NovelToon NovelToon

Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.1 I Choose You

Author Note : Before we begin, I would like to share some information with you ( readers ):

• This is a continuation of another fanfiction that I grew to love by Spidey108 [ Pokemon : A Surprising Journey ]

• By continuation I mean, I want to take Spidey's work and put my own spin on it so from the very first chapters changes are going to occur. Small changes that are going to be minute at first but are going to grow Catastrophic proportions.

• If you have read Spidey's fanfic; here are some of the changes that I have made.

No.1 : There is no Astral Ash to guide Austin.

No.2 : This world is a much darker version than Spidey's.

• So Spidey had written 117k words for this story, I have already written down 300k words for it and I will be uploading/publishing daily.

• This is kinda embarrassing but I read a lot of popular fanfics, so tropes and story elements from those fanfics will be included in them and before someone says I can't do that, I want to tell you that any and all story elements and arcs used will be under the permission of the original author so like I asked for permission and after I got it, I continued this series.


If you have a dollar to spare or you like my work and want to support me.\_Amet


Join us on discord

Why is this here? Because I enjoy writing, and some people seem to enjoy my jumbled ramblings on other sites like Royal Road and Webnovel enough to donate towards them. That seems wild to me, but it's not my place to dictate what people can and cannot like, eh? Take note. Under no circumstance will I hold fanwork hostage behind a paywall. I am grateful for anyone who wishes to support me, and I WILL NOT ever delay anything because I feel like I'm not being paid enough. I've seen people lose themselves to that big-fish, small-pond egomania and it's ugly.

If you have a dollar and you want to support me, you can; if not then that's is absolutely fine but please join me on discord, I would love to talk to anyone.


Austin Kevin, a fifteen-year-old teenage boy with black hair and brown eyes, sat on the couch in the living room of his suburban home, wearing a simple black shirt and blue pants. The television screen flickered with images of Pokemon battling against each other in a colorful world filled with magical creatures. As he watched, Austin's face contorted with frustration.

"Oh, come on, that's nonsense!" he grumbled, his voice filled with indignation. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his hands, as he watched his favorite Pokemon, Pikachu, losing against a rookie Snivy. Austin couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"How the heck can Pikachu lose against a rookie Snivy, the Pokemon who defeated a Regice and held his own against a Latios?" he exclaimed, incredulous. "Yes, his electric attacks were gone, but he could have utilized Iron Tail to launch that snake!"

Austin had always been a huge fan of the Pokemon Anime, but lately, he found himself getting more and more frustrated with the show. There was a period when Ash only took Pikachu to Hoenn and didn't use any of his other Pokemon for one episode except for Bulbasaur, before doing it again in Sinnoh.

He shook his head in disbelief and switched the TV off, muttering to himself. "Anyone could do a better job." Austin grimaced as he turned away and put on his headphones to listen to music.

The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft strains of music emanating from Austin's headphones. The air was still, and the only light in the room came from the flickering of a nearby lamp.

As Austin sat there, lost in thought, he couldn't help but think about the Black and White Series of the Pokemon Anime. He thought about how much better it could've been if they had retained the growth that Ash made in Diamond and Pearl. They could've done a lot more with him if he'd taken more than Pikachu. That was a complete and utter farce.

Austin Kevin's eyes began to droop as he listened to the pulsing beat of the music. The rhythm seemed to match the pounding of his heart as he reflected on his frustrations with the Pokemon Anime.

Despite his initial excitement, Austin noticed that he was exhausted only a minute into the song. It was strange, as he had just been exuberant, lost in the music's driving beat. But now, as he sat there, his body felt heavy, as if he had been carrying a great weight on his shoulders.

He let out a deep yawn, feeling his eyes grow heavy. The air around him seemed to thicken, and his thoughts grew muddled as he fought to stay awake. It was as if a dark fog had descended upon him, wrapping him in its tendrils and pulling him down into a deep slumber.


Austin's eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the bright sunlight streaming into the unfamiliar room. He felt disoriented, almost dizzy, as he tried to piece together what had happened. The room was cluttered with various Pokémon-themed decorations, including a Clefairy piggy bank, a Zubat hanging from the ceiling, and a Snorlax bed on the floor. As he sat up, he noticed a smashed Voltorb clock with a small Pidgey perched on it, and his nose twitched at the musty odor in the air.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his head as he stumbled out of bed, almost tripping over the rumpled sheets. He felt a strange sense of detachment from his body, as if he was watching himself from a distance. And then, he caught sight of his reflection in a nearby mirror.

It was Ash Ketchum staring back at him, dressed in the same green pajamas he wore in the first episode. Austin's heart started racing as he lifted a trembling hand to his face, feeling the rough texture of Ash's skin against his fingertips.

"N-no way," he stammered, his voice sounding strange and unfamiliar to his ears.

He took a step closer to the mirror, his eyes widening in disbelief as Ash's reflection drew nearer. He could see the dark circles under his eyes, the stubborn cowlick of black hair, and the determined set of his jaw. It was as if he had been transported into the body of his favorite childhood hero.

After taking it all in, Austin made the prudent decision.

He let out a shriek and quickly realized that it wasn't such a good idea a few seconds later, he heard footsteps approaching, quick and urgent, as if someone was in a hurry to check on him. The door burst open to reveal a young woman with mahogany hair and amber eyes, her face etched with worry.

"Ash, are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Austin felt a jolt of fear run through him as he tried to compose himself.

His first reaction was to say that he wasn't Ash and that this was absurd.

He didn't want to appear insane, though.

... And it gets worse.

As a result of the broken clock, he had to improvise by estimating where he was in the chronology.

"I didn't get enough sleep!" he exclaimed, trying to mimic Ash's voice as he ran past her, feeling a little unsteady on his feet. He could feel her eyes on him as he bolted out the door and down the street, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Wait a minute, you have to eat-." When Delia spotted Ash sprinting out the door, she came to a halt and smiled. "Just like your father," says Delia

As he ran, he took in his surroundings with new eyes. He was in some kind of suburban neighborhood, with neatly manicured lawns and colorful flowers blooming in the gardens.

Austin felt like he was in a dream, but a very vivid one. He couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in someone else's body, as if he was a prisoner in his own mind.

And then, he came to a halt, panting and gasping for breath. He realized he had run far from Ash's house, which was still visible in the distance. He had no idea where he was or what he was supposed to do.

"This can't be real," he muttered to himself, trying to convince himself that he was hallucinating.

But then, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him, and he turned to see a small group of Pidgeys pecking at the grass. He could hear their soft cooing and the flutter of their wings as they took off into the sky.

Austin's heart skipped a beat as he realized that this was all too real. He was stuck in the body of a ten-year-old boy, in a strange world filled with mythical creatures and dangerous adventures.

"What the hell is happening to me?" he whispered.

As Austin muttered to himself, the words felt like they were slipping through his fingers, as if he was grasping at something intangible. "Well, obviously, I'm in Pallet Town," he thought to himself, trying to hold onto some semblance of sanity. His mind felt like a frayed rope, about to snap at any moment.

Austin shook his head, disoriented and confused, trying to make sense of what was happening to him. And then, he heard a commotion in the distance, a cacophony of voices and footsteps.

As he made his way towards the source of the commotion, he saw a crowd of people gathered in front of a gate that led up to the Oak Pokemon Lab. And there, standing at the forefront, was a familiar face - Gary Oak, the arrogant and entitled kid who always seemed to rub Ash the wrong way.

"Well Ash, better late than never I suppose," Gary sneered, his voice dripping with condescension.

Austin felt a surge of anger rise up within him, but he forced himself to remain calm, to keep his cool. He couldn't let Gary get under his skin.

But then Gary revealed that he had a Pokemon - a Squirtle - while Ash had none. The nerve of the guy, to act as if he was better than everyone else just because he had a Pokemon!

"Must be some Pokemon if it has to put up with your big head," Ash retorted, his voice laced with sarcasm and disdain.

Gary looked taken aback, as if he wasn't used to being spoken to in such a way. But then he quickly composed himself, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.

"I bet you're wondering what Pokemon it is-" he started to say, before Ash cut him off.

"Squirtle," Ash said flatly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Gary's eyes widened in shock. "How did you know?!" he demanded, his tone bordering on hysterical.

But Ash just shrugged, trying to play it cool. "There are three choices, I just chose one," he lied, hoping that Gary wouldn't catch on.

Gary gave him a suspicious look, as if he knew Ash was lying, but then he just shook his head and got into his car.

"Smell ya later, Ashy-Boy," he said, before driving away.

Austin stared at Gary Oak's retreating figure with a mixture of disgust and confusion. The boy was insufferable, the kind of person who made you want to peel your skin off just to get away from them. He muttered to himself, wondering how Ash had ever put up with him.

But before he could contemplate Gary any further, a new presence made itself known. Professor Samuel Oak, an old man with greying hair and a white lab coat over a red shirt and brown cargo pants, appeared out of nowhere, causing Austin to jump in surprise and fall over.

"P-Professor Oak?!" he stammered, his eyes wide with amazement.

The professor raised a skeptical eyebrow at Austin's awestruck expression. "Well, you look like you're ready for bed, not for Pokemon training," he observed with amusement.

Austin blinked and looked down before seeing that he pulled what Ash did in the Anime in his panic.

"Uh… I can fix this." Austin said nervously before he realized what was coming next and he grinned.

Since this was a dream, he may as well enjoy it as much as he can.

"But I am ready for a Pokemon."


