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If Only He Knew

Chapter 1

| Epigraph |

His hands are saying that he wants to hold her. His feet are saying that he wants to chase after her...He's probably forgotten that I'm here, beside him.

*throws cream buns to all my readers*

<<< This book is dedicated to those who think they don't deserve the one they love >>>

Here you go!

| When We Met |

"Love is like a wind. You can never see it, but you can always feel it."

Birds were chirping, the skies were all clear except for kites. A soft breeze splattered over trees which reverberated with pleasure. It was the spring season, perfect for every girl and boy, man and woman.

Two children were playing on the playground. Or more like fighting.

"You can never win against me, " the little boy said, patting girl's forehead.

The girl tried to reach him, but he was slightly taller than her. How can he be taller? He is just six, the girl thought.

She pouted in annoyance at the rude behaviour of the boy who she didn't even know!

"I will tell my mom that today I met a girl who actually plays with robots and not with those pinkish-pinky dolls, " the boy said while laughing loudly, gripping a grey coloured talking robot in his little finger by its antenna.

"Give me my robot. My father gave that to me!" The girl ran towards the boy and pushed him hard to the ground.

The boy fell straight on his stomach into the puddle of muddy water, his clothes dirtying and his knees bleeding crimson due to the scratch he got right after he fell down. He started to cry, his shrill voice reaching the ambient noise around them, and to the girl's ears.

The girl stared at him.

And stared.

She blinked once.


Then she came forward and offered her hand to him, her little fingers too small to pull him out of that mess, but her heart too big to ignore him lying there all injured.

Now it was the boy's turn to stare. Instead of letting her pull him, he actually pulled her by her hand. She also fell into the puddle, the mud splashing all over their clothes, her hands gripping his t-shirt for support and his gripping her little frilly skirt in reflex.

Ten minutes later...

"What did I tell you about giving my robot back? I wouldn't have pushed you then!" the girl said, placing a bandage on his knee wound, blowing air from her mouth to make it less painful.

She took out another band-aid, which her mother had made her keep in her pocket for safety because she had a habit of falling and getting into trouble every time she stepped outside.

She unwrapped it with little difficulty, straightened it out before sticking it to his other arm which was injured while they were trying to get out from that puddle.

He was sniffing his nose when she was completing her little treatment. "I would have given it to you. I am not a bad boy!" said the boy, while wiping tears carelessly from his shirt sleeves.

"Sure, " the little girl dragged the word and continued, "Mommy says I shouldn't go near weeds like you, " she said, smiling widely and lifting his arm again to check if she had done the treatment well or not.

"You just called me "weed". What is that anyway?"

"I don't know. Mommy says that boys are weeds!"

"Then I am not a boy. I am a man, " he said, standing quickly only to stagger back, pain evident in his eyes.

"Don't stand. It will hurt. Wait! I will take you home!" she said, snaking her arm around his neck and placing his weight on her shoulders. They walked to his house, both limping from their respective injuries but nevertheless content with their meeting.

"I am Emily!" she said, smiling brightly at him while helping him open the gate of his house.

"I'm Edward, " he said embarrassed of his vulnerable condition, his manly pride kicking him too much for his short size and age.

Adjusting the dirty, muddy robot in her arms, she untangled her arms for a handshake.

"Friends?" she asked, waving her hand once again in front of him.

The boy merely stared at her hand, cocking his head to his side before shaking it back with a huge smile plastered on his face.


From then onwards, the whole Dixon street knew who they were.

No, they were not famous.

They were troublesome. Breaking glasses was a daily habit of theirs. She would always come to play in his house, his house being large, and he would always come to her house to eat and study when his parents were out of town often. They made a great duo, their minds in sync when it came to pranks.

Twenty years later:

Emily's POV:

That son of a crow. He actually painted meatballs over my jeans. I thought he was joking. I kicked the mud on the ground in frustration, suddenly remembering I needed to save my innocent face from going viral in social media.

I sneaked out stealthily from my college, adjusting my bag in my arms. My head was hung low, hiding my face from people and cursing Edward's generations.

Oh, how much I would like to put a hole in his future!

I put the magazine in front of my face while walking, staggering in steps and unable to see when something vibrated in my jeans. Fumbling with effort, I pulled out my phone and pressed the button.

"What the hell Edward?! You filthy son of a tortured sparrow! How am I supposed to walk now?!" I yelled into the phone, earning several people's stares.

I was actually walking with my purse behind my butt.

This was so humiliating.

In so many not-so-humiliating ways!

I was going to graduate. I was so happy about that a few minutes ago. And I was actually happy to tell him that, but then I saw the washroom mirror and realized what I had been wearing all day. There was no doubt someone snapped my picture when I wasn't looking.

