NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1

In a far off universe, one billions of miles away from our own, there was very little life. Only a few planets existed in the entire universe, all floating around the very few stars that existed. Most of the universe consisted of darkness. None of the worlds knew there were any others out there.

One of them sat around a massive orange star, sitting very close and flying around at a speed so fast it was a blur to the ***** eye.

On the planet, the ground was all barren sand so hot it was almost a liquid, creating massive oceans of liquid sand with waves moving throughout.

There were large stretches of forests, trees stretching hundreds of miles into the air with trunks as hard as metal and leaves as thick and stiff as boulders.

A white and golden ship in the shape of a coffee bean suddenly came careening out of the sky, crashing into one of the forests and bouncing off of the thick and unbreakable tree trunks before the ship crashed violently to the ground, sending debris high into the air before it all came quickly crashing back down.

The ship sat silently, the front part stabbed into the ground and the ship near vertical.

A panel came flying out at a high velocity, but the gravity very quickly brought it down into the ground.

A human shaped figure emerged wearing all black highly advanced armor that was skin tight. Gold and white lines ran all along the outfit, meeting into a white dodecagram star that covered the entire chest. Their entire face was covered by a thin black mask with reflective glass on it, like a mirror. The person was slender and tall, yet it was obvious there was muscles underneath the skin tight armor.

A single twig snapped as the figure’s arm shot up, a golden glowing circle appearing and floating above the wrist with another floating over the elbow and two more equidistant between them, four rings spinning around at different rates with the first and third spinning one way while the other two spun the opposite direction. Each ring was the exact same size with different symbols inside of them, barely visible as they spun. The figure moved their arm along very slowly as they slowly turned in a circle to see all of their surroundings. The figure continued to turn slowly, observing everything they could closely.

Out of nowhere, a black arrow came flying in through the trees and bushes. The arrow was made from the tree bark, but the second it hit the figure’s arm the entire arrow completely shattered. The figure snapped into the same direction as all four rings suddenly began to spin at a rapid pace, a ball of bright yellow energy suddenly firing out near the speed of sound. The air flying past made all of the bushes shift while the trees barely reacted. The ball burst and disappeared into thin air as soon as it hit something. The figure quickly made their way over, running mostly silently and fluidly as they jumped over bushes and large tree roots sticking out of the ground.

They found something laying on the ground.

A massive figure nearly double their height was laying on the ground with burns stretching from their neck and shoulders down to their waist. They were in a human shape, but with drastically different proportions. The neck was incredibly short but thick, connecting to very broad shoulders. The arms and legs were both very long and slender, almost like tree branches. Their hands had three large fingers that could bend either direction while the feet had six toes all small and thick.

They had painfully bright blue skin and deep purple, black, and red paint creating intricate patterns all over their body. Their skin was tough and covered in scales, except they were each the size of a single grain of sand. Their face was flat and had a single long black braid of hair that went from their forehead, back over and down to their thighs. They were only wearing strange animal hides of every possible color that covered them from their chests down to their knees.

The being looked up at the armored figure with piercing black eyes. Their mouths opened to show sharp teeth and no visible tongue.

The thing began to speak in a language that involved lots of clicks and grunts, but the armored figure didn’t seem to understand as they stood. The golden rings finally disappeared when the figure suddenly turned and walked away.

The injured creature was laying on the ground and stared up at the blanket of leaves covering them in shade, blocking the scorching heat from reaching them. Their eyes slowly closed and their body went limp.

The armored figure marched their way back to their ship, looking over the damage when they heard another noise. Their arm began to glow with the four rings reappearing, but they continued to look over the ship.

A twig snapped as the figure quickly turned, firing another ball of energy that dissipated as soon as it hit something. The figure stood in complete silence, carefully turning to look at their surroundings.

From a bush, a small creature jumped out and ran over to the figure, but it didn’t look threatening.

It was shaped like a shrimp, covered in light gray fur with three long legs on either side ending in feet with five digits. The creature just barely reached the figure’s ankle from the ground as it ran around quickly. The figure lifted their arm close to their chest as their other hand slid across it, the rings all merging together before creating a long rectangle that ran parallel with her arm, pulling up what looked like a computer screen with multiple windows open. The figure lifted the creature up slowly and held it in her free hand as the rectangle scanned over the creature, filling in all sorts of information. The rectangle suddenly came up with a large error message.

