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The Last Hope Of Humanity

Mystery world

Hello citizen of global Earth

You are reading novel of mystery and fun

which will tell you about mystery of the world.

In this world, there are various mysterious things.

Which ordinary human cannot comprehend, there are various creature that we still don't know, there are various undiscovered truth which we don't know.

So lets talk about few mystery

For example Bermuda triangle

(a short INFO - - - - - - - - - The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle or Hurricane Alley, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious CIRCUMSTANCES.)...

Some belive UFOs are blame for the disappearances", and that they "believe that aliens use the Triangle as a portal to travel to and from our planet".

"The area is like a gathering station where they capture people, ships and aircraft to conduct research."

Some belive it is wormhole which suck metal type things and send to another place.



Next mystery which is famous

..... Other mystery like aliens which exist on

Do aliens exist? Hundreds of pictures and videos of UFOs are taken every year and enthusiasts believe many of them could be proof or even a hidden conspiracy. While some have been debunked as fake, there are still dozens that have left even the experts scratching their heads and wondering if we really have been visited by creatures from other planet..



But in 2019 again this topic became top news ,

Information about abducting people day by day.

After this incident the material about them became true.

This news was flash on TV news.

The US Navy just confirmed these UFO videos are the real deal....



Next discovery by scientists shown to all over the world.

Other mystery like.....

About Egyptian prymaid

Scientists have found that the Great Pyramid of Giza is capable of creating pockets of higher energy in its inner chambers and at its base.

How could they have such mechanism,

What type of technology they have in past,

And why our tech is not comparable to them,

There are various mysterious things which cannot be solved, but this all can be discovered/solved someday I think.

But but but

There something inter related in all mystery.

These mystery were all part of this grand amazing ultimate mystery

This mystery was solved by some scientists, scholar of modern world but ,

I will tell you the unexpected truth of my clan, tragedy of my people,

Cough cough

As you know I am telling you all about this,

But you don't know my identity.

Let's have introduction

This is param suryatran, the main descendent of sun clan,

the pure Descendant of Atlantean.

So attention please,

You have to read this carefully and everyday ready for next chapter.

So our story starts from this grand mystery

The Atlantis Ring,

The Atlantis mystical relic,

the power of the ring that

can only be obtained by,

Pure member of the the Atlantic race.

Who were they and why they were drowned, and what is mystery of this ring, let's read about this in next chapter.

Sacrifice of almighty Atlantean






12 million years ago, there was a majestic continent island larger than Africa and Asia combined that birthed a mighty people with wonders and technologies bestowed by God ( Poseidon/ Neptune)

The tower was itself was like technology.

They created a utopian civilization and became a great naval power. Their home was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center. The lush islands contained gold, silver, and other precious metals and supported an abundance of rare, exotic wildlife.

They were the Mighty Atlanteans who conquered and enslaved the proto tribes of Northern Europe, North Africa, Egypt, and Greece.

Slave its not to described prisoner, but let's call them SLAVE. ,

Those prisoner were the people who show greed for thier technology, thier paradise,who want to Conqueror altantean.

Consequences for offending or robbing Atlantic Tech or goods is punished very severely.

Some get punishment for few years,

some get for lifetime.

In altantis wisdom was primarily characteristics of people and thier wisdom should bring peace in world.

But thier technology, thier paradise come to an end

With huge conspiracy.

Now lets read about Atlantean people

Who were the Atlantean????

They were branch clan of solar clan which was settled on this land....

And About this solar clan, I will tell next time.

... What happened to Atlantean continent ??????

Atlantis was once a great and mighty empire, the envy of the ancient world. Greedy eyes of all over world were on Atlantis.

A resistance movement against the Atlantean empire rose up in Athens,

the tribes of Athens led an international resistance force against the Atlantean empire.

The alliance won, forcing the Atlanteans to retreat past the Pillars of Hercules, only to fall to natural disasters and sink to the bottom of Poseidon's ocean in a single day.

The all continent was drowning in sea,

thier support mechanism of land was destroyed by traitors,

all support system, back up system, emergency system, all were failed.

The children, young one, adult, elder all were on the continent, and the continent was drowning in the sea.

But after sometime immediate dangerous plan was formulated.

Th whole continent mechanism was unstable, the town cities were filled with water, the destruction were everywhere, the support power was unstable,

The support / back up system / emergency system all were in failure.

. As a result In critical moment all scholars , scientists of the Atlantica formed a rescue plan in which they decided only Children and young ones,the few sages will be only rescued.

The dangerous and world scariest scarfice plan was made.

The mighty Atlantean emperor and empress with all Atlantean people's wear their Golem suit support the continent mechanism from the bottom of the continent.

But there were some serious consequences to use Golem suit ,

Because it will extract thier life force to activate its power.

