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The Lady Whom I Admire.

Part 1

Been a while since Sasuke kun left me.

"You're annoying."

That's all he said before closing the door right on my face.

I continuously knocked,  shouted,  wept but all in vain. I heard him raising the sound of his music systems. I felt my heart sank. Everything was pointless now.

"Maybe he found someone more beautiful? Or was he craving for a sexy body? "

As far as I knew him, he never really showed any interest in girls. Even though he is pretty famous. I waited so long to propose him. I had a stupid crush on him since my school days. And we were dating for few months now... So what went wrong?

"Maybe he is gay?"

Weird thoughts stuck my mind.

"Nah it can't be. Or is it true? "

Picking myself up from his doorstep I somehow managed to drag my tired worn-out body towards my apartment.  Taking out the keys I pushed it against the keyhole unlocking it. Keeping the door wide open I tumbledown and fell on the floor feeling weak. 

I screamed not cause my knee was scratched and it was bleeding. But cause I felt a deeper pain somewhere else. It was my feelings which was made fun of.  I cried and screamed both at the same time.

Making a fist I banged it against the floor. My breathing was getting heavier due to all the overwhelming emotions. My vision was blurry. I felt something hard in my ring finger. And looked at it blankly for awhile before remembering what it actually was.

"Sign of my love. "

Taking it out I threw it as far as I could. I don't even remember in which direction. I laid there the whole night. Weeping until tears dried up. All old memories started popping up inside my brain. It was nothing less than a nightmare. I coughed. My voice was choked as my throat was getting scratched due to all the shouting. I was thirsty but I hardly cared. While thinking about all these when I drooped off to sleep I don't know.... But the next morning I woke up with a phone call. My eyes were all red and swollen. My mouth was dry. Somehow I managed to speak.

"Hello... Mom? How are you? "

The voice came out peculiar as I tried not to cry and stop my emotions getting better of me. I bite my lower lips as it shakes. I don't want to make them worry.

Mom :  Sakura are you alright?? Am so worried about you... You didn't even picked up my calls yesterday. God Child I gave you 20 missed calls!!

Me :  Really?... Sorry I felt asleep. Was too tired.

Mom :  How can you be so careless? You know we get worried. You're living all alone.

Me :  Gotta go and get ready for work mom. Bye.

Mom :  But....

I cut the call before she could complete.

"Sorry mom... "

I stood in front of the basin and  washed my face. And tidied myself up.

"Maybe I should try talking him today"

After changing my clothes I locked the main door I start climbing down the stairs. Didn't even felt like having breakfast. I had skipped yesterday's dinner as well. Everything was so dead inside me. I picked up my speed as I got closer to his house. I pressed the bell but no one answered. I found the door was locked. I thought of waiting before  a neighbor lady confirmed me that he left the town this morning.... Forever.... I was disheartened. I took a cab to the hospital. Even though it was 15-20 minutes walking distance. But today was different. Even 5 minutes was 5 hours to me. That what the cab took to reach the hospital. Though I was inside the cab for five minutes I felt it was forever. Using the small makeup mirror inside my bag I did a quick touch up. Before paying the driver and getting off. I didn't really wanted anyone to know what happened.... They would just pity me. None can help me.

The working hours seemed to be so long. Worst thoughts were coming in my tiny brain. Which was about to blast on anyone and everyone.

"So it was all true. Am indeed annoying for him"

I took my anger out on few nurses, ward boy and even fellow doctors. None was spared. And instead of reducing my anger went on increasing. Not on anyone but on myself.

"Am so useless."

I was busy scolding a nurse who came to ask me a simple question and was confused about something so wanted to clarify it. When our most senior doctor lady Tsunade entered the room. She was really disappointed with my behavior and heard complains against me. And now this....

She ordered the nurse to leave us alone before keeping her palms on my desk with a bang.

Lady Tsunade :  What's wrong with you?? She is a newbie! Can't you see that?

Me :  *annoyed* Am I the only doctor here?? *raising from my chair* To be disturbed??

Lady Tsunade :  No!  But you're the only doctor after Shisune whom I trust the most and my best student.

She felt proud and concerned at the same time while saying this. I was almost at the verge of crying.

"What did I do just now?"

I broke in tears only to be warmly hugged by her. I buried my face inside her ******. As tears rolled down from my eyes. Soon we both were hugging each other. Rubbing off my tears I looked into her eyes.

