
I didn't want to attend today's class but after this fight it worth it.
Random student (female)
Random student (female)
But how we are going to explain it to teachers
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Like always, I am the one who is going for punishment
Teachers entered
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
So, who did it now. This is third time in this month.
Amar and Sushant fought because Amar call Sushant scum.
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
Sushant, why you did it?
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I don't want to waste time, what is the punishment
How dare you to oppose a teacher
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I didn't oppose anyone
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
Go and complete ten rounds of football ground without resting
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
It is easy for him, you have complete fifty rounds of football ground without resting
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
It is so much for him
Ruby (sushant
Ruby (sushant's mother)
He will not do that again after this punishment
You have to complete and submit your syllabus within two days.
Sushant took out six notebooks and gave them to principal
What is it?
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
My notebooks, I already completed my syllabus. You can check now.
[He is really brilliant but I can't overlook his fault]
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
I am going for the punishment and if you not believe me you can send someone to monitor me
I'll monitor you
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
class teacher of (sushant and Maya)
Amar you will also complete thirty rounds of football ground because it is your fault too.
I'll die if I run so much.
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Useless trash
💢fine, I'll show you I am better than you
Sushant (before final tribulation)
Sushant (before final tribulation)
In your dreams
Amar started going from stairs but Sushant directly jumped from fourth floor and whole class again shocked and Ruby got scared for a second but after seeing this amar also jumped from third floor and both started racing

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