NovelToon NovelToon

I Love My Brother

episode 1 introduction

Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
*Alvin : 20 years old *Gender: omega (male) *Family: mom(Ryan), dad(Aarav), younger brother by 2 minutes (Aaron), elder brother (Adrian) *Personality : Foodie, shy, don't like crowded place
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
*Adrian: 25 years old (adopted son of Aarav and Ryan) *Gender: alpha (male) *Family: mom (Ryan), dad(Aarav), younger brothers (Aaron, Alvin) *Personality : overprotective towards all Omegas, smart, intelligent, cool minded
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
*Aaron : 20 years old *Gender: Alpha (male) *Family: mom (Ryan), dad (Aarav), elder brothers (Adrian, Alvin) *Personality: Overprotective towards all Omegas, smart, intelligent, cold, a whole genius and Carbon copy of his father
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
*Alex : 21 years old *Gender: Omega (male) *Family: mom (Ray), dad, (Ansh), younger brother (Arth) *Personality : sweet, kind, responsible, foodie
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
*Eric: 18 years old *Gender: Alpha (male) *Family: mom(Liam), dad(Hardik) elder brother (Aksh) *Personality: overprotective towards all Omegas, cold, rude, smart
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
*Noah : 20 years old *Gender: Omega (male) * Family: mom(Rain), dad(Gray), elder brother( Ashar),younger brother (Chris) *Personality: foodie, brat, rules don't apply on him, moodie
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
*Arth: 17 years old *Gender: Alpha (male) *Family: mom(Ray), dad(Ansh), elder brother(Alex) *Personality: overprotective towards all Omega's, introvert, intelligent, smart, like to be in his room (youngest in the family)
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
*Aksh: 20 years old *Gender: Omega (male) * Family: mom(Liam), dad(Hardik), younger brother (Eric) *Personality: cheerful, love spicy food, crime partner of Noah
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
*Chris: 19 years old *Gender: Alpha (male) *Family: mom (Rain), dad(Gray), elder brothers (Noah, Ashar) *Personality: overprotective towards all Omega's, bookworm, like to travel, poker face, smart
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
*Ashar: 24 years old (adopted son of Rain and Gray) *Gender: Omega (male) *Family : mom(Rain), dad(Gray), younger brothers (Noah, Chris) *Personality: quite, like Alvin and Alex company, calm
Phew at last introduction is complete 😌
see you in the next chapter

episode 2

let's start
Inside a big mansion
it's chaos as always there
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
Ahh where are those punks I am tired already😩
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
it's like they are not bringing cars but instead they are making cars 😫
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Noah what's with this language watch your tone
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
but brother i am to am tired when will they come
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
shut up they will be here after some time be patient
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
but brother we are getting late
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
well I am not worried about getting late
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
then why are you behaving like maniac
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
Noah don't argue with them you know right they only go to college for study
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
yeah because we ain't a brats like you
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
you guys are boring
they were busy with there nonsense when some cars arrive in front of them
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
heyyy gentlemen's did we make you guys wait to much 😉
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
yap brat but what with this outfit are you going in a fashion show
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
what's wrong with my outfit
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
just say what so good in it
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
common brother today is my first day I need to keep impression
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
just leave it brother he's looking hot 😆
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
well you look hot too... ahamm.. I mean you all looking good
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
yap i know I am a hot chick 😏
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
well you are looking the ugliest here 😌
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
yap brother Alvin look the best among you all 😌
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
shut up isn't it's me 😒
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
by the way that's what they wear👇
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
Well only these guys are in college Aaron, Alvin, Aksh, Noah, They are in 3rd years of college Chris in second year Eric is a fresher And Alex is in 4th year
while Adrian is already graduated and working in his company
same goes to Ashar he is also graduate and working in his father's company
while Arth he is in last year of high school and will graduate soon
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Now should we go if you all are done 😠
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
ok ok 😅
They were about to go when
someone come running.....
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
huff huff.... brother can you guys drop me to school
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
why 😕
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
we don't have enough space
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
oh ok 🙁
But then
that's why we are here
everyone look towards the voice
and found two mens one was handsome and second cute
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
hey baby miss me
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
yes brother 🥺
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
that means you don't miss me 😕🙁
Arth (4 ml)
Arth (4 ml)
no no I miss you too brother 🥺😘
Ashar (5 mc)
Ashar (5 mc)
than common let's go
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
if it is like this than ad brother you drop me to college I want to go with you
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
ok 😌
they all went to college while Ashar go to Arth school
Lazy author 😪
Lazy author 😪
ok so that's all for today guys see you all in the next video till than take care and enjoy 😘🤗