Me :  Am so sorry.....

Tsunade :  Care to tell me what exactly happened?

Me :  *trying to stop my emotions* S-Sasuke kun left me...

Tsunade :  Darn him! *makes a fist* and you're crying for an asshole like him?? My dear you're making yourself unworthy don't do that.

Me :  I-I need time.

Tsunade :  Take as much time as you need but get over it.

I nodded before hastily exiting the room. Soon I reached the apartment and was laying on my bed after eating some of the instant ramen. I moved around the bed trying to find a comfort spot. But failed. Getting up I sat down on the floor burying my head in my knees. My tears has changed into anger now. I started questioning the whole existence of Sasuke.

I heard my cell phone ring. I knew its my mom. I was not really up to it. I ignored the call. Until it started ringing again. Taking it in my hand I threw it against the wall breaking it. That sound was enough to snap me out of everything bringing me back to reality. I think the receive button got pressed by mistake cause of the crash. A voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello? Sakura? "

How can I do this? To my own people? Those who always cared about me? Why am I running away from them?? Cause of a piece of shit?! I graped hold of my cell phone. The screen was cracked. I put it against my ear. Before saying....

Me :  Yea mom?

Mom :  You alright? Lady Tsunade told me about your breakup.

Me :  I wasn't until now. Love you mom..

Mom :  Love you too.

After our chat was over I felt refreshed and renewed. No more running after the past. From now on I will live in the present. Sasuke was never worthy for my unconditional love. So why cry over him? Am going to love myself  from this very day.

"Shannaro!! "

Till now whatever I narrated took place three months ago. And I did keep my promise I almost forgot about the existence of Sasuke. Who never came back. I started enjoying my life with my friends. Though he remained somewhere inside a corner of my brain but only as hatred.

Current time....

In the morning I work with Ino, Miss Shisune and Lady Tsunade in the hospital. I give training to my juniors. Look after my patients and even try to research about new medicines. We even opened a special clinic for children where we deal with their psychological problems. Due do fast pace of the modern era the children are dealing with a large amount of mental pressure. Which are leading them to depression. The suicide cases are also increasing.

So I came up with the idea for mental therapy center for children. I discussed this with my seniors who happily accepted it. Soon a small clinic was opened and it indeed succeeded in its mission. Meanwhile we are planning of making more centers in different towns and cities of Japan. I was so proud of what we were doing. Soon enough we will reach every boys and girls of Japan and help them get over their problems.

That was my morning schedule. In the evening I hit the gyms with Hinata and Tenten. I even take classes of boxing and kick boxing for my safety purpose.

Even though it was tiring it was fun to be with friends. As for night I accompanied Lady Tsunade for her sake drinking in the bar. Sometimes we even go for gambling though she always loose money in the process.

Yesterday while I was going through all the paper works Ino's cell phone starts ringing. She excused herself and went out. When she came inside the room again her face was brightly lit.

Ino :  Sakura! Tomorrow is Kiba's basketball match! And he has invited Shino, you and me. I told him that am taking Sai with me as well it would be so much fun!

Me :  Yes! Shannaro!!!

Ever since Ino started dating Sai she seems to be genuinely happy.


The next day.....

As we walked around to find a suitable seat we noticed Hinata. It was really surprising for us that a shy person like Hinata would be interested in sports. Ino shouted calling her name.

"Hinata chan!! "

Hinata looks around for a while before finally noticing us. She waved happily. We took the empty seats beside her.

Me :  Never knew you were interested in sports?

Hinata :  No.... It's just that.... Um.. *blushes*

"Why she acting weird? "

My eyes wondered until it fell on a yellow haired basketball player. Hinata was not even able to remove her eyes from him.

"He seems to be familiar"


                      To be continued...

Part 2

I tried my best to remember him. His blue eyes, yellow hair, whiskers and that grin. All were familiar. I scratched my head to remember before noticing his name on his jersey.


Naruto? That loner from our school? The game started. And the ball starts bouncing from one hand to another. Kiba was playing like a professional as always. He and Naruto were in opposite teams. Kiba didn't even realize when Naruto took the ball away from him and threw it inside the basket. Making his team score one.

