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The Mystery Of The Cursed Family 2

Chapter 1 - Forced Wedding

"Damn it, why am I walking alone in this wedding hall, it's so awkward, where are all the guests are watching, and where is the groom?" Ask Darlene Song herself confused

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's give applause to our beautiful bride on this very meaningful day!" Said a host while everyone is applausing

After a while the event ended without a groom present, Darlene Song walked angrily towards the hotel room.

"They can usually embarrass me by having a wedding without the presence of a groom like a ghost wedding!" Said Darlene Song while walking in the hall

"If it weren't for bussiness and father, I wouldn't be doing this, tsk!" Said Darlene Song arrived at her hotel room

When she entered the hotel room she saw a man drinking inside and a woman sitting next to him.

"Who are you, why are you two in the bridal room?" Ask Darlene Song shocked

"I should be the one asking who you are, why did you enter without permission? You know who he is?" Said the woman who sat beside the guy

"What, you guys don't want to come out, I will call the security and drag you two out!" Said Darlene Song

After that the woman left and closed the door, the man and Darlene Song were left in the room.

“I thought you might not know who I was, but it seems like you do now!" Said the guy named Jay Tang

"What are you talking about? don't act weird, I'll kill you if you do anything weird!" Said Darlene Song

"You dare to kill your own husband, I think this is quite terrible, don't you think?" Said Jay Tang while standing up

"What???" Said Darlene Song shocked

"Then good night, I still have business to finish with Jadeline!" Said Jay Tang then left the room

Suddenly the room was silent and Darlene Song sat in the hotel dressing chair confused because she couldn't believe what had happened to her today.

"What actually happened, this all feels like a dream!" Said Darlene Song while taking off her accessories


"You have to marry that son from the Tang family, they give quite a big benefit to our family!" Said an old man while coughing

"But I don't even know who is he, I've never even seen his face!" Said Darlene Song

"How stubborn are you? Do you want to see your family business suddenly destroyed in the future?" Said the old man who is Darlene Song father

"Darlene you just listen to what your father wants, don't you feel pity for your father?" Said Darlene Song mother

...Flashback End...

"Now what is this so this is what they want to embarrass their children to get real riches, What the heck, where is there such a business as this!" Said Darlene Song then slept on the bed

The next day Darlene Song changed her clothes and went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast with the Tang family.

"Good morning father and mother!" Said Darlene Song then sat down

"Oh Darlene, why did you come down alone, where is Jay?" Ask Xixi Ke Darlene Song mother in law

"Your looking for me, I was just right behind her!" Said Jay Tang who suddenly appears

"Why don't you wait for me? I said I was just going to the toilet for a moment!" Said Jay Tang to Darlene Song then kicked Darlene's leg

"What, who told you to take a long time? I can't wait to meet and hang out with mom and dad!" Said Darlene Song play along

"Looks like you two get along well!" said Jay Tang older brother which is Edward Tang

"You are now family with us, you are more beautiful when seen in person!" said Julia Chu, Edward Tang wife

"Oh, thank you so much!" Said Darlene Song to Julia Chu while smiling

"I'll go get some food first!" Said Darlene Song then standing up

"I'm coming with her, of course I have to see what my wife will eat!" Said Jay Tang followed Darlene Song

"Gosh, those two!" Said Xixi Ke while drinking coffee


"Why are you following me?" Ask Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"I didn't expect you to be able to play your role so well!" Said Jay Tang while taking out a plate

"Of course I have acting talent, what's the point if you pretend to be close to me in front of your parents?" Said Darlene Song while taking a salad bowl

"You must know that this is not a real relationship, this is just a business relationship, so why should I be close to you for real!" Said Jay Tang to Darlene Song

"So what you mean is that we are only having a business relationship, so we only need to pretend to be close when in front of our families?" Said Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"Yes, correct you are smart, I don't think they chose the wrong business partner for me!" Said Jay Tang to Darlene Song then walk away

"Jay, how did you sleep last night? Sorry, I just finished dressing up. Let's go to the shopping center this afternoon!" Said a woman from last night

"Oh yes, let me introduce myself, this is who will be my real wife, her name is Jadeline Fang!" Said Jay Tang to Darlene Song then walk away

...Hotel Restaurant...