"That's what you get for wearing my clothes. I told you not to mess with my closet! You always steal my favourite pants and jeans!" he said, laughing heartily. His laugh was music to my ears.

"I didn't steal them. I borrowed them in hopes of returning them. You know I don't like to do laundry. And when I get clean clothes every week, it makes me lazier. That's why I took yours. But you painted ******* meatballs all over them."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Let me make up to you. Come to Latte Coffee, " he said.

"Don't you dare to run away from there. You wait there! You're dead meat" I yelled, quickly hanging up before calling for a taxi.

I immediately went to my house to change into a new pair of jeans, stuffing his meatball jeans into a dustbin, rather harshly, but not before kicking and grinding it beneath my shoes.

That's what you get now, hah!

You don't get anything!

While on my way to the cafe, I saw the old playground where we met for the first time. Some kids were still playing there, heaps of mud castle sprawled on the ground. I couldn't help but reminisce about our moments and memories.

Nothing actually changed until now, except for the world became more lodged with technology, people became more distant with increasing desires and money dominated over precious human relations.

We didn't change our neighbourhood; we didn't need to, I suppose. But maybe dates or seasons changed.

And maybe our feelings too.

I smiled sadly, flipping my hair and pulling into a rough ponytail before walking to my destination...thinking of my unrequited love for my best friend who doesn't even have any idea about it.


Chapter 2

  Emily's POV:

  I was happy. Very happy, in fact. Who wouldn't be? I mean I just had my life all planned out. I had graduated, got a job offer, and my best friend just called me saying he needs me.

  The same best friend who I had a crush on for maybe about fifteen years. It was more of a crush at first, but then it turned from a mere degree of "like" to "inevitable love" before I could even gather my thoughts up.

  And I, like any girl in love should behave, sealed it deep in my heart. I thought if I could be able to match his type, he would reciprocate it, but I was afraid he might not want me back.

  Because he was in love with someone who was not me.

  Tragic, isn't it?

  The problems didn't start there, I guess because he certainly had the right to love someone else. Not that I have any problems with it, but maybe I had problems to cope up with the fact that she loved him back.

  Let me describe this 'she'.

  Lara Williams.

  Her name is as pretty as she looks. Covered with pretty organs from head to toe, I wouldn't have any problems in getting along with her if it weren't for the fact that she was my best friend's so-called 'girlfriend'.

  Well, I was not jealous...if breaking the jars, smashing my head against a locker or banging my head against the counter or putting her name in my list of enemies counts as something! She was way better at everything.

  Everyone worshipped the ground that she walked on. She was everything I could never be. Head of the cheerleading group, an object of adult's fantasies, an achiever of average grades, good nature, perfect figure, better dressing sense and most of all, a cool and calm personality.

  If I were a boy, I would definitely go crazy for her.

  Which thankfully I wasn't!

  Thus, I understand Edward. Despite being a billionaire's heir, he's got no attitude at all, except for the usual fights with me I guess.

  Good in grades, aristocratic body, chiselled face, bright smile, blue eyes and cool attire, he has everything I don't deserve.

  He is to inherit the enormous Jones Multielectronics, a company indulged in manufacturing all of the electronics around the world. He has always been responsible and obedient, the clear opposite of me.

  I always tried to catch up with him, but always got left behind by one or two steps. Maybe I should have befriended someone ugly and dull some twenty years ago. I guess his ability to solve things easily and his optimistic nature towards life is what made me fall in love with him.

  Stay with him for a day and you would know what I'm talking about. He is the only one who accepted me for what I am.

  A tomboy.

  Yes. That's what I am. A boyish-girl. The last time I painted my nails was when my mother had remarried.

  Yes, I have a stepfather and a good one at that, so if you were expecting some Cinderella story then you're wrong. He is everything I imagined my actual father to be. He is the only one who lets me wear shirts and pants to my college.

  To tell the truth, I actually tried changing my attire a few times. Once I wore a skirt to impress Edward, but he actually laughed at the skirt saying it didn't suit me, for which I banged his head against my desk. I guess my temper takes over my love for him.

  Once I wore lipstick and Edward was like, "Did you drink someone's blood on your way to college?" and he actually checked my lips to search for the answer. As for me, I think I hurt his leg pretty bad that day.

  Once I actually tried a crop top with heels and earrings and lots of makeup and he actually, I mean really said, "Seriously dude, did you forget that you are not supposed to be wearing girl's stuff?"

  Alright, calling me 'dude' was fine but questioning my gender was not something he was about to stay alive for. And so, I lunged at him really bad. And by really bad I mean, breaking his X-ZONE? I suppose I didn't care if I would be having children in our family in future. It was worth it.

  I was walking down the street as I remembered all these things, but that is me. Reminiscing about life: that is the only thing that gives me hope. I reached 'Latte coffee', our usual cafe.