Austin stood in the sterile laboratory, his eyes scanning the pristine white walls and tile floors. The air hummed with an electric charge as he waited for the glass panel to reveal the three coveted Pokeballs. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his nerves on edge as he stood next to the legendary Pokemon Professor, Oak.

The professor's sharp eyes flicked over to Austin, a look of concern crossing his face. "Are you alright, Ash?" he asked, noting the sweat on the boy's forehead.

Austin swallowed hard, trying to mask his nerves. "Oh, I'm fine Professor," he lied, hoping to convince the older man. "I'm just excited."

The professor nodded, but Austin could tell he wasn't entirely convinced. "Alright then," he said, his voice low. "So, who is your choice?"

Austin frowned in thought, his eyes darting between the Pokeballs. "Well," he said slowly, "Gary said he got a Squirtle, so that's out." He reached for the Pokeball that held Charmander. "I choose Charmander," he said with a hint of disappointment.

The professor shook his head. "That one was also taken by a kid that wasn't late."

Even though he knew it was empty, Austin put on a disappointed face to fool the Professor who chose that time to speak.

"The early bird gets the worm, or in this case the Pokemon," the professor said with a wry smile.

"So, there's no Pokemon?" Austin asked, his voice laced with disappointment.

The professor looked conflicted for a moment before he spoke. "Well, there's still one left, but I-"

"I'll take it," Austin interrupted, a little too eagerly.

The professor hesitated, pressing a button on his console. A Pokeball with a lightning bolt emblem appeared, and the professor's expression turned grave. "I think I should warn you, there is a problem with this last one."

But Austin was already reaching for the Pokeball, his eagerness getting the best of him. "I'll take my chances," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

The professor handed him the Pokeball, and Austin pressed the button eagerly. A blinding flash of light filled the room, and he shielded his eyes as the light faded. When he could see again, he saw the small, yellow mouse standing before him, its red sacs on its cheeks and lightning bolt tail twitching as it blinked its black eyes.

"His name is Pikachu," the professor said, his voice serious.

Austin reached out to the cute little creature, his heart pounding in excitement. "Hi, Pikachu," he said, a wide grin spreading across his face.

But as soon as he touched the little creature, he felt an electric shock course through his body. His muscles spasmed, and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

He forgot how much of a **** Pikachu was in the beginning.

As Pikachu huffed, Austin realized one detail.

He just felt pain… Oh, shit he wasn't dreaming.

Austin probably would've freaked out if it wasn't for the fact that he was twitching a bit from the electrocution.

The room spun around him, and he could hear the sounds of his own labored breathing, punctuated by the crackling of electricity. He could hear the hum of machines and the beep of monitors as the professor rushed to his side.

"Shocking, isn't it?" the professor quipped, his voice strained.

'S-S-Screw y-you.' Austin thought with a twitch.


Once he could move, Austin looked at Pikachu who wouldn't even meet his gaze.

Now that he knew for a fact that this wasn't a dream, Austin couldn't help but think.

How did he get here?

And if he was here in Ash's body, where was the real Ash?

Was Ash in his body?

Austin felt some worry because he didn't know how his parents would react to someone in his body claiming they were Ash because he was pretty sure that's what he would do.

'I have to find a way to fix this.' Austin thought as Prof. Oak handed him the Pokedex and Pokeballs. 'Somehow, someway… Knowing my luck I'll probably be in the mental hospital when I get home.'

Austin looked at the Pokedex and messed with it to see how it worked before pointing it at Pikachu who finally gave him a look, wondering what he was doing.

" Pikachu are a small species of pokemon which many people find cute, and for this reason have become quite popular as pets, even among people with little interest in pokemon battles. This is an unfortunate fact which leads to many electrocutions, for a Pikachu can be quite dangerous to handle.

Pikachu are a pokemon that store electricity in their cheeks, but this electricity must be released on a semi-regular basis lest the pokemon use powerful electric attacks at random, shocking everything in sight. Typically this is handled by occasionally hooking the rodent up to a special battery which is recharged by its shock, then using the electricity to power the household. Furthermore, they do not only use thundershock to release energy, but also when startled or angry, and they do not have especially forgiving tempers. Many a trainer has been hospitalized or worse when quarreling with their pokemon, some passing away from shock wounds which could have been properly treated were the trainer not embarrassed for how this reflected upon them as a trainer. Moreover, there is the issue of weather; Pikachu can seldom be cooped up inside for long, but they are prone to causing nearby people to be electrocuted in rain, and its tail can attract lightning in thunderstorms. Proper care involves the usage of a pokeball in inclement weather, but Pikachu are often reluctant to be so confined. Many inexperienced owners are equally reluctant to use them, fearing it will mark them as pokemon trainers and force them to accept challenges and see their precious Pikachu injured.

Despite this, with a gentle spirit and proper caution, Pikachu can make for excellent pets.'

The Pokedex said surprising on the unique Dex entry he had never heard before in the games, anime or manga.

Austin deep down still wondered how he survived being electrocuted in the first place-... Hell, how did Ash survive appoint-blank Flamethrower in the future?

" This Pikachu is Male and the ability is Static. Currently, this Pikachu knows Thundershock, Growl, and Tail Whip. The Age of this Pikachu is Two Years and Five Months."

Austin was even more surprised when he saw that the Pokedex also gave him the age of the Pokemon as Pikachu huffed and looked away.

"You may want to return him to his Pokeball." Prof. Oak suggested gaining Pikachu's attention as he tensed.

Remembering that Pikachu didn't like the Pokeball, Austin smiled. "Nah, I think he would like to be out of it." He said surprising Pikachu that he got it. 'Hopefull,y this will keep him from electrocuting me.' "Besides how can I be his friend if I keep him in the ball the whole time?"

Pikachu shook his head as if to say, 'Yeah, good luck with that.'

Prof. Oak scratched his cheek. "If you're sure Ash."

Austin swallowed a bit as he realized he had to go by Ash to avoid questions now.

It'll take a while before he was used to that though.

Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, Austin began trying to get into the mindset of being Ash as he opened his eyes. "You alright, Ash?"

"Uh yeah," Austin said with a sheepish smile. "I'm just trying to calm myself because I'm so excited."

Prof. Oak chuckled as he heard that.


Austin stepped out of the Ranch, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of Delia or the group of people from the anime. But to his surprise, they were nowhere to be seen.

'Well, that's one thing that's different.' Austin thought knowing it would take a while to force himself to call Delia 'Mom', but he didn't want to make her worry about what happened to the real 'Ash'.

The sun beat down on his skin, its rays scorching the earth. The vast expanse of land stretched out before him, with its rolling hills and barren trees. The dry wind howled, kicking up dust and debris that swirled around his feet.

He tugged at the collar of his pajamas, feeling sweat bead on his forehead. His eyes darted to Pikachu, who was standing a few feet away from him, his back turned.

He cleared his throat, trying to get Pikachu's attention.

"So come on, Pikachu," he said, but the Electric Mouse didn't even turn to look at him. "Pikachu. Pika Pi."

Austin frowned, wondering if Pikachu was already ignoring him. He remembered how Ash had gained Pikachu's trust during the Spearow incident. But he didn't want to pull that stunt. He shook his head, dismissing the thought.

"Come on, don't I get the benefit of the doubt for not putting you in the Pokeball?" Austin asked, his voice laced with desperation.

Pikachu just stared at him blankly, his tone suggesting an insult that Austin couldn't quite comprehend. He glanced down at his pajamas, realizing that Pikachu probably wasn't taking him seriously.

Sighing, Austin walked back to Prof. Oak's lab as Pikachu scratched his head with his foot before coming out wearing rubber gloves he picked Pikachu up causing the Electric Mouse to try and electrocute him, and yet nothing was happening.

"I'll put you down in a few minutes, but I just want to go home and change out of these Pajamas," Austin said to Pikachu as the Mouse was giving him a death glare.

On making it to the house, Austin put Pikachu down who growled at him, clearly not impressed. "Hey, you were the one that didn't want to go anywhere," Austin snapped back. "Look, can't we just have a compromise?"

Pikachu raised an eyebrow, waiting for Austin's proposal.

"We go through Route 1, and if you still don't like me by the time we get to Viridian, you can go your way," Austin offered, holding out his hand. "Deal?"

Pikachu frowned, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. He was expecting Austin to break the deal, even if he agreed. "Pika Pi Chu Pika!" he exclaimed, his cheeks sparking with electricity.

Delia emerged from her humble abode, eyes squinting in the morning sun. And there, in the company of her beloved Pikachu, stood Ash. Or at least, that's who she thought it was.

"Ash, is that you?" she asked tentatively, noting something was amiss.

But Ash's reply was hesitant, laced with a hint of panic. "Uh, yeah, I panicked when I woke up, Mrs-er, Mom."

Pikachu regarded him with a curious gaze, almost as if he knew something was off. But before Delia could press any further, she picked up the yellow Pokemon, and in one smooth motion, rubbed the spot in between his ears. And just like that, Pikachu's mind was filled with pure bliss.

Austin, for that was who he truly was, watched in disbelief. "Now that's not fair," he muttered to himself.

Delia, oblivious to Austin's inner turmoil, continued with her motherly duties. "Your clothes are out on your bed," she said, gesturing for him to follow.

And so Austin found himself in Ash's room, surrounded by clothes that were all too familiar. Donning the black shirt, blue vest, blue jeans, black and white sneakers, and red and white hat, he felt a sense of familiarity wash over him. It was as if he was becoming Ash, piece by piece.

As he made his way downstairs, he was met with a spread of breakfast. But guilt gnawed at him from within. He was deceiving Delia, pretending to be her son, when all he wanted was to find out how this strange phenomenon had occurred.