Which can only used one time,

after that the person wearing suit will be totally remained like the dust.

The many gaint Golems become the support of whole continent ,


On other side.....



IN Atlantean secret lab...


Thier experiment was successful.





with the using past ancestor relic they make huge breakthrough at end moment,

but they found out that

It can only be used by supreme physique which are pure descendants of solar clan which is nearly impossible to find this in whole world but

For AI it Can be possible.


So, there was some hope.


Atlantean can't use this ring because Atlantean WAS not from pure clan,

pure clan was not with them,

They were exterminated.

message was pass down To them,

the key to revive pure solar clan (pure Atlantean) is

Ancestor relic with supreme physique ,

but supreme physique can be discovered with one in a million chance of discovering that physique.

It was like looking for a needle in a haystack"

It was Unexpectedly huge discovery if it was in the past,

then they have to not to sacrifice themselves today, but using that void energy supreme physique is needed ,

According to thier past legend the solar clan main descendants can only use this ring.

And main Descendant will become powerful like God.

They put the ring in the box, and left the place with the box in hurry,

The continent was drowning the situation was out of control, they also use Golem suit immediately

they uses thier whole power to support the continent , the blood was leaking from their bodies

, cry of children's and teens were everywhere.

Cracking sound of bones from Golem were coming.

The rescue plan was initiated, the children and teen were combined to formed a group,

Thier boat was ready to move,

hundred - thousand of boats was moving to sea side thier ship destination was Egypt, India, North Australia.

This was end of Atlantic continent which fully drowned in the sea.

Let's read about solar clan.

.what about solar clan???

Where are they and who are they????

solar clan is clan which worship sun and they are Descendants of sun.

This clan was the oldest and biggest sheratia clan of earth.



Now, Who are sheratia ??

"sheratia" is the way to do your karma(work) can be called as varma( the work which cannot be set by birth, but by choosing ourselves )

Rules of sheratia

sheratia never flees from the war

, he shows bravery, skill, chivalry and patience in the face of war.

Donation to the society and protecting citizens (shertia duty) are the norms of a sheratia



The early Sun clan considered Sun-god as their (clan God) and mainly practised sun-worship,



... Now, why solar clan was exterminated or

I say extinct.

Solar clan

All this was happened in 1200 million ago.

"The sacrifice of lineage of solar clan for humanity Incident"

This incident lead to new unexpected change.

So from that various things come to existence new clan, decrease in moral , decrease in knowledge, new diseases, new species, new God various, new things,

Unexpected changes lead to masscare of solar clan.

Around 1200 million years ago, the Earth was still one big continent – the great Pangaea.

Around that time came, what's commonly referred to as, the End-Triassic mass extinction period in which half of all marine life on the planet went extinct.

But truth was something different.

This time there was war between

Asura and God.

Heavenly plane is one of the seven higher plane .

The seven plane consist of  'the earth-world', Bhuvar plane , heaven plane (zeus plane ), Maharplane , Jana world plane , Tamar world plane , truth world plane .. While these seven world plane and seven underworld plane form 14 lokas of our Universe, beyond these 14 exist Goloplane , Mani plane  and such higher planes of multiple Universes.





Next chapter after some time

War war let's fight

War of God and asura

The perennial battle between the God  and Asuras is undertaken over the dominion of the three worlds:  Heaven, Earth and the Nether worlds. Both races are technically equal, possessors of great religious and martial powers, but the God are committed to the worship of the Supreme Being and the practice of virtue.

The Asuras have atheistic and devious tendencies that grow over time.



Shetra : the teacher of the Asuras, their high priest and worshiper of the Supreme Lord, but remains supportive of the Asuras.

Lezorna : the teacher of the God. Possessing unparalleled knowledge of the ancient text, scripture, religion, and mysticism, Lezorna mastery of the military arts is akin to Shetra, his counterpart.

Zeus : the God of thunder and lightning, King of Heaven, the leader of all the God against the demons.

The greatest performer of sacrifices, Indra is the most famous and fearsome warrior in the three worlds.

Hetraon : army commander of God . He is also the god of war and victory.

Niorti : the great Asura opponent of God top commander.

Vritrareon : the crazy Asura, who performs a sacrifice to obtain sovereignty of the three worlds.

Opponent of zeus.

He was most powerful of all asura . He was a dragon or serpent who was said to be so huge that his coils surrounded mountains, and his head touched the sky. He was the bringer of drought, and his chief enemy was zeus.

.... Power Level ...


Grand Superior warrior class

A warrior capable of fighting 24 superior class warriors or 207,360,000 warriors simultaneously. They are supreme warriors & almost invincible.

Superior warrior class

A warrior capable of fighting 12 ultimate warriors simultaneously.

