NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter - 1


Life of a girl named Deeya. Something in her childhood made her to turn into a psycho . let's see her suffering which turned her into a psycho who kills people , enjoy hearing there screams and loves blood dripping bodies. But what if all this happens to be her dreams or what if it's real. She is confused with herself but her life pushed here roughly giving her no time to take care of herself. What happens when the life destroys everything she had and gives someone who loves her and cherish her. Will she give a chance to love ? Will he accept her as the real her. Can anyone fall in love with a phycho killer.


Deeya p.o.v

Deeya Deeya wake up my friend shouted shaking me . I looked at her with my eyes half opened . I heard some one shouting that's when I came to my sense . Again I slept during my CHEMISTRY period . It is not new to me . She started shouting at me . Eventhough her words hurt me I am used to it . First my parents , then my crush and now even teachers started to hate me .

She suddenly asked me what did Rutherford stated . I just stared at her for good 2 minutes . Which provoked her more and asked me to get out of her class . I quickly picked my noval and said good bye to my friend with a cheeky smile , shamelessly. I went out of the class room without sparing a eye contact with my chemistry teacher.

So now aren't you guys wondering why the chemistry teacher and I have these clashes and misunderstanding . It's all because .....

Flash back

I went to library to read some books since I finished reading the last book . Our school library allows us to lend the book for a week or so . I decided to read the books in horror section and now I finished the last book available in our school under that section . So I walked around the Library to find something interesting . I have a weird addiction to the books . It feels like the book calls me to read it . After 30 mins I didn't feel anything like that . So I decided to move to the science section . I am not a person who goes to Library read books and take notes. I come here to calm myself .

I got that feeling.  Some book was calling me . Most like luring me towards it. I started to search which book caught my soul . Finally I found it.  It was too big and dusty too. It felt like no one read that book for years . The librarian looked at my while adjusting her glasses. I was struggling to take the book from the shelf. She tried to get up to come and help me . But someone took it for me . I saw the hand and I know who it is . My crush 🌟Ranjith🌟 . His veiny hand holding the huge book. His hot breathe brushing my cheeks, which tried so hard to not blush . I mumbled a small thank you and got the book from his hand and ran from there . He gave a wtf look and left the library .

The scene just played in my mind again and again . Soon it was last period . Today is Thursday so our class have PT class with our senior class . Who knows I would be so lucky today. I can watch him playing. Since I won't play and always make some excuse to not play in PT classes. Time rolls . I took that huge book in my hand because it didn't fit inside my bag . An unknown student approached and asked me if he can help . He was too tall that I have to lift my head to see him . My eyes opened wide seeing his handsome face . I just stared at his eyes i felt like I was lost in his eyes. Suddenly he got the book from my hand . I flinched and looked down in embarassment . He chuckled and walked me till I reached the bus stop .

I thanked him and took my book from him . I reached my  home with a smile . But it faded when my eyes fell on a unpleasant sight of my dad kissing a girl . Ofc she is not my mom . He threw the flower vase at me signalling me to get out.  Atleast I have strength to dodge it . I went outside closing the door. I took the big chemistry book and went to the park near my house. I settled on a swing with book . Once upon a time the park used to be filled with little kids roaming here and there laughing happily . But after the murder that took place in the park . No one dare to come here . So most of the time I would go there and enjoy my lonely time .

After reading 1 or 2 chapters in that huge book I headed home . I saw that the vase which he broke was cleared . It means that my mom came home. I went to my room silently and laid on my bed . My mom came into my room . I know there is a drama ahead . I quickly lifted my head and saw her. She threw some papers at my face . She didn't utter a single word . It's just new to me . I thought see is going to scold me because I again went to library and borrowed a book in the money she gave for canteen food. It's not new for me to  skip meals to read books . But nothing is going according to my assumption. I picked the paper and read it . My eyes filled with tears it was divorce papers. Both of them signed. I quickly turned my head to her. She slamed the door and went outside. Like adding fuel to fire I read the lines that they both decided to leave me . Both of them didn't want to take care of me . As they were taking care of me now. Would my life even get worser than this .