The figure’s shoulders lifted then dropped, as if they let out a silent sigh. The rectangle changed back into four rings, but this time only two of them spun quickly before a short little blue ball shot out and hit the creature, but this time it dissipated into a cloud of blue smoke. The creature sniffed it before passing out into a ball on the figure’s hand. The figure went over to the ship, climbing in and walking over to the pilot seat, a large white chair that sat low inside the ground and didn’t reach up to the console.

The figure sat the creature on the chair, then went back outside, looking over more of the damage. They pulled up the rectangular display yet again, going over schematics of the ship and pressing buttons all over. As she tapped them, the ship itself began to move and shift around like an invisible force was moving it around. The ship suddenly lit up and pulled itself out of the ground, floating just above with a very subtle and quiet hum. The figure jumped up through the open panel before typing more, the panel that flew off suddenly flying from where it was and reattaching itself.

The figure went to the chair as it suddenly lifted from the ground and floated between the ceiling and floor. The figure lifted the creature up and sat down, the chair softly bouncing from the weight. The figure held the creature in their lap and outstretched their arms, the console lighting up with all sorts of displays and screens. The figure typed in a set of coordinates.


The ship floated up slowly until it broke through the heavy and strong leaves, then suddenly blasted off with a massive sonic boom straight into the air.

The ship continued to fly very quickly straight through space, passing through so much darkness when it suddenly pressed against an invisible wall that the ship was struggling to push through. The figure used both hands and pushed them both forward, using all of the boosters at maximum power until it finally burst through.

All of a sudden, there looked to be infinite, massive bubbles filled with glistening and twinkling lights. The ship floated silently as the figure looked over all of the bubbles, floating around motionless.

Every bubble looked like an entire universe floating alone.

The ship continued to fly when it slowly turned to go around one of the large bubbles. As they went around, the figure turned to notice two of the bubbles touching, the space where they were giving off a blinding white light.

The figure kept staring, then waved their hand around when a small screen came up, zooming in on the sight. It suddenly snapped and clicked, taking a picture before it quickly went into a file of more pictures. The lighting was dimmed just enough to see a tiny pocket of space between the two universes, with such strong gravity that light struggled to escape, but the pressure and density was so high it was like a white star being crushed and shooting out its light.

The ship continued on through space, passing by nearly an infinite set of universes. Some sat alone, while others were touching with the same blinding lights shooting out.

As the ship went around another bubble, it revealed a massive white compound floating on a collection of rubble. It was similar to a large white castle, with a single massive tower ending in a dome sitting in the middle. The rest was a large square going around, the white walls covered in dark blue and black windows that took up more space than the actual materials. The ship continued to fly before landing on a piece of rubble. The figure turned everything off and carried the creature in their arms as they left the ship, stepping out into the silence and landing on the piece of rubble. More rocks came floating over to create a pathway the figure used, jumping rock to rock until they stood in front of the massive building. All around them was the massive expanse of universes sitting inside bubbles, but there was no sound at all during the travel to the large building. Two massive white rectangular doors slowly open up, the figure stepping inside.

Inside looked like an M.C. Escher painting. There were stairs and bookshelves everywhere that could be seen that were all constantly shifting around. Massive all white bookcases holding white books all labeled. The figure continued to walk in their full armor carrying the creature through shifting walkways made of glass, able to look down to see more cases and walkways. They looked up and saw even more. People wearing the same armor as them. People wearing large white robes. Robots attached to bookcases quickly moving shelf to shelf as if searching for specific things.

The figure kept walking, heading straight while everything moved around them.

They spotted a small pair of doors creating an oval built into the wall. They stepped through and saw a single white desk with a person sitting behind it wearing large white robes. They looked up with piercing white eyes and smiled.

“W-L-D-S-T-R-One-Four-Four-Seven, You have returned from your mission. Anything to report?” They asked.

The figure softly placed the creature on the desk, their mask suddenly disappearing from their head and seeming to move down into the neck and shoulders, as if it was part of the armor. Their skin was pale with chin length blonde hair, one bright blue eye and one bright green eye, and a soft jawline. Their face looked more feminine, but not overly leaning one gender or another.

“Unidentified creature found in Universe 2446. Thinking it may be a glitch, but I brought it back here for tests.” They said.

The person sitting at the desk looked over the creature, using a small piece of silver to lift limbs and roll it over.

“Quite an interesting find. We will take it to the lab right away. Would you like for us to send you updates?” The desk worker asked.

“Just send me the finalized file when you have it.” They replied.

The desk worker nodded and grabbed the creature, placing it on their desk and typing away on a white keyboard when the creature suddenly disappeared.

“Any other missions?” W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 asked.

“Not at the moment.” The worker responded.

