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Dear Diary

Blurb and Author's thoughts

Author's thoughts

Hello! readers. This is the author here. Dear Diary is a collaboration novel with my best friend kpop anime wonders. This is our first novel. We have been brainstorming this story for a long time and I am finally writing this. Even though we have spent lot of time in planning the story we still haven't completed planning it. So please feel free to leave your suggestions for this story. We would love to see them. We have been inspired by many things for writing this such as anime, k-dramas, other mangas and novels and even songs. So you will find an essence of everything here. We hope that you like reading this novel and love and support our work. We will try our best to not disappoint you. Thank you for coming here.

Blurb of the story

This story is about a shy and introverted girl Iris. She is in the second year of high school. Although Iris is a brilliant student who aces every tests she is still not sure about what she wants to do in

This is Iris.

One thing she is sure about is her secret crush on her childhood friend Carter who is also the school's soccer team captain which she has been harbouring from her middle school years. She decides to confess to him only to find out that he is actually dating Sophie, the school diva who is also the daughter of the school principal. Soon she meets the new transfer student of her class. Even though Iris is sure that she has never met that boy before, he calls her by her name the first time they meet. She is even partnered with the mysterious boy for completing their Chemistry assignment. Not only that he also works at the same part-time job as her. As she continues to unexpectedly bump into him she finds out about his life and secrets. How did the boy know her name? What does he hide? Will Iris ever discover her dream? Find out the answers of these questions by reading Iris's diary.

This story is about the regular diary entries of our main character Iris. And the stories of her beautiful high school life revolving around the mysterious boy, the soccer team captain, the school diva, her best friend who is also the diva's rival and her homeroom and chemistry teacher.

SPOILER* This story has bits of k-pop and anime so we hope that k-pop and anime lovers are going to enjoy reading this novel.

P.S. - The pictures used in this novel is not mine. The pictures are taken from Google and belong to its respective owners.

If you like this novel then please like, subscribe and comment. We hope you will love and support our work. Thank you for coming and reading Dear Diary. We are very grateful for your support.

Chapter 1

Saturday, 16th May 2020

Dear Diary,

School is finally opening after summer vacation and I am so happy. I will finally meet Carter. It's been so long since I last saw him. Almost a month. But the most important thing is that I decided to at last confess to him. Like I have had a crush on him since middle school but I haven't been able to confess and right now I am in my second year of high school.

  It's like every time I meet him I don't know what happens to me. I start doing crazy things and become extra shy. Whenever I look into his eyes I feel like I am in heaven. You know his sweet, chocolate like eyes can even melt rocks. And the way he pushes his blonde hair back It's like .................. I don't have words to explain.


Although we have been friends from primary school I am so very nervous about confessing. Poor me can ace every test but can't properly talk to a boy I like. But like anybody would be nervous to about confessing to him. He is literally the most popular boy in our school. Also he is the captain of our school's soccer team. I don't expect him to like me back. Like even the prettiest girls in our school are after him. There's no way he would an antisocial girl like me. Still Grace always tells me that she thinks that Carter likes me back. Yeah he always helps me and stuff but that's just him being helpful.

Carter is not only good at sports but also an excellent student. While I am only good at studies . I wish I could be more social like him or even Grace. Grace is one of the most popular girls in our school that sometimes I wonder how come she is my best friend. Half of the boys in our school like her although she has got a boyfriend. While I am a loner who can only get the highest score.

I really hope tomorrow passes real quick so that I can go confess to Carter. Although I know he would never accept my confession still the good news is that he hasn't got a girlfriend or a girl he likes. That is good enough for me. Oh! I forgot to call Grace and tell her about my plan. Well I guess I just have to call her tomorrow. It's already really late.

Also I am really scared we had our exams right before summer vacation. I hope I did well. Otherwise if I didn't the school will terminate my scholarship. I really don't want to be a burden on my parents. They already have so much on their mind. The officials are thinking about closing the city library. If that happens daddy will lose his job. As it is we are not in a great position financially. I really hope I don't lose my scholarship.

Well it's already really late so I'll just go to sleep rather than worrying about these problems. See you later diary. Good Night.

Chapter 2

Sunday, 17th May,2020

Dear Diary,

Noooo! Nooooo! Why does this always happen to me? Why am I so unlucky? Today Grace called me early in the morning.

Grace: Hey! Iris. Are you in a good condition?

Me: Yeah. Why? What happened?

Grace: It:s just that I have got a news for you and it's not a pleasant one.

Me: Come on now. Tell me what it is.

Grace: You sure you can handle it?

Me: Yeah I am sure.

Grace: Okay. So listen to me, ....... Carter has a girlfriend.

Me: ................................

Grace: Girl you okay.

Me: Who?

Grace: Umm.... that crazy, psycho witch ..... Sophie.

Me: *Hangs up the phone and starts crying.

I cried so much that my eyes became red and puffy*.


Why? Why? Why? Yesterday I was so happy thinking Carter doesn't have a girlfriend. And ..... and now he is dating right before the day I thought about confessing to him and that to Sophie.

Okay. So Sophie is the diva of our school. She is really popular both inside and outside school. Also her mother is the principal of our school. Her father is the business partner of Carter's father and both of them own a huge furniture company known as "Antique Log". That being said she is crazy. But she is not at all good in studies. Sophie is also a member of our school's cheerleading team. Oh! and did I mention she absolutely detests me and has been bullying me since childhood. Like couldn't Carter date like any other girl in this world. Well still Sophie is rich and of his standard while I am way below that. It's only right that Carter dates a girl like Sophie. Guess I'll just have to forget about him and focus on getting my scholarship. But it's not so easy to do so. I don't know how I am going to face Carter tomorrow. I'll have to avoid him and Sophie. God please don't let me run into them please please please. I don't know how I'll react if I see them together. It's so hard to accept this fact that they are dating.



This is Sophie


By the way, today mom sent to the supermarket to do grocery shopping. I was busy thinking about Carter and Sophie that I didn't notice things around me. And I literally bumped into a boy. We both fell down.


Me: Oh my god! I am so sorry. I didn't mean it.

The boy: No it's okay. Are you fine, Iris.

Me: Yeah. I am fine but do I know you. How come you know my name? ( The boy helped me stand up)

The boy: Oh! That! ummm..... Actually........ I saw someone call you by your name some days back.

Me: Oh! okay. ..... Well then bye.

The boy: Yeah bye.


Well that boy was surely really really wierd. And I really didn't buy his explanation of knowing my name. I really hope that he is not some kind of stalker. But right now I don't have time to worry about those things. Right now I should try forget Carter. Even though I knew I could never be his girlfriend it's so devastating to believe that he has a girlfriend and that too Sophie. Atleast I am hoping that I don't run into them tomorrow and also that I get that scholarship. Otherwise my time at Riverview highschool will be over.


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