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My Mafia Lover

Episode 1

💞My Mafia Lover💞

It was a very drizzly morning and several cars were arriving at the cemetery with many armed men for the funeral of a very powerful man in the city who died mysteriously.

A man in black glasses and an elegant tailored suit held one of the handles of the coffin until he reached his final destination.

Some of the people present looked at the young man and whispered about him.

The women, also wearing their long black dresses, approached him to comfort him.

The man simply looked at them and nodded, moving to stand beside his friend Willy: "Why hasn't my idiot brother arrived yet? Did you tell him the time of our father's burial?"

Young Willy looked around: "He should be here by now, I don't know what could have happened to him."

The man sighed, already irritated by the situation: "With all the problems we already have, he still does this to me. Find out where he got himself into."

Willy nodded and went to the corner and called someone, asking for information about the boss's brother.

Meanwhile, hidden behind the tree, another young man was taking pictures of everyone, and when his cell phone rang, he answered a little distressed: "What happened?"

And the voice: "Our parents' shop was destroyed and Dad is in the hospital, you need to come back immediately, brother."

He looked around, distressed: "All right, I'll be right there. Stay calm."

And as he walked, he ran into the young man who was talking to Willy and nodded to him, continuing on his way.

The man stared after him, saw the camera in his hand and pulled up his picture from his cell phone, then returned to where he was before.

Hours later, at the hospital, the doctor was talking to the young man about his father's condition, leaving him even more worried.

Mark smiled, looking at his sister who was hugging their mother: "Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll take care of everything."

The doctor looked at him: "Here is the prescription for the medicine your father will need. If anything happens, you can call me," and walked away.

Mark looked at the prescription: "I'll go to the pharmacy to get Dad's medicine. Mom, don't worry, the old man is very strong."

The mother smiled at him: "What would we do without you, my son?"

Mark kissed her forehead and left.

The young woman came over with a snack: "Here you go, Mom. You need to eat something."

The mother smiled at her daughter: "Ania, why did you call your brother? You know how much he works at that newspaper and barely stops at home."

Ania helped her mother into the room: "If I hadn't called, you know he'd be angry with me. Besides, what else could I do, Mom?"

The mother sighed, going to help her husband button his shirt: "Oh, old man, when will you learn to button your shirt properly?"

He smiled, hugging his wife: "I guess never, my love. And where's Mark? I thought I heard his voice just now?"

Ania picked up the bags: "He was here, but he went to the pharmacy to get your medicine."

The father looked at his wife: "How's the shop?"

She helped him walk: "I haven't seen it yet either, but nothing that can't be fixed, my old man," and they left.

Mark left the pharmacy and didn't even notice he was being followed and photographed. Ania pulled up beside him in the car: "Hey, handsome, want a ride?"

Mark grimaced at her, got in the car and handed his father's medicine to his mother.

Far away, the man from the cemetery arrived at a mansion where there was a party going on, with several women in the pool and lots of drinks around, and among them was a very drunk man, laughing loudly. When he saw the man standing in front of him, he pushed the women aside and stood up, looking at him.

The man punched him hard in the face, breaking his nose: "With our father being buried today and you here having a party? What do you think you're doing, Sandro?"

Sandro wiped the corner of his mouth, looking at him with a smile: "What was it, Lorenzo? Missed me there? I thought that now, as the new president of everything, you wouldn't have the luxury of looking for your half-brother who was thrown to the dogs."

Lorenzo glared at him: "Now that Dad is gone, your perks are over, including your parties and trips. If you want all this back, you'll have to work to earn it."

Sandro went after him quickly: "You can't do this! Half of everything you have is mine too! It's not because you're in charge that you can take everything from me!"

Lorenzo looked at him and gave a half-smile: "As you just said, I'm in charge of everything, brother," and he ordered the party to be shut down immediately.

Lorenzo's security guards began to dismiss everyone from the party, making them leave immediately.

Sandro stared at him angrily, shoved a passing waiter into the pool and went inside the house.

Episode 2

Hours later, Mark was in his small room looking at the photos he had taken in the cemetery, trying to figure out who the new mob boss was, but nothing was confirmed yet. He also had other evidence he had obtained from the mafia leaders.

Then his sister, Anya, entered the room, throwing herself on the bed: "What are you looking at that's making you so serious, my brother?"

Mark then closed his laptop, saving his work, and looked at her: "How many times have I told you not to enter my room without knocking? What if I was getting out of the shower?"