Pikachu, ever the opportunist, was gobbling up some Pokemon food that Delia had kept for the trainers at her restaurant. But when Austin tried to speak to him, the yellow Pokemon simply turned away. "Yeah...still a ****," he muttered under his breath.

Delia watched as 'Ash' ate his breakfast, a faint worry creeping into her mind. Something wasn't quite right. The way he ate was different, slow and deliberate, almost as if he was trying to put on a show of good manners.

"Eat up, you'll need your strength before your journey," she said, her eyes fixed on his face.

He managed a weak smile. "Got it M-Mom," he replied, trying to keep his suspicions hidden.

Delia continued to watch him, her motherly instincts telling her that something was off.

As he ate, Delia couldn't help but notice how different he was acting. Normally, Ash would stuff his mouth full of food, barely taking the time to chew before swallowing. But this imposter was different, eating slowly and using good manners.

It was a nice change, she thought to herself. But as she thought more about it, she realized that 'Ash' had been acting differently since he had woken up.


Austin couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he finally managed to leave Delia's incessant fussing behind. The woman had clung to him like a barnacle, reminding him to change his underwear and pressing awkward hugs upon him until he was ready to scream. But now he was on Route 1, the wide-open road stretching out before him like a great maw, promising adventure and danger in equal measure.

Pikachu trotted beside him, no longer willing to be carried now that Austin had the rubber gloves. Austin couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the creature's presence. Pikachu was acting strange, like it was aware of something that Austin wasn't. Maybe it was just his imagination, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about the yellow rodent.

Breathing in slowly, Austin began to walk as he saw various Pidgeys flying around. The creatures were a common sight on Route 1, and Austin couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of catching one. But he had to focus on the task at hand first. He had to gain Pikachu's trust if he was ever going to find out what happened to him.

As if sensing his thoughts, Pikachu scampered up a nearby tree and sat there, tongue sticking out. Austin couldn't help but roll his eyes at the creature's antics.

"Seriously Pikachu?" he muttered, pinching his nose in frustration. "Well, you'll have to come down eventually."

But Pikachu didn't budge, instead chomping down on an apple that hung from the tree's branches. Austin sighed, sitting down with a heavy thud. This was going to be harder than he thought.

He had considered instigating the Spearow incident, but he knew it was too risky. He wasn't willing to risk his own life or Pikachu's just for the sake of gaining his trust.

'But it was a major part of the series and if I don't do that there could be a butterfly effect-... Or is it Butterfree effect now?' Austin randomly thought.

Sighing, Austin looked up to see Pikachu eating an apple that was hanging from the tree. 'Well catching a Pokemon all comes down to luck so if I try to catch a Pokemon that isn't a Spearow I should be fine.'

Austin looked up to see Pikachu eating an apple that was hanging from the tree. 'Well catching a Pokemon all comes down to luck so if I try to catch a Pokemon that isn't a Spearow I should be fine.'

He had to find a way to break through to the creature, to show it that he was on its side.

And catching a Pokemon was as good a way as any to do that. Austin pulled out an empty Pokeball from his backpack and stood up, brandishing it in front of Pikachu.

"I don't suppose you'll help me catch a Pokemon?" he asked, half-jokingly.

Pikachu just laughed, as if Austin had told a joke.

"... Yeah, didn't think so."

With that, he looked around for a bit as he walked away from the tree.

Pikachu watched him leave before smirking.

Now was his chance to get away.

With that done, he ran down the tree and began to run off before colliding with something.

Shaking his head, Pikachu glared only for it to be a Spearow as it glared back at him.

"Spear!" Spearow took to the air as it was about to attack Pikachu, something that caused Austin to turn and notice as Pikachu ducked.

'Oh come on!' Austin thought running towards the scene. 'I didn't even throw the damn rock!'

But before he could find one, he heard a loud screeching sound. Turning around, he saw a Spearow descending upon Pikachu, ready to attack.

"Pikachu use Thundershock!" Austin ordered as Spearow went to try again and Pikachu didn't hesitate as it electrocuted the Spearow causing it to cry out loudly

Austin seized the opportunity, throwing the Pokeball at the stunned creature. It sucked the Spearow in, and the ball began to shake violently. Austin held his breath, waiting for the telltale ding that would signify his first successful capture.

And finally, it came. The ball dinged, and Austin let out a triumphant whoop. He had caught his first Pokemon.

"Are you alright Pikachu?" Austin asked as Pikachu was about to answer before they heard a few more cries and both turned to see the flock of Spearow's flying towards them.

Eyes widening, Austin grabbed the Pokeball containing the newly caught Spearow and he grabbed Pikachu before taking off running, surprising the Pokemon as he nearly electrocuted Austin to get him to let go.

"Too many for you to fight." Austin panted out as he was running. 'And I'm way out of shape!'

He nearly saw stars as a Spearow slammed into the back of his head with the flock catching up.

"Pikachu get in your Pokeball," Austin told him as he felt more adrenaline from the hit and tried to run faster.

"Pi?!" Pikachu glared.

"Listen to me, I'm not going to let you get hurt," Austin told him.

'Plus I can run faster without carrying him.'

A Spearow jabbed at his arm as he was carrying Pikachu before Austin used his vest to keep Pikachu from being pecked and tried to fish around for his Pokeball before he realized one error.

He left it at Prof. Oak's lab.

"Crap," Austin muttered before another Spearow hit his head and this time he tripped over a rock and was sent rolling across the ground as Pikachu cried out in surprise.

Pushing himself up, Austin saw that the Spearows were circling. "Pikachu get out of here." He told him.

Pikachu gave him a shocked look as Austin grabbed a rock and threw it, nailing a Spearow causing the flock to focus on him.

"Over here!" Austin shouted as they forgot about the Pikachu and flew at him.

Feeling a bead of sweat drip down his face, Austin began to book it.

Pikachu stared as Austin was getting further away in shock that a human just did that for him.

A human that he spent most of the day ignoring and electrocuted one time.

And now he was in danger because he ran into that Spearow.

Eyes narrowing Pikachu came to a decision.


'Regret!' Austin thought running with his arms flailing as he tried to pick up speed. 'Regret! Major regret!'

He had to be suicidal.

That's probably why he did this.

Looking back to see if the flock was still following him, he ran faster at seeing how close they were.

'Irony.' Austin thought to himself. 'I didn't throw the rock that caused this and it happened anyways.'

His lungs were burning from the running he was doing before he tripped and was sent rolling again.

This time the Spearow surrounded him and they pecked and clawed at him as he cried out in pain.

'Not good.' Austin thought as he tried to get them to go away.

"CHU!" A Thundershock caused them to disperse as Pikachu ran up in front of him and glared at the flock.

Lifting his head, Austin was surprised by this as Pikachu had his cheeks sparking with the Spearows around.

"Pikachu, there's too many," Austin told him as he tried to get up wincing. "Get out of here."

"Pika." Pikachu shook his head as he wasn't going to just leave the kid after what the kid just did to try and save him.

Austin felt lightheaded as the Spearows got closer and the last thing he heard before blacking out was. "Staryu, use Water Gun!"


[ Pallet Town - Ketchum Household ]

Delia Ketchum anxiously tapped her foot on the floor. Her anxiety was through the roof ever since her son had started his journey a few hours prior.

Growing up and living in a place like Pallet Town was pretty boring as it was an isolated place.

The only place of note for this little town was that it was the home of the famous Professor Samuel Oak. He was once a strong trainer that was on the level of the Elite Four – four of the five strongest trainers in Kanto. Though, before taking the Elite Four Challenge something in Samuel Oak changed. Samuel Oak just woke up one morning and realized that he didn't want to battle Pokémon anymore, no, he was much happier when studying and nurturing Pokémon instead.

So he left the life of a Pokémon battler behind and he set up shop in the town that he grew up in; Pallet Town. He and his Pokémon had never been happier as they too; were tired of battling for the sake of battling. Professor Oak became a well-known name in the Pokémon research scene and soon after he became the new Regional Professor – and was responsible for setting up aspiring Pokémon trainers with their starter pokémon and educating them for their journeys.

Her son was an energetic child – so energetic in fact, that it bordered on hyperactivity and as a result, was often easily distracted from his studies with Professor Oak and the little class that he taught in his spare time. The Professor had noticed this and had told her that he thought that Ash should be tested for any learning problems that were often found in those that couldn't stay focussed for long periods. Delia just waved the Professor's comment off with a statement that Ash's father was the same as his age. Professor Oak immediately backed off after the statement as he knew who Ash's father is/was: the legendary Red Ketchum.

But now when her son had gone on his journey, Delia realized that maybe she shouldn't have waved off Professor Oak's words. Ash while energetic wasn't the prodigy that his father was.

Maybe she shouldn't have been so protective of her son shielding him from the outside world.

Am I a bad mother ?!

Delia couldn't shake off the haunting news from a few days prior. A flock of Spearow and Fearow had descended upon Pallet Town, wreaking havoc on the population. A young trainer named Jimmy lost his life in the midst of it all, leaving behind a trail of tragedy and despair.

But what shook Delia to her core was the reason behind the deployment of Ace Trainers and Rangers. It wasn't to protect the lives of the innocent or to avenge Jimmy's death. No, it was because the Fearow flock had decimated the Caterpie population in the east of Pallet.

As Delia grappled with this chilling realization, she couldn't help but question the value of human life in this cruel world of Pokemon. Did the league truly cherish the lives of its young trainers, or were they simply pawns in a greater scheme?

Her heart ached at the thought of her son, Ash, following in the footsteps of those who had lost their lives pursuing their dreams of becoming a Pokemon trainer. But how could she crush his aspirations and rob him of his one true passion?

