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Forced Marriage: The Tenderness of the Brutal Mafia

Episode 1


Miguel Martinez, 30 years old, Mafia man, merciless and not at all kind.

All that matters to this man is power, for him the more territory he dominates, the better.

As a child Miguel was very affectionate but at 12 years old he started training to be a great soldier and this training taught him to be a tough man who hides his heart under a seven-locked steel wall.

Miguel was a very talkative, affectionate child, but he spent 12 years away from home and when he returned he was a quiet and always thoughtful man.

Beatriz was very sad about her son's change, but her husbands made her understand that it was for the good of all and that in the mafia there is no more room for kind and polite people, a capo does not survive like that.

Every day someone wants to take the other's space in the worst possible way, to face all this you have to be trained and well prepared, Miguel reached this level in a single day of training, he managed to kill more than 50 men. He was considered a Lethal Machine by his trainers.

He learned to be cautious and act at the right time.

Although Miguel lives like a machine, deep down he loves his family and is capable of anything to protect them.

Miguel suffered greatly from the loss of his two grandmothers and his grandfather and even so, he did not leave the training camp, with each pain he felt, he made it an obstacle to be faced, strengthening himself more each day.

And so Miguel managed to kill any and all feelings that existed within him, sadness, joy, jealousy, longing are things that he learned do not exist if you do not keep them in your conscience, he learned to dominate his mind and became a man empty as if it were a blank HD programmed to be the Best and Cruelest Mafioso.

Miguel inherited an empire from his parents Dante and Benicio and the Calabria Mafia. Miguel appointed his sister Bianca to take care of the family business, which is where they launder the Mafia's money and other shady Miguel's businesses. Bianca is part of the Mafia and helps her brother in various jobs, she uses her beauty as an ally.

His parents are romantic and in love with his mother, Beatriz remains married and happy with her two loves.

His sister Alicia followed a different destiny than her brothers, Twin n.1 is a Cardiologist, the best in the area, she opted for the profession after her father Benicio almost died of a heart attack.

Bianca is the CEO, the crazy life of the family is for her, what matters is being happy

Bianca really enjoys life, she is bisexual, for her all forms of love are beautiful and valid, she learned from her family that they were always free to love each one in their own way.

The Calabria Mafia is at war with the Bordini, a cartel from the countryside that is trying to invade territories that belong to Miguel and the Mafioso doesn't let anything go.

Miguel discovered that his enemy Esteban Bordini is getting married to Marcele Mendez, a 24-year-old girl. This marriage would give Esteban the entire northern territory, the only territory that Calabria has not yet conquered.

Miguel hatched a plan to kidnap Marcele on her wedding day, and will marry the young woman just to be able to dominate the entire territory.

What Miguel doesn't know is that Marcele was sold by her older half-sister Andressa Mendez with the help of her secretary and right-hand man Francisca Sanchez and is being forced to marry Esteban, a disgusting man.


Marcele Mendez, 24 years old, an orphan, lived on the abuses of her older half-sister and her loyal soldiers Francisca and Arturo.

Marcele is kept imprisoned after the death of her parents, Andressa took over the family's assets, she is an ambitious and evil woman.

Marcele, a sweet, affectionate young woman who believes that one day she can get out of this state she is in.

When her parents died, Marcele was 16 years old, and her sister, in order to take everything for herself, had this idea of arresting her sister.

Marcele, has no friends, no contact with the world, she lives locked in a room in Andressa's penthouse, the wasp as she is known and everyone fears her wickedness, the few who dared to disobey had a sad end.

And her sister's wickedness doesn't stop there, Andressa found the documents that her father has possessions of and to dominate the northern area of the country, an area that is disputed between the Bordini and the Martinez, she decided to make a deal and in this deal, she included her sister Sweet Marcele.

Francisca, Andressa's secretary, was in charge of looking for interested parties in the territory to make the deal and the first to be informed was Esteban, who immediately showed up and closed the deal paying millions for Marcele and putting Andressa in his dirty and lucrative games.


Andressa Mendez, 31 years old, perverse and malicious, an unscrupulous woman who is capable of selling her soul to the devil for money and power.

Andressa never accepted that her mother was exchanged for Marcele's mother and this will make her hate her sister and take out all the hatred she has accumulated over the years.

What no one knows is that it was Andressa who killed her own father and stepmother, Marcele's mother, with the help of her henchmen, just to keep everything.

Greedy, she will be able to sell her own sister, but this will bring her great consequences. She will enter Esteban's sights, who will make her life hell.

