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Forced to Marry at 15 to a Mobster [Unedited]

Episode 1

Madison Gonzalez

My name is Madison Gonzalez, and I just turned 15. I live in a beautiful place in South America. While my life isn't the best, I try to make it seem all right. My parents don't give me the love I deserve— they're always too busy with work. To be more precise, they both are infatuated with money and forget they have a daughter. But on the upside, I lack nothing, and so I don't complain. I'm a girl with many dreams to fulfill and wishes waiting to come true. I may look angelic on the outside, and indeed, I am kind-hearted. But make no mistake, I won't let anyone intimidate me. I despise misogyny and have no patience for arrogant people. In short, I rarely let anyone silence me.

Leandro Morelli

My name is Leandro Morelli. At 22 years old, I'm Italian and have a certain fondness for women— I like them under my control. Of course, I'm a mafioso, but not just any mafioso. I am the most powerful in all of Italy and beyond. I relish a bit of fun. A serious relationship is certainly not on my agenda, not even the slightest consideration. To me, women are just a waste of time. I use them, and then I dispose of them. If someone gets in my way or if something needs to be dealt with, I won't hesitate for a second to kill. I'm a man with little patience; I might even say I'm a psychopath.



Today, I am both angry and sad. My parents came home last night while I was in my room chatting on the phone with my friends. They told me something that crushed me inside.

Your father (Mr. Simon): "Look, we’ll be straightforward with you, daughter. Your mother and I have decided to move to Italy for a very promising business opportunity and investment. In light of that, we’ll be leaving in two days, and we want you to start getting ready and say goodbye to your friends. That's all there is to it."

Madison: "Wait, is this some kind of joke? But really, why am I even surprised? The two of you always do whatever it takes for money. You're both..."

Your mother (Mrs. Georgina): "Be silent!" She slaps you. "Can’t you just keep quiet and obey for once? Why do you always have to defy us? I don't understand what you complain about; you have everything you could want, but you still can't keep your mouth shut. You're such a spoiled brat!"

Mr. Simon: "Enough, enough, calm down, my love. Look what you're making her do, brat! Just obey, damn it!"

He raises his voice, startling you.**

"You have two days," he says angrily.

They leave and slam the door shut.*

After my mother hit me, I didn't know what else to say. Tears started flowing as my cheek burned. Thinking that my mother would hit me fills my heart with anguish and tightens my throat. She's not the same as she was years ago— that mother who doted on me, showered me with kisses, told me bedtime stories, and baked cookies. I can't comprehend how she changed so drastically and how time flew so quickly. Money changed her after she got involved in my father's business ventures. Originally, she said it would only be a few days— something to explore because my father proposed it, her having some knowledge in accounting, but she had to stop because of her pregnancy. But as days passed, she grew increasingly distant until they hired a nanny for me.

That's why the slap hurt so much; she's become even more callous than my father.

With my father, it's almost the same story, but my mother’s ambition took her much further in being neglectful of me. At least my father talks to me, and he has never hit me.


Today has been particularly exhausting, but nothing I can't handle. To ordinary folk, it might seem like chaos, but for me, it's rather straightforward— I'm talking about trafficking arms, drugs, and other things. All that's my life, constant to-ing and fro-ing under the nose of the police. Damn those idiots; they annoy me. If I could snap my fingers and kill them all, it would be such a pleasure. But alas, while not all can escape my wrath, I yearn to see them suffer.

Life's not great, but I've got both money and power, and that's more than enough. Love doesn't concern me in the slightest.

Heading into my favorite nightclub, this place isn't just any club. It's filled with powerful individuals, other mafiosos, but the difference is, I'm above them all— I dominate this country and more. I walk in flanked by my men, needing to blow off the stress I've accumulated.

Alisia (one of the managers): "Oh, look who we have here! The most feared mafioso in all of Italy, the great Leandro. What brings you around, handsome?" Her voice is sultry with a smirk forming on her lips.

Leandro: "The usual business."

Alisia: "Yeah, of course," she replies, her tone serious since he's not paying attention to her, though deep down, Alisia harbors a bit of a crush on him. Despite being slightly older, she's drop-dead gorgeous, not looking her thirty years in the slightest.

"We have some beautiful women ready, and there's a room set up for you."

She hands the keys to a waitress.

Alisia: "Take Mr. Leandro to one of the best rooms."

Waitress: "Right away, Miss Alisia."

Alisia: "The ladies will be in your room shortly, Mr. Leandro. They are stunning and have figures to die for, just as you like."