  Edward was sitting there. He had chosen a corner table, sipping his coffee, deep in thought and I took this opportunity to analyse his looks up and down.

  God, I would kill a person and dump their body in the sea to be able to touch those dimples. I was once 18, a time when I actually really wanted to paw at his body, the time when I wanted him really bad, both as a male and as a lover I guess, and I didn't get both.

  "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" he had said smugly. I finally averted my gaze to his face.

  I rolled my eyes. "By 'taking a picture', you mean 'take it and put it on the wanted list', right?"

  I laughed at my own stupid joke. He knew what I was talking about. When we were nine years old, Edward had been abducted by a gang who kidnapped children to make them beg on the street. He was only abducted for three hours when his father found him, and he was crying horribly as if he had lost his future or something and I had to hug him to sleep for next three weeks.

  That's the main reason he hates the police because he thinks they were not competent enough to find him earlier. Typical Edward, I guess.

  "That was so not funny!" he retaliated.

  "Oh yes, it was not." I laughed out loud. I sneaked my hand in my bag and presented my graduation certificate. I couldn't contain my excitement in.

  "Here, guess who got graduated? Me!" I danced like crazy in my chair.

  "Really? Wow, I'm so happy. Wait, let me join you!" He got out of his chair and danced along with me. And then I kicked him hard. On his leg. And then I snaked my arm around his neck in a headlock to fake choke him.

  "This is for painting meatballs in my pants," I hissed.

  "Hey, those were my pants," he said breathlessly.

  I tightened my grip.

  "Okay, okay, you win," he said, fanning his hand over his face. My grip wasn't even that hard; that drama queen!

  "Ahem!" someone coughed loudly. We both turned around to look at the guy.

  "Sir, customers are staring!" Mark-something said, his name not clear on his name tag. With that, he went away. We sheepishly sat down in our respective chairs.

  "Thanks man, you saved a life here!" Edward yelled after him.

  We ordered some coffee and settled down for some friend-time.

  "I bought you something. Here!" he said, sliding something wrapped in black across the table.

  I stared at the object: the first gift I got from Edward except for my birthdays. I tore open it like a dog nibbling at its bone.

  It was a brand-new shirt, grey in colour.

  "Wow. It's amazing! You remembered?" I breathed. He knew I wanted to get that shirt from the store but due to my part-time jobs and not being able to pay much, I couldn't. I smiled widely at him.

  "Isn't it at times like this, girls go crazy and hug boys tightly!?" he smiled and winked.

  I scrambled towards him and hugged him tightly, not wasting the moment to sniff his masculine cologne.

  "Are you wearing push-up bras?" he whispered, a smile clearly tugging at his lips.

  I shook my head. "No. I don't like tight, showy things"

  "Then why is your chest bigger than normal? I felt like I was really hugging a girl!" he laughed.

Chapter 3

  "Because I might actually be a girl, I suppose. But I don't know. They are just getting bigger, I'm worried," I said, breaking our hug.

  "Hey, that's okay, it's one good step in showing your gender," he laughed and I smacked him hard.

  "Oh, don't be angry, just let me hug you more!" he winked, earning a kick on his leg.

  "Last time I checked, your kick didn't hurt that much," he said faking pain.

  "Well, that's because I learned new moves. Should I try it on your 'where the sun never shines' part?"

  "No thanks. I think I want to send my kids to school in future and for that, I need to have kids," he said.

  I smacked his arm playfully and shook my head. We sat silently for a while when he spoke again.

  "My parents didn't approve of Lara."

  At this, I looked at him.

  "Well, for starters, tell her to wear full legal clothes next time. I really think your father wants someone who could walk two steps without showing enough skin!" I said bitterly.

  "But they can't decide with my love. I love her, Emi."

  Okay, it hurts a little if announced openly.

  "Of course, you love her, if you didn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place!"

  "What should I do? I really want to marry her. Help me, Emi. My parents listen to you. You're the only one who can convince them," he said, holding my hands and squeezing them softly.

  I looked down at our interlocked hands and up at him again. There was hope in his eyes. Oh, don't look at me like this! It's difficult. Don't!

  "Okay, I'll help you!" I cried hysterically, banging my head loudly against the counter, scratching nails on the walls, screaming loudly on the isolated island!

  In my mind, of course! In reality, I only agreed and gave a small smile.

  I lazily slumped my head on the coffee table, replaying everything I wished to have with Edward and replaying everything again only to be seen all of it destroyed by me, myself!

  I think I just won the award of "the biggest loser" as well as "the greatest friend" at the same time.

  By myself!

  Ironic, isn't it?


  Emily's POV:

  We decided to visit Edward's home. I rang the bell and Mr Jones opened the door, a warm smile on his face.

  "Hello, Mr Jones!"

  "Oh, my cute girl, it's been a long time since we hung out," he said patting my head.

