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The Civet


Monday morning the usual Jace walks up to his locker opens it, takes out his biology textbook, then starts walking towards his class when he heard the familiar voice of the black eagles captain, "the champs are back dweebs" he shouted in his cocky swagger, the whole school rushed out to meet the team, Jace walks out towards the field to congratulate them on their victory, "Jace were you at come out here " Jace steps into the circle. the whole crowd disperse leaving only Jace and the black eagles team members. "so you still had the guts to come out here to welcome us, you pushed our mascot" James asked, "oh you're in big trouble " he added. "no please it was a mistake I was running then I hit him by mistake please James " , Jace begged. Jace starts walking backwards slowly, "what you gonna run wow" James retorted, "get him". Jace turns and starts running he enters the school hall trying to get to his class before they could catch up to him, luckily for him the school bell rang, Jace leapt out from the window and out the school gate he crossed the streets . an paused panting heavily, looking at the team on the other side of the road Jace gave a sigh of relief


Jace finds an unoccupied seat and sits shortly after the train stopped, jace alighted clutched his backpack and begins the long walk home at every step of the way Jace felt like someone was following him, either ways he kept on moving, he reaches his neighbourhood when he hears someone call his name

Jesse : hey jace

he turns around " how you been " he replied , "am fine, how are your parents doing? " , " fine" he replied, but they've been arguing since morning , so we'll see tomorrow? ", "definitely " she answered "goodnight "she added

Jace goes into his house his mom and dad were sitting in the living room watching a movie, they didn't notice when he entered, jace murmured a greeting then went upstairs to his room, slumps on his bed and breathed a sigh of relief

"another bad day " he thought to himself. jace stands up to go to the bathroom when he sensed someone in his room he turned on the light Bob and he saw a man a crude long coat, the pressure around jace increased, jace fell to the ground his head felt like his head will explode the man goes closer to Jace holding him by the chin

DR. thought (over comms ) : sir specimen 9 acquired

Jace passes out

'where Am i 'Jace thought to himself. 'I must have passed out ' he recalled.

Jace stands up immediately falling to the floor he helps himself stand then walks toward the living room. 'I feel drowsy ' he thought again. he goes down the stairs, on reaching the living room he screamed and passed out .

'maam he will be fine ' doctor Maurice comforted miss colham. 'ma'am are you his mother?'she asked. 'no his parents were found dead this morning and he was lying there on the ground you know..... ' she replied between sobs. 'am a close friend to his mom ' she added. 'don't worry ma'am he'll be fine ' the doctor added patting miss colham by the shoulder. the doctors goes back to work,

Jace wakes up and looks at the ceiling his vision was blurry . he was called back to reality by a familiar voice, 'you're awake 'miss colham asked. 'miss colham ' Jace answered. 'so what happened wanna talk about it ' she asked. 'yeah I tried to recall but it looked like its gone ' Jace answered. 'what ' she exclaimed in a surprised tone. 'what do you mean you can't recall ' she added. ' last thing I remember was a guy in a coat in my room he came closer to me then I passed out after that I don't know what happened ' have continued. 'okay get some rest'.

'hey Jace how are you ' Jesse asked as she entered, she closed the door behind her. 'am really sorry Jace ' she added. 'no no worries that's how life's meant to be ' he continued. 'Jace would you rather come stay with us ?' she asked.

'I'll think about it ' he answered. 'but please right now I want to be alone okay ' he added. Jesse stands up and walks out, jace looks up and shuts his eye

'why now my mom and dad just worked out their issues and they die the next day, life was getting........, at least I got to see them laugh one last time (sigh)

this ain't life .

Jace takes his back pack and heads out to school, 'hey jace wait up' Jesse shouted panting heavily. 'come on I can't keep up with you ' she added. soon enough she was walking at the same pace with Jace. 'Jace can I ask you a question ' Jesse asked . 'sure ' Jace replied. 'why'd you choose us over your uncle? ' she questioned. ' because my uncles a bad man, I could die in his hands, literally. ' Jace replied. 'come on let's pick up the pace'


Jace walks into the school hallway moves on to his locker he caught a lot of students staring at him, some whispering soon enough trouble came, James bumped into him, make his books and James notes to fall over, then the barking oder came. 'pick it up ' James retorted. 'but I didn't push over your notes'

