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This is our new story
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
This is me... Elijah
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
I am 27 years old
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
I work in the Multination company "Hightower Industries"
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
And this is my boss Adrian Hightower
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
He is dominant Alpha
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Whereas I am recessive Omega.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
He hates Omega. I think Hate is too little word to explain his hatred toward omegas.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
This is why I hide my gender and pretend to be Beta.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
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Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
What is today's schedule? (Said in a husky voice because he just woke up. And try to grab his phone)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Adjust his tie and look at the tab on his iPad) Sir, We have met at sharp 10:30 am with the Director of JP Electronic.
Elijah standing middle of the room while his boss lying on the bed half *****
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Sit up. Run his finger through his hair and look at his phone) Bring my bathrobe (Didn't even look at Elijah)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Yes sir... (Run to wardrobe)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Stand while wearing his shorts. Goes toward the window)
phone ringing nonstop
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Hello.. 📱
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
I am glad you enjoy it. 📱
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
It was a great night.📱
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Hope we will cross our roads again and have a wonderful full night again.📱
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Of course, this assignment going to your company don't worry.📱
Adrian talking on the phone and Elijah standing behind him.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(See the nail marks on Aldrian's back)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Another prey 😏 (Mumbled)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Did you say anything Mr. Elijah? (Cut the phone)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Immediately change his expression) N-No sir.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Goes and makes Aldrian wear his bathrobe)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Send Mr.Dette some flowers with the note.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Remove his eyes from the phone and lies on Elijah)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Shiver) (His Dark blue eyes are like it is pentrating me. I am sure no omega can stand under these eyes. They are like a shot of wine that makes you dizzy slowly. His lips and pink and shiny. It wonders how it feels to touch it. Is it soft or rough?)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(His nose is small and pointed which matches very well with his facial feature. He is perfect when you look at him)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(I wonder who was the best actor this time maybe some alpha but when Aldrian goes on stage to give him the trophy, Actor's charm get vanish in a second.)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(No wonder Everyone is willing to go on his bed at the first meeting)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Mr.Elijah? (Raised his eyebrow)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Y-Yes sir.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Did you hear what I said?
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Nodded immediately)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Okay. Put out my office suit. (Said and goes to washroom)
Water running voice start comming
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Phew.... (Goes to wardrobe)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Today is tuesday he always wears black on Tuesday. (Take out his black suit with white shirt)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Take out his Watch and tie and put it with the all suit)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Take out his phone and call) Hello, Jack. Can you please arrange flowers and you know what is usually written on the note. "It was a great night"
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Thank you (Cut the call)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Come out his hair and body is wet and water dripping from it)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Look down)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
I will check out for breakfast.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Wear his suit and wear his watch)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Come out of the room and goes to the kitchen) What did you make?
Oh! Mr.Elijah, I make scrambled eggs and black coffee with some salad.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
If you don't mind Can I taste it... (Feel ashamed to ask this)
Of course, It is been Almost four years since we are doing this same routine so don't feel ashamed.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Thank you. (Taste a little)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Thank you for your hard work. You can go now.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Indeed, It is almost four years. Since I am doing this monotonous work.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Keep quitting when he hears someone coming downstairs)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Seat on his usual seat and take the newspaper start reading with a cup of coffee)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Look at Elijah who was standing) Are you not going to eat Mr.Elijah?
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
No sir, I already take it.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Snort) Maybe Our company's canteen food is much better than my house's.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Nervous) Sir, You spend so much money on employees' health so it is nutritious and tasty as well.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
How about I fire my cook and start having canteen's food. What do you think?
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
It is totally up to you sir.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
That's right. I am the boss so everything is up to me even what my employees eat. So I am ordering your seat and eating. As a employee it is your duty to follow.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Y-yes sir. (Seat far away and take a coffee cup)
They leave after Breakfast.
As soon as they enter all the employees stand up and wish morning to Aldrian and Elijah follows him.
They reached at Adrian's office.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Sir, These are the file for your review. And this is the file is about is today's meeting.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Take the file) You can go now.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Yes sir. (Left the office and come to his office)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
"Thump" (Close loudly and leaned and take the deep breath)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(take out a soft toy from his beg. Which looks like a little Aldrian)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Thank you
Follow me and I will follow you back.
