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billionaire love to her

It's after a long time she is going to meet her best friend sara.

It was almost time for their date. she was worried to hell.

she called sara and asked about her. she said " sorry dear, my boyfriend brought me to a restaurant to feast on me for getting his salary raised.

we will meet next time dear...." she replied , "it's okay, have fun. "

the other came"okay.sorry dear.." and she hung up.

she ordered a glass of milk. with a bit of depression she had the milk.

after that, she came out of the cafe and sat on a bench in an open place along the roadside.

she was lost in her thoughts. it's already 8'oclock (night) when she sat on the bench. time passed in her thoughts. she was looking at the dark sky, moon,

stars, vehicles by being in her thoughts. her eyes fell on a little boy, who was

running and skipped a step and fell. she ran to him and helped him up.

his mom rushed to them and said thanks to her. that boy had white skin tone, having big cute eyes. she kneeled and kissed his cheeks when he said ,

"thanks, young lady".after kissing him. she said, " your welcome little boy"

he argued, "I'm not a boy, small kid. I'm a man, okay!! . " she laughed at him hardly

and said , "oh, ok mister. it's my pleasure to help you. " he nodded. they introduced themselves.

he said "young lady, bye, it's already night. go home early. "

she replied, "okay mister. thank you for reminding me. bye bye. take care. " they sent off to each other. when she watched her watch, it was already 9:30pm .

she got scared . it's more than late to her. she said to her father , she will return home before 9'o clock. she called her father. but he isn't answering.

she was in a bit of fear and started looking for a taxi. time ticking.

her luck was so good that there was no taxi along the road. when her fear rose, there came a big car and

stopped before her. from the driver seat there came a man in suit. he wasn't

looking like a driver. he said. , "madam, do you need a drive.?if yes you can enter

our car. my master ordered me to give you a ride, if you want. "

she thought, "he is looking like an owner, but he calls someone else his master. Different right.!!"

she was scared to take a ride with strangers. she was in a bit nervous.

suddenly there came a taxi, she wanted to stop it., but it passed by. she almost

ran five to six steps. but it failed. she had no choice but to take his offer.

when she turned back. she felt embarrassed for her doings. she rushed towards him without further thinking.

she asked him., "will you please give me a ride to my home? "

he replied, "sure madam" and opened the back door.

she looked at his master. he was damn handsome. she was almost stunned by

his features. he sat on the other side by keeping his left leg on right and was

lost in his call. she controlled herself and sat beside him at the other end.

she said her location. somewhere she was scared.

one, for being late home.

second. having a ride with strangers. she kept on having different thoughts "will they really help me reach home.? " "are they good? "

"will they take me somewhere and do something? "

she was lost in her stupid thoughts,

until suddenly the car stopped.

she moved front and almost banged her head to the front seat. but the person beside her caught her shoulders and moved her back.

she was in shock for a second and came back to her senses.

she said., "thank you ,sir. "



After a few mins they reached her house. she got out of the car. the person beside her also hopped out of the car. she rushed towards the other side near him and said., "Thank you, sir, for helping me , giving me a ride and also for saving me from banging my head.

" he replied., "it's okay" .

he added., " my name is marco and you..???

"she might think irrelevant things, but she is innocent, childish ,shy and mingles with others easily.

she started to feel safe when she was with him. she doesn't know what's happening with her.

when he caught her in the car and helped her her heart was flattered .her stomach felt butterflies.

it isn't like they meet again. so she thought to introduce herself.

she folded her left leg and bought her shoulders towards her head and joined her hands , she bent her head towards the right and said, " my name is maya, nice to meet you, sir. "and he smiled.

" maya.. hmm... maya.... nice. nice. it suits my name perfectly. marco, maya....

love at first sight??!!!

♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ MARCO'S POV ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛damn . it wasn't at all good from when I got up in the morning. I had to take an early flight for the first time to India.

everything was planned already but stupids messed it all up. I have no other way to do it other than doing it myself.

After I arrived, I got to my hotel from the airport . there were already men waiting for me. There were only 5-6 members. our task was to kill only one.

that man stolen my stuff and wanted to sell it to others and try to run away. I investigated it and found him. but before that he went missing.

heard that he came to India from Italy to hide. the plan made was flopped before. but now, i don't wanna mess it. without any delay we started our way.

before we started, I gave a deadly warning to all my men. I warned them, if they fvck up the plan again, I'm going to bring sh*t out of them.

it's around 7'o clock dusk and it was looking pleasant.. I hopped in my car to reach our destination. on my way my eyes fell on a girl. without further thinking i ordered, my driver to stop.