“Inform me when you get one, understood?” W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 asked.

“Of course.” The worker replied with a smile.

W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 turned and began to walk towards the doors, the mask suddenly moving from the rest of the armor and reforming over their head.

Chapter 2

W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 sat alone, sitting on the edge of a piece of rubble floating aimlessly in the center of everything. Their mask was covering their entire head while the rest of the armor covered their entire body. The mask perfectly reflected the millions and millions of universes, sitting in bubbles that all floated around. Wherever two universes were touching, massive blinding lights shot out in every direction. W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 continued to sit, looking around at the infinite expanse of the multiverse. All of existence in every direction that they looked, going on forever and ever.

W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 turned to look back at the massive building behind them. The white material resembling marble with the massive windows reflecting the multiverse off of them. W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 got to their feet and very slowly and silently made their way back to the massive doors. They opened very slowly as W-L-D-S-T-R-1-4-4-7 stepped back inside, looking back through the expanse of stairs, walkways, and bookcases.

Another figure was making their way over in identical armor, their entire body covered until the two stood face to face.

“One-Four-Four-Seven.” The figure said in a more masculine voice.

“Two-Three-Three-Six.” 1447 responded.

Both of their masks suddenly shifted and disappeared from their faces. 1447 had a smirk on their face while 2336 had a slightly more masculine face, but much like the others it wasn’t leaning towards either end of the spectrum. Their head was bald and there was a very small amount of stubble along their defined jawline.

“Do you have any missions lined up?” 2336 asked.

“That depends.” 1447 replied.

“On what?” 2336 asked.

“Are you trying to ask me out…again?” 1447 asked.

2336 chuckled and looked away, but then quickly snapped into an attention position, head up and everything straight and rigid.

1447 quickly did the same as the two turned slightly to the side.

A very slender being was making their way over wearing massive white robes that dragged across the ground. On the chest of the robe was a large golden twelve pointed star, identical to the ones that 1447 and 2336 had on their chests. The robes were very thin and flowing as the being moved. Their skin was bright gray and their neck was long and thin, connecting to a massive head that was disproportionate to the rest of the body. Their eyes were large and completely black. Their nose was two small slits in the face along with a small mouth that barely opened.

“Soldiers.” The being said.

“Librarian.” They both quickly responded in unison.

“How are the two of you doing?” The Librarian asked.

The two looked at each other to see who would respond first.

“I am feeling fine. No complaints.” 1447 replied.

The Librarian turned to look at the other soldier.

“And you?” They asked.

“I am doing well Librarian.” 2336 responded.

“That is good to hear. You are dismissed Two-Three-Three-Six.” The Librarian said as they turned to lock eyes.

2336 looked nervous but nodded and began to jog away.

“And me?” 1447 asked.

“I wanted to update you on that creature you captured and brought here.”

1447 smiled when The Librarian waved their long and slender hand. 1447’s arms went away from her back and down their side.

The Librarian began to walk as 1447 followed.

“You are one of our top Soldiers we have One-One-Four-Seven. You’re the only one left in the single thousand range.” The Librarian said.

1447 smirked and continued to walk as they looked forward.

As they both continued to walk, everything around them moved and shifted seamlessly. The walkways rose and lowered as the bookcases all moved around side to side. The infinite expanse was constantly moving when a flight of stairs moved and attached to the end of their walkway. As they climbed the steps, the staircase suddenly floated through the air and twisted around until they were walking upside down, the case attaching to another walkway as they stopped at a specific bookcase.

The Librarian and 1447 both stopped as they looked over a few of the blank white books. The Librarian moved their finger over, the titles all appearing in bright blue text before it quickly faded after a few seconds. The Librarian stopped and pulled out one of the books.

“We haven’t come up with a name. We think the person who discovered it should have the honor.” The Librarian smiled and held the book out to 1447. They took it and held it in their hands, closing their eyes as they were deep in thought.

The spine of the book suddenly began to form bright blue letters.

“Scioxinz.” 1447 said.

The Librarian’s held tilted to the side as 1447 opened their eyes.

“Any particular reason you decided on that name?” The Librarian asked.

“Universe Two-Thirteen has interesting languages. I pulled Orgozeti and Yotsashi from the worlds there.” 1447 stepped back as the book finished forming, the text bright blue burned into the spine as The Librarian held it.

“You have done quite a lot of studying.” The Librarian said with a smile as they placed the book in between the others.

“Living for billions of years…I have read nearly every book in this library. I mean…this place…this holds all knowledge that the multiverse can possibly possess.” 1447 looked around as the library was continuing to move and shift around. The Librarian began to walk, the walkway shifting around when 1447 quickly followed.