Delia was torn between her love for her son and her fear for his safety.

Chapter no.2 A Pokemon Emergency

Austin slowly opened his eyes, feeling a dull ache in his head. His surroundings were hazy and his body felt stiff. The sounds of the nearby stream were the only indication of where he was. As he tried to sit up, he felt dizzy and disoriented.

"Pika!" Austin was startled by a sudden weight on his lap and looked down to see Pikachu looking relieved. The sight of his companion brought Austin back to reality.

"Hey, Pikachu," Austin said as he looked around, trying to take in his surroundings. He saw that he was near a stream, surrounded by tall grass and trees. The sunlight filtered through the leaves and danced on the water, casting an ethereal glow over the area.

"Finally awake?" A voice interrupted his thoughts. Austin turned to see a teenage girl with reddish-orange hair standing nearby. She wore a yellow shirt and blue shorts with red straps that went across the shirt, and she had on red tennis shoes. Austin couldn't help but notice her striking appearance.

"Y-Yeah," Austin managed to reply, feeling a little embarrassed by his disoriented state.

"I was riding my bike to get to this spot when I saw you being attacked by the Spearow Flock," the girl said, frowning. "Next time you try to catch a Pokémon, make sure it isn't a part of a group."

Austin's face darkened as he remembered the Spearow attack. "Hey, that Spearow attacked Pikachu first," he retorted, defending himself. Pikachu looked between the two humans as if watching a tennis match.

"Wait, how did you know I caught a Spearow?" Austin asked, puzzled.

"While you were unconscious, I had to make sure your Pokémon weren't injured, and your Spearow tried to attack me," the girl replied, looking at him with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

Austin realized that he had changed the story of his first Pokémon capture. In reality, Ash's first capture was a Caterpie, not a Spearow.

"Hey, are you listening?" The girl's voice broke through his thoughts, and he looked up, feeling a little ashamed.

"Uh, sorry," he muttered, rubbing his eyes. The girl looked at him with a hint of concern.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah," Austin replied, getting up slowly. "Just a little exhausted."

"Well, you're in luck. There's a Pokémon Center nearby in Viridian City," the girl said, pointing in the direction he needed to go.

"Oh, thanks-" Austin stopped as he realized it would be awkward if he knew her name without her telling him.

Misty Waterflower mistook his hesitation for something else and sighed. "I'm Misty Waterflower."

"I'm Au-er Ash Ketchum," Austin said, almost slipping up and using his real name.

Misty frowned at his slip-up, but didn't comment. "Just don't get attacked by any more wild Pokémon on the way," she chided, turning back to her fishing.

Austin nodded, feeling a little awkward. He looked at Pikachu and asked, "You ready to go?"

"Pika," Pikachu replied, walking up behind him.

Austin grinned and walked by Misty's bike. He thought to himself, "Well, I guess she won't be traveling with me after I barbecued her bike."


Austin trudged along the dirt path, the sun slowly setting behind him, casting long shadows over the trees that lined the road. He could feel the weight of his backpack pulling at his shoulders, the straps digging into his skin. He glanced down at his attire, a plain t-shirt and jeans, nothing fancy, nothing noteworthy. He kicked a pebble as he walked, the sound echoing through the quiet countryside.

After an hour of walking, Austin's feet ached, and he could feel blisters forming. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small red and white ball. "Should I?" he asked Pikachu, who was perched on his shoulder. The yellow Pokemon shook his head, knowing what Austin was about to do. "Wait until we're at the Pokemon Center?" Pikachu nodded, and they continued their journey.

He hasn't seen the first season of Pokemon in a long time but he does remember some key details.

Like who Ash's team was and he already changed that a bit on his first day here.

But he didn't remember everything… Some things would probably come to mind if they happened.

Shaking his head, Austin saw Viridian City from the hill he made it to and smiled as the sun was looking like it was beginning to set.

"We're here," Austin said looking up only for his eyes to widen.

He could see a bird flying off into the sky.

Despite knowing what it was, he took out the Pokedex. "Pokemon Unknown." That was what the answer was.

"Ho-Oh," Austin whispered causing Pikachu to look at him in surprise.

How did he know?

Seeing Ho-Oh disappear, Austin clenched a fist as they descended the hill, they heard an announcement blaring from a nearby speaker. "Attention citizens of Viridian City. There have been reports of possible Pokemon thieves. Keep on the lookout for suspicious-looking strangers." The voice belonged to a blue-haired woman dressed in a police uniform, who went by the name of Officer Jenny. Austin made sure to keep his Pokedex at the ready as he approached her.

"Hi, I'm from Pallet Town," he said, trying to come across as innocent and harmless as possible. "Is the Pokemon Center nearby?"

"You're the fourth trainer from Pallet Town that I've seen today," Officer Jenny replied, taking the Pokedex from Austin and flipping through it. She checked the identification section and saw Austin's picture. "Everything is in order. Be careful of the rumored Pokemon thieves, and the Pokemon Center is that way. You can't miss it."

"Thank you," Austin said as he and Pikachu made their way towards the massive Pokemon Center.

'Well, I seem to have a little more luck than Ash did.' Austin thought as he continued down the path. 'I caught a Pokemon and managed to get Pikachu here in fairly good condition… Then again he didn't get injured as I did.'

"So Pikachu," Austin said catching his attention. "A deal is a deal, do you want to continue with me or go your own way?"

Pikachu gave him a look of disbelief.

He honestly forgot about the deal with everything that happened and was pretty surprised that Austin brought it up.

"Pika Pi?" Pikachu asked tilting his head.

"I'm not going to force you to stay if you don't want to," Austin said as he could see the outline of the Pokemon center.

The building was even more impressive up close, with its towering glass windows and colorful lights flashing on and off. Austin couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed as they stepped inside. The sounds of Pokemon cries and trainers chatting filled the air, and he had to take a moment to adjust to the noise.

came in sight. 'To quote Ash, it's gigantic.'

"Pika," Pikachu said not walking away.

"So you're going to stay?" Austin asked as Pikachu gave a nod. "Well alright then."


"Welcome to the Pokemon Center." Nurse Joy a pink-haired woman said as Austin walked in. "How can I help you?"

"Can you look to see if my Pokemon are healthy?" Austin asked handing her Spearow's Pokeball and reaching down to hand her Pikachu to the mouse's shock. "Relax Pikachu, she's just going to see if you're injured."

"Chu," Pikachu said a little doubt in his tone.

"Um Pikachu doesn't like Pokeballs and I haven't let Spearow out since I caught him earlier today," Austin warned her. "So I don't know if he'll attack or not."

Nurse Joy gave a nod and left, leaving Austin alone as he sat down as closed his eyes to slowly drift off to sleep.

"Man finally alone." He muttered a little later.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that."

Eyes widening, Austin looked to the side to see… Ash?!

"The heck?!" Austin asked falling out of his seat as he saw Ash in his Sinnoh Garb.

" You ! " screamed Ash in his Sinnoh Garb as he pointed at Austin.

"I've been trying to get your attention since you woke up before getting Pikachu," Ash exclaimed.

"How can I not see you-?" Austin stopped when he realized he could see through Ash. "... It finally happened, I snapped."

"You're not crazy," Ash told him a little sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, not sure how to do this. "Um… So Austin-."

"How did you know my name?" Austin asked in shock.

"I can hear your surface thoughts right now," Ash told him. "I guess you want an explanation."

Austin gave him a deadpan look.

"Right well… I already experienced my journey up to Sinnoh." Ash said surprising Austin. "Do you know who Team Galactic is-?"

"Yes." Ash looked surprised before he continued.

"Well their leader did something with Dialga and Palkia and that was when I woke up like this."

"Wait, then where do I fit in?" Austin asked a little confused as Ash shrugged. "Some help you are."

"Hey," Ash said glaring. "You think I want to be trapped inside my own body as just a passenger?"

"No that would suck." Austin conceded as he sighed. "But still can't you be a bit more specific on what Cyrus did-."

"I never said his name was Cyrus," Ash said raising an eyebrow. "Unless you're from that timeline as well."

"Uh well…" Austin looked away. "It's complicated."

"How complicated-." Ash stopped and sighed. "You may want to wake up now."

"Wait what-?" Austin was cut off as he fell out of his seat waking up in the same spot without Ash. "... That was a weird dream."

Standing up unsteadily, Austin couldn't help but think of Ash's Mom as she did get a call in Pokemon Canon.

'I guess I better call to ensure her that her 'son' is safe.' Austin thought as he approached the Video Phones.

He stared at them for a bit considering home didn't have phones like this before as he began typing a number that went through his head.

It was eight in the evening, so she should still be up.

After a few rings, someone answered. "Hello, this is the Ketchum Residence." The voice came as the video was shut off for a certain reason.

Taking a deep breath, Austin got into acting like Ash for the call. "Hello, Mom?"

A cry of joy answered back causing Austin to wince in guilt before Delia's face came up on the screen. "Hi honey, is everything okay?" The video came up to show her in a bathrobe, showing she just got out of a shower. "Where are you, Ash?"

"The Pokemon Center in Viridian City," Austin answered trying to sound like Ash.

"You're already in Viridian City?" Delia sounded happy. "It took your father four days to get there when he started Pokemon Training, oh he'll be so proud. You're the apple of his eye."

"Haha, yeah apple," Austin said a bit nervously before Delia saw the scratches on him.

"What happened to you?!"

"Spearow flock," Austin said a little scared by the worried look. "One attacked Pikachu first and when I caught it the flock came."