Anya looked at him, smiling: "My dear brother, I know you very well. I know perfectly well that you would never get out of the bathroom without getting dressed because of me, so don't give me that now. Come on, Mom's calling us for dinner." She left, pulling him along.

Meanwhile, at the office, Lorenzo was sitting in the dark, swirling his drink and looking out his huge glass window when someone knocked on his door. He allowed them to enter.

Seeing everything dark, Willy asked, "Are you alright, boss?"

Lorenzo looked at him and turned on the lamp: "Yes, I'm fine. But what did you find out about the man from the cemetery? What does he do?"

Willy approached the desk, handing him a folder: "It seems he's an investigative reporter and has been taking pictures for almost a year of everyone who met with your father. It seems he has a lot he can use against us. If everything he has falls into the hands of the feds, we could have serious problems, sir. We should get rid of him as soon as possible."

Lorenzo then stared at the photo for a while: "We can't use him to our advantage yet. Just keep him under surveillance and find out who he's meeting with."

Willy looked at his boss: "You know this could put us at serious risk of being exposed to the feds."

Lorenzo looked at him, smiling: "It's not time for us to take risks without knowing who else is aware of this investigation. In the time you've been standing there, you should already be doing what I ordered, Mr. Willy."

Willy then left without another word, leaving him alone.

Lorenzo finished his drink, answered his phone, then hung up, leaving without telling Willy where he was going.

After finishing dinner, Mark left in a taxi, taking his camera with him. Upon arriving at a location with buildings under construction, he paid the taxi driver and got out of the car, looking around.

The taxi driver looked at him: "Are you sure you'll be alright in this place? It doesn't seem safe, young man."

Mark looked at him: "Don't worry, thank you, sir."

The taxi driver then drove away from the location.

Mark carefully entered the construction site, mindful of the sound of gunshots, and got as close as he could. He began taking pictures of everything he saw in front of him. He then walked back without paying attention to where he was going.

He ended up standing in the middle of the crossfire, almost getting hit by a stray bullet, but was saved by a man who pulled him down at the moment of the shot.

When he finally opened his eyes, he saw a well-dressed man with an athletic build staring at him intensely: "What are you doing here?"

Mark looked at him seriously: "Get off me first, please."

Lorenzo looked at him and gave a slight smile before getting up, still crouched down. He pulled Mark to the corner: "What are you doing here?"

Mark looked at him seriously: "I'm working. What about you? What are you doing here? You're not dressed like a biker."

Lorenzo stared at him for a moment: "We'd better get out of here before we're caught."

Mark looked at where the bikers were: "I still don't understand why you're here, but fine, let's go."

They slipped away through another exit until they reached Lorenzo's car.

Holding his bag, Mark said, "I'll take a taxi over there."

Lorenzo opened the car door: "Don't be silly. No taxis come through here at this hour. And with that biker gang around, I don't think it's safe to be walking around here alone."

Mark looked in the direction he was going, saw how dark it was, and sighed, looking back at him: "Okay, I'll accept your ride."

He got into the car, still suspicious, clutching his bag tightly.

Lorenzo drove away from the location and glanced at the bag in Mark's arms, discreetly observing him: "What exactly were you trying to do in that place alone?"

Mark looked at him: "I don't think it's any of your business what I was doing there, especially since you haven't answered my question either. I don't even know your name."

Lorenzo glared at him: "I don't think my name is any of your business either."

He stopped the car near a taxi stand and told him to get out.

Mark looked at him, got out of the car, slammed the door shut, and walked away without looking back.

Lorenzo watched him go in the rearview mirror and scoffed, hitting the steering wheel. His phone rang, and it was Willy, concerned about his boss's disappearance.

Lorenzo answered the call and listened to Willy's questions: "I went to a meeting with one of our distributors, but we ended up walking into an ambush. Everything worked out fine, though, and I'm already on my way home."

Willy sighed on the other end of the line: "Boss, we have another problem. It seems the journalist has a lot more than we thought on your father's old business dealings, including the transactions."

Lorenzo ran his hand over his face, hitting the steering wheel: "What the hell!"

He hung up the phone and drove off.

Episode 3

On Monday, Mark was at his desk in the newsroom, finishing up his work, when his boss called him into his office. Mark went and knocked on the door and was given permission to enter.

His boss looked at him: "Where have you been these past few days? I haven't seen you here in the newsroom."

Mark looked at him: "I was doing my job, as always. But even in my absence, my column hasn't stopped being published, as you've seen."