Jace shouted in defense. 'oh little Jacey now has the guts to talk back at me huh, wow well see ' he exclaimed in loud voice, the students were cheering 'fight, fight, . the class bell rang and Jace runs to his class .

the last bell rang, jace walks out clutching his backpack he heads for the hallway leading to the gate when he he heard chuckles, the whole football team members came out grinning, James in front holding a bat

hour of power

'please James I didn't intend to' jace begged. James and the others grinned more wildly, 'beat him up' James ordered. they start moving towards Jace swinging their baseball bats and grinning, they raised their bats in an attempt to strike Jace . 'aaaah' Jace screamed. 'why is my life flashing by am I going to die, James always had a grudge on me ever since third grade he could end my life right now and know one will know why me ' Jace thought to himself . then everything froze . ' huh what's happening ' Jace said aloud. James and the others were still and not moving, jace stands up to his feet and started running towards the school exit. upon reaching the exit, jace turned back, and looked at James and his buddies, they had all fallen to the ground and we're getting up to their feet. James sighted Jace, 'youuu let's go ' he ordered while pointing his finger at Jace, jace slung his backpack properly and ran out, 'what just happened, it was weird though ' Jace thought to himself. as he alighted from he left the subway station. shortly after he arrives at the colhams apartment .—

'Jace were have you been ' ? . miss colham asked. ' Jesse told me you didn't follow her home ' . she added. ' no ma'm I had practicals after school hours ' Jace lied. ' OK but don't stay late next time '. jace walks upstairs to his room he drops his backpack switches on the light, sits down. he hears a soft tap on his door, it was Jesse she entered and sits next to Jace . ' is it James '? . she questioned. knowing he couldn't lie any more Jace replied 'yeah'. 'no worries hes just jealous of you ' she added. 'jealous what do you mean by jealous, look at me do I have anything, lost my parents, am living in my neighbors apartment, what do I have that he's jealous of, he just hates me, people like such deserve death. Jesse stands up and walks out, jace closes the door leans on it with his back and slides to the floor in tears. 'wow what a way to care for others ' . a shadow leaning on Jace window expressed. jace stands to his feet. 'who are you ' ? . jace asked trembling . 'it won't do you any good ' . the shadow replied this time heading towards Jace , the light bulb starts flickering then it went off

'oh its happening again ' . jace expressed his thoughts openly. 'are you working with them ' Jace asked. the light bulb came on, jace could see her face, she walked towards him and removed her cloak revealing her self, she wore a bionic suit, ' oh I see Klaus visited you the other day, you almost got beaten up today, ' she replied. ' how do you know '? jace asked a little bit startled. ' idiot I saved you, we don't want the specimen to be harmed, ' she replied ' I'll be keeping my eye on you ' she turned and jumped out through the window, jace rushed to follow her. ' wait, wait ' he shouted. 'at least she left the cloak '. jace thought to himself. he picked up the cloak and hung it over his wardrobe he lay down on his bed, shut his eyes for a moment, jace felt himself slipping into oblivion, only to be awaken by the sound of miss colham calling him to come take his breakfast. jace stands up it was morning already he jumped up rushed and cleaned himself up it was kinda cold , jace grabbed his jacketand dashed out

' good morning ma'm ' Jace greeted. ' how are you. miss colham asked. ' am fine ' jace replied, he ate hurriedly, Jesse had already left , he dashed out of the house. shortly after he reaches school. jace walks into the class he takes his seat, he looked at James, their eyes met, James was grinning , jace quickly conveyed the message in his glare, — 'settle down class' mister snozell addressed. soon enough every one took their seats. 'now class according to the principal we have a new foreign exchange student, that'll be joining us today '

a black haired girl enters , wearing a blue jacket and brown slim fit jeans , she takes the empty seat opposite Jace.

'well that'll do' Mr snozell addressed again.

the lessons went on till recess. immediately the bell rung, the students trooped out to the cafeteria, jace was packing up his notes, when James walked over to him, jace heart was pounding in his chest, but surprisingly James walked up to the foreign exchange student.

'hey angel ' James said smiling

' oh hi am James's ' he added in his best manner, she turned and walked out of the class, jace followed too, leaving James standing dumbfounded. —

Jace dropped his tray on a suitable table and sat down, the foreign exchange student dropped her tray and sat opposite to Jace .

'remember me ' she said smiling.