"Oh you're back, where's Jay?" Ask Edward Tang to Darlene Song

"He's still getting his food in the cafeteria, I think he'll be back soon!" Said Darlene Song then sat back on the chair

After a few minutes they ate, Jay Tang hadn't returned from the cafeteria at all. Darlene Song continued eating as if nothing had happened.

"Darlene, you said he was getting food, why hasn't he come back yet?" Ask Xixi Ke to Darlene Song

"I think he might have something urgent to do, Let's just eat, When he's finished, he will came back!" Said Darlene Song then continue to eat

After they all finished eating, Jay Tang didn't even appear at all, even when Darlene Song had leaving the hotel room.

"I'll drive myself to the house I got the address last night!" Said Darlene Song to Xixi Ke

"Then be careful while driving, until we meet again on Sunday!" Said Xixi Ke get into the car


Chapter 2 - Business Relationship

Arriving at her new house, it turned out to be a mansion with an antique vibes that seemed to have been renovated to European style.

“Strange place, the way it looks on the outside!" said Darlene Song then walk inside

When she walked in she saw Jay Tang who had arrived first and was sitting on a kitchen chair.

"Why are you here, didn't you said...?" ask Darlene Song shocked

"Of course, make an agreement with the party who will collaborate with me, right? Miss Song!" said Jay Tang with a cold stare towards Darlene Song

Darlene Song then walked over there and sat in the front seat facing Jay Tang.

"So what's the plan?" ask Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"I'm glad you asked, I've written everything in here so all you have to do is agree and sign!" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song

"Can I also write my own rules on this paper?" ask Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"Of course, but you are only given one so write wisely!" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song while handing the pen

"This is not fair!" said Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"Hurry up, I'll have an event soon!" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song

Then Darlene Song read Jay Tang's cooperation proposal quickly but carefully.

"Okay, I will sign this cooperation proposal, and there is only one for me, so that one rules must be everything that Darlene Song do!" said Darlene Song while writing

"So it's true that we will divorce after a year and half, right?" ask Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"Of course, why should I keep you!" said Jay Tang then got up from his chair

"Oh, and in this house has Aunt Wu, who works until 5 in the afternoon!" said Jay Tang then leaving

Hearing those words, Darlene Song felt a little annoyed, but she then went upstairs happily because this will only last a year and a half.

"Oh excuse me are you Aunt Wu?" ask Darlene Song to a woman who was sweeping

"Yes young lady, you're young master Jay's wife right, it turns out you are very beautiful compared to the photos I saw!" said Aunt Wu

"Oh, thank you very much!" said Darlene Song then walk to her room which is in front of Jay Tang room

"Oh yes young lady I will only work here until 5 pm and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday I have the day off!" said aunt Wu to Darlene Song

"Oh, well, thank you very much again!" said Darlene Song then walk to her room

After that Darlene Song arranged some of the things she had brought, and then she took a short nap. Without realizing it, she fell asleep until evening.

"Whoam..., what time is it now, wait damn I fell asleep!" said Darlene Song got up from her bed shocked

She immediately went downstairs, but it seemed like Aunt Wu had come home, because it was already 7 o'clock in the evening, she then explored the places around the mansion.

"This place feels very antique and modern at the same time, I do like to live here forever!" said Darlene Song to herself then walk around the second floor

"The second floor has been modified to look like a European building, but the antique atmosphere is still there!" said Darlene Song to herself

"I wonder who has lived in this house before?" said Darlene Song to herself while walking around

While walking, she saw that there was a closed place there that looked like it had never been modified before, so she walked up.

Darlene Song pushed the cupboard and it turned out there were stairs leading up, without thinking, she walk upstairs, the top floor has a very different atmosphere from the second floor and the ground floor.

"This place is very antique, the smell is still very strong, why wasn't this place renovated before?" said Darlene Song to herself

"But the view from here is very beautiful!" said Darlene Song then walk around the third floor

But suddenly there was the sound of footsteps below, shocked she tried to go downstairs. She made it to the second floor without anything suspicious, but suddenly Jay Tang shocked her from behind.