The boss relaxed a little in his chair: "And how is your investigation into the Maximiliano family going? I heard the patriarch died, and now his youngest son has taken over, instead of his older half-brother?"

Mark looked at him: "I still don't have enough proof of their crimes, and the patriarch's death is still a big mystery to everyone."

The boss looked at him for a moment: "Do you at least know what the new head of the Maximiliano family looks like?"

Mark looked ahead: "Not yet. It seems he lived abroad for a long time and only returned now, after his father's death."

The boss gave a cynical smile: "It seems that even with the death of that old fox, the Maximiliano family will remain in power. I want you to find out who the new head of the family is."

Mark looked at him for a moment: "Don't worry about it, boss. Now, can I go back to my desk?"

The boss looked at him, smiling: "Of course you can, Mark. It seems your elegance remains intact."

Mark just looked at him and left without responding, closing the door behind him.

The boss looked at the computer: "There's still nothing. I'm counting on it," he said, and made a call.

Mark was at his desk, finishing up his work, when he received a call from an unknown number. He answered anyway, asking who it was.

On the other side of the line, he heard laughter: "Are you going to keep laughing, or will you answer me?"

Lorenzo stopped laughing: "Don't you remember my voice? It's me, the person who saved you the other night. Have you forgotten already?"

Mark turned serious: "How did you get my number?"

Lorenzo smiled: "I can always find out what I want, journalist Mark."

Mark took the phone away from his ear to check the number again, then put it back: "Why are you calling me at this hour?"

Lorenzo looked at his watch and smiled: "I want to invite you to lunch with me."

Mark was a little surprised: "Are you out of your mind? How can you invite me to lunch when we don't even know each other?"

Lorenzo turned serious: "I'll pick you up in half an hour for lunch," he said, and hung up the phone.

Mark stared at the phone in his hand: "This guy is crazy," he muttered, putting the phone in his pocket. He finally finished his work and went to get some water. He thought about what his boss had said and shook his head.

Leaving the building, Mark was walking when a black Ferrari cut him off. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the window roll down and came face to face with Lorenzo: "What the hell are you doing, you lunatic? You think that just because you saved me yesterday, you can follow me around?"

Lorenzo opened the car door, looking at him from inside: "Get in the car, or am I going to have to drag you in?"

Mark glared at him: "You must have some serious emotional problems," he said, getting into the car.

Lorenzo glanced at him sideways and smiled, then drove off to a fancy restaurant. They were immediately greeted by the manager, who brought them menus and a bottle of champagne.

Mark looked at the manager and thanked him for the menu. When he opened it, his jaw dropped at the prices: "My salary wouldn't even get me close to this place. Look at these prices!"

Lorenzo looked at him, smiling: "Order whatever you want. You're my special guest today."

Mark smiled: "Well, in that case, I won't say no." He chose one of the dishes from the menu and handed it to the manager.

Lorenzo did the same, then poured himself and Mark some champagne.

Mark looked at the glass: "Thank you, but I don't drink. I'll stick with this glass of water."

Lorenzo looked at him, sipping his champagne: "So, what does your job as a reporter entail, for you to have been at that place last night?"

Mark looked at him: "I needed some good photos for publication, and I received an anonymous tip that the new leader of the Maximiliano family would be there, conducting business. But it seems it was just a prank call. What I don't understand is what you were doing there?"

Lorenzo looked at him for a moment: "Let's just say I was doing the same as you. The only difference is that I know what I'm doing, and you don't."

Mark stared at him: "How dare you say I don't know what I'm doing, you idiot? I'm an excellent investigative reporter. I've uncovered things even the police haven't been able to."

Lorenzo just looked at him, his expression unreadable: "And what great things have you uncovered?"

Mark then proceeded to tell him about all his previous work, a satisfied smile on his face, as Lorenzo observed him.

Lorenzo then asked: "Those are all past cases. Don't you have any big cases you're working on at the moment?"

Mark stopped eating and looked at him: "Actually, no, not at the moment. I've been a bit slow lately. And what about you? What do you do?"

Lorenzo coughed, surprised by the unexpected question: "I'm a businessman."

Mark looked at him: "A businessman? In what industry?"

Lorenzo looked at him seriously: "I think you're getting a little too curious, reporter Mark. Let's end this conversation here."

Mark stared at him: "Are you hiding something, Mr. Lorenzo?"

Lorenzo glared at him: "Don't push your luck, Mr. Mark." They finished their lunch and went for a walk together, chatting about random things and enjoying each other's company.

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