  I smiled widely at him.

  "I graduated and I also got a job offer from the National Tropics hospital. I will join after a month." I said, earning praise from him.

  "Oh, my two children have already grown up. I can't want anything else than seeing you succeed as much as this world can offer!"

  Mr Jones always thought of me as the second child of his, a daughter which he never had. He took care of me, even going as far as scolding his own son. I was blessed in some aspect.

  When my father died, he actually financially supported our family for some time until my mom found a suitable job, thanks to his help. Willows and Jones were always there for each other I guess.

  Mr Jones invited me inside and offered a drink.

  "How come our sweet neighbour is here to meet us?! See Elena, how these two have grown up. It wasn't long ago when society committee actually complained about them breaking people's window glasses, taking stray dogs, singing loudly in public or taking late night swims in water," he smiled mildly.

  We both grinned widely and a wave of nostalgia hit us.

  "Yes. But I thought I should meet you today. I guess I don't want to lose you now, do I?"

  Was it too dramatic?

  Edward shook his head, an attempt to say, "You're hopeless"

  Now I'm going to destroy my own happiness by myself. Here I go.

  "Isn't it too silent in the house? How much better it would be to have a daughter-in-law and very cheerful one at that! Not to mention, having charisma like Barbie, when she walks on the floor, it burns like hell and you couldn't get any better after seeing her smile... Oh her lips, When they open, they talk like a waterfall of Nigeria and when her hands touch something, it's done as real, oh her legs are the masterpiece of Indianredwoodtree, and her eyes remind you of those extinct dodos around the world...Oh how much you want someone like that in this house," I said huffing heavily.

  One-minute silence.

  All three just gaped at me.

  And then they burst into a fit of laughter.

  "Honey if you wanted forest and nature so badly, why didn't you just tell us.? We could have gone to some trip!" Mrs Jones said, wiping tears off her eyes.

  "If it wasn't for your medical job, I would have thought you were practising some comedy," said Mr Jones.

  Oh. Just. Kill. Me. Now.

  Edward pulled me by my arm to the next room, his grip on my arm slightly more rougher and urgent than usual.

  "What are you doing?!" he whisper-yelled.

  "Helping you?" I reminded him, in case his human brain hasn't evolved yet but it came out like a question.

  "But you called Lara dodo and her legs tree and rabbit and her lips waterfall. How is that helping?"

  "I didn't call her rabbit though! How am I supposed to describe her? I don't know her. You know her. You do it.” I whispered back.

  "They listen only to you."


  "No buts. You said you would help me."


  "Because you are my lucky charm. You know I won all those certificates and matches and trophies because you cheered for me!"

  I rolled my eyes at his stupid imagination.

  "Or more like 'I taught you late at night skipping my dinner," I filled in.

  "Because my biology is weak. You of all people should know that"

  "Okay fine, I will do it again."

  "Please...Goddess Emily," he said, winking at me. So much for pleading, I thought.

  I walked, with him urging me to do my task more precisely. I looked behind, his eyes filled with hope and wrists balled in fists wishing me "fighting".

  I mouthed ‘I will’.

  And then Thud!

  A loud one at that. Since I wasn’t looking forward, I crashed into something. I fell on the carpet, a vase on my head and water seeping into my pants.

  Oh hell to this ******* plan now!

  I just fell, in front of my best friend who I had a crush on for like, forever and his parents too!

  "Honey, sweety, are you okay?" his mother came forward in a hurry.

  "I'm fine. Couldn't get any better. I just am....kinda felt like exercising," I said moving my arms in circles, smiling in spite of the pain.

  "So Mr Jones, how would you feel if you had one girl to fill in your family? Wouldn't it be great to have Lara as your daughter-in-law? She is an excellent girl, she knows everything, and she loves Edward. They have been dating for five years already. Isn't it high time to include her in your family?"

  "But dear, we don't like her. Something is just… off about her,” Mr Jones said, “She doesn't really fit into this family."

  "Don't worry, she is a cheerful person, she gets into the atmosphere easily. I am sure you will never get bored with her. She is a good company. A perfect one to complete your rich family," I offered, tasting the bitterness in my sentence.

  Okay, I won't cry... I never will... He wants that. Just because I couldn't get his love doesn't mean he couldn't get his share of love.

  He deserves everything.

  And I'll make sure he gets that.

  "Can she cook?" Mrs Jones asked.

  Edward looked at me and then shook his head.

  "Then how can we marry Edward off to someone who doesn't even know how to cook when you know very clearly that he doesn't eat anything except for homemade ones. Weren't you the one who cooked for him when we were outside for business?" Mrs Jones said, clearly agitated.

  I gulped.

  "Then I can cook for him like always?" I offered.

  "Then why can't you marry him? You know him since you two were kids," Mr Jones said.

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