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It All Started Because Of Him


Somewhere at the market street
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
It been a long time since the last time we were here. Right?
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Isn't it?
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
It feels like a forever.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Anyway. Let's go eat something. I am starving.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Sure. Let's go. 😄
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
U know these three days I had been craving for something spicy.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Then why don't we go get something spicy first?
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Are you sure?
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
I am not that hungry.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Il seong, you're the best. And the best friend and partner I've ever had. (smiling brightly)
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
😐* is that all? Just a best friend and work partner? *
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
What wrong? (looking at Il seong)
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
N-not nothing.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Are you sure? Il seong you know that you can always tell me right?
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
We had know.....
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
I know.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
We had knowing each other since middle school.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
So what's wrong? Is everything alright?
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Why don't we go get something to eat first didn't you said you're starving.
After saying that Il seong start to walk away Shuyin.
Kwan Il sẹong had been liking Shuyin since hight school but, were never able to confess his feelings to her.
Because Shuyin was really popular back then. And many guys asked her out.
But she always rejected them.
15 minutes later after they had eaten.
They was walking on the street on they way to their car.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Are you sure, you don't want to tell me?
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
*what if I get rejected? I don't want there is a awkward moment between us. And I don't want to lose you*
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
What if I tell you I like.....

Failed confession

Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
What if I tell you l like.....
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
No, I mean there is someone i have a feelings to.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Someone really close to me.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Then why don't you just confess your feelings to her.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
No.. I mean maybe I am afraid to lose the person forever. Maybe that is why.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
And I don't want lose her. She is really precious to me.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Is it...?
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
What I think it's is?
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Ha Seol A
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
* do you really have no ideas or do you just pretend not to have any ideas.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
No, We are not that close.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Then who is it?
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Ít is ý.......
Someone was shouting help from a far. And interrupt Il seong confession.
Li​ Shuyin ran to the stranger who was shouting for help.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
*what a good timing * (run after Shuyin)
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Granny, Is everything alright?
No. Someone stole mine hand bag. And run away....
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
So do you know where did he run off?
I think he run that way.. (pointed the street on lef hand)
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Il seong wait here with Granny.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
No but. (left)
After Shuyin had left.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
*she is always like that. *
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
Granny, Don't worry. I am sure you'll get your bag back.
Thank you...
By the way... I didn't ruin your date did I....?
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
No, of course not.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
We aren't on date.. Anyway...
I thought you two are couple.
She is gorgeous.
Kwan Il Seong
Kwan Il Seong
*i also wish she is mine girlfriend *
Back at Shuyin.
Shuyin was running after the thief until there was no where to go and they stopped running.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Why.... Don't you stop running already.
Why... are you.. chasing me.... ( exhausted)
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Because you have something on....
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin


Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Because you have something on.... Your hand that belong to other.
Haizz. 💢🤬
It's not even your. Why bother. 💢
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Why don't you give me while I am still being nice?😔
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
And maybe that way... I may just let you go. And if you don't. Then it's different thing.
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
Police Station?
Suddenly few men come from behind Shuyin with stick on their hand. And someone with knife
Shuyin turn to look behind her. And turn back to the thief in front of her.
Police Station.
What do you think you are.
A cop?
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
I should have introduced myself first didn't i. My mistake.
Shuyin take her police ID card from her jacket pocket and show it to them.
You're a cop? 💢
Li​ Shuyin
Li​ Shuyin
now. give me the bag.
and what make you think that we'll give up so easily ?( he smirked )
suddenly someone from behind her approached her in quickly and about to hit her on the head luckily she dogged it on time.
and kicked the guy and he fall on ground.

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