I slept hugging my knees . Knowing that I am going to be an orphan soon . Soon ? You are already an orphan a voice echoed inside me . I looked at the figure. It was my Chemistry miss . She looked beautiful in a white dress. After seeing her I didn't care about the word she said before. She asked me am I dreaming in her class. I said sorry without thinking twice. I realised that we were in laboratory. The lab wasn't the one in our school this seemed very big. She asked to heat some liquid in test tube and then add it to the solution she gave. I just did what she said. But suddenly something stricked my mind . The liquid has the same colour as the one that I read in the book . I told her about what I read and it may explode. She just nodded . It was clear she was  pissed off because of me . I don't want to do the experiment after that . She came near me and started scolding me that I don't even know what I am doing . It's somewhat true that I don't remember the name of the elements I was just assuming by colours. Thus I decided to mix . But I clearly noticed mam going away from me. She asked the students to wear their glasses to protect themselves from splashing . My friend tapped my shoulder and said that it's okay 👍 do it and she mixed the liquid in test tube which was heated into the beaker which had some blueish liquid. I smiled at her and I was going to tell her to  wear her glasses. But before I could,  it she poured it in the beaker .

It exploded . It was as if I went near Sun . White brightness, huge sound ,tears of fear loosing my friend . I suddenly woke up shouting no no nooooo please lia please no that can't happen . I realised it was just a dream . I wished the divorce part was a dream too . But no the divorce paper was in my hands. I looked up at celing. My tears won't stop coming . At some point my eyes dried I felt like I cried my eyes out that there was no tears left. I simply stared at the blood stains in my room walls. I remembered how much he used to hurt me and mom . May be I don't deserve happiness . Suddenly I heard my Chemistry miss's evil laughter. I really don't know why she came in my dreams . Already my life is a mess here. After sometime I really can't bear her laughing I felt like my brain would explode . I wanted to shout very badly but I can't I know that it will cause more problems. I went to kitchen to drink some water . I kept the divorce paper on the dinning table and left. I looked at the chemistry book lying there it didn't call me this time .

I went to change my clothes because I was still wearing my uniform. I dressed up in ah comfy pyjamas and looked at the clock it was already 1 30 AM . I took my phone and to be honest I was shocked . No one except lia would text me . In more than 3 apps I have got 100  plus  notification. I was shocked . My  hands started to shiver . I was afraid .Did they all know about my parents . No!!! i internally screamed. I sat on my bed and started reading the messages. It was all about lia . She got into an accident , someone texted to me . I just called her without thinking it's late night. She picked the call in second ring. I stared asking questions continuously. But the person at the other end asked me who I am . I just realised it's her mom . I apologised for what just happened and she cut the call saying lia is resting and would contact in the morning.

I kept the phone on the night stand and went near the window. Not even a single star shone , moon is no where to be seen . The sky is just filled with darkness . It resembled my life . No light no hope . A tear left my eyes.  I can't stay here anymore I murmured . I took my phone and a jacket and went outside my house. It's already 2 AM . I switched on the flash light in my phone and opened the front door of my house. I glanced at the divorce paper which was swaying in the breeze before I left .

?????? Pov

No way,  all these happened in a single day she must be sad. But where is she headed at this hour . Should I go after her?  I should protect her. She went somewhere in the dark with the help of her flashlight I could see where is she . Slowly I followed her. Suddenly she turned her head . I was startled but I sat behind a car. She turned and went to that park. Eventhough it is dark she is beautiful. She went and sat on the swing. I thought she would cry but instead she started laughing. She suddenly spoke . "Why are you following me ? Want to die ? " This was all I heard before everything went black .

Deeya pov

"Oh my poor boy , just fainted hearing my voice ? " I chuckled and left .

Next morning

????? Pov

I woke up at my apartment. What happened last night ?  I was deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice my roommate was literally shouting at me. I saw him with a blank face . " Where were you last night. Some random man dropped you here. " He stated and left the room .

At school

Deeya pov

I came home at 7 Am and quickly got ready and left to school .  I entered the school and I was busy searching lia when I accidentally bumped into my chemistry teacher. Her face just remembered me that dream and the terrible things happended yesterday . I started running with tears in my eyes

Chapter - 2

Lia pov

Deeya ? why is she running like this ? "Deeya ....... Deeya.... I ..I have something to tell ... You" I shuttered . I know she can't take these. But I have to tell her the truth. She literally look like a zombie. She hugged me suddenly and cried in my arms. I know she isn't a type of girl who would cry for boys . But why is she crying. I really don't care what is the reason but she is someone who I cherish. So I hugged her tightly and patted her back I just said  it's okay .

Deeya pov

After some time  in lia's arms I calm down. No way I would act like a physco in front of her. "Lia" someone called from behind . That voice was familiar but I didn't give attention to it and silently sobbed. Lia moved out from the hug and looked at me . She wiped my tears and asked me to go to class . "I will be back . Don't cry and I promise I will listen all your reason when I am back" lia said as she went to the opposite direction of class. I was not interested in going back to my class . So I went to library. There she is , my safe place. I smiled as she looked at me with a surprised expression because of my poor state . She quickly came near me and started asking 1000s of questions why I was like that . I didn't say anything and simply sat over the bench where the students used to sit and read books.

