NovelToon NovelToon

Falling in Love with a Professor Who Has a Girlfriend

Episode 1

You know, when I was a kid, I always knew I was different. My parents would buy me toy cars to play with, but the truth is I was in love with dolls. I never felt what a man is supposed to feel; I never felt desire for a woman. When I turned 14, I came out as gay to my parents. They didn't accept it; they said it was wrong, that it wasn't accepted by them. They made a lot of threats, saying that if I insisted on this "clowning around," they would kick me out. Out of fear of living on the streets, I isolated myself and kept quiet. Imagine a boy of only 14 years old living on the streets; I wouldn't survive. So, to avoid certain things, I isolated myself, immersed myself in my studies, started being the best in class. I always thought to myself: If I study hard and become someone in life, I can simply free myself. So I started studying. After 3 years, I graduated high school; I was already 17 going on 18 years old. I was already thinking about college, and yes, I'm going to study law. I want to be a lawyer. I want to defend people's rights.

One thing I haven't told you: I'm in love with makeup and women's clothing. I don't have the courage to dress like a woman around anyone; it's my fetish, and I don't intend to show anyone. And yes, I'm very good at makeup, but it's just for me to see.

Going back to the college subject, I applied to Harvard University in the United States, and because I'm at the top of my class, I got in first place. During those three years, I worked at a snack bar in the afternoon. Since I studied in the morning, I would leave school and go to work. I saved the money I earned, and since I'm going to live in the college dorm, I only need money to support myself until I get a job there.

Now comes the hardest part: telling my parents that I'm leaving and that I'm going to be a lawyer—yes, a lawyer. Like I said, I don't see myself as a boy, but as a girl. The only thing that makes me a boy is my private parts.

When my parents get back from their trip, I call them to talk because my flight is in two days.

Oh, look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Paolo, I'm 17 years old, I'll be 18 in two months, and when that happens, I'll be far away. I've never dated; you know everyone dreams of finding their ideal partner, and I'm looking for mine, someone who will accept me for who I am. Well, going back to the subject of my departure...

Paolo: "Mom, Dad, we need to talk."

Dad: "Yes, son, you can talk."

Mom: "We're listening."

Paolo: "You know I've always dreamed of going to college, right?"

Mom and Dad: "Yes, son, we know."

Paolo: "Well, I got in. I got first place in law school at Harvard in the United States."

Dad: "What? You do this and don't say anything to anyone?"

Mom: "No, you're not going! I won't allow it."

Paolo: "Why? Why won't you let your son go to the best college in the United States? Is it just because I'm leaving?"

Episode 2

Is it just because I'm going to be away from you? Or is it because away from you I can be who I always wanted to be, but you prefer to see an unhappy son inside the house under your wings, than to see a free son, and if it were up to me, one of the best lawyers in the world, and if you don't care about my happiness, I do, and I'm communicating to you that my flight leaves in two days.

Dad- I'm not going to support you, you're going to take care of yourself and forget that you ever had a father.

Mom- You're just an embarrassment to me, get out of our lives, and when this shit goes wrong don't come looking for us.

Paolo- You can be sure that will never happen, because for me, our ties end here, and don't worry, I'm leaving this house today, and I'm only telling you this, when I'm a renowned lawyer and you need something, I'll be there for you, I'm not like you.

Dad- That's never going to happen, we're never going to need you, ever.

Paolo- I sincerely hope that you don't need me, because words have power, and everything we plant, we harvest.

Paolo- You know the only person I'm going to miss, the only person I'm going to miss is my brother, he will be missed.

Yes people, I have a brother, he is 2 years younger than me, and we get along very well, he always helped me to assemble my looks, my makeup, when my parents went out he stayed with me, he already knows about my loss and was the only one who supported me to go after my dreams, and he said that as soon as he finished high school he would come live with me, and of course I already told him that as soon as he finished and wanted to go to the United States to live with me I would buy his ticket.

After the conversation I had with Mr. Marcos (father) and Mrs. Samantha (mother), I go to my room, get my things, go to my brother's room, say goodbye to him, and head towards a flat I rented for two days. I arrive at the flat and the cry that was stuck in my throat comes out, I start to cry, I wonder if they ever loved me, or if they loved me until the day I came out to them, I cry for a few more minutes.

Soon I think they don't deserve my tears, I'm going to go to the USA, I'm going to do my college, I'm going to be the best in the class, then I'm going to do my internships, and after graduation I'm going to do the possible and the impossible to be the best lawyer in the world, I'm going to be myself, I'm going to be free and I'm going to be the most sought after lawyer in the world too, I'm going to show those who I once called parents that a gay man can be whatever he wants.

These two days flew by, and I'm already here inside my flight, heading towards my dream. In these two days, Miguel came to visit me and spend the two days with me. Guys, Miguel is my brother, I love him dearly, he's going to be the only person I'm going to miss, but I'm going to do my best to be the best lawyer and give him a good life, because he deserves it, all the best in the world, and that's what I'm going to do, work and give a decent life to the only man in my life, my brother.

Episode 3

After hours, I finally reach my destination. I went through security, and when he cleared my entry, I embodied Dona Erminia.

Paolo- I made it, guys, I'm in this shit lol

Oh my, I'm in love with the movies "Minha mae e uma peça," too bad the actor Paulo Gustavo passed away, he was my inspiration, but anyway, I can't believe I'm going to make my dreams come true. I arrive at the airport exit, get a taxi, and head towards the college dorm. After a few minutes, I arrive, get the taxi, and go look for my room.

After finding my room and getting organized, I call my brother and talk to him for a few hours. Then I hang up and go take a shower. Yes, we have a bathroom in the room. My roommate hasn't arrived yet, which is wonderful. I'll have the room to myself for another day. I finish showering, put on an outfit that accentuates my body, and go for a walk around campus. I'm walking calmly down the hall when I bump into someone.

Paolo- Sorry, I didn't see you.

Stranger- It's okay, I didn't see you either (thoughts: what a handsome young man).

Paolo- Do you know where the cafeteria is?

Stranger- Yes, go straight ahead, then turn right. Further on, turn left, and you'll be inside the cafeteria.

Paolo- Thank you.

Paolo walks towards the cafeteria, but his thoughts don't stop thinking about that handsome man, tall, strong, black hair, he must be about 37 or 38 years old.

Noah Jones, 38 years old, prosecutor, and criminal law professor, he will be Paolo's professor, and he is engaged.

Paolo arrives at the college cafeteria, orders his snack, and walks back to his room as he was very tired, and the jet lag wasn't helping. As he is getting close to his room, he hears someone speak.

Noah- Hey kid, wait there.

Paolo- Yes, oh it's you. Sorry again, and I'm not a kid, my name is Paolo.

Noah- Sorry, it's just that I didn't know your name. Mine is Noah.

Paolo- Oh, nice name.

Noah- Thanks, yours is too. I came to return this to you. You dropped it when we bumped into each other.

Paolo- Thank you, this is very important to me.

Noah- I imagine so. Well, I'll be on my way. See you around.

Paolo- See you later, and thanks again.

Noah waves goodbye and leaves. Paolo watches him until he disappears from sight, then continues on his way to his room. He enters and closes the door, takes another shower, changes into his pajamas (guys, he wears a babydoll to sleep), and lies down. And there he lies, thinking about how his life has changed. The only person he had who supported him was his brother, and for his brother, he would study and become one of the most renowned lawyers in the world, because he would provide a decent life for his brother.

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