She says with a smile, aiming to please.

Leandro: "They'd better be up to standard. I don't pay good money for poor service."

Alisia: "No worries. You'll be well taken care of," she assures him with a submissive grin.

Leandro gives her no further attention and walks away.

Episode 2


The morning started off a bit odd, unlike the usual start to my days, especially after last night's news that had visibly altered my body language. By tomorrow, I would be leaving for what would become my temporary new home.

My parents weren't at home, as they probably were at the company. Meanwhile, I busied myself packing my belongings, and in a few hours, I would meet my friends to inform them of everything. Truth be told, I was really going to miss them 😖. I had grown up with them since childhood—they were my company during lonely times.

Later on, it was just past noon when my friends arrived at my house. I had invited them here because my parents didn't allow me to go out.

First to arrive was Sofia, who was like an older sister to me, followed by Luis, my confidant. I greeted them with a big hug, which took them by surprise.

Sofia: Hey hey, what's up? And what’s with this hug??

Luis: Yeah, Madison, what's going on?

They both looked at me somewhat sadly, aware that I wasn't one to give hugs so spontaneously. I hug people, but not casually or often.

Madison: It's just that... Ohhh!! I don't know how to tell you guys I said with a sad face*

Sofia and Luis: Come on, spit it out, you’re making us worry, dummy they said sarcastically*

Madison: It's just that my parents struck a new deal, according to them, and we're moving to Italy—tomorrow. And the worst part is I don't know if I'll ever come back—I rattled out almost in tears*

Guys, I really don't want to leave. I... I'm going to miss you all so much I said, now crying

\The three of us embraced tightly and wept*

Sofia: I don't know what to say, my friend, seriously. It won't be the same without you she said, unable to stop crying and hugging me

\Luis simply held us and sobbed.


I packed my suitcases with tears in my eyes, the swell from last night's crying still evident.

Going downstairs, my parents already awaited me, their expressions solemn.

Madison’s mother: Are you ready??

Come on, we'll be late for the airport.

Madison: Yes, I'm ready! I replied sternly*

\It took less than 10 minutes to get to the airport. I didn't want to board that stupid plane. There was a moment when I cursed, wishing it would just crash, caring little if I died. I was so angry and sad at the same time that I wasn't thinking straight, and before I knew it, I was already inside the damned plane.

It was a painfully long and stressful journey. I didn't even get a proper goodbye with my friends. The memory of them filled me with sadness.

If you wonder how I'm going to study there without knowing the language, don’t worry, I do speak Italian—my grandparents were Italian. Although my parents didn't teach me properly, my private school did, choosing English and Italian as part of our language curriculum. That's why I'm trilingual: Spanish, Italian, and English, albeit my English could be better.

According to my parents, they had everything planned out for the move, but what I'm curious about is what sort of business they've gotten into because it all seems so strange to me. Aside from that, I hope to make friends and get along well with them. I've always wanted to visit Italy; they say it's beautiful.



These past two days have been dreadful, yet everything unfolded just as I wanted, I assured myself with a sly smile*

I was in my office, running a clothing company that serves as a cover for my true dealings as a mafioso. Despite that, I'm a CEO and my business is doing more than fine.

Someone knocked on the door*

Leandro: Yes? Who is it?! I asked in a stern tone*

It’s me...

\It was my best friend and right-hand man, Maximo.

Maximo: I came to tell you that the new investors have just arrived in Italy for the contract.

Leandro: Good, good. Tell them I want to see them here in my office tomorrow.

Maximo: As you wish...

But I have a question, my friend... he said, squinting his eyes*

Leandro: Out with it I said seriously, taking a glass of whisky.

Maximo: Why broker deals with small companies when ours is more than capable of handling deals with those three times more profitable?

Leandro: Oh, my friend, my friend... I let out a short laugh before quickly regaining sobriety*...

Don't you think? You know what we are and so we must appear as something else, or they'll suspect us, and we’ll be in deep trouble. I thought that was clear to you.

Maximo: Ah, right, that minor detail slipped my mind he said, laughing ironically*. Alright, I need to get back to work and let the "new investors" know about tomorrow's meeting. See you, my friend!

After my friend left, my assistant came in to keep me company, aware as my best friend that she's part of the mafia circle.

Claudia: I sensed from afar you wanted company, so here I am she said seductively, biting her lip.

Leandro: It show’s that you know me well I said, clearly excited and hormones raging.

Without anymore words, I pulled her by the waist, pushed her onto the desk, and began to kiss her ferociously. With a single movement, I removed her skirt, pushed aside her panties, and penetrated her immediately.