My mind drifted towards the past memories. Naruto Uzumaki. That's his full name. No one really liked him and his existence. He was a weird and mischievous child. As for his family, his parents passed away in an accident right after he was born and he was lucky or unlucky enough to be alive. Everyone used to blame him for his parents death. Calling him a demon who devoured his own family.

He became a loner.... And kinda hated Sasuke... Cause even though they both were orphans, they were treated differently. Soon he started taking Sasuke as his rival. Even in love.... Naruto had a crush on me... And I was all about Sasuke at that time.... I even mocked his feelings.... I was so stupid....but everything is different now.... After whatever happened..... I can feel how Naruto might have felt at that time.... Still he grins... His behaviour never changed towards me... Oh God am so dumb....

All of a sudden I started hating myself.... I felt that I should apologize to him.... But for something that happened some 15 years ago?? Won't that be stupid? But still.... I should....

The match got over and Naruto's team was declared as the winner. Now that I inspected him carefully. I found he has changed a lot. He has grown so tall and handsome? Lol never really thought he would.

He looked at our direction then stretching his right hand and made index and middle fingers in a 'V' sign and grin at Hinata who was about to faint.

"Are those two dating?? Shannaro!! " *excited*

I found him staring at me. I felt a small blush on my face. So he has noticed me.

"Wait why am I blushing looking at that Baka? "

Maybe cause I saw him after a long time? And it's just a surprise not anything else. I tried concentrating on Ino as if I haven't even noticed him.

Naruto's thoughts....

"Isn't that Sakura? "

Our school's cherry blossom. Damn she looks so beautiful as always... I started blushing like an idiot... All these years there wasn't a single day that I didn't miss her. And now she is here. I was craving to meet her. And hug her. But then again......

"She loves Sasuke... "

I made an annoyed face.

"Darn you Sasuke. You always get the best"

Her hair has grown so long..... She still ties a ribbon so that her hair covers her forehead..... Her green eyes even though was busy chatting with Ino but didn't forget to take a quick glance at me. Maybe she knows am staring at her? I couldn't see Sasuke around. Might be too busy. Last time I heard from Hinata that they were dating. Boils my blood.

"He doesn't deserve her. "

The memories are so fresh. Sakura used to get bullied as a child. Cause of her large forehead. Until Ino became her bestie.... But soon they started fighting over Sasuke... Sakura even grew her hair just cause she heard that Sasuke liked long hair girls.... I mean isn't that silly? Every girl tried to change themselves according to him only to be called annoying at the end.

Sakura's Thoughts....

Darn this getting boring.... Ino and Sai left in a hurry for their dinner date. Sai has reserved a table at the most fancy restaurant in our town for candle light dinner.

"How romantic. "

Unlike Sasuke who was always busy with his concerts....

"Why I even thinking about him?"

We couldn't find Kiba as well... Maybe he left with Akamaru.

"Might be disappointed?"

We walked towards Naruto who was overjoyed to see us. Hinata was blushing like hell. I just hoped she won't faint. I felt as if I was coming in between their lovey-dovey time and was really uncomfortable.

Me : Um...

Naruto : Let's go to Ichiraku Ramen store. *grins*

Me : No... I should go home....

Hinata : Why Sakura Chan? Come along with us. It would be fun.

Naruto : Yes. Sakura Chan.

First Naruto and now Hinata as well? I tried to give her sign so that she gets it why I don't want to go but I guess she didn't get it? Anyways at last I tagged along with them.

We reached the small shop of Ichiraku. He is the best ramen maker of the whole area. Taking our seats we ordered three bowl of ramens and water. Taking chopsticks in our hand we start eating.

Naruto : *mouthful of ramen* Sakura....mmm...ummm... Mmmm.

Me : What are you talking baka? First eat then speak.

Hinata starts giggling.

Me : *mischievous face* So since when you two are dating?

Hinata : *blushing* D-Dating?!!

Naruto : Huh? We aren't dating lol we are just friends.

Me : You two aren't couple?

Hinata : N-No Sakura Chan. *murmurs* But I wish.....

I felt bad for Hinata.... I can clearly see that she loves him a lot... But... That Baka.... I was so annoyed I was about to call him blind. But controlled my mouth.

Naruto : So... Um.... Are you dating anyone?.... Like Sas......

Me : We two broke up.

Naruto : What???

Hinata : Um... He left...

Naruto : WTF! How could he do that to Sakura Chan??!!