"Are you hurt?"

"Uh no, I'm fine," Austin said not sure what to say to her. "Pikachu protected me."

"That's great." Delia sounded happy again. "You should go to sleep though, tomorrow you have another big day. I love you."

Austin felt a lump in his throat. "You too." He said hanging up.

He can't keep acting like he's Ash when he's not.

Standing up as he turned away from the Video Phone, Austin wondered what he would be doing.

Should he follow Canon and head for the Pokemon League?

He needs to find out why he was in Ash's body and how.

… If his dream was real though it would mean that Dialga and Palkia would've had something to do with it.

"Ring Ring Ring, Phone Call. Phone Call." Austin jumped as he heard that repeating itself before walking to the computer

"Hello? Who is this?" Austin asked despite knowing fully well who it is.

"Here, over here." Prof. Oak's voice said as the screen came up. "Don't you recognize me?"

"I would if I wasn't looking at the back of your head." Austin quipped causing Prof. Oak to turn and realize he was at the wrong camera and he panicked before it was fixed with him looking sheepish.

"There, I just got off the phone with your Mother and she told me that you made it to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City, is that correct?"

Austin just stared. "What do you think?" He asked shaking his head. "You called here."

Prof. Oak coughed to hide his embarrassment. "Right well the others made it to Viridian City, Gary and Ritchie left already while Luna is staying at her home in Viridian and I'm surprised you got there so soon with how late you left." He said to him. "And I had my doubts that you would be able to handle your Pikachu, but when my Grandson said that you wouldn't have a new Pokemon by the time you get to Viridian City, I bet him a million Pokedollars that he'd be wrong."

"You won that bet," Austin said seeing another deviation from Canon along with the surprise that Charmander was Ritchie's and… Who is Luna? "Nurse Joy is checking on Spearow as well as Pikachu right now."

Prof. Oak laughed with a smile on his face. "Well done... A Spearow?" He looked a little worried. "That Pokemon is hard for new trainers to handle."

"We'll see," Austin said nervously.

A doorbell caught Prof. Oak's attention. "Ah, there's my Pizza." He said looking to the side. "It's been nice talking to you, Ash."

Austin nodded curtly as he disconnected the call, his mind already reeling with the possibilities of the weird pizza flavors that the Professor could have ordered. He turned to face Nurse Joy, who was holding Pikachu and Spearow in her arms.

"Here you go, Ash," she said, handing him Spearow's Pokeball.

"Thank you," he replied, reaching out to take Pikachu from her.

"CHU!" Pikachu cried out, sending an electric shock coursing through Austin's body.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" he exclaimed, clutching his chest. "What the hell, Pikachu? I thought we were cool."

Pikachu looked away, his expression sheepish but guarded.As it turns out he startled Pikachu by mistake.

"Pika Pi." Pikachu had a sheepish look but he still look guarded as Austin shook his head.

'Painful but I'm still alive the hell?' Austin thought as Nurse Joy had a surprised look.

Shaking his head, Austin looked at Pikachu as the mouse spoke. "Chu Pika, Pika Pi." He said looking away.

Austin shook," Looks like we have some work to do ?"

He didn't win Pikachu's friendship yet, all he won was a chance.

"You didn't have to shock me," Austin muttered pushing himself up.

"Are you alright?" Nurse Joy asked as Austin shrugged.

He waved her off, his attention drawn to Misty as she entered the Pokemon Center.

"Is there a room open?" The Water Trainer asked the Nurse who gave a nod.

"We have plenty of room tonight." Nurse Joy reassured her.

"What a relief," Misty said before seeing Austin.

"Hey, you're that kid," she said, her eyes widening in recognition.

Before Austin could respond, an alarm blared through the room, causing everyone to jump.

"Our Viridian City Radar System has detected a suspicious aircraft belonging to a gang of Pokemon Thieves," a voice announced over the intercom. "If you have a Pokemon in your possession, exercise extreme caution."

Austin felt a chill run down his spine. He knew what this meant.

Seconds later, two Pokeballs crashed through the window, releasing a noxious purple gas and a snake-like Pokemon with a rattling yellow tail.

"Koffing and Ekans," Austin muttered, his hand reaching instinctively for his own Pokeballs.

From the Anime, he was used to Seviper and Carnivine due to how long it's been since he's seen their original Pokemon.

Koffing began spraying toxic fumes causing everyone to cover their noses, Austin was coughing from the smell as he felt lightheaded before understanding.

This type of fume wasn't lethal, it just disorientates people.

"What's going on?" Misty coughed out as a female laugh echoed through the smoke.

"We'll answer your question, little girl."

A male voice spoke after her. "Allow us to introduce ourselves."

"To Protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."

The fumes cleared to show a woman with long mahogany hair and a man with short blue hair holding a rose.

Both of them wore a white uniform with a red 'R' emblem on it as well as black gloves and boots.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Meowth." A bipedal, cream-colored cat Pokemon with a gold coin on his forehead landed with a grin. "That's right."

Austin just stared.

He forgot about them despite the fact they were in almost every episode of Pokemon.

'I always thought that motto was cool as a kid, but now it's just unnecessary.' Austin thought before shaking his head.

"A talking Meowth?" He asked pretending to be surprised. "That's awesome."

Misty gave him a look of disbelief. "That's all you have to say from that?!" She asked. "They're Team Rocket!"

"I know but I can't stop to think how awesome a talking Pokemon is?" Austin asked as Meowth chuckled.

"We're here for the Pokemon," James said not interested in seeing their squabble.

"So hand them over," Jessie ordered.

"You're wasting your time, this is a place for only sick and injured Pokemon." Nurse Joy told them.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if we find a few little gems among all the junk." Jessie casually said.

Austin cautiously grabbed Spearow's Pokeball and James laughed at seeing that. "The little boy thinks he can fight us?"

"Then let's show him the power of Team Rocket," Jessie said as both Koffing and Ekans came at him.

"Spearow come on out!" Austin said as the bird materialized with a cry before glaring at Pikachu. "Turn around!"

Not liking the tone, Spearow did so only to fly back as Ekans nearly bit him.

'Crap, I don't have any battling experience.' Austin thought.

' Let's see what Spearow's moveset .'

Austin quickly took out his Pokedex to scan the Spearow, ignoring the casual data as he zeroed in on the moveset.

"Focus Energy and then Peck," Austin called out as Spearow was trying to fly outside to escape, but the two Pokemon were cutting him off.

Despite the loathing it felt for the Human, Spearow wanted to survive so he listened as energy gathered inside of him before diving as he nailed the Ekans with his beak, causing them to crash into the ground.

"Show that bird not to be messed with," Jessie said glaring. "Bite."

Spearow dove out of the way only for Koffing to slam into him with a tackle.

"Spearow," Austin called out as he berated himself for not focusing on Koffing. "Fly back and keep out of reach."

"Smog attack."

Spearow was flying around the sludges that Koffing was firing, barely dodging them and he was slowed from the earlier tackle as he kept moving.

"Pikachu use Thundershock on the Koffing," Austin ordered as the rat gave a nod before running in and zapping the Koffing with the electric attack causing it to slam into Ekans, electrocuting it.

He honestly thought he would fail badly in this fight, but he was doing pretty good… It just seemed so familiar.

'Focus on the battle.' Austin subconsciously told himself.

Eyes snapping to the fight, Austin paled. "Pikachu use your tail to launch yourself into the air."

Pikachu listened barely dodging a tackle from the Ekans as he was spinning in the air from the momentum.

"Spearow use Leer and Pikachu use Thundershock!"

Spearow's eyes glowed red as both Koffing and Ekans hesitated before Pikachu's Thundershock slammed into them causing them to faint.

"We were beaten," Jessie said in disbelief.

"By a kid."

"Well alright," Austin said as Pikachu did a victory sign while Spearow landed on the ground looking at them cautiously.

He was fighting until he had a chance to escape… But this kid did some good combinations to have them win.

Spearow turned away, but he didn't fly off as Jessie and James returned their Pokemon.

"I'll get them," Meowth said walking up. "Birds and mice are Meowth's prey."

Austin chuckled as he looked at Pikachu. "Thundershock."

Pikachu gave a nod as his cheeks sparked causing Meowth to stop a bit nervously. "Now wait just a min-." He was cut off by being electrocuted and he was sent flying back at Jessie and James' feet.

Backing up, they grabbed Meowth before running off. "You haven't seen the last of us kid," Jessie told him as they disappeared.

"Nice job you two," Austin said seeing Misty discreetly putting a Pokeball up showing that she was about to interfere with the fight herself as Nurse Joy approached.

"Thank you for saving the Pokemon Center." She said to him.

"Uh, it's no problem," Austin said looking at Spearow. "Sorry for throwing you in the fight like that, I mean to ease you into welcoming you to the team."

He held out a hand as Spearow looked at him before turning away stubbornly.

Austin blinked before chuckling.

If Spearow didn't like him he wouldn't have fought with him.


Austin found himself in one of the guest rooms provided by the Pokemon Center for traveling trainers. The room was quaint and cozy, with a perch for Spearow, who had perched himself there, and a bed for himself.

As he lay there, dressed in the same pajamas he had awoken in, he gazed over at the slumbering forms of Pikachu and Spearow, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.

"What a strange and peculiar day this has been," he mused to himself, taking in the peaceful surroundings. "But perhaps it has been a great day, in its own way."

Despite the lingering guilt he felt for impersonating Ash and the nagging worry about his parents' reaction to his absence, Austin couldn't help but enjoy his time in this world of Pokemon.