I ordered others to execute the plan without any delay. and i was stuck with that girl. she was on her call. she was wearing a white maxi dress. her body was totally covered, showing her curves perfectly.

she wasn't looking that happy on her call. I clenched with anger. I just wanted that beauty to smile instead of being sad. I don't know who was at the other end that made her sad.

if i know them, I just have passed all my bullets into them in just one go.

she ended the call with a smile.

for a second...... my mind was blank. stuck with her smile. then she gave a large sigh.

her smile was simple and Gorgeous. she ordered something. oh! it's milk. after having she came out of the cafe and sit on a bench at the roadside. my phone is ringing continuously.

convincing myself, forcefully I ordered my driver to drive by leaving the little beauty behind. "little bunny, wait for me. I'll come for you again. ", I said to myself.

after i reach the shabby place. I was damn angry for leaving her due to these damn people. They set up a sofa for me. I came and sat.

bodyguards bought the person as they caught him as i planned. he was bleeding. he is almost at the edge of his life.

I asked him to whom he sold my stuff. he was so scared of me. he was shivering. But I was reluctant to say anything. I took out my gun from my back and kept it on the before table.

he was scared that I will kill him. but he knows, I'm a death God. ruthless, Merciless demon.

who makes me angry should and must die. I will kill them for sure.

I said " one min " , I fúcking gave him one minute to say it himself without any force. but, he choose to be silent. he didn't say anything. I signed one man with my eyes to proceed. "bang. bang" .

he died.

I stood and told a few people to search his hotel room.they nodded.

I signaled Steven, my friend, my brother and one of my loyal people. I ordered him to drive the car. my driver was also my bodyguard. he joined with another team to search the documentary.

we usually talk a lot. but sometimes we won't. it depends on our mood. he understands my mood perfectly. after all we both traveled to each other for many years.

after we got into the car to return to my hotel, I kept on hoping on my way, my little bunny would be there waiting for me. I didn't expect, she was there. I told him to stop the car.

she was really looking sexy and damn breathtaking. I wondered whether there will be a girl, who is this beautiful.? !!??

when I was engrossed in her beauty, she kissed a boy. my blood was boiling. I felt freaking jealous.

my eyes said everything to Steven.. he kept on looking at me through the front mirror.

I ordered him to give her a ride. when we got there ,Steven asked her whether she needed a ride. , she was reluctant to leave with us. it was all written on her face and her actions proved it.

I chuckled when the taxi passed. "little bunny, you meant to be with me today, " I said myself proudly.

Then she herself came and sat beside me. i was acting like, I was all into my phone. I observed that she got stunned by my figure. I'm freaking proud of myself again. the moment she entered, her perfume filled me.

it's more than enough for me to go wild. she was feeling nervous and lost in her thoughts. I wanted to do something naughty, because I couldn't control myself. but, i didn't want to get bad before her . so I controlled myself .

I just wanted to pin her and wanted her to mark mine. but i hold myself. it's really a hell to me. damn man.....!!!!

When the car stopped suddenly, she almost got banged on her head. my heart almost exploded. how can she be this careless before other men???... I got angry with her.

but then I realized., it's okay... little love, I will be your shield. your only man to support you, protect you and love you.

Then we reached her house. it wasn't that big. I thought how my little- beautiful queen is staying in such a place. but, her house was decorated with lights. it's giving a good look too.

after we got down, she said thanks to me , by folding her left leg and titled her head and made a huge smile. my heart flattered when she said her name with a smile.

that smile only belongs to me. only mine. and only me.

little bunny... your smile, hair, laugh, lips, heart, your body, your soul , ...

Each and everything ,....

which is yours belongs to me. EACH and EVERY. THING......

maya. her name is maya... humm... maya... nice.. it suits my name perfectly. marco.. maya... I said to myself by giving a visible smirk to her.....

her taste

I forwarded my hand. I think, she thought I was going to give her a handshake. she forwarded her hand and then I kissed her hand , showing myself to her as a gentleman.

she stunned. and gave a fake and plastered smile.

she turned to leave as we said our goodbyes. I caught her waist and turned towards me forcefully.

and we got closer. without a second gap , I kissed her lips. she started pushing me hard.

but darling, I'm a man . I'm a beast . I can't leave you just like that. I want more and more. I said to myself.

the more she tried, the more passionate I got into my kiss. damn man.!! she tasted fu*king awesome. she kept on struggling. I let her go when she is in lack of oxygen.

without looking back into my eyes and me. she rushed inside. literally.!!! she hasn't spared a second to look at me. I thought, I'm that bad at kissing.??!!!

but still., I was feeling her lips on mine. so soft. and her taste. damn tasty. when I raised my head .that's 1st floor ,last room lights put on. she saw me through the window.

