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3 Am

Ch. 01 // Last Crime

Yoongi sighed " I told you already I left that work. I'm shifting to a different city next week to start off a new life. Please don't bother me " he stated.

The man passed a suitcase on the small coffee table " You need money to start a new life and I don't think you have any after the sentence. " he said.

Yoongi looked away but gazed back to suitcase as the man opened it, revealing the bundles of notes in it. He looked at the man wondering why would someone want to give so much just to kidnap a minor girl.

" These are one million and you'll get the rest one million after you successfully kidnap her. " the man told him.

Yoongi really wanted to deny for this but the amount he was getting was huge plus as the man said, he was really in need of money.

" Kidnap her, kill her. And then contact me for the rest amount " the man said.

Yoongi clicked his tongue " No. I'll not kill her. I'll just kidnap her and then it's up to you want you want to do with her. I don't wish to have much risk on my shoulders. " he voiced his thoughts.

The man had to sigh. Yoongi was tough to convince anyway " Fine. Just contact me when you kidnap her. I'll email you her address and location access and my contact. " the man stood up.

Yoongi watched as the man left and he let out a sigh leaning against the dirty couch. What has he gotten himself into?

Min Yoongi. 29 years old. Korean. And an assassin.

Well that was supposed to be his ex occupation. He was skilled in shooting, fighting and kidnapping. Many rich people would hire him to kidnap and kill their offenders or enemies. And the best thing about him was he never got caught.

He was just a mere teenager when he got the burden of running his family. His dad was a bodyguard of a politician and was always on duty. His dad sacrificed his life to save the stupid politician who was nothing more than a betrayer to the country. After his dad, he had to take the responsibility of his mother and a sister who was eight years younger than him.

He tried a lot but nothing really worked out until one day someone offered him to kill this man and in return Yoongi would get a lot of money. So he did and that lead him to become a criminal. He had no way else to go. This was giving him the ability to feed and provide his mother and sister so he didn't hesitate.

He kept it all a secret from his mother though. Until one day one of his enemies decided to attack his mother and sister. In her last breath, his mother asked Yoongi for a promise that he'll never kill anyone.

The depression he went through after the lose of his whole family, effected him incredible. He changed his mind and decided surrender to the authorities. Lucky him one of his friends had sources with the authorities that helped a lot and he was only sentenced for four years.

Then, he was released as a respectable citizen and he decided to start off a new life where he can be a good person. It was weird in the eyes of all the other criminals like him but he just wanted to change coz being the best in his field was bringing his own life to risk that he didn't want.

However, this man came out of nowhere, requesting Yoongi to kidnap and kill this minor girl who's just in her university. He said she's a huge risk on his boss's company and they trust him because till now no one else could do anything to her.

He looked at the envelope that the man left on the suitcase. He reached out for it and tear the side to take out the photograph in it. The photo of the girl.

" How could this girl be of any risk? " he mumbled to himself staring at the picture.

The picture was taken without her knowing, he could assume that or perhaps it's just a candid picture where she's writing something in a diary.

Her hair were tied in a loose pony, long till her waist. Her eyes were glistening as if she was about to cry. He really couldn't figure out what she could do? Or why not any other kidnapper could kidnap her?

She seemed so fragile and vulnerable, face as pale as if she was lifeless. The sadness on her face was something that made Yoongi stare at her for a little too long.

Perhaps he's judging too quick? Maybe she's strong enough to fight against men. Maybe she was one of those criminals herself? Her appearance said otherwise though.

He then took out a sheet from the envelope that has a bit of her information.

Name, Leon Hana .

Age, 21 years old.

Occupation, student.

Blood Group, O positive.

Height, 5'7.

Weight, 51 kg.

University, Seoul University of Arts.

" Hana " he mumbled the name and then looked at the photo " I'm sorry pretty girl but I've to do this. " he said to picture.

At least he was keeping the promise he made to his mom that he won't kill anyone. He was just going to kidnap her and give her custody to man. His Last Crime.

He put the photo in his pocket and the sheet in the envelope. He stood up with the suitcase and headed in his old apartment. He put the suitcase in a cupboard and then plopped down on the bed, laying flat.

He took out the photo of Hana from his pocket again and started staring at her, trying to study her posture and face. He noticed she was holding the pen in her left hand, he assumed she was left handed.

He then opened a drawer in the night stand and took out his cigarette and lit it up with a lighter. His eyes stared at the girl's face for way longer than they should, somewhat mesmerized. He blew out the smoke taking the cigarette in between his index and middle fingers.

He was trying to make up a plan to kidnap her but his mind was only drawing circles around. He was feeling so pityful for her. He has really turned soft and the thought of kidnapping a girl and then killing her was the last thing he wanted to do. But he had to kidnap her.

Ch. 02 // Kidnapped

The bell rang, echoing in the hallways of the university and students were already packing their stuffs to leave. Finally the lectures came to an end.