episode 3 college

their college 👆
as soon as they went inside college
crowd of boys and girls start cheering their names
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
wow! what's with this are you guys celebrities or something
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
kid you won't get that
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
so don't focus on them and drive 🙂
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
you ain't my brother 😒
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
yes I know I am not we adopt you 😌
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
they came out of cars
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
thank god we ain't late
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
don't worry even if you were late no one dares to punish you 😌
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
*chuckle* heheh I know 😁
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
now go everyone is waiting for you
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
ok bye brother
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
*hug him * 😊
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
*😳😳* hey don't be like this you are not kid anymore
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
*run away * (I know am not kid anymore, but I am still your baby brother 😆)
Adrian (ml)
Adrian (ml)
sigh! *drive away *
with others
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
I am telling you I ain't going to take you with me anymore
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
Shut up Aaron what do you think you were doing it's a car not an aeroplane 😤
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
it was just a speed of 70
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
yes and that was too much you should drive at least at a speed of 50
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
50!!! Bro this is not a bike even no one ride a bike at the speed of 50
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
I don't care about others but you should not drive at this much speed got it 😠😤
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
ok as you say your highness 🙂
Alex (2 mc)
Alex (2 mc)
good *pat his head *
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
*😳* ( it feel so nice 😣)
while other side
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
*smack Noah's head*
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
Oii! what was that
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
I am taking you with me ever again what do you think you were doing
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
yeah common it was your fault that you don't know how to drive 🤪🤷‍♂️
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
I know how to drive idiot but because of you I break traffic rules even you make me broke traffic signal when it was clearly saying stop
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
common kid that what life is about never listen to anyone just do whatever you want to 😌
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
and i didn't make you break any rule
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
yeah by shifting my car into gaer 🙂
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
you could de-gaer it 😤
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
sigh! I don't wanna talk with you
they all gather together
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
so who is going to take me to my class
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
hey kiddo you are not a kid anymore find it by yourself 😒
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
let me take you to your class
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
I am coming to I am not liking someone's presence today
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
😒 who is liking your to 😤
they all went to their classes
In third year classes
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
hey bro I am seriously tired
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
me to 😗
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
common we just enter inside the class idiots even teacher is not here, and you are tired already
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
what did you say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
teacher is still not here 😆
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
don't.... don't you dare
Aksh (4 mc)
Aksh (4 mc)
*run away*
Noah (3 mc)
Noah (3 mc)
*run away*
at the same time
Both : sorry but take care of our attendance
Alvin ( mc)
Alvin ( mc)
sigh!! these two only come here for attendance
with Eric
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
bro whats wrong with these people
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
they are just admiring our baby brother 😆
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
like this *disgusting face *
boys and girls
boys and girls
boys and girls
boys and girls
yap you are right he is a proper meal
boys and girls
boys and girls
I know right so hot🤤
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
I badly wanna shift in other class
Aaron (2 ml)
Aaron (2 ml)
don't worry they are just insect if they cross their boundaries you can crush them
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml)
that's why I like you brother you are so cool 😆😚
Chris (5 ml)
Chris (5 ml)
what was so cool in this 😑
Eric (3 ml)
Eric (3 ml) go to your classroom

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