Me : Excuse me.

I kept my chopsticks on top of my bowl and got up from my seat. Don't know why this is happening to me? Everything was fine until I heard his name. A hidden hatred and anger start taking the best out of me. My brain stops working I guess. But was it only hatred?

I have been walking for awhile now. When I heard a voice calling out my name from behind. The voice seems to be familiar. I turned around and saw Naruto to a great surprise.

Naruto : Sakura Chan!

I left the ramen shop without even saying goodbye. They must have been worried.

Me : Where is Hinata?

Naruto : She went home.

Me : alone??

Naruto : Yea. I came to search you ya know.

Me : Are you Baka?!!

I punched him hard on his face. How could he do this to Hinata? He is really blind.

Naruto : Ouch what was that for?? I thought you need me. I was worried about you.

Me : Am sorry... My apartment is nearby.

Naruto : That's great.

Me : So... Um.. How do you feel about... Hinata?

Naruto : Huh? *he makes a funny face* Are you jealous???

Me : What did you say??

Naruto : Don't worry Sakura chan. I still love you.... But I know it's impossible....

Me : Naruto.... Am sorry... I never wanted to hurt your feelings....

Naruto : Don't feel guilty for that Sakura chan. Cause I know you love Sasuke.

Me : Used to. Not anymore.

Naruto : Trust me. You do. It's not that easy to forget.

Me : Stop irritating me Naruto!

Saying this I made quick steps towards my apartment leaving him behind. What he thinks about himself? He knows everything? I ran and ran until I was standing in front of my apartment door.

"Was I running from myself?"

To be continued....

Part 3

I am standing in front of the mirror getting ready. My long hair fall over my face as I combed them. I arched my brows angrily. Thinking about yesterday night. Why that baka thinks am still have feelings for Sasuke? I moved the comb over my long hair brushing them. When something strick my mind.

"Is it for my hair?"

The main purpose of having a long hair was cause Sasuke liked it... But now even after he left.... And I moved on... I don't know why I didn't have a hair cut till now? Personally I don't care but seems like people think otherwise.

On Sunday I went to the beauty parlor along with Ino. We went to a nearby parlor strongly recommended by her. The door opened automatically as we got welcomed by two guys with weird hairdos? Their eyes and eyebrows were weird too. And they wore matching green tights. Giving weird pose.

Ino : Sakura meet Rock Lee and uncle Gai. Uncle Gai is the owner this beauty-parlor.

Me : h-hi.


All of a sudden the younger guy who's name is Rock Lee started blushing like hell. Was he blushing at me? A chill went through my spine as he blows a flying kiss aiming at me. I start shivering. Ino notices it and starts giggling then whispers into my ear.

Ino : He likes you.

Inner me : Shut up Ino pig!!!!

I didn't react anything except looking at her face a little irritated.

Inner me : I will kill you for god sake!

I heard someone's voice coming from behind those two men. A familiar voice of a woman who walked near us.

Voice : What's going on here? *Sighs*

Me : Tenten?

Mr Gai and Rock Lee moves aside making space for Tenten who gives me a warm hug.

Inner me : Thank God!

Tenten : Hey guys. Come in.

Me : I never knew you work here Tenten. *surprised*

Tenten : You don't know many things about me.

Me : Um.... Ohk....

Tenten : lol just kidding. Don't be so serious.

She makes me sit down on the seat and asks me what type of hair cut I want.

Me : Anything you think will suit me.

Tenten : Okay then. Let's get started.

Throughout the time Tenten was busy shaping my hair. I could feel being watched. Things were getting really creepy....

Rock Lee's thoughts....

I couldn't stop myself from blushing. Ever since I saw her. Her green eyes looked like fresh leaves, her pink cherry blossom like hair was silky and long. She was like an angel on Earth. I can't even take off my eyes from her.

"Maybe she is thinking am a creep? "

Mr Gai : Lee? Lee! Watch what you are doing!

Until I realized it I have already made the guy half bald.

Me : A-Am so sorry! *bowing down apologizing* I was being careless!

Guy : WTF did you do?! Would your sorry bring my hair back?? *getting up from his seat* I will make you pay for it!!

As he takes steps towards me with the intention of beating me. Mr Gai comes in between us blocking his punch.

Guy : Now what should I do??