After few minutes of her continuous questions I opened up and said all the problems which came into existence yesterday . I expected her to say something which will soothe me but she smiled . I asked "why are you smiling . Do my problems look like a joke to you. Grandma you aren't like that. Did you got hit or what? . She started laughing after my stupid statements. She patted my head and said " it's better to be alone comparing to be with your abusive parents . The words which left her mouth gave me some confidence . I nodded my head vigorously after which I was squeezed in her hug. 

​Author pov

Deeya was left alone by her parents after their divorce. The librarian grandma adopted deeya legally. Deeya was happy with her grandma . Untill she get to know ............

Deeya pov

"Grandma let's go it's getting pretty late " I shouted from hall fastly filling my bag with books and school stuffs. She camly came down and ate a grape from the fruit basket on the table. "Grandma" someone called. I turned and bumped into the same handsome man helped me that day. He quickly apologized and handed his house key to grandma saying he is going to somewhere. I shouted I will get going then and left the house.

????? Pov

Did she just went to avoid me ? No way I am not leaving you baby .

Deeya pov

"Hey ..... Hello ..... Deeya  . " I turned and bumped into him again . What is his problem. He is always standing so close to me . He apologized and bend down to look me at my eyes . Unknowingly I smiled.

?????? Pov

She smiled. I just stared at her in shock. This is the first time I am seeing her smile after her parents divorce. I was disturbed when someone tapped my shoulder .

Grandma pov

"What happened Rakesh ? " I asked the little boy who stayed in my house for rent. He shyly smiled and ran way. "What's with him . He is acting weird ." I said to deeya as she nodded and laughed. But it faded when she saw her father .

Deeya pov

What does he want now. Why is he here. Slowly he stepped forward and reached me. He smiled widely and handed me a grand printed card . He didn't say a single word and turned to leave. He is still the same . Seeing him makes me go wild. I tore the card and threw at the back of him . He just went . I shouted my lungs off for no reason but grandma understood my state and hugged me . I sat on my knees and let her squeeze me as always. The pieces which I tore came near me. The word wedding printed in gold shone in the morning sun light. I quickly collected the pieces and read. He is marrying again. Poor Ms. She is going to suffer a lot with him . I chuckled.

Grandma pov

Let's go. Forget what just happened.

Deeya pov

I nodded at her and we left to school. She went to library and I went to class. When I entered the class the students were busy gossiping about the chemistry teacher. I am not afraid of her but she did give a bad vibe after that dream. I avoided her as much as I can . I went near lia as she noticed me she quickly crushed the paper she had in her hands and stuffed inside her pocket. "Hey it's me . What are you hiding ? Love letter ? " I asked  teasingly. "No-o  it's n-not" she said avoiding eye contact . I looked at her as she awkwardly smiled and whispered "it was sanitary napkin" in my ears. Before I could say something one of our classmate rushed to us and said "Chemistry miss is getting married so we don't have to do our homeworks and she told us to submit the project today." We both looked at each other and literally the whole class panicked. Students were asking for gum, colours , scale,paper,pen, pencil and even others project to copy some points .

We rushed to her office room to submit all the papers but what I just saw broke my heart. My father.... No ! That cruel person was smiling happily with my chemistry teacher. The students started to congratulate them . They are going to make a great couple ! They look like made for each other ! They look cute together ! Students started to make compliments. But I am the only one stood there like a burning wood. My blood boiled with anger but I passed a bitter smile to lia - the only one knows that he is my father.

Lia holded my hand and grabbed the project paper from my another hand. "Go to library I will submit and come" she said her eyes showed pure guilt for my situation. I nodded and left the office room . All the way I walked I heard students complimenting them. Instead of going to library I went to our classroom . I almost fell when I accidentally slipped because of a pen . I took the pen in my hand. The tip looked sharp like knife. I holded the pen tightly and went to the office room . But what am I thinking right now. I can't kill them just like that here. He should atleast experience small amount of pain in his life . But something disturbed my thoughts.

"Go lia ! Go lia ! Come on ! Come on !  " students were cheering for something in croud . I got inbetween and got the front seat of the show happening in the school corridor. The tight grip around my pen loosened . The pen fell down . Tears came down my eyes. I saw Lia  and Ranjith . Ranjith was in knees asking lia to be his girlfriend. She didn't even searched for me . She happily nodded with tears in her eyes . Her tears dripped from her face and fell on the ring Ranjith put on her finger. Meanwhile my tears fell on my dress. I believed her. But ......... she ........ Everyone is same ......

