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In A Fantasy World: My Marriage Life

One night stand?

“Dang-git, I really drank a lot yesterday.” Mira woke up holding her head only to realize that she was in an unfamiliar room. The things that happened last night suddenly rushed into her mind. “Oooh, this hangover is about to kill me.” At that moment, she really was not able to think much about yesterday’s event. Her head was aching so much that she wished she could just cut off her head from her body to lighten the pain. Well, that’s totally impossible.

Wait, her hand touched something, something like a muscle of a man? She fully opened her half-closed eyes. What she saw next made her run out of the room as fast as she could. She was ***** so she had to grab her clothes that were lying on the floor. Some familiar yet unfamiliar clothes of man were scattered on the floor as well. She managed to silently dress herself and run out of the room without waking the wild man who was sleeping next to her.

Only when she reached her room and closed the door did she manage to relax a little. She quickly grabbed the hangover medicine from h medicine box and gobbled it with spring water.  She glanced at the table clock and then remembered that she only had an hour left before the appointment time. She had to pick up her parents who were coming from the countryside from the station. And before that, she had to tidy herself and her room which was in a total mess.

Her head was still aching. But just like always, she reminded herself not to drink too much next time and started to manage her room. By the time she cursorily tidied her room, half an hour had already passed. She went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower, put on some tidy clothes, drank a cup of spring water, and ran out as fast as she could with her wet hair.

She was walking as fast as she could but she knew she was going to be late. Her parents would have to wait for

some time. Hopefully, she won’t get scolded. “I will just make up some excuses if they ask me why I am late.”

Mira is not her real name. It’s the name of the girl in whose body she currently resides. You won’t believe how shocked she was when she woke up in a thatched hut about a year ago. That unbelievable experience, she still remembers everything clearly like it was just yesterday.

She should have been in heaven right now. No, she should have been in hell. At the age of 27, she was sacrificed in order to complete a mission that she believes she totally deserved. After all, before she could even remember, she was already trained to assassinate people and she had killed more than she could remember.

 She was an orphan so she should have been grateful that someone was even willing to bring her up and teach her some assassination skills. But at some point, she was not content. She felt like something was missing but she did not know what.

Every day, she was living a life with the only goal of completing the assigned missions. She was not alone. There

were lots of orphans like her. Though their number greatly decreased day by day, no one inquired about their whereabouts. The first lesson they learned was to not ask any questions and do their work without being curious about other things.

Mira had to carry out those missions in human society along with other trained individuals. Even though the secret organization had tried to make her a perfect killing machine without emotions & ambitions, at some point observing the people during her missions made her realize that people could also live a normal life without any murders. By the time she realized this normal thing, it was too late for her to turn back and live a normal life.

She knew that but she was helpless and could only continue living her life as she had before. At least she had enough food to fill her stomach this way. She was not pitiful. At least she thought so. She had to try and be content. She had no one to help her even if she wanted to escape. To be more precise, she never even thought of escaping from there. She had nowhere to go. The thought of escaping didn’t even cross her mind at that time.

Every mission she was part of was very dangerous. She did not know if she was doing a good thing by killing those people. She did not even realize that she could think about things other than those missions.

That last particular mission she was part of her previous life that would have been completed even without her having to die but she was given the mission to die and without even thinking much about it, she jumped in front of the bullets.~

Adapting to Reality

When a girl who had never considered thinking suddenly remembered a 17-year-old girl. “I guess god wanted me to live a normal life, so he sent me to the body of this young girl in this peaceful time.” That’s the first thing she thought after properly getting those sad memories.

She didn’t question the unbelievable reality that was happening to her. It was thanks to her experience as an assassin in her previous life that she was able to quickly adapt to the new change.

From her memories of Mira, she found out that she was not on Earth. The best proof was, unlike earth, there were seven moons in the sky at night in her current world.

When she saw her reflection in the old mirror of that broken room, she nearly killed herself. She was not taken care of properly. Her face was yellow, and no meat could be seen on her cheek. She looked like a hungry ghost. If one were to see her in that condition, they would say she is malnourished.

Mira was found by a family on the mountain road 15 years ago. She was wrapped properly in a very high-quality blanket. The only thing that was with Mira’s younger self was a pendant, which looked very old and dirty.

The family had recently lost their child, so after discussing properly, they talked to their village head about the child and decided to adopt her. At that time, there was chaos everywhere. Many families had thrown their children into the mountains because they lacked food at home. So no one thought of inquiring about Mira’s origin.

In the male dominant society, mainly daughters were directly killed after birth and recorded as born dead. Officials would close one eye on these cases after taking some money or food from them. Human trafficking was also at its peak at that time. Many families would buy brides for their sons.

So, in that situation, Mira was adopted, loved and taken care of by that kind Cole family. She was considered a truly lucky child because when families would even kill their own child to get more bites of food, she was brought up properly, even as an adopted daughter. She had basic things given to her. Not only that, but she would have to help with housework, but she was not sent to work in a field, unlike other kids in the village. This continued until she was 10 years old. Say it luck or unlucky, the Cole family gave birth to their own biological child that year.

There was a scarcity of food everywhere. Even if they were farmers, they had to give more than half of the grown crops to the government as tax for using the land to cultivate so, there was barely enough food to fill their stomachs.