' no I don't, you're new here ' Jace replied firmly.

' but you kept my cloak ' she added thoughtfully .

'oh it's you ' Jace added sounding a bit surprised

' yeah I told you I'll be keeping an eye on you ' she laughed

' at least your name ?' Jace asked

' Emily ' she replied . —

Jace picks up his backpack and walks out of the school, Emily followed him

'I'll be keeping my eye On you ' Emily said sternly then she left Jace .

' wow what a game, all lies, sorry Emily or whatever's your name , I aint buying it, ' Jace shouted.

Jace turns to leave when he bumps into James,

' little Jace got the foreign chick's, james laughed.

' am not in the mood James ' Jace warned

'and what are you gonna do ' James mocked again, his pals joined him , ' get him ,last time he escaped, but this time it won't happen '

Jace felt his heart racing, his eyes were twitching, the ground around him started shaking. ' it's happening again ' Jace thought to himself he opened his eyes they were glowing, bright yellow , he looked at James and his gang as they dashed towards him, jace could see through them, Jasper the school dropout swung his bat in an attempt to hit Jace, jace caught it, the others dashed in to help Jasper, jace looked at them they all paused as if they weres moving in slow motion, jace punched James, gave Jasper and uppercut across the chin , the rest came towards Jace he seized the first by the throat flung him toward the garbage dump, back kicked the second in the neck, the last fled, but Jace caught up with him before he turned to flee, jace caught him by the back collar and flung him towards the others, then Jace fell to the ground.

Jace woke up and found himself in a room he stands up to his feet, he felt dizzy , he tripped over, and stood to his feet 'where am I ' Jace thought to himself, he walked downstairs to the living room, he found it empty, he heard someone cooking, jace turns and heads for the kitchen, he froze upon reaching the door leading to the kitchen, the door was open and Emily was cooking

'oh you're awake ' Emily turned surprised.

' just making dinner stay for a little while ' she added.

'wait this is your house, how did I end up here , oh God I can't remember ' jace exclaimed panicking

'you passed out and I happened to be there 'Emily said and stirred the meatball . 'see I don't remember what happened or how .........' Jace added thoughtfully .

'but I have to go ' Jace added, he turned to go. ' don't go Dr thought has been searching for you for weeks ' Emily exclaimed in a sad manner. ' wow who is he is he part of the game or what ' Jace laughed, he turned to leave . he walked out the door and flunged his backpack across his shoulder, jace starts trudging home there was still a little light. —


Jace crossed the main street and walked on the side walk, he checked his wristwatch it was eleven o'clock, he hurried his footsteps somehow because kept feeling that someone was tailing him and the thought of the talk he will get when he gets home. jace turned into another street it was empty, only a yellow taxi that was still plying the road, 'two more streets ' Jace smiled as he thought to himself. ' oi oi oi, he must be the one ' a voice muttered behind , Jace turned but he saw no one 'who goes there ' Jace asked frightened. a shadow flies past him . ' am right here ' the voice replied. jace turns and looks at him.

'who are you ' Jace asked. 'my name doesn't matter, I was sent to retrieve the sixth. the boy replied. 'you they sent you of all the people playing roles in this game they sent you, we're the same age ' Jace laughed. ' come on bruh I said I ain't part of this ' Jace added in a more serious tone. jace walked past him and tapped him by the shoulder ' go home bro '. jace added and walked away from him, jace took only three steps when he was drawn backwards and flunged Jace flew and hit the lamppost, he coughed blood from his mouth and slumped 'this is no game I could really die, is this how death feels like ' Jace thought to himself. jace could see out of the corner of his eyes. the boy came close To him ' the names, Roger AKA Phoenix : first blood . boss wants you alive but I guess I have.......... Roger was cut short as a police car rammed into him he was flunged a few feet away from Jace due to the impact, the police men came out and pointed their guns at Roger , 'freeze, put your hands where I can see them ' the first officer commanded, Roger stood up to his feet and started walking towards the cops. ' you all have no Idea why am called Phoenix ' he chuckled and kept walking slowly towards them. ' freeze I repeat freeze ' the officer commanded his hands on the trigger . ' nah copper I don't stop for no one ' he grinned widely his eyes glowed red he pointed his hands towards the cop, and shouted

'Phoenix rebirth heat nirvana ' a wave of flamed shot out of his hands

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