I ran from there...... I went to nurse room . I said I am leaving because of a headache. The nurse was about to come near me and check my temperature but I took the scissors from her table and held it near her neck. She was afraid I saw the fear in her eyes. I smiled. "Now let me go ......." I said which gave her shivers down her spine . I asked her to sign my permission letter . I went to classroom. Took my bag and ran out of the school. All the way from classroom to our school gate I heard students and staffs talking about Lia Ranjith couple and chemistry miss's handsome fiance . Handsome I chuckled internally . I really wanted to sew their lips together for speaking these rubbish things.

Rakesh pov

Baby ! Where are you headed . You just entered the school. Should I follow her. No Or should I . I was debating with myself . That I didn't see she saw me. Our eyes met . I quickly turned and ran . "She still make my heart flutter." I whispered catching my breathe .

Deeya pov

He is still followimg me ? Nevermind. I went to the park I used to go . It's been more than a month.  I smiled but it turned dark when I saw the board of some company . Are they going to build something here. I shouldn't have stopped coming here. I went and sat on the swing . Unlike everytime I started crying. A tall man in all black came out . I looked at him sadly and sniffed. He patted my head as if I am a puppy.

Rakesh pov

Now who is this touching what is mine.  I balled my fist tightly . But the next scene I saw . I felt like my heart stopped. She .....

Grandma pov

Where did she went. Deeya please don't do anything which will harm you. Be strong I am here for you. God please take care of that child. Please be safe my dear. My phone ringed. My eyebrows frowned seeing the caller ID . My son . He left me behind alone for money . What does he want now. I didn't attend the call.

Rakesh pov

She fainted . "Deeya" I shouted. That tall man looked at me with a confused look. "Who is she ?" he asked me . "Who the hell are you first . What do you want just leave her. " My words made him shut his damn mouth. I carried deeya and went to grandma's house. But in the mid way ......

Grandma pov

I called deeya many times but she didn't pick. I looked at his caller ID (her son) . I called him. He didn't pick but immediately he called back. " Why do you adopt that girl and make her suffer like I did . Do you have enough money to feed her in first place. She was sitting all alone in my company land. You are still the same . You never keep a promise." He kept saying stupid things like he used to I hung up the call and went home. I went hand my permission letter to the office . But I heard something .......


What happened in the mid way ? What did the grandma hear about  ? Why that strange men in black came out of nowhere to help Deeya ? Does chemistry mam and her dad will get married ?

Chapter - 3

Grandma pov

I heard a girl . More like a women in her 30s crying in principal office . "That girl just kept the scissors near my neck . I am sure if I didn't do what she told I must've been dead by now" . She cried to him . Excuse me I entered the room. The principal smiled at me and asked me to help the nurse calm down. I hugged her and noticed the red mark in her neck. "Who is that crazy kid ?" I asked slightly laughing so that she would relax. "Deeya! I am sure her name is Deeya" . "Oh okay ." I replied with a smile and handed my permission letter and left the room.

Rakesh pov

I looked at the beautiful body lying in my arms. "Done staring " she spoke coldly without opening her eyes. "I -I that's it's just " (why am I always shuttering) " Who is that man in all black you were talking with." I asked her. She opened her eyes stared at me blankly. " Okay don't say if you don't want". I said . Something which I never dreamt of happened. She snuggled closer to my neck and whispered " By the way why are you carrying me ? " . I felt shivers down my spine. I put her down and we reached home walking.

At grandma house

Radeeya pov

Hi Rakesh greeted grandma . As expected she asked what happened to me but Rakesh dragged me to his house . ( He stays upstairs in grandma's house ).I was about to reject his offer. I was staying outside his house but I smelled something addictive, favourite smell of mine. I smiled unknowingly but it faded when grandma looked at me with a questioning look. I just nodded my head. Rakesh came with the keys. The curiosity to find what smell it was increased so I followed him silently inside. I didn't expect his house to be a complete mess. I looked him with a wtf look. He smiled sheepishly and gave my some cold water from fridge. " Will you stay with me ?" He asked for which I just nodded sipping the water.

???? Pov

"It hurts."he winced in pain.

"Which hurts baby ?" I asked for which I didn't get any reply. I grabbed his jaw . " Reply when I ask nicely."

"Please don't *hic hurt me *hic please *hic .

" No baby I want more emotion" I said.

"These thorns hurt more. Please remove it" he said hiccupping .

" Why should I? I don't find any advantage with it."

" Just fu*king remove it. "

" I see someone is making me angry." I took a knife from near and placed the sharp tip in his right thigh. "What baby I can't hear you . Can you repeat ." I said giving pressure to my words.

" Are you