“I was discussing with The One. We have a very highly important mission. A mission that is of the highest classification possible.” The Librarian said as the walkway began to float straight up, above everything else.

“Of course, but what did The Court say?” 1447 asked.

“All of the other departments have been uninformed of this mission. Think of this as an executive decision.” The Librarian said.

“But…that’s not how we do things here.” 1447 quickly responded.

The Librarian turned to look at them as the walkway stopped, a single door sitting in a part of the Library that nobody had ever gone to before.

“The Board, The Council, The Court, and The Committee will all be informed once you are successful with the mission.” The Librarian said.

“But…what if…if I’m not successful?” 1447 asked.

The Librarian didn’t respond.

The single door suddenly opened, and the walkway apart from where 1447 was standing drifted back down. 1447 swallowed hard as they stared through the doorway, filled with nothing but blinding light. 1447 took a deep breath, then stepped through the doorway, disappearing into the light until the door slowly closed behind them.

The room was a blinding white, impossible to see anything around as 1447 continued to walk forward.

The light suddenly began to dim very rapidly until the room seemed to disappear. It was as if the room was made entirely out of glass, able to see the expansive multiverse in every direction as 1447 continued to look around. There wasn’t anything inside the room, just a large invisible box for them to look around.

As 1447 continued to stand and look around, the far end of the room began to warp, as if the room was merging with the outside space containing the multiverse. The fabric of reality was warping, suddenly splitting open. 1447 jumped back in fear at what was about to happen next.

A being very slowly and calmly stepped out, appearing human as they wore a skin tight outfit similar to 1447 that slowly morphed into a black robe at the bottom. There were golden lines going every direction to create a massively intricate pattern throughout, but at the chest was a twelve pointed star that was identical to all of the Soldiers and Librarians.

“Who…who are you?” 1447 asked, the golden rings beginning to appear over their arm.

The being was hidden completely by shadow, only the light pouring out from the torn fabric of reality lighting them from behind, creating a silhouette.

The being raised their arm and waved it, the golden rings suddenly disappearing before 1447’s armor completely changed into thin and flowing black robes, the twelve point star staying on the chest.

The torn fabric suddenly sealed as the figure stepped forward.

The infinite collection of multiverses were the only source of light, filling the clear room with every possible color.

“What I am is something that is easy to explain, yet will take many words…” A voice came from the being, right in the middle in terms of pitch and inflection. The being continued to step forward until the light perfectly bounced off their face with every shade visible in small sections, every part of his face a different color, like it was being seen through a kaleidoscope.

“But in a single word…External.”

Chapter 3

1447 continued to stand in the invisible room surrounded by the multicolored universes. The light shined through and only bounced off of their body along with the External in front of them, washing over each of them so that every square inch was a different color and shape.

“What is an External? I have read over every single book in The Library and have never heard of such a thing.” 1447 said.

“That’s because nobody knows I exist. The Librarians all see me as a deity that they pray to, but never see or hear from. You are the first person that I have ever shown my form to.” The External said with a charming smile.

“I…it’s…” 1447 suddenly dropped down to one knee, bowing their head.

“You don’t need to do that.” He replied with a soft chuckle.

1447 quickly got up and brushed their hair out of their face.

“I um…I have so many questions.” 1447 suddenly began to sound flustered and nervous.

The External continued to smirk and waved his hand.

The ground suddenly morphed into two chairs, pushing until 1447 sat down while he slowly lowered into his own. Both chairs were also clear, making it look as if they were sitting on nothing.

“Care for a drink?” The External asked.

“I…only if you…” 1447 stuttered.

“I don’t need drinks. I am a being that does not require food, drinks, or sleep.” The External replied, smiling at 1447.

1447 quickly collected their nerves and cleared their throat.

“So…what is an External?” 1447 asked.

The External sat silently for a few seconds before leaning forward.

“I am one of twelve Externals…which is the reason that your insignia is a twelve pointed star. We were the beings that existed before reality itself, so we created this multiverse. After a few failed attempts of course.” They said in a charismatic and charming way.

“Failed attempts?” Wildstar asked.

The External smirked and looked down through the clear floor, staring down into the multiverse with bubbles floating everywhere.