Only 'herorit' is considered as an supreior warrior.He was an expert in magic or illusion and at a very young age he is asura....

Meglion became the possessor of almost all types of supreme celestial weapons,under the guidance of lezorna , the teacher of the God .

He is considered as the most powerful and the only warrior ever had the three ultimate WEAPONS.

. Solar destroyer

This weapon is said to possess the power to destroy the entire solar system the 14 realms....



ALL enemy destroyer

It is weapon said to destroy every power or creature

, only supreme God can destroy this weapon.




an irresistible and most destructive personal weapon of SUPREME BEING , which can be discharged by the mind, the eyes, words, or a bow.....



ULTIMATE WARRIOR CLASS : A warrior capable of fighting 12 SUPER FIGHTER class warriors or 720,000 warriors simultaneously,circumspect in his mastery of all forms of weapons and combat skills.





Super fighter WARRIOR

warrior capable of contending with 12 fighter class warriors or 60,000 warriors.

There 200000 warrior in asura and god.....




Fighter class

A warrior capable of attacking 5,000 warriors simultaneously.

There were 5000000000 in asura and god.

Single asura warrior and god warrior were there

Appx 6000000000 people.

Whole universe was shocking by the battle between

Asura and God.

Battlefield was filled with blood shed, battle cry was everywhere.

The fight between commander of asura and God was started.

The battle cry was everywhere.

Now lets read about main battle

Battle between zeus and Vritrareon


...Vritrareon was a terrible fiend who gathered all the waters, air of the world into himself and cause a drought to cover the whole earth plane .

Causing all world creature to faint.

That lead to fainting of all asura and god race.

Only zeus was Alright, because of his high tolerance

The world became a wasteland.

In a distant land, he hid in his fortress, hording his treasure so that the world drew ever more parched. Finally, zeus , who was searching for him found his fortress.

He took it upon himself to attack the asura King and release the waters.

Drinking immense amounts of supreme potion,

give him the strength necessary, he set off to find his foe. First zeus stormed Vritrareon ninety-nine fortresses, razing each in turn, then he met Vritrareon himself. The two fought a terrible battle, and in the end,

Vritrareon was destroyed by zeus's thunderbolt. Zeus then released the waters to flow back to the world.

On human side,

the situation was out of control,

The earth have to wait for few years for water ,

The land was filled with droughts,

There was no water at all,

Hunger, and disease was everywhere.

The human's were dying one by one,

On seeing this solar clan king filled with rage against God and asura.

The solar clan was not need the water at this moment they were Descendants of sun.

so they can survive few years by absorbing sun,

but they were they shertia ,

There ancestors teaching, how can they forget them.

They decided to do the true way of shertia

Then solar clan decided to do something about this,

They decided to do ritual..

This ritual that can be done in front of a sacred fire goddess ,

often with mantras, and offering.

the divine fire , the goddess of fire and the messenger of gods – was deployed in a ritual , mantras were chanted.. The hymns and songs sung and oblations offered into the fire were a form of hospitality towards the gods. 

The offerings were believed to be carried by fire to the gods,

the gods in return were expected to grant boons and benedictions, and thus the ritual served as a means of spiritual exchange between gods and human beings.

But this time this ritual was not for God but for supreme being,

Ritual can be completed by offering to fire Goddess ,

But they decide to do something outrageous,

they offer themselves to fire Goddess by sitting in fire ritual which was formed like a platform,

where heavy gold Chain was formed to all boundaries to the four side,

After crossing chain boundaries,

the fire Goddess was there.

One by one they start throwing them in fire ritual,

All main clan of solar clan was one by one was going in fire ritual,

They was sacrifice themselves to do the ritual,

To call supreme being.

One by one-- old, young, baby, male, female, they all go in fire God ritual

Seeing this fire Goddess become frightened,

What these CHILD OF HUMAN are doing,

are they out of thier mind,

But after sometime using her vision,

She saw million billion of human died without water,

She sigh with sorrow,

After understanding the circumstances of human on earth,

seeing her flames on bodies of solar clan,

by action of this flame change to blue from red.

On other side the branch of solar clan was kneeling on the ground with red eyes filled with sorrow,

On this occasion they not cried,

but they make thier chest proud,

By hitting thier fist on chest , and

shouting with loud voice ",

... " By taking birth in the clan of human protector"

... "they never show little bit of cowardice"

..... They are the human's protector

.... They are the human's protector "

..... They are true shertia who perform sacrifice

'They are true . shertia who never run from the battle'

..... They are shertia

..... They are shertia

.... We are proud of our ancestors,

... We are Proud of our clan,

.... We are proud of our pride

... We are proud of our sacrifice,

.....They are shertia

..... They are shertia

..... We are suryatran who are Descendants of sun

..... We are suryatran who worship sun

..... We are suryatran who protect earth

... We are Suryatran who love peace

..... we are Suryatran

..... we are Suryatran....