As he drifted off to sleep, he pondered the idea of giving Pikachu and Spearow nicknames, a thought that brought a faint smile to his lips. Perhaps this was just the beginning of his journey, and there were many adventures yet to be had in this magical world.


[ Austin's Pokemon Team ]

Pikachu (M)

Ability: Static. Moves: Thundershock, Growl, and Tail Whip.

Spearow (M)

Ability: Keen Eye. Moves: Peck, Leer, and Focus Energy

Chapter no.3 Viridian Forest

Austin stirred from his slumber, his eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room. He could hear the faint chirping of birds outside and the rustling of leaves against the windowpane. As he sat up, he felt the weight of something on his chest and looked down to see Pikachu curled up beside him, still sound asleep. Across the room, Spearow was perched on a wooden beam, his head hanging low as he slept.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Austin decided to consult his trusty Pokedex, which he pointed towards Spearow. "Spearow, the tiny bird Pokemon," the device beeped, "When children are too young to train pokemon, their mothers typically give them two pieces of advice: "Don't go into the tall grass" and "under no circumstances make a Spearow mad." It would do more trainers well to heed the second piece of advice, even once they get their first pokemon; alas, many are too hotheaded to listen.

Spearow are a rare and cowardly pokemon, but quick to anger; if a trainer is too weak to capture or kill one they antagonize (and they are quick to anger) a Spearow will call for backup from its friends, and young children who struggle with one of them now battle a whole flock.

Sometimes, trainers have already captured an electric, ice, or rock pokemon and can use its type advantage to survive, albeit typically in critical condition and dire need of a pokemon center. Far more often, young trainers are pecked and scratched to death, and their bodies along with those of their pokemon feed the victorious flock for an entire week."

Austin gulped as he heard the dex entry.

" This Spearow is male, and the ability is Keen Eye. Currently, it knows Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, and Fury Attack. The age of this Spearow is one year and two months."

Austin was surprised to learn that Spearow knew Fury Attack, a move he hadn't noticed the day before. "Perhaps the battle with Team Rocket granted him enough experience to learn a new move," he mused, hoping that there weren't any restrictions on the number of moves a Pokemon could learn.

Setting the Pokedex down, Austin made his way to the guest bathroom to freshen up before embarking on their next adventure. He hummed to himself as he entered the room and closed the door behind him, turning on the lights to see his reflection in the mirror. As he gazed at his face, he noticed the scratches still visible from his previous encounter with Team Rocket.

"At least these will heal with time," he muttered, his thoughts turning to the fact that he was now ten years old again. "Luckily, kids heal fast."

Suddenly, it dawned on him that he would have to go through puberty all over again. He let out a scream of frustration, causing Pikachu and Spearow to wake up in confusion, their eyes darting towards the bathroom door.


As Pikachu walked behind Austin, he couldn't help but feel confused. The sun was high in the sky, and the trees surrounding them seemed to glow with a vibrant green hue. The forest was alive with the sound of rustling leaves and the chirping of pidgeys. The smell of the forest was fresh and earthy, and the breeze carried the scent of wildflowers.

Austin and Pikachu were on their way to the next town, with Spearow safely resting in his Pokeball. They walked along the dirt path that led through the forest, their footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves.

As they walked, they came across Misty, who looked annoyed. Her hair was in a messy bun, and her clothes were dirty and disheveled. She was holding a Pokeball in one hand and crossing her arms with a scowl on her face.

"Something wrong?" Austin asked, noticing Misty's demeanor.

"I just found out how Team Rocket got away easily yesterday," Misty said, her voice laced with anger. "They stole my bike!"

Austin blinked not expecting that before he tried to imagine a paralyzed Meowth along with Jessie and James riding a one-person bike.

"I'm sure Officer Jenny will get it back," Austin said, trying to reassure her.

"I know, but I was planning on riding through Viridian Forest as fast as I could," Misty said, her arms still crossed as Austin remembered her bug phobia.

Austin shrugged. "Well, I hope you get it back soon." He said about to leave.

' Should I ask her to go on a journey with me?'

'I'd rather not.' Austin thought after a few minutes. 'Especially through Viridian Forest with her Bug Phobia.'


He barely made it outside of Viridian City when he saw a purple rat with a white underbelly, running out of the field and looking around as if for berries.

"A Rattata?" Austin muttered curiously before he looked at Pikachu. "Want to give it a try?"

Pikachu gave a nod and ran out, catching the Rattata's attention as it tensed.

"Thundershock," Austin ordered as Pikachu fired right as the Rattata dodged with some speed. "Whoa, that was a Quick Attack."

The Rattata ran again becoming a blur as it slammed into Pikachu sending him rolling on the ground.

Shaking his head, Pikachu looked annoyed.

"Growl," Austin ordered as Pikachu cried out and he swore he saw the Rattata glow a bit. 'So that's how those moves work.'

The Rattata tried for another Quick Attack, but this time Pikachu didn't budge.

"Grab him and use Thunder Shock," Austin ordered missing a look of annoyance in the Rattata's eyes as it was electrocuted.

Deciding that was enough, Austin threw the Pokeball as the Rattata was sucked in.

After a few tense seconds, the Pokeball dinged showing a successful capture as Austin grabbed the Pokeball.

"Alright, we got a Rattata," Austin said before shaking his head. 'Did I just do that?'

"Pi Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered.

Giving a grin, Austin checked the Pokedex as he let the Rattata out as glared at him. "Rattata, the Mouse Pokemon, are the only pokemon which are strongest at birth and grow weaker as they gain experience. This is not a strength every Rattata possesses, but one which requires a held item and is passed down through generations. Consequently, there are none who fear wild Rattata, but a trained newborn at the wrong time can terrify even the greatest of trainers.

The strategy relies on the fact that newborn Rattata have not yet developed their decent speed, and the opponent will always attack first, often with a damaging technique. The Rattata, badly wounded but alive because of a Focus Sash, retaliates with Endeavor and Quick Attack. There are countless workarounds which turn this narrow defeat into a narrow victory – poison, ghost-type pokemon. Trick Room, entry hazards, Sandstorm, or even Quick Attack from a faster pokemon, but the need to counter it just speaks to the fact that a newborn Rattata is respected at the top levels of the Pokemon League, and all the counters save ghosts still leave an enemy pokemon badly wounded. It is this strategy which gives rise to stories of Donphan fearing Rattata, and some say the strategy could even defeat Arceus himself.

It is, however, a tactic which is deadly only once in a pokemon's lifetime. Defeating a pokemon so much stronger than itself gives the Rattata a ton of experience, typically forcing them to evolve after the battle. When they evolve they gain the toughness to shrug off a weak attack and the speed to go first in battle, while the strategy relies on going second and being nearly knocked out. Some trainers continue to train them as Raticate, but it is rare for these trainers to make it very far at the Pokemon League." The Pokedex beeped as Pikachu and Austin looked at the dex with surprised eyes, not expecting such words to be thrown out for a Rattata.

"This Rattata is Female and the Ability is Guts. Currently, this Rattata knows Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, and Focus Energy. The Age of this Rattata is One Year and Eight Months."

Austin blinked as he realized the Rattata was a girl causing him to chuckle sheepishly as she glared at him.

" Uh, nice to meet you," Austin said as the Rattata turned away stubbornly. 'Man I seem to get all the stubborn ones.'

Sighing, Austin returned the Rattata as he continued onwards before looking at Pikachu. "Nice job by the way." He said to him.

"Pi." Pikachu looked a little embarrassed by the praise.

He barely made it into the forest when Austin stopped.

Blinking, Austin did so to see a green caterpillar Pokemon with a yellow underbelly and his eyes widened in recognition.

Austin took a Pokeball off his belt and enlarged it before tossing it as the Bug Pokemon was sucked in.

'Another capture.' Austin thought with a grin at this.

He always liked Butterfree.

Like in the Anime, the Bug Pokemon didn't put up too much of a fight as it was an easy capture.

" Four Pokemon, that's a great start wouldn't you say Pikachu?" Austin asked as the Electric Mouse gave a nod. "Now let's see what the Pokedex says about him."

"Caterpie, the Worm Pokemon, Of the five pokemon in Japanese continent which can learn String Shot, only Caterpie produce actual string. Weedle produce a weak fiber similar to cotton and of use solely for the construction of textiles. Wurmple produce a smooth silky thread which is pleasant to the touch, while Spinarak and Ariados produce a powerful adhesive.

For utility, however, none of these are as valuable as Caterpie string. For string can be used in archery, to make ropes, or for a thousand other things, half of them improvised in time of few other materials. Other fibers made from plants are occasionally used elsewhere, typically in places which lack trade links with Viridian City and its adjoining forest where most of Viridian's people work. The task is tough and thankless, for it requires extensive harvesting of leaves to feed the bug pokemon year-round. The string after spraying must be collected by hand, they must avoid battling them (save for the few lucky enough to afford everstones) as evolution weakens the string, and profits have never been very high. This Caterpie is Male and the is Ability Shield Dust." The Pokedex beeped. "Currently this Caterpie knows Tackle, String Shot, and Bug Bite. The Age of this Caterpie is Two Weeks."

Austin, upon witnessing the Bug Bite maneuver, was already taken aback, but the revelation of Caterpie's age left him even more astonished. "Two weeks?" he inquired in a state of shock, gazing upon the Pokeball containing the juvenile creature. 'That makes him the youngest of the others,'he realized with amazement.


Austin trudged through the dense forest, his boots crunching against fallen leaves and twigs. The trees were so thick here that the sun barely penetrated the canopy, casting the ground in an eerie greenish light. The air was thick with the hum of insects and the chatter of flying types, and Austin couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the teeming life all around him.