With no other alternative, she will seek protection from Miguel and Calabria, she has no idea what awaits her.

Episode 2


When I was twelve years old, I was chosen by my father, Benicio, to take over the family business. I always liked weapons, violent drawings... that world always fascinated me.

Until they sent me to a training camp, and there I discovered that my true calling was to be a Don, but not just any Don, the best there ever was.

I decided on my own to leave home and live in the training camp dorms. There were only men there who decided to be soldiers, real machines.

My mother didn't agree, but my parents knew it was for the best. If I continued under their protection, I wouldn't be able to evolve enough to take command of a Mafia as big and important as the Calabria.

My parents were trained by my grandfather, but there is a big difference: my grandfather was a wicked, cruel, and bloodthirsty man, while my parents were always protective of me, and that could hinder my development.

The first two years were the hardest. I missed my family and the comfort of my home a lot. In those dorms, we were forced to live with only the basics, the bare minimum. The only comfort I had was my bed.

But on the other hand, to eat meat, I had to hunt, kill, and prepare it myself. If I wanted to eat fruit, I also had to go into the woods and eat what I could find.

I had no contact with my family, and all they knew about me were messages passed on by my trainers.

Then the first news came. I was 15 years old. My grandfather passed away, and I thought many times about giving up everything to be by my mother's side, but I preferred to think about the future. If I went back home, I wouldn't be able to bring my grandfather back, and instead of moving forward a little, I would go back and have to do everything again.

So I decided to make this pain an obstacle to be overcome. It was the same with the news of the death of my two grandmothers.

I cried many times, thinking about how my mother, my sisters, were doing. What comforted me was knowing that my parents were by their side, helping and taking care of each one of them.

I did it all for my family, for them. All this sacrifice.

I began to master my mind and I can be whoever I want. I learned that emotions are in our subconscious, just like fear. They only consume us if we give them space. Everything is created, I can create whatever I want, but I preferred to leave my mind in an empty state, and that's how I manage to survive in the world.

It is not difficult to survive when you have focus, determination, and high control.

When I was 24, I returned home. My mother is still beautiful and my sisters have grown. As soon as I arrived, they threw a party to welcome me.

I couldn't show any reaction, which left my mother apprehensive, I could see it in her eyes.

In a conversation, my parents decided that they would give me everything, and I would give my sisters what I thought was fair.

Bianca graduated in business administration, so I gave her one of the companies to run. I'm not interested in that. I just want to be able to launder the Mafia's money, my casinos, and the arms smuggling, one of my biggest sources of money.

Not to mention that I also have business with politicians. One hand washes the other. They pay me, and I give them the protection of life they need to move around as they see fit.

The only thing that's bothering me is the North territory. I haven't been able to dominate it because it's in the possession of an old Bordini ally.

I had it investigated, and my lawyer, Felipe, discovered that my biggest enemy, Esteban Bordini, is engaged to Joseph Mendez's daughter, and this marriage will give him all the power over the northern area of the country. If I let this happen, he'll gain strength and try to become my equal. That can't happen.

I met with the Calabria advisors and elders, including my parents, Benicio and Dante. I explained my plans to them.

MIGUEL - I called you all here because I already know how to take possession of the North territory.

DANTE - And how would that be, my son? We've been trying to find a way to do that for decades.

MIGUEL - Joseph Mendez, that's the name of the man who has possession, or at least had possession, of the North territory. Joseph has been dead for a few years now, the documents are in the possession of his daughter, and she is engaged to be married to Esteban Bordini, the owner of the cartel. We all know that if that gangster gets hold of that territory, he will be able to match the Calabria, and I will not allow that to happen. A two-bit cartel will never have the same power as a Mafia.

I've already sent Felipe to scout out the territory. I'm leaving for the countryside today, and I'm going to take his bride from the altar and marry her myself.

DANTE - That's a very daring plan of yours.

BENICIO - And how do you plan to enter Bordini territory, steal the bride, and get out of there alive?

MIGUEL - That was the easy part. The Bordinis pay their men very poorly, mistreat them, and treat them like they're nothing. Felipe has been working on this for some time now, and we've managed to buy off more than half of the soldiers. It's a risk I have to take.

My father, Benicio, even offered to go with me, but I wouldn't let him, while my father, Dante, was very worried.

It divided opinions among advisors and elders, but I don't care what they think.

I am the Don. My duty is only to communicate.

I've already decided. I'm taking his bride and forcing her to marry me, giving me full possession of the northern territory. And that way, Calabria will rule everything, the entire Mexican Territory. We will be the strongest.