... FINISH...


They were the protector of earth and humanity,

SO, they sacrifice for saving the humanity.

After seeing this,

sun God become angry

Because of that the temperature become so hot that all 14 plane water was boiling.

sun God was becoming more black black and black , his heart was filled with sorrow,

Bound by duties,

he cannot stop this madness.

the cloud was filled with thunder

, the cries of creature were in all realms,

On this time, gods were enjoying thier victory,

They all were drunk,

But immediately zeus frowned,

What is happening,

What are these cries,

what is happening in earth realm.

But on exact time on earth

Supreme being voice spoke "

" oh foolish human child, what have you done,

Are you not value the life,

I gave to all of you,

Why you offer your bodies ritual to summon me,

the problem of water solved by God,

the water was coming in few years.


On this time a tear drop down from sky

All earth was filled with water, earth was filed with greenery.

Foolish child's,

I am asking why have you done this,.

On this moment

The solar clan leader in his soul form joined his hands and kneel and said "

Oh my almighty supreme power,

the creator of universe,

I am totally insignificant ant in front of you,

can this child of yours,

can speak some words.

Then sky voiced sound " speak child what reason you have done this.

Then leader, " Supreme father,

the God and asura Are always fighting,

they always do what they think is right,

they have no moral,

They have no justice,

destroying the earth, and other plane,

is it true values of God or asura ,

Is it way to show thier superiority.

Is it way to show that they are powerful,

We are not afraid of them but,

our number are not matched with them ,

And because of thier divinity, they are immortal.



Please supreme father our clan which is to erase the power of divinity from them.



... (((note there are some God who never interfere in human matter because of their duties,

Like death God, Like sun God, Like moon God,

Like air God, Like water God, Like earth goddess,

Like Sky God,

All these God and goddess ,

if interfere in wordly matter,

The whole universe will be collapsed,

they all bound by duties ))))))



Supreme Father my second reason for this sacrifice is the heavy casualties of human's,

every year human being suffers from them,

Sometime human's forget to do offering to God,

they Show their wrath by not giving rain or

Sometime by giving flood.

Supreme father, our clan and other humans wish is to set the barrier on this world that no asura or God can enter human domain.

Please change this world rule and appoint single entities which control all aspect of human world .

Please supreme father put the barrier to our world that no God or asura or other race can enter our world,

.only the God who love peace can enter our world.





... Then supreme being said "

Very well child I will fulfil your wish but beware the barrier will shattered before the end of this era.

Then new era will start with new race, new asura, new God race new dragonoid race. But they will not be powerful because thier race will not filed with divinity, they all become mortal, and

Now there will no interference by God in your world,

New God who are now created for your world will never interfere in your mortal matter,

But child for all this,

I have to get all ancient knowledge back from the humanity other wisely, they will fight for terrorists for themselves,

After this they will become totally useless in Combat, but from your branch clan I will get this Knowledge in small portion,

The human , God, asura, and other race - - all these race effort will only by hardwork.

but remember child,

I will not interfere in your world or other races world when barrier will shattered.

The new era will come with heavy casualties but

Time will come when peaceful era will established.

Do you agree.

... Leader " supreme father thank you for accepting by

Request, I agree,i am very grateful to you.



As said by leader

The barrier was set,

the divinity was disappeared from all God and asura,

All things happened to them, I will tell you in next chapter in future.

At exact moment,

The sun stop at exact place,

supreme being was going to disappeared with soul of solar clan Descendants, but Stopped by sorrowful voice.

" oh supreme being, please heed by my request

Please revive my clan, I will be very grateful to you,they sacrifice for the duty assigned by me to rescue humanity. Please revise my clan supreme being, you control all universe please please revive them.

The Supreme being voice speak with sorrow,

and said , " sun God, your wish to revise the clan cannot be fulfill,

this will break the rule of the nature,

It will bring chaos to bring back them ,

They offer themselves for fire goddess ritual,

They soul power is finished,

they are entering into reincarnation cycle,

, so I cannot do this,

but there is other way,

which is filled with difficulties,

your youngest child of solar clan has high soul force which is highly better than any God ,

From him your clan can be revived,

But your clan child life will be filled with loneliness.

But after getting body he will filled with enjoyable blissful life ,

Because your clan has pure sun bloodline ,

Which is associated with the soul,

so when he enter the chosen body( the body which have supreme physique with near death state)

The bloodline will activated and your one clan member will be revived.

You can also sense his presence when this will happened,

Your branch clan who worship sun and moon,

Will be the way to get supreme body but it will take time to get that, so it will take thousand of years

Can you accepted this arrangement, sun God

Sun God " thank you my Lord, I agree to your arrangement.

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