Dolores Cole was a very kind mother. Even if she loved her son more than Mira and very tasty food was given to him, she would still give some food to Mira.

 William Cole, her adopted father, never really interfered in anything. All the decision-making inside the home was given to his wife. It was truly admirable that a guy was letting his wife make decisions makings in that patriarchal society. He was very honest. But the worst part of being overly honest was that even when his parents bullied Mary, he would not interfere, just because questioning the decision of elders was not something an honest person would do.

Her so-called grandparents, Mr Cole and Mrs Cole, were beyond saving. They were more than patriarchal. They never interfered in the upbringing of Mira until their biological grandson was born.

Their biological grandchild was a boy, so as patriarchal as they were, they would give everything to their own grandson.

As soon as the little ancestor was born, afraid that Mira would eat everything that belonged to their grandson; they started to keep a record of every little food at the home. And the food was given to Mira, only barely enough for her to survive.

Mother Cole and father Cole would never question their parents as they were very honest. They were very happy when grandpa and Grandma Cole, staying with Uncle Cole’s family, decided to come live with them.

That’s right, even if they were the eldest children; grandma and Grandpa Cole lived with their younger son because they loved their younger son more.

Anyway, Mira’s true nightmare began. It was as if all her luck was dried up in those eight years. She did not have to help with many things at home and was even sent to school. She was given food and clothes in the past. But these things were stopped from being given to her one by one.

Mira was ordered to do everything in-house and was even sent to work in the field. Of course, if Mira had been working from a young age, it would not have been too hard for her.  If she had even complained about everything to her parents, she might not have had to do that much work.

But she was grateful that they had taken care of her as their own child for all those years, so she would do everything her so-called grandparents asked her to do as repayment for their kindness.

Even when the little ancestor Daniel bullied her, she would stay quiet. Slowly, their living condition was improving, but they still barely had enough food on their table. Now grandma and Grandpa Cole had also come to live with them, so in order to ease her parents’ worry, Mira volunteered to quit school. She never complained about anything and did everything at the home.

As a result, for seven years, she was bullied in the home by her grandparents and little ancestor brother, but she never complained about it.

When the nameless agent had taken over her body, she had not eaten for a few days, and it seemed like Mira had died in her sleep.

Magical Space

After taking over Mira’s body, she decided to be Mira from then onwards. The nameless agent wanted to take revenge on her grandparents. But she first had to supplement herself with nutritional food.

When she was about to stand up and go out to search for something to eat, she could not even stand up as she was very feeble. Just when she was feeling helpless, she saw a strange mark-like tattoo on her wrist. Out of curiosity, she touched it and…

The place she found herself in was beautiful, with grassland, trees, other plants, and beautiful scenery in front. She could see a dense forest on the horizon. When she looked sideways, she could also see many artistic tree houses.

She ran to those houses and tried to open them one by one. She could not open many houses, but the few houses that she could get access to were heaven for her. Why? Because those tree houses contained many daily necessities such as foods (raw), fruits, medicinal herbs, cotton, clothes, fabrics and many more. Since she was hungry, she ate a lot from the food house.

 There was also a huge pond in the backyard of the houses. She took a bath there and changed into clean cloth that was similar to what she was wearing before, which she found in one of the tree houses.

 After rummaging through things, she found that she could take out the things from there to her own world. It was like a magic space. She could enter thereby touching her mark and exit in the same way. The people in the outside world would just see her as asleep. Hence, her food problem was solved.

Many strange things were happening to her at the time, but as they continued, she started becoming less and less surprised.

After coming out of the magical space, she walked out of her room and found herself in a strange village. Even if she had the memories of the original owner, she still found everything unique and new.

The village looked very backwards compared to the earth. But later, when she came out of the village, she would find that cities and towns outside her village were developing rapidly day by day at a very fast pace. Well, let’s leave it to the future for now.

“Mira-O-MIRA, where are you? Why are you not in the fields? Let me tell you if you do not work today as well, I am not giving you any food to eat. What are you doing standing there in a daze?” It was the voice of Mira’s grandma. She turned and looked at her.

Grandma Cole was short, white and fat. The clothes she was wearing were of very poor quality, but compared to her self’s, it was far better. Even in that scorching sun, she was wearing full sleeves. She had wrinkles on the visible parts of her face and hand.

“Huh!? Who r u? I mean… WHAT THE HELL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING HERE? Is it possible that you have the energy to bathe and tidy yourself, but you act sick when asked to help with work? Hurry up and go to the field.” shouted Mrs Cole.

Mira was looking very pretty after washing up. She was skinny, but she would be considered beautiful if she gained some weight.

But why would that matter to Mrs Cole? She, i.e. grandma Cole, just considered Mira a servant and nothing more. She would act a little nice to her in front of her son and daughter-in-law, but as soon as they turned their heads, Grandma Cole would start bossing her around.

And the servant-like response she would get from timid Mira would always satisfy her.

But what surprised Mrs Cole today more than the little change in physical sanitation in Mira was that Mira was actually looking at her eyes directly. Mira would never even raise her head in front of her, but today this dead meat was actually looking directly at her.

And unlike other days when Mira would clumsily run to work in a hurry after being ordered to, today she was not obeying her order. Not only that, Mira was angrily looking at her like a beast looking at its prey, and she (Mrs Cole) got scared.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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