Episode 3


Until I was 14 years old, I lived a life that could be called a fairy tale. I am my mother's only child, and on my father's side, I have another sister, Andressa, who seemed to be a good person and was very affectionate with me. My mother died in a plane crash when I was 14, and two years later, my father passed away from multiple organ failure - all his organs shut down suddenly.

Shortly after my father's funeral, Andressa took me to live with her in her penthouse in a hotel that belonged to our family. My father and I had lived in a mansion near the hotel.

At first, I thought she would take care of me, but that's not what happened. I lived my life being monitored by Francisca and Arturo. I tried to escape a few times, and every time, Arturo caught me, and Andressa would always beat me.

Arturo and Francisca would hold me so she could hit me, and a few times, she even tortured me with a stun gun.

She always gave me everything: designer clothes, brand-name shoes, makeup, imported perfumes. I always had the best meals, but all within four walls because I couldn't leave the room.

Only sometimes, when she opened the door, could I walk around the house, but with Francisca always on my heels.

My room had a very comfortable bed, a closet full of luxury, a TV, and a bathroom. Food and water were brought to me by the maids. I remember one who tried to help me and ended up paying with her life for it.

Andressa killed her in front of me and kept rubbing it in my face that it was my fault. I spent nights without sleep, remembering that cruel scene and thinking how this woman could be my sister and hate me so much. I never did anything to her until I was 16; I only saw Andressa on weekends and holidays when the whole family got together.

Not to mention that she has a horrible python that crawls around the house. She knows I'm afraid of it, and one day, she put that disgusting snake in my room and locked the door, making me spend hours screaming with fear. When she came back to get the snake, she left laughing.

I hate Andressa, and the first chance I get, she's going to pay for everything she's put me through.

ANDRESSA - I'm going to open the door. You have 30 minutes to walk around the house, and you can also sunbathe by the pool, just don't go in so you don't dirty the water; I'm going to swim today.

MARCELE - You can close the door again; I don't feel like going out.

ANDRESSA - You are going out because I am ordering you to. Haven't you learned who's in charge here?

She left, dragging me through that huge penthouse, and threw me on the couch where the snake was slithering.

MARCELE - Haaa, get this snake out of here!

ANDRESSA - You're the intruder here, not her. She comes here to drink from Mommy.

She picked up the snake and put it on her shoulders like a scarf. It's a shame that snake doesn't suffocate her to death; it would be the most delightful scene to see.

I walked around the penthouse a bit, the same places as always: the dining room, kitchen, laundry area. I had 20 minutes left to get some sun, but Arturo came after me to make my life hell.

ARTURO - Look who's here, the little princess locked in the tower.

I remained silent, looking at the horizon. I've wanted to jump from up here many times to die, but the desire to see Andressa get what's coming to her is bigger than anything else.

ARTURO - You know, girl, your sister won't let you out, but I can teach you and show you the pleasures of life.

He approached me, intending to grab me, but thank God, Francisca arrived in time. I never thought I'd be happy to see that witch.

FRANCISCA - What are you doing here, Arturo? The madam is waiting for you in the office.

ARTURO - I was just keeping the girl, Marcelle, company.

FRANCISCA - She doesn't need company.

He left. She glared at me with that prune face of hers and went after him.

I breathed with relief. The way Andressa is, he could have hurt me, and she would be smiling, clapping, and thinking I deserved it. Damn her, that bitch!

My time was up, and I was escorted back to my cell by the prune-faced jailer.

It was late at night. I was already sleeping when they came into my room.

ANDRESSA - Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. You're going on a trip.

MARCELE - A trip where? Are you going to kill me?

ANDRESSA - No, dear sister, it's worse than death. You're going to marry your Prince Charming. Hahaha!

MARCELE - I'm not marrying anyone. Leave me alone, please! Isn't it enough that I live locked up in this room? You've deprived me of everything, even living, and now you want to force me to marry a man I don't know?

ANDRESSA - Arturo, hold her. Francisca, the sedative. Bordini's men are already downstairs waiting.


Francisca injected something into my neck, and within seconds, I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I was lying on a couch in an unfamiliar office. I looked around and saw a man smoking a cigar.

ESTEBAN - You're awake, my bride. I hope you're nice and relaxed because today is our wedding and our wedding night. Hahaha!

A disgusting old man with a macabre laugh. He yelled in that horrendous voice, and two maids entered and dragged me away. My head was still spinning; I lost track of time.

I asked several times what time it was, and no one answered me. I must be having a nightmare.

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