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Obsessed In Love

Episode 1

in a wedding venue
"Every tear is a sign of brokeness"
this saying is indeed true. today I get to experience it, words aren't worth to explain my misery, my heart broke into millions of pieces and here, I'm standing numb without any expression.
promises are meant to "broken"
biggest mistake I've ever done is"trusting someone, whom I shouldn't"
I had a lot of dreams and ambitions , before coming here . but everything got destroyed.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
i won't FORGIVE you for everything you done and I HATE you.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
a/u : pov
it's confusing, isn't it?
we don't know what he did that he hates him.
well, he did many horrible things to only for him.
will he able to get him?
and what is the reason for his hate towards him?
to get to read , next episodes.

Episode 2

Flashback 2yr before
??: run fast kookie-ah they are coming.
(we both were panting)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
slow down. i can't, my legs are hurting.
??: please baby just few more minutes. we'll get home.
(we both are breathing heavily but, we didn't stop running. fear anxiety made us forget where we are going)
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
but we are going in wrong direc....
(before I could complete i heard bottle brake sound and next moment I heard a thud sound beside me)
(we both were running hand in hand .due to the sudden fall beside me had the impact on me too and I also fell harder on the ground with whimper. dark surrounded us , i was trying to see my surrounding but the scene infront of me brought tears in my eyes )
( i tried to speak but a lump formed on my throat made it hard for me. )
the only word that left my mouth is ...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
jungkook pov
i woke with sudden jerk , it took me some second to understand that, i again got the dream. well, it's been 7yrs after that incident but even when I think about it feels like mind went to those days. after some quality time , only one sentence left my mouth.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I'm missing you.
i was in my train of thoughts until, someone barged in my room. and I know exactly who is that...
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
mommm, atleast knock before coming in.
i said in a complaining way
why should I? wait , is there anyone... else beside us in this room?
she gave me suspicious look while inspecting around my room
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
it's not like that mom, it's just what if I was changing dress?
i nonchalantly asked .
so what ? you are still a baby to me , and it's ok even if your boyfriend come. i won't say anything. you know that mom is very sociable, right?
she said in a teasing way.
i was having done look . while she was continuously blabbering.
wait, i forgot why I even come here.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
whatever it is let's talk in the morning mom
which that i took my blanket to cover my self and sleep but she take blanket off me saying
well, it's already morning darling, now come on, get up
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
I got confused, sun hasn't came yet but she's telling me it's morning. so, i look at the time, it was just only 4:30am.
jeon jungkook
jeon jungkook
mom, you should check your eyes to the doctor , see its just 4:30 in the morning.
then you should also check your brain to the doctor for forgetting days.
when she said that, i quickly look at the calender and it's MONDAY.
Oh no. it's already Monday .
i said in inaudible voice, i was a bit disappointed cause I have to go to uni but compared to saying in home its best to go uni
now stop sulking, gat up from the bed and after freshen up get down to the hall. Got it?
i just nodded my head lazily and she hurriedly went out to wake up others.
after a long sigh, i got up went to freshen up. Otherwise, she'll lecture me for sure.
a/u: well everyone must be wondering why she got disappointed after knowing that it's Monday. in jungkook's family, it's not just Monday but it's mom's day
every Monday morning be like this. everyone have to wake up early and follow what her mom instructs. if you neglect her, then consequences will be severe.
if it's some morning exercise or yoga means fine, but her mom is different.
she sometimes took them to horse riding, saying it helps to reduce weight.
it's not like jungkook or his family members are obese
it's just, "prevention is better then cure". so, every week her mom try something new in the house.
a/u: i don't know what stunts she is gonna play today? 😂
jungkook's mom strongly believe in, " happy parents make happy children".
so, she do everything that makes her family happy and healthy. but , why only Monday?
because, Monday is the start of the week, if you start a week happy and healthy then the whole week will be fun. that's what her mom's Motto in life
his mom wasn't like this in first when they were in korea but after coming Australia, the ONE incident changed everything.
let me tell you 😂
one day when his mom and brother went to grocery shop , she was purchasing, a sales person came complained to her something.
the sales person said "mam , your BROTHER is biting a boy in the kids section".
jungkook's mom got shock and shy , she said "NO, he isn't my brother but my SON".
the sales person can't believe the fact that jungkook's mom is actually a "MOM" not a sister.
she kept explaining about her beauty/healthy routine to sales person not caring the poor boy who is getting bitten by her son.
jungkook mom beleive that being happy and healthy makes a personal beautiful, she wants her husband and children to be like her, cause she looks younger and beautiful than her kids.
then , where do you think jungkook got all his beauty .
oh ! sorry, i haven't disclosed many things about jungkook right?
intro jeon jungkook age-21 he is studying in computer science in Australia. well, he is from korea only but due to some unimaginable events, his family flew to Australia. jungkook's father is a criminal lawyer who is currently working under Australia government. jungkook also wanted to study law but her father prohibited that idea
cause , he is seeing many criminals is his day life. he gets threat from many people. he knows how cruel those people can gat and his daughter already went through lots of shits in her early age.
So, he don't want his boy to live a restless life . jungkook also understood, what his father suggesting is only for her.
So, he decided and chose this major. many people chose CS as their major cause they think , it's cool major. But jungkook is really interested in all electronics devices and gadgets . there is another reason for hos love towards machines. you'll get know later.
she is very curious about the device. so, he chose the major and he believes that he will also make some cool gadgets in the future.
jungkook's dad is calm person and he is strict in many things but he is all sweet to only one person. that is jungkook, he loves him so much that he never raised his voice against him. he loves him like no one
a/u: well that's what father's love , isn't it?