Episode 3

On Madison's Side

We had arrived at, well, more accurately a mansion; it was so vast that it seemed to be my new home.

"Well, it looks like this is my new home," I told myself with a sigh.

I carried my belongings up to the room my mother had indicated. When I entered, I was taken aback by its luxury and size; it was beautiful, with a spacious bathroom and closet. I liked it a lot!

My mother came to my room and told me to stay there and not to go out, as they were off to meet the new investor, the reason we were here. I nodded and then she said something that actually made me a little happy.

Mrs. Georgina: "You'll start school tomorrow, so make sure you're ready, alright?" she said, quite stern.

Madison: I just nodded seriously in response.

The truth was, I wasn't in the mood to talk to them. I was upset about being forced to come here.

I began to unpack, organizing my clothes in the closet and other items. Traveling had worn me out, and I couldn't wait to finish and lie down to sleep. It made me wonder if my parents weren't tired, as they had left as soon as we arrived. Clearly, their ambition knew no bounds, ugh. Besides, I didn't want to get involved in their business; I had already made the mistake of overhearing one of my father's phone conversations full of lies. Believe it or not, my parents are proficient at lying and scams. I'd never imagined them that way, but over time, I had come to realize the truth and decided it was better to keep out of their affairs. I want to be independent, and as soon as I turn 18, I plan to move out and get a job to support myself.

I finished arranging everything and collapsed onto the bed, ready to sleep all day, even though we had arrived early in Italy.

I miss my country and friends, I almost sobbed as I drifted off to sleep.

On Leandro's Side

A knock at the door.

Leandro: "Who is it?" I asked sternly.

Secretary: "Sir, sorry to disturb you, I wanted to let you know the new investors have arrived and wish to see you."

Leandro: "Yes, yes, let them in."

Secretary: "Right away, sir."

Exit Secretary.

Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez: "Good morning, Mr. Leandro, a pleasure to meet you. I am Simon Gonzalez, and this is my wife, Mrs. Georgina Gutierrez Gonzalez."

Leandro greeted them with a handshake and a half-hearted smile.

I already knew what kind of people they were. You may wonder why I continued doing business with them. Upon investigating, I discovered they had a 15-year-old daughter, strikingly beautiful for her age. I want her for myself. I've never been with someone so young, but since seeing her picture, I can't get her out of my mind, and that's unbearable.

Putting that aside, the meeting with these "scammers" lasted a while, and we reached an agreement in which I invested a considerable sum in their firm.

Of course, I knew what these two were up to and hoped my plan would unfold as I intended. Money isn't an issue for me, and this situation was no exception. I intended to give them a taste of their own medicine. I thought to myself with a side smirk.

Back with Madison

I woke up, and it was already 2 p.m. I quickly got up, freshened up in the bathroom, and then dressed in something comfortable for a little exploration outside the house; the garden was expansive, but I couldn't venture further given I was not familiar with the area and didn't want to get lost.

My outfit…

By the way, although I'm 15, I look more like 18, with an average height (1.63m), rather slim, and I enjoy a bit of exercise. My skin is neither too pale nor tanned; I have chestnut hair and what I love most about myself are my eyes because they are a unique color, or so I think, complimented by my long eyelashes.

No, I'm certainly not narcissistic, if that's what you're guessing; it's just that sometimes I have to acknowledge it because that's what people tell me.

I decided to head down from my room to grab some lunch and saw a woman in the kitchen. She appeared to be in her late forties or early fifties; I think my mother mentioned they'd hire a housekeeper. To avoid any misunderstanding, I decided to ask.

Madison: "Excuse me, good morning, who might you be?" I said politely.

Housekeeper: "Oh, my apologies, good morning, miss. My name is Esperanza, your housekeeper. Your parents told me you were still asleep, and I didn't want to wake you. I just arrived today and am starting the job. Would you like something to eat?" she asked.

Madison: "Oh, I see. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Esperanza, and please call me Madison, not miss," I said with a warm smile. "And yes, I won't deny I'm quite hungry; I haven't eaten anything since I got here today," I admitted with an exaggeratedly sad and ravenous look.

Housekeeper: "Very well then, I'll serve you some delicious pasta right away, Madison," she said with a smile.

Madison: "I'm sure it will be." I replied, smiling.

Ms. Esperanza served me the meal, and I devoured it quickly; she was right, it was exquisite. I finished in 10 minutes and took the chance to ask for a little more.

What can I say, I love to eat and enjoy trying new things.

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