After a few hours of walking, Austin finally emerged into a small clearing. It was a relief to be able to see the sky above him, but the lack of cover also made him feel exposed. He had to be careful here; he knew that predators could lurk around any corner in this wild place.

Despite his unease, Austin decided to take advantage of the open space to train his Pokemon. Pikachu and Spearow had already been put through their paces earlier, when they'd had to fend off a wild Pidgey, but Caterpie hadn't yet had any combat experience. Austin knew that it was important to get the little bug-type up to speed if he was going to be a valuable member of the team.

Caterpie was timid at first, but he quickly warmed up to Austin and Pikachu. The trio spent some time practicing maneuvers, with Austin and Pikachu taking turns playing the part of the opponent. Rattata, on the other hand, refused to participate.

As evening drew near, Austin decided that it was time to make camp. He knew that he wouldn't be able to catch a Pidgeotto tonight, but he had no intention of sleeping out in the open, vulnerable to attack. Luckily, he'd spotted a familiar tree stump in the clearing; it was the same one that he'd seen in the anime. He figured that it would be a good place to set up camp for the night.

Austin unrolled his sleeping bag, a sturdy olive-green affair that he'd bought at the Viridian surplus store. He lay it out on the ground beside the stump, then turned to release the rest of his Pokemon. Spearow flew down from his perch on Austin's shoulder, while Rattata and Caterpie emerged from their pokeballs.

As Austin gathered firewood for the night, he kept an eye on his Pokemon. Spearow eyed Caterpie hungrily, causing the little bug-type to shiver with fear. Austin intervened, reminding Spearow that Caterpie was a member of the team, not a meal. Pikachu watched the exchange with a wary eye, clearly still wary of Spearow's predatory instincts.

As the sun sank below the horizon, Austin started a small fire, using a combination of dry leaves, twigs, and small branches. The flames cast flickering shadows across the clearing, illuminating the trees around them with an eerie orange glow. Austin sat down beside the fire, feeling the warmth on his face and hands.

"Well, what do you think about camping here tonight?" he asked his Pokemon.

"Pikachu!" the electric mouse cried, giving a cry of agreement.

Austin nodded. "Alright, I'll let Spearow and Rattata out as well."

As he released his other Pokemon, Austin watched as Rattata turned away from him, clearly uninterested in anything he had to say. He couldn't help but chuckle at her attitude.

"Well, maybe you'll change your mind about me," he said, grinning.

With his Pokemon settled in for the night, Austin stood up and announced ,"I'm going to go collect Firewood, Spearow come on."

"Pika?" Pikachu looked surprised by that as Spearow stretched his wings and flew to Austin, landing on his shoulder.

"I'm leaving you in charge while I'm gone Pikachu," Austin told him. 'Plus this way Spearow won't try to eat Caterpie while I'm gone.'

Pikachu got the message as he gave a nod. that he was going to collect firewood.


Spearow was quiet as he flew ahead landing on a tree branch as Austin gathered firewood, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to thoughts of his journey so far.

He pondered the new additions to his team, feeling a sense of pride that he was able to catch both Pikachu and Spearow in such a short amount of time. "Looks like my luck is greater than Ash's Luck," he mused, recalling the anime character's struggles in catching pokemon.

But Austin wasn't one to rest on his laurels. His mind raced with ideas on how to improve his team's skills. "How did Ash teach Pikachu Iron Tail?" he wondered aloud. "It wouldn't hurt to have him learn it early. Along with Steel Wing for Spearow and Dig for Rattata?"

As he collected the final piece of firewood, he heard the rustling of leaves again, but this time it was coming from behind him. He quickly turned around, but saw nothing. Just the endless expanse of trees and bushes.

"Must be my imagination," he muttered to himself as he turned back around, ready to head back to camp.


Pikachu sat on a log, his cheeks crackling with electricity as he waited for his trainer, Ash, to return. Beside him was Caterpie, a small, green, worm-like Pokémon with big, curious eyes. Across from them sat Rattata, a scrappy, brown rodent with sharp teeth and a short temper.

Pikachu tried to engage Rattata in conversation, but the other Pokémon only responded with grunts and glares. It wasn't until Caterpie started talking about its dream of becoming a Butterfree that Rattata began to soften.

As Caterpie chattered on about the freedom of flight, Rattata listened with interest. When Caterpie asked Pikachu about its dreams, the yellow mouse only shrugged. It seemed content to follow wherever Ash led.

Rattata, however, had big aspirations. She dreamed of becoming the world's strongest Rattata, and eventually, the strongest Raticate. Pikachu nodded in approval, admiring her ambition.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of beating wings. A Spearow flew into the clearing, followed by a young man carrying a stack of firewood.

"Any problems?" he asked Pikachu, who shook his head. The man, Austin, set to work building a fire, his mind wandering as he felt the heat of the flames.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The multiverse theory, which he had learned about in his world, suggested that there were infinite versions of reality, each with its own set of circumstances. Was it possible that he had somehow ended up in a different version of the Pokémon universe?

The more he thought about it, the more questions he had. Why was he in control of Ash's body? And where was Ash in this new reality? If Ash could see him now, with Pikachu and Caterpie by his side, would he feel a pang of jealousy? Or would he be understanding, knowing that it wasn't his fault?

As the fire crackled and the Pokémon chattered, Austin's thoughts swirled. He wondered if there was a way to get back to his own world, or if he was stuck here forever.

"There, we have fire!" he exclaimed in a caveman voice. The Pokémon gave him odd looks, but he didn't mind. He was lost in his own thoughts, searching for answers to questions that might never be answered.


Austin awoke to the gentle rays of the morning sun on his face, the warmth of the new day beckoning him to rise. As he struggled to shake off the remnants of sleep, he noticed the fire had gone out, the embers all but extinguished. Nearby, Pikachu, Rattata, and Caterpie slept soundly, nestled close to one another, while Spearow perched on a nearby tree branch, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings.

Suddenly, the flap of wings caught Austin's attention, and he looked up to see a majestic bird Pokémon covered in brown feathers, with a cream-colored face and underside, and pinkish-red feathers atop its head. Spearow, sensing the newcomer's presence, glared at the intruder and issued a challenge. The Pidgeotto responded in kind, its cry ringing out across the field.

Austin wasted no time in issuing his commands, "Fury Attack!" he called out, as Spearow swooped down and jabbed Pidgeotto with its sharp beak, eliciting a cry of pain from the larger bird. Pidgeotto retaliated with a quick attack, darting forward to strike at Spearow, but Austin was ready with his next move, "Twist while you're falling! Now use Peck!"

Spearow executed the move flawlessly, narrowly avoiding Pidgeotto's quick attack, and delivered a series of sharp pecks that sent Pidgeotto tumbling to the ground. Undeterred, Pidgeotto quickly regained its footing and launched a sand attack, but Spearow's keen eyesight allowed him to see through the cloud of dust, and he continued to press his attack, delivering another fierce flurry of pecks.

Pidgeotto, exhausted and battered, could no longer continue, and Austin made the decision to catch it. But to his surprise, Spearow pushed himself up, defiant and resolute. Austin hesitated, unsure whether to push the smaller bird to its limits, but Spearow gave a nod, determined to prove himself.

"Leer, and then Fury Attack!" Austin called out, and Spearow's eyes began to glow as Pidgeotto released another sand attack. But Spearow's Keen Eye ability allowed him to see through the cloud of dust, and he unleashed a devastating barrage of pecks, driving Pidgeotto to the ground once more.

Austin seized the moment and threw his Pokéball, capturing Pidgeotto to Spearow's surprise pretty easily.

"Alright." Austin cheered as Spearow cried out pointing a wing at Austin before himself.

Austin managed to get what he was saying.

"It's not that I don't think you're a strong flying type, but Pidgeotto would make a great training partner for you," Austin explained, recalling the epic battles from the anime. "Wouldn't you get stronger from having a Rival?"

Spearow considered this for a moment before nodding in agreement. He had always prided himself on his supremacy as a flyer, and the prospect of having a worthy opponent to push

Austin took out the Pokedex to check the data he managed to get. "Since ancient times, humans have sought to demonstrate their power and dominance through the adornment of precious stones and the feathers of Pidgeotto, the majestic bird pokemon. Men, in their quest for these coveted feathers, scoured the ground and searched the skies, eager to collect any shed feathers from the bird's regal head and tail. These feathers were then presented to their lords, who rewarded them handsomely for their efforts, cementing their status as powerful and influential figures in society. Such was the allure of the Pidgeotto feather, that it became a symbol of leadership and authority, a coveted accessory for those who sought to assert their dominance in the world.

But as history marched onward, humans gained better technology and harder hearts, and turned from scavenging Pidgeotto feathers to hunting them themselves. The feathers changed from adorning the headdresses of tribal chiefs to the thrones of great kings, and with it Pidgeotto went from nearly as numerous as Pidgey in the wild to an uncommon or even rare pokemon.

In these times a mix of environmental awareness and republican spirit has reduced the frequency of the hunt, and wild Pidgeotto have begun to appear again in areas where they had not been sighted for decades. The Pidgeotto have maintained their brilliant pink and yellow plumage through the centuries to attract mates, and developed a ferocity to match: many humans and pokemon over the years have been eaten by Pidgeotto who fought to protect their feathers, and the hunt now only serves to cull the weak from the flock. This Pidgeotto is Female and the Ability is Tangled Feet." The Pokedex informed him. "Currently this Pidgeotto knows Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, and Quick Attack. The Age of this Pidgeotto is Nine Months."