Episode 3

intro Mrs Jeon
well , you guys already know that she is cheerful and easy going lady. even though, she nags jungkook all the time . that's for his well being. cause , she doesn't want anyone to question her way of parenting. jungkook is not expressive boy. so, his mom make it les hard for him being clingy towards her.
it makes jungkook to open a little bit with his mom jungkook and his brother is her whole world. she will go any extent to protect her children.
next is jungkook's brother, not so little bit a younger brother. but he never act like one. in other words, both are TOM and JERRY, his day won't end peacefully without irritating him. he loves to mess with him. he act like he doesn't care about him. but, deep inside he is his everything. just like how Tom and Jerry fight all the time but still at the end of the day , they can't live without each other.
a/u POV
jungkook and his brother also just like them . they fight but never leave each other side.
There is hidden brotherly affection and care he has for him but he never let him knows and never shows.
he never let any men near him.
sometimes his behaviour will be completely different, he acts like his elder brother which he is not.
he is very protective over him but he never shows. after all he brother os Jeon jungkook.
jungkook has one friend. well , only one friend and you'll get to know about her later . i haven't told you about jungkook's appearance yet. Now, let's give some work to our imaginations.
he is not verry tall or not two short.he is a average height boy he has perfect fair skin which he is carefully hiding from evil eyes.he has smooth and shining hair which may be none have in the world. he has perfect sharp of body, thanks to his mom for made do all type of exercises. he has a pair chocolate brown eyes , cute sharp nose and pink beautiful nose which has a attractive mole under the bottom lip of him.which is very captivating. totally, he is alluring and beautiful boy but...
but ... he never praise about his beauty nor he care about his looks. it's because of his character, jungkook is an introvert boy. he was also just like every teenage boy when he was in korea but it was 7yrs, things changed he is not the same bubbly boy. he doesn't wear very fancy clothes. just hoodie and full leg jines is enough. sometimes he wears some attractive but not revealing clothes that too just for his father.
as , he doesn't wear any revealing dress. he just like to be completely covered. otherwise, he feels very uncomfortable. jungkook's way of dressing is bit insane. cause , one uni arranged for field trip. it was during summer, but he wore a turtle neck t - shirt and pencil fit pant with over size coat. everyone on the bus went speechless. despite whatever the season he always be fully covered.
Damn, he is not a open exhibition just anyone could go & see.
jungkook never behave haughty because of his looks according to him , outer beauty in not worthy . he always thinks that inner beauty of person decides the worth of person. he doesn't like crowded place
that's one of the he hates uni . but , he is top student since , he is interested so much in CS. he doesn't talk much but only when it necessary. he doesn't hate men but , he always keeps his distance to them
he is silent in nature, he see everything but never express. that doesn't mean anyone can bully him. if they do , he knows how to shut them up. he is short tempered. so, it'll be better if people don't mess with him . in conclusion he just mind his own business. untill or unless, someone enter in her business. then the person is doomed for sure. jungkook doesn't like or drink alcohol. he hates even the name "ALCOHOL".
i have told lot of things he hate. now I'll tell you about his likes as you see, his world is so small , but it's beautiful like heaven. he doesn't even have handful of people in her life. just her family and one friend. he stopped making fruit, cause everytime he make a friend. the next movement they showing their true colours and ended up breaking him. so, he have lot of trust issues.
getting his trust like "a snowball's chanse in hell".
it's not very easy but, if he do then , you got a space in his life. family is the only thing he loves from earth to moon and back. this applies to her friend also .
jungkook never have been into any relationship. cause , he takes relationship serious and not a time passing thing, he won't play in that matter.
he also waited for his "prince charming", but when the time goes , she realised that thare is such thing doesn't exist. so, he stopped having expectations and interest in getting into any relationship.
now , his only goal is to make his parents proud of her. every parents wants their chiltto be focused on their life goal instead of relationship.
but jungkook mom is different. she wants jungkook to fall in love with someone and to have beautiful relationship. yet jungkook introvert mind never lets that happen. how much beauty she radiates which attract boys/girls but when they come either his brother or his cold aura makes them run without turning back. he never felt bad for that cause he believes that if a person truly loves , he will stand no matter what.
well , this nature of his is completely for outer world. if you know introverts nature, you'll definitely know how they behave with their loved ones. sometimes extrovert people will fail infront of them. but, it's only possible when they are with comfortable person. outsiders always a threat to them . well , i told a lot about him . you'll know further when times goes.
door cracking sound can be heard
finally he came after freshen up.

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