"Why are you walking like that? You look like a thief!" said Jay Tang suddenly to Darlene Song

["Damn my heart almost stopped, but luckily I didn't scream!"] said Darlene Song to herself

"Where's dinner? Did you forget to read the proposal for the cooking schedule?" ask Jay Tang to Darlene Song while crossing his arm standing near the stairs

"What, there's in the proposal?" ask Darlene Song then walk to her room

"Don't you forget to read the back page, Miss Song?" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song walking towards her

"Hey, why is there a back page, why didn't I see it earlier, was this just added, this isn't fair, I have 4 days a week, and you only have 3?" said Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"If you feel it's unfair then let's cancel this contract and I will buy all the shares in your family company!" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song

"Is this a threat, I have half of the shares in my family's company too, and I won't sell it, and I also own a few shares in your company too!" said Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"Did I ask about how much shares do you have, now I'm just asking if you don't agree, just cancel it!" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song

"Fine, I'll do it!" said Darlene Song then walked downstairs

She did this all because she remembered that she only had 5% of the family's shares and 30% belonged to the Tang company, and 50% belonged to the Song company, and 15% are others.


Chapter 3 - Shares?

Darlene Song feels like a failure because the thing she can't do most is cook, she can only do other things like dancing, acting, and other things except cooking.

"Hahaha..., it looks like I can only fry eggs and cook the rest of the rice, that's all!" said Darlene Song to herself

"As long as the paper doesn't say you can't order dinner, I'd better just order dinner!" said Darlene Song then walk to upstairs

After that, Darlene Song took the car to a five-star restaurant to buy food.

"Okay, young master, I hope it tastes good!" said Darlene Song then eat alone at another table

"Wait, this is the taste of food from a five-star restaurant around here, did you buy take-out?" ask Jay Tang to Darlene Song

"It doesn't say on the paper that you can't buy food from outside, right?" said Darlene Song then continue to ate her food

“About Jadeline Fang, is she okay if you are in a relationship like this?" ask Darlene Song to Jay Tang while holding a fork

“Jadeline Fang, who is she, I don’t know what you mean, young lady of the Fang family?" ask Jay Tang confused

"What the heck are you talking about?" ask Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"I really don't know her, so why should I care about her!" said Jay Tang continue to eat

"You can go to the entertaintment industry after this, Your acting is excellent!" said Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"What kind of sarcasm is this?" ask Jay Tang to Darlene Song with a cold stare

"Then who said this yesterday that she is my real wife and I will marry her!" mocked Darlene Song to Jay Tang

"I don't know her at all, I've only met her once or twice in an event!" said Jay Tang to Darlene Song with a confused look

After finishing dinner, Darlene Song immediately went to her bedroom and took a shower.

“Jadeline Fang, she doesn’t know Jadeline Fang what really happened or is there something strange?" ask Darlene Song to herself while bathing in the bathroom

"I've heard of Fang's company before but not about Jadeline, it seems like her family isn't well known to the public!" said Darlene Song while drying her hair

The next morning Darlene Song came down from the room while dressing ready to her work, and walked to downstairs, but she suddenly heard loud laughter coming from below.

"So we're leaving this afternoon right?" ask Jadeline Fang while laughing to Jay Tang

"Of course, anything for the princess!" said Jay Tang to Jadeline Fang laughing back

Darlene Song, who saw this, was shocked and fell silent on the stairs. But suddenly Jadeline Fang, who realized it, waved at her and said good morning.

"Good morning, Miss Song, how was your sleep?" ask Jadeline Fang smiled to her

Darlene Song thought that she had already guessed that it was impossible for Jay Tang to forget Jadeline last night, just his acting was cool.

"That's fine, but you should be embarrassed for entering someone's house, isn't that right, Miss Fang?" said Darlene Song with a smile then walk outside

Jadeline Fang who heard this immediately suppressed her anger.

"She should be grateful!" said Jadeline Fang angry

...Z City...

"Okay, let's get ready to greet our new manager, I heard she move from another company!" said a co-worker named Karen Gu

"Of course our team has endured with great difficulty with Manager Wang who suddenly quitting his job!" said another co-worker named Paul Wei

Suddenly the sound of women's heels could be heard from afar, everyone was waiting by the door curiously and that's when Darlene Song was standing right in front of the door.

"Welcome to the new manager!" shouted everyone in sync to Darlene Song

"Oh, thank you very much everyone!" said Darlene Song shocked

"Introduce my name is Darlene Song from Song company, starting today I will work hard for our team in the future!" said Darlene Song with a smile to everyone

"It turns out the new manager is the same age as us, I think it will be fun working with her!" said a co-worker


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