Me : how about I make you full bald? You hair will... Um grow eventually....

Guy : What did you say!!?

Mr Gai : Brilliant idea Lee! We don't have any other choose anyway.

We somehow made the guy seat back on his seat and shaved off his hair making him bald. We didn't even take any money in return. And even asked if he wants us to pack his hair and send it with him as a memory. Still dunno why he went out angrily and start spreading rumors against us?

Anyways by the time I cleaned up the mess my angel had already gone. I felt a sadness over my heart. I saw Tenten coming out of the washroom and slowly walked towards her and asked in a low voice.

Me : What's her name?

Tenten : What do you mean?

Me : That girl from the morning....

Tenten : Oh... You mean Sakura?

Me : Y-Yes... What's her full name?

Tenten : Sakura Haruno.

Wow her name also means cherry blossom.... How beautiful... I start blushing again and start blinking.

Tenten : But I think she feels that your a creep. *sighs*

Me : What?!! *disheartened*

Mr Gai : *suddenly* Don't worry Lee! Am sure she will soon understand the power of youth!

Me : *eyes glittering* Arigatou Mr Gai!!

Tenten : What do you mean?

Mr Gai : Nothing... It's between us. *winks grinning*

That night I could hardly fall asleep. My mind was full of Sakura. I craved to meet her ones again. I wanted her in my arms. I was determined to confess my feelings towards her the next we meet.

It happened few weeks later. I was walking on the footpath when I noticed a short pink hair girl talking over phone while walking in front of me. My first instinct was that it was Sakura. Even though I was not sure but I took my chance anyway. I called out her name.

Me : Sakura!!

She looked at me and smiled...

"Damn that face"

Sakura's thoughts

I saw Lee and smiled.

"He is really creepy."

He started blushing as usual. I kept my phone inside my bag as I saw him walking towards me.

"Am stuck"

Lee : Hello S-Sakura Chan....

Me : How are you, Lee?

Lee : A-Am good thank for asking. Wanna hangout for awhile? There's a new cafe in the town.

Me : Um.... No... Kinda busy sorry.

Inner me : Of course not you creep! Shannaroooo!!!!

His face becomes sad and his eyes a little teary.

"Saying I can understand"

he turned around and was about to leave when I stopped him.

"What are you doing Sakura? "

Me : Let's go *smiles*

At the cafe....

We ordered two latte and were enjoying it. Now that we speak I found that he was not a creep rather a sweet person. But I felt chills when he blushed.

"Maybe he really likes me? "

Don't even think about that Sakura. I was struggling with my thoughts when the cafe down pushed open and I saw a yellow haired guy coming towards our table.

"Naruto?? "

Naruto : Hey Sakura Chan! I saw you from the glass window while passing the cafe!

Me : Hey Naruto have a seat.

As it was table for two people Naruto took a chair from another table. He carelessly grabs a chair without even noticing that a guy was about to sit on it. That man falls down on the floor with a thud and start cursing whoever removed his chair.

"Baka" *facepalm*

Naruto : So who is this guy?

Narrows his eyes pouting annoyed.

Me : Naruto, this is Lee. Lee this is Naruto.

Naruto's thoughts....

He looks like an idiot. We both started glaring at each other. Such thick eyebrows.

"Bushy brows"

I don't think Sakura is dating him. Nah not a chance! What if he likes her too?? She is only mine ya know. Damn this bushy brow.

Sakura looks at us annoyed.

Sakura : Why you two glaring at each other?

Me : Seems like bushy brow likes me. I mean Lee ya know

Sakura : Don't call weird names.

Lee : It's ohk Sakura Chan I don't mind.

Me : *annoyed* Yea Yea.

Sakura calls the waiter and orders a latte for me. The rain starts falling outside the cafe soon it was pouring like cats and dogs. We stepped out of the cafe only after the rain stopped. The sky was clear now, the leaves still holding the rain drops, the sun shining bright, a cold breeze was felt over our face. Kids jumped on the puddles enjoying themselves. We walked carefully on footpath so that our shoes don't get wet. Sakura was walking at the right side when a car came rushing towards our way and splashed the puddle water all over Sakura. To our much annoyance.

Me : Hey you!! Are you blind??

The large luxury car stopped at ones and a body guard came out opening the door for someone who stepped out of the car and gave us a blank look.

To be continued.....

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