Hana grabbed her bag filling it with the textbook and other stationaries that she used for the notes. She got up and headed to leave with the other students.

" Hey Hana !! "

She turned to see a girl running to catch up to her. She stopped right by her huffing her breath. Hana patted her back.

" You shouldn't run in hallways Yunha " Hana stated.

Her friend stood up straight and smiled at her " I had something to offer. We're holding a party for our batch students at Joonyong's place, since it's almost the end of semester . Would you like to come? " she asked in a joyful voice.

Hana stared at her for a sec before shaking her head " I'm sorry but I'm not a fan of partying. " she denied.

" Please Hana. They all want you there it's just they can't ask you out. We'll have fun and there will be alcohol too. " Yunha tried to convince her.

" I'm really not into it today. " Hana smiled faintly and started walking forward.

Yunha followed after " Are you really not coming? "

" I have my plans today. I'm sorry. " she stated and left Yunha in the hallway.

She made her way to the exit, pacing fast and making sure to not bump into anyone else. It's not like Hana is anti social but she just wish to go anywhere hyper today. She was not willing to go anywhere but the only place where she goes when she's free.

She wore her sunglasses to prevent eye contact with anyone. The streets were joyful, kids returning from school, running and pissing their parents, some random salesmen visiting houses.

Hana quitly walked through the roads, heading to that one specific place. As the number of people were decreasing by her steps she was feeling something strange. As if someone was following her.

Instead of turning and trying to figure out if she was being stalked, she just decided to ignore the feeling. It was no new to her.

She stopped by a florist store and the friendly lady greeted her " Hii Hana ! How are you? "

" Good. My usuals please? " Hana replied and the lady nodded with a smile to her usual customer.

In a minute the lady returned with two bouquets , one of lavender and another one of white lily. She handed it to Hana.

" Here. Cut the rest for last time too. " Hana gave her the notes.

The lady returned her the change " Come again. Good bye " she chimed and Hana left waving back with a smile


Yoongi stopped his car by the florist and fixed his mask before lowering the window and waving at the lady to grab her attention. She turned him with a smile " Yes sir? How may I help you? "

" Uh... I wanted to ask about the girl that just left from here. She seemed to be a regular customer " he asked the lady without taking off his mask.

" Oh Hana ? Yeah, she buys flowers from me when she visits her parents. " the lady replied.

" Her parents? Do they live apart from her? " he asked.

The lady's bright face suddenly turned down as a her lips curved downwards " They expired two years ago. " she stated.

Yoongi blinked twice and then looked in the direction Hana left. So she's an orphan too. He thought. Perhaps now he could believe that she's a risk to someone like he too became a risk for people after losing his dad.

" Do you know her? Wait.... Are you... Are you her boyfriend? " the lady asked, a little enthusiastic this time.

" Uh... No I'm just a friend. " he replied. " Thanks. I'll go catch up with her "

The lady smiled " Have a nice day. " she waved at him as he rolled the window up.

He has been following her ever since the morning but the University had strict guarding so he couldn't disguise in it. He had to wait till she was out of the university and again followed her.

Yoongi drove through the path , trying catch the trance of Hana and after a while he finally saw her. She entered the graveyard. He parked his car somewhere hideously near the graveyard fencing.

He silently entered, looking for her. He saw her standing near two graves with the bouquet in her hands. She was far enough to not notice him and he was hideous enough to get closer without getting noticed.

He watched her quietly. She had a smile as she put the bouquets one on each grave and then knelt down across them. She started talking but he couldn't hear her properly from the distance.

And suddenly she burst out crying, resting her head on one of the graves. At this point, Yoongi forgot that he was there to kidnap her instead he was staring at her apologetically. The moment when he had the lifeless body of his mother and sister in his arms, flashed in front of his eyes causing him to feel pain in his heart.

He snapped when he realized he too was shedding tears. "How pathetic Yoongi !?" he slapped his own face softly and wiped his tears.

He looked back at Hana and she had fallen asleep. He frowned and looked at his watch and then his eyes slightly widened. He has been crying here watching her for past half an hour and he didn't even realize.

He slowly stepped closer to her. She was really sleeping. He squatted down in front of her, studying her face closely and all he could see was the dried marks of tears.

At least it made it easy for him.

He took out chloroform spray bottle from his pocket and sprayed it on her face. Her eyes flinched but she didn't wake as the effect took over her.

" I feel sorry, pretty " he mumbled before lifting her in his arms and carrying to his car, making sure no one saw them.

He tied her hands and legs with a rope, and then claimed the driver's seat, leaving her unconscious on the back seat. Taking his cigarette out from his pocket and placed it between his lips, he lit it with a new lighter that he bought yesterday.

He blew the smoke from the side of his mouth without taking out the cigarette and started the engine. He looked back at her unconscious state.

He looked away to the road and started driving. He wished to just get over with this as soon as possible coz the more he was looking at her, a strange feeling was occurring in his guts.