“Me and my…siblings are always fighting. None of us know how we came to be, but the first thing we did was create a universe. Problem was we couldn’t run it together. It went into pure chaos and was destroyed by our selfishness. So we tried again with each one of us having our own Universe. A Universe where we could each do anything we wanted. Problem again was we were greedy…power hungry even. We were at war with each other, not even thinking about the immeasurable number of lives we ended over sibling rivalries. Now, this Multiverse exists. None of us ever interfere, none of us doing anything but watch things unfold. Well…except for right now.” He said with a smirk.

“But…why are you here?” 1447 asked.

The External sighed and looked out through the clear wall, staring at the vast and infinite multiverse.

“There is…one Universe…that is going to cause issues. Issues that will continue on until everything is destroyed, the entire Multiverse included…maybe even me and my siblings.” The External said.

“How is that possible?” 1447 asked.

The External scratched his jawline softly.

“When we created the Multiverse…we learned that letting it run without any guidance was disastrous. The first few attempts were allowed to run wild. They ended within a few centuries. So every Universe was given a protector and watcher.” The External said.

“The Deities?” 1447 asked.

“That is correct. The Deities watched over each of their Universes.” The External replied.

“But…they’re all dead. How could that happen?” 1447 asked.

“A sibling dispute.” The External replied with a smile, as if the deaths of millions of beings were less than nothing.


“There was one that survived though…one that continued to hold on and protect their Universe…until he succumbed to illness. Creating a being, a war, and then a species being born. A species that should not exist. A…glitch is the best way to describe it.” The External said.

1447’s head tilted to the side.

“There are no such things…if they existed then they would be in The Library.”

The External’s complexion changed to more sorrow and seriousness as he leaned forward, both of their seats moving across the floor to make them sit closer, nearly touching knees.

“This Library…doesn’t hold all of the knowledge there is. There are certain things that have been censored or outright erased. There are even things that are blatant lies.” He said.

1447’s eyes went wide as they sat silently.

“You may think you know everything…but you know very little.” The External said when his hand slowly moved from his thigh. It drew closer and closer to 1447’s face.

“But…you’re telling me…I must…”

The External’s index finger tapped right between 1447’s eyes.

Their eyes shut before suddenly opening.

1447 was laying down, staring at a bright blue sky with white clouds slowly floating around.

They sat up quickly, sitting alone in a field of tall grass and wheat. 1447 slowly stood up, dressed in their highly advanced armor. As they stood, the armor was suddenly morphing over their body and changing into torn and tattered clothing, exposing much of their body but covering the rest.

They could hear movement and quickly lifted their arm, the golden circles slowly appearing and hovering over their arm. The grass and wheat was being brushed around as 1447 stood, afraid and confused.

A person emerged and 1447 fired an energy blast that shot to the side, creating a path of scorched vegetation as 1447 fell back, like the recoil was more than they were expecting.

1447 looked down at the circles that were still floating around slowly.

A young woman was standing by 1447’s feet. She looked about late teenage age with long and straight blonde hair, a flannel tied around her waist, and sweat covering their body.

“What are you doing out here?” She asked in a thick Southern accent.

1447 didn’t respond at first.

“You okay there?” The girl asked again.

1447 swallowed hard, still staring with wide and panicked eyes.

“Whe…where am I?” 1447 asked.

“You’re in Marion, Kentucky.” The girl replied.

“Kentucky?” 1447 whispered under their breath.

“Can I help you up?” The woman asked, holding their hand out.

1447 reached out with the arm covered with the floating, golden rings. The woman didn’t seem freaked out, but was instead admiring the rings.

“Those look beautiful.” She said.

1447 got pulled to their feet before clearing their throat. The rings slowly disappeared as the woman pouted her lip.

“Well those were wonderful. Not sure what they were, but I like them.”

She said, then turned to look at the scorched path of wheat and grass.

“Fixing that will be a pain in the ***.” She said.

She started to walk through the pathway as 1447 hesitated, but then followed behind her.

They walked through miles of farmland before stepping out onto a long but empty pavement road. They both stared forward at a large, single story home sitting surrounded by gardening and farming tools.

“Who are you?” 1447 asked.

“The name is Ashley. What’s yours?” She quickly replied as she began to skip across the empty and cold road.

“Um…” 1447 didn't respond at first.

“What is it?” Ashley asked.

“Where I’m from…we have names…in a different way.” 1447 replied nervously.

“Well then, tell me what your name is back home.” Ashley responded.

“W-L-D-S-T-R-One-Four-Four-Seven.” They said.

Ashley stopped and thought for a few seconds, quietly repeating it in her head.

“Wildstar. I quite like that name, as long as it’s okay with you.” She said.

Wildstar stared back with a subtle smile.

“Yeah…that sounds nice.”

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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