Thank you


Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Ruthless, cold-hearted bastard. 😤 But handsome....Ahhh (Clenched his hair) This is the only good thing about him. His personality is shitty.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
If you ask me why I am his Assistant even though I hate him so much then let me tell you.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
I Started working here four years ago. Although I am Omega and the majority of employees here is Alpha and Beta.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Because they have no omega policy
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
It is not because they discriminate against Omega, It is all because in the whole Hightower family (Approximately 50 members) they are no single Omega. The whole family is Alpha. That makes them proud and superior in their genes.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Because of that, they don't want to stain their family genes so as per their generation they never come close to Omega. If they did fall for any Omega or spend a night with them. Then they have disowned by the Hightower family. So they keep their distance with Omega.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
And here I am...If my salary is not good I will never accept this job... The only good thing about my job is the salary.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
I still remember the first day I meet him. It's rare to see him smile. I work under Adrian's secretary Mr.Haton. He is a good man from whom I learn so much, He is kind-hearted that is why I survived till now.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
But they suddenly decided that Mr.Haton will handle the important matters and I will do the daily chores of Mr.Adrian. That's how to become an Assistant *** maid.😫
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Startled because of phone ringing)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Yes, Sir.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Let go for meeting.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Cut the phone)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Oka--- (Phone cutted already) (Looking at phone) WHO THE HELL HE THINK HIMSELF. 💢
Elijah Come out of the office.
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Good morning Elijah. 😊
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Good morning Janie...☺️
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Ready for meeting?
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Yes, As usual.
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
It was such nice to see Mr.Hightower in the morning. Since he is so smart.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Yes...😊 (I hated to do that...Every morning I feel like I have to take care scary child who can throw anything at me. 😡)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Not everyone is as lucky as you Elijah... Half of Our employees have never seen Mr.Adrian's face.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
☺️ Yes, I am too lucky... (The employees who didn't see Mr.Hightower's face are lucky Janie..😤)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Janie (Work with Elijah)
Silly me, You must be late you can go now.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
In Meeting Room
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
Mr.Hightower, If You decide to use our product I am sure, You never going to regret it.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Looking at File)
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
(Awkward) You can see we are offering a reasonable price.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Snort) If you are calling this a Reasonable price? Then I must say Hightower's can't afford your reasonable price. (Close the file. Stare at Director)
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
(Embarrassed) We are offering low cost and the best quality.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Do you remember the Xess Mall? Which burns because of wire storage. If I correctly remeber they used your low-cost best quilty product.
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
(Nervous) They are in fault.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Maybe they are at fault but I am not gonna take risks. Hightower's buildings know for their qualities.
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Smile) I know that makes your company's name tarnished. But if you work with Hightower's then It will profit you.
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
Y--You are right.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Then let's make a deal. Half the price of every product with high quality.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(This will make JP Electronics only 10 percent profit which is 40% earlier)
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Director of JP Electronics
Director of JP Electronics
Okay, Deal Mr.Hightower.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Did he really accept this offer? His company almost going into loss and he is making an unreasonable deal.😏)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
They sign the deal
And left the meeting room.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Still thinking about the deal. It was a crazy deal.)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(suddenly stop while walking)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Thump) ah.. (Rub his forehead)
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Turn and look at Elijah who just bumps on his back) Where is your mind Mr.Elijah?
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Head Down) Sorry, sir.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
I think I am giving you so much free time that you are daydreaming.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Freetime? Like hell... I did not take a single second of rest since I woke up. Just because of you and this is what you are calling free time...jerk) I am sorry sir.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Staring at Elijah)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Uncomfortable because of Stare)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Are you really a beta?
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(Freeze....finched) W--why a-are you saying that sir?
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Just look at you... You are too small and thin even a blow of air can move you from a place to another.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
(What is this all Insult💢💢) hehe...I am Beta sir.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Tsk, It is such a waste.
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
Huh? 🤨
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
Nothing. Let's go.
Adrian Hightower
Adrian Hightower
(Walk away)
Elijah Turner
Elijah Turner
He is a mad, crazy bastard.💢😤
Thank you

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