Ch. 03 // Scammed?

Hana hastily forced her eyes to open, adjusting to the darkness in the room. It's pitch dark and she could barely see anything. She tried to rub her eyes but her hands felt tied to.... a chair?


She caught on it quite fast, she was kidnapped. But wait, her mouth was not tied or taped. The kidnapper left her to scream? Well, she doesn't has the energy. She sighed and leaned into chair. At least this chair is comfortable enough.

She stayed like that until she fell asleep. But flinched as she heard the door clunk open. The annoying sound that the old door made, caused her to frown. She squinted her eyes to adjust with the bright light coming through the shadow of the person who opened the door.

The lights turned on with a little flicker and she shut her eyes tight with a low groan. " Oh you're up? I thought you were dead! " a faint voice was heard.

She slowly managed to open her eyes, meeting with the person's small eyes and the poker face. The guy seemed scary with his all black fit and that look as if he could burn the whole world. She stayed quiet and he stared at her, studying her face. He just can't help, she looked so mysterious and the way he loves mysteries.

" Who are you? "

A small smirk grew on his lips at the question " I expected you to be screaming. " he stated.

She frown a little " I asked Who. Are. You? "

His eyebrows raised in surprise at her demanding voice " You're not scared even when you're are kidnapped and literally ..... tied up in front of me ?" he wondered.

She sighed and looked away " It's the fourth time this month that I got kidnapped. It's getting old and boring "

" Impressive " he mumbled.

She leaned forward " When are you going to kill me? Do it right away " she said.

Yoongi seemed a little taken aback by that but he tried to play cool " Oh no pretty. I'm not supposed to kill you. " he smiled sarcastically at her.

She frowned.

He bent to her eyes level with the same sarcastic smile he had " Enjoy the few hours of your life. You're too pretty to be killed so soon " he told her.

His eyes stared directly into her eyes, deep into her soul and all he saw was darkness. She rolled her eyes at him feeling a little annoyed. He was stupid in her eyes.

" You're only making it worse for you. Just end me now!! " she demanded her voice a little higher.

Yoongi mentally wondered if she was fine or the chloroform effected her brain cells. Who asks for death like asking for freedom? Like, yeah death is a freedom from this life but no one wants to face it. It's painful.

Yet he had to keep his dominant act, he scoffed at her " Don't worry pretty. I can take the worst. "

She sighed in annoyance. He was also stupid like all those people who kidnapped her. How ridiculous of them? What do they even enjoy in having their victims suffering? Just end it in a snap you little piece of shit.

" Well I hope you're not hungry because I'm not going to feed you anything. " he straightenend his back.

She just avoided saying anything and looked away.

" You shouldn't be so grumpy. Beg me and I might let you go. " he smirked.

She looked at him " That's the last thing I would want to do " she snarled.

He clicked his tongue " Too bold. I think you'll be my favorite victim pretty. " he ruffled her hair and she snorted.

" I'll leave you to have some alone time with yourself. It's comfortable right? " he looked at her tied hands.

" Very much " she snapped in sarcasm.

He smiled smugly " Great then. Enjoy your time pretty and you may scream for help but no one's gonna come. " he waved a tiny bye at her before leaving the room and shutting the door behind himself.

She sighed and leaned in the seat again. What next? He was not going to kill her anytime soon. Stupid ***!!

Maybe she can just sleep because there was nothing else she can do. She was sleepy anyway.


" The number you're trying is out of reach please try... "

He aggressively hang the call and threw his mobile on his bed. He plopped down on the bed as well holding his head in frustration.

" Where the fvck is he even? " he cursed, looking the mobile.

He has been trying to contact the man who hired him to kidnap that girl, since the moment he kidnapped her, this afternoon . But that bastard is always out of reach. What the fvck has happened that he can't pick the call?

Yoongi sighed out and layed back on the bed, grabbing his mobile and searching for them email that he received two days ago from that man. He doesn't even know his name neither anything.

" Ughhh!! Did he just scammed me? " he grumbled.

Thinking of that, what if he really got scammed? No... No way anyone would give one million just to scam someone. Well, how stupid of Yoongi to not have a documental agreement. He was so occupied by how he was going to manage his shifting and the kidnapping at once.

And now what? He has no other way to contact him. Maybe he will answer his calls later? Well it's not maybe it's just perhaps because he was feeling this in his guts that there's barely any chance. Never mind.

He looked at the time in the mobile and it's late night. Should he check up on her? He shouldn't because it's not been long when he just went to check on her. Like its been just ten minutes.

He wasn't sure, why he kept checking on her? She just woke, what possibly could happen? She's just an other victim. Perhaps, he felt pityful for her but anyways.

He shouldn't show her that. She must be scared of him. Though she didn't seem to be. Just let her be. At least he tied her well that she can't escape. So, he should just have his dinner and sleep.

But wait, what about her? Will she eat? How will she eat when she's tied up? How stupid of you Min Yoongi!?

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