I smirked and said to myself. "hm.. my little bunnies room is over there. ah. (sigh) I don't know how she is feeling about my kiss... "

I got into my car and we left for the hotel. I had a cold bath so that my inside heat will go. it's almost 3hours ., she wasn't out of my mind yet. her eyes. her smile. her wink. her body. her silky hairs. her lips and her taste.. damn....!!!!!!!everything was revolving around my mind.

I want to see her. any.cost.

I called Steven at midnight 1'o clock. he came within minutes as his room was beside mine. I ordered him to ready the car. he understood where. we reached my little doll's house. The lights were off.

I tied a rope and reached her balcony with Steven help. i opened the glass door to enter into her room. when i entered and closed the door from inside, I was surprised.

really!!. to my surprise, she isn't sleeping. there was a night stand lamp glowing beside the bed. she was hooked sitting on bed and crying silently. she almost lost her voice. I wonder when she started crying.

she hasn't changed her clothes. I went near her. I asked., "my little angel, what happened.? why are you crying? did anyone scold you.?"

she saw me. her eyes became tomato red. swollen. watery. she isn't speaking anything. she was choking and crying. after looking at me she folded herself together and cuddled her legs more tightly.

I sat beside her and she said., "do-dont." my blood was boiling.

I don't know who made my woman cry like this. out of concern I asked, "are you crying, because I kissed you.? " she . nodded.

I was like, what the fu*k i just did.? I apologized , "sorry dear, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that would hurt you this much. I'm really sorry. "

I was going to kill that person who made my women cry, but in the end., it's me who did it. I was damn angry with myself.

by choking she said, "it isn't you. I know you're a foreigner and it's casual to you even though it isn't for me. I simply can't hate you with such a small thing. right.! "

Then I looked at her. she was looking pale. I thought of giving water to her. and thank god, water glass was there in her room.

I passed the water. she drank. i saw she is still crying. her tears are withering from the edge of her eyes. she slowly swallows water.

I asked, " what happened.? " in a soft voice.

if it's not me then what has happened in her life that made her cry to hell.. !! she was choking. "it's okay. don't pressure yourself to reply to me", I said.

I asked whether she had her dinner. she nodded negatively. suddenly at the same time someone knocked on the door. she got scared to hell like some vampire is behind her. She told me to go. I was standing there still.

she begged me to go by joining her hands near her chest. I came out to her balcony. Steven was seeing me from outside. I signaled him to check his phone.

I messaged him to bring some light meals. he said okay and started his car and went. I was trying to hear what the people inside were talking about.

I don't know who that is. they said angrily, " don't go anywhere tomorrow ". my angel replied in a soft voice., "Can I go out just for 30mins .!! I have a friend to meet, I will come early. " and then I heard ....... a slap. "don't you remember what's tomorrow? if you dare to go out then forget you have a family. "

i heard the sound of closing the door. Steven arrived. I told him to come up. he passed me the food. it's warm. I opened the door. I saw my angel cuddling her legs near the door and crying hardly.

steven followed me inside. when I, on all the lights she saw us. she stood. I went near her and passed the food package.

she was reluctant to take it. I grabbed her hand and handed it over Fiercely. she said, "thank you". My heart bloomed . My anger got cool within seconds. I nodded at her.

she saw Steven. I replied, " he is my friend, Steven and also my best brother."

I know that she knows him. but she might have thought, he is my driver. so I added., "he works for me. " she nodded.

she told us to sit on the couch in her room. she went near bed and sat on it. through eyes i signaled him to sit. he just obeyed.

I was looking at her room. I didn't expect her room to be clean and neat. it's sky blue and dark blue theme. books , clothes and other things are organised perfectly, just like mine.

suddenly my eyes fell on her study table. there were many things on her desk. there were few books. a small mug had different pens and pencils along with a camera beside.

there are also three statues. I don't know perfectly because I'm a Christian. One of them is a Buddha. I saw a photo frame. i think it's her childhood pic with her mom. she is just like her mom.

when I looked back at her. she almost finished her food. I know she was very hungry. I was seeing her, not changing my glance without wasting a second.

she looked at me suddenly and i changed my glance to the other side. Then I heard a voice coming from her which was soothing me.

"will you help me with one thing.? I will help you in return if you need one from m-me" she said by choking at last. I looked at her. she started tearing slowly saying "please" to me.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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