"Another girl?" Austin said in surprise because he always thought of Pidgeotto as a Male as a kid.

"Well, we have a new friend guys," Austin said not believing that he had five Pokemon already and he wasn't even out of the Forest. 'Just one more and I'll have a full team.'

He was just about to start cleaning up the camp when he swore he heard voices nearby.

"We've been wandering this forest for a while, I thought you knew where the exit was Jessie."

Austin's eyes widened. 'It couldn't be.'

"It's not my fault you couldn't peddle that bike correctly." Jessie's voice snapped as they sound like they were getting closer.

Pikachu and Spearow tensed, recognizing those voices while Caterpie and Rattata looked confused.

"Meowth, I can't believe that bike was destroyed by those Wild Pikachu."

"Ugh just seeing a Pikachu reminds me of that twerp." Jessie snarled as Austin went slowly back away only to step on a fallen tree branch and a loud snap was made.

"Wait I just heard something, I think someone is nearby." James' voice sounded relieved. "Maybe they'll know the way out of here."

That was all the warning had before the Rocket Trio came out of the trees nearby.

"Thank Goodness-." James stopped as they saw Austin.

"It's the twerp!" Meowth said as Jessie smirked.

"We found you just like we planned."

"I heard you guys being lost." Austin deadpanned to them. "And I don't know where the exit is either, but it should be nearby."

"We don't need directions," James said as Jessie got into position.

"Prepare for Trouble."

"Make it Double-."

"Thundershock the ground in front of them."

"What-?" All of them were interrupted by a Thundershock that caused them to back up.

Jessie was the first one to recover. "Hey at least let us finish our Motto."

"I heard it last time," Austin said shaking his head. "You do realize no one is going to take you seriously if you do that."

'I can't stand hearing that Motto again.' Austin thought as both Jessie and James just took their Pokeballs and sent Ekans and Koffing out.

"We owe you some payback for getting in our way in Viridian," Jessie said with a smirk.

James had the same look. "And what better way than to take your Pokemon away?"

"So this again-?" Austin gave a grin as he looked back. "Rattata, Pikachu you guys up for it?"

Both Mice Pokemon gave a nod as Caterpie was relieved at not going against them while Spearow looked annoyed, but relented due to fighting the Pidgeotto earlier.

"Koffing Sludge Attack," James ordered as the Koffing shot the sludge towards Pikachu who barely ducked.

"Rattata use Quick Attack," Austin ordered as the small rat took off at a high speed towards Koffing. "Pikachu aim your Thundershock at the Ekans."

"Burrow underground." Jessie countered as Ekans dodged the electric attack by diving into the ground while Koffing took a Quick Attack, but he was still in the fight.

James called out a Smog as the Rattata coughed before Ekans burrowed out of the ground, catching Rattata in his mouth.

Eyes widening, Austin did the only thing he could think of. "Rattata return!" He said recalling the little rat before Ekans could eat her.

Pikachu was distracted by what nearly happened that he didn't see the Sludge Attack until it hit him in the face, knocking him back next to Austin as his eyes were covered, leaving him out of the fight.

Austin was surprised by that because while he understood that they did that before the battle in the Anime, the Rocket Trio were tougher than they appeared in the show.

"You give little boy?" Jessie taunted. "Face it you can't beat us."

"We may let you go with no injuries if you give us your Pokemon." James offered confidently.

"No," Austin told them with a glare as Spearow flew into the field while he sent Pidgeotto out, who looked injured but ready to fight. "I'm never going to give them up."

Pidgeotto and Spearow glared at each other though but they looked back at Team Rocket as they tensed to fight.

"Pidgeotto uses Sand Attack and Spearow starts with Leer," Austin ordered wanting to lower their accuracy and defense.

It worked as sand was blowing everywhere covering not just the Pokemon's eyes, but Team Rocket's as well.

"Meowth I can't see."

Seeing that Leer was taking effect, Austin got on the Offensive. "Pidgeotto Quick Attack on Koffing. Spearow Fury Attacks him as well."

He planned to take them down one at a time so he wouldn't have to worry about both of them.

Koffing cried out as both attacks connected causing him to fall over unconscious much to James's shock.

"Koffing!" James called out as Jessie saw she was alone with Ekans still blinded by the sand.

"Get Underground now," Jessie ordered, but Austin wasn't about to let that happen again.

"Quick Attack to launch him into the air." He ordered as Pidgeotto slammed into the Ekans making him fly up. "Now Spearow use Peck!"

Spearow did just that, sending Ekans into the ground where he remained unmoving.

Jessie gritted her teeth as she returned him.

Meowth laughed and walked in with his claws out. "Now watch a real Pokemon in action." He said as he saw Spearow and Pidgeotto panting hard.

It was the combination of fighting each other followed by the fight against Team Rocket that tired them out.

"Pidgeotto, Spearow return," Austin said with a smirk. "Caterpie you're up."

"What, you're sending a measly little bug against me?" Meowth asked as both Bird Pokemon looked at Austin in confusion while the little Bug crawled forward.

"String Shot," Austin said as Caterpie shot Meowth with so much string shot that he looked like a mummified Pokemon causing him to blink as he couldn't move.

Jessie and James backed up as they saw that Austin still had Spearow and Pidgeotto as he sent Rattata back out along with the Caterpie while they had no other Pokemon.

Reaching down to grab Meowth they did the smart thing and ran for it. "This is the second time you humiliated us," Jessie told him as they were backing up. "Next time you won't get so lucky."

"Be wary kid, you made an official enemy out of us," James said before they ran off.

Austin glared before he blinked.

He won against them again.

In a Double Battle no less.

Giving a grin, Austin began laughing in relief as he fell on his butt causing the Pokemon to give him a concerned look. "Man you all did great." He said before remembering that Pikachu's eyes were still covered. "Pikachu come here."

Austin grabbed a cloth and a bottle of water from his backpack as Pikachu did so, before pouring some water on the cloth as he began to wipe the sludge out of his eyes so he could see again.

'That was awesome .' Austin thought as Pikachu cried with happiness at being able to see again.

Putting the water bottle up, Austin smiled at the team. "So who's hungry?" He asked remembering that they didn't have any breakfast due to what happened.


"I can't believe we lost to a brat!" Jessie snapped as she and James were on a red bike, pedaling through the Viridian Forest, a paralyzed Meowth in the basket.

"I can't believe we're on a one-person bike," James complained as this was a bit uncomfortable.

Meowth twitched. "I can't believe a mouse beat us." He muttered in annoyance.

Eventually, the Rocket Trio had to stop and rest, a campfire going in the Viridian Forest to keep the wild Pokemon away while James tended to Ekans, Koffing, and Meowth.

"So what do we tell the boss?" James asked after the Pokemon were taken care of.

"Nothing," Jessie quickly said surprising James as she stood up. "We tell him that the police interfered rather than a kid."

"Right, if the boss finds out a measly kid stopped us we'll be laughingstocks." Meowth had a scared look. "And he'll choose to keep that Persian over Meowth."

"But what if the Boss finds out?" James asked a bit worried. "We'll end up in worse trouble if he finds out we lied to him."

"If he finds out," Jessie told him, a frown on her face. "I have no desire to tell him and Meowth doesn't, do you?"

James looked nervous and held his hands up in a placating manner. "No, I don't." He said to the fiery magenta.

Meowth went to say something only to pause as the bushes started to rustle. "Hey, fellas-."

"Good, now with that out of the way that twerp is sure to come through the forest so we can get our revenge by ambushing him outside of Pewter City." Jessie began to explain the plan, ignoring Meowth trying to get their attention. "We do that and we steal his Pokemon to teach him not to interfere with Team Rocket, get our vengeance, and avoid being laughingstocks."

"I like the plan but there's one problem, which way is Pewter City?" James asked earning a nervous chuckle from Jessie as she truly didn't know considering they were riding like a Zubat out of hell to get ahead of the authorities.

"We'll find that out soon-." Jessie stopped when Meowth finally jumped on her head causing her to scream in annoyance. "What is it?!"

"We have company," Meowth explained, making the two stop and look to see the bushes all around them rustling.

Koffing and Ekans got ready to defend their trainers while both Jessie and James looked nervous.

They didn't like not seeing who was around them.

"Chu?" A wild Pikachu popped its head out of the bushes with a curious look on its face.

"A Pikachu?" Meowth asked in surprise while Jessie frowned, being reminded of the twerp back in Viridian.

"Shoo, get out of here," Jessie told it harshly.


"Jessie I'm not sure you should be doing that," James said a bit nervously, no doubt not wanting to be electrocuted, especially when they heard more rustling.

Jessie however wasn't listening as she was too tired to care, angry at the reminder of their failure, and hungry to boot.

"I said get out of here." Jessie grabbed a rock and lobbed it at the Pikachu, making it duck before it glared, cheeks sparking.

"Oh man," Meowth had wide eyes as more Pikachu's popped out their cheeks sparking. "You did it now."

Now even Jessie looked a bit sheepish before the Pikachu unleashed a combined Thundershock-electrocuting them while the bike near them was fried.

"T-Twice in one day?" Meowth asked fidgeting from the shock.


Austin's Pokemon team:

• Pikachu (M) with Static ability and Thundershock, Growl, and Tail Whip moves.

• Spearow (M) with Keen Eye ability and Peck, Leer, and Focus Energy moves.

• Rattata (F) with Guts ability and Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, and Focus Energy moves.

• Caterpie (M) with Shield Dust ability and Tackle, String Shot, and Bug Bite moves.

• Pidgeotto (F) with Tangled Feet ability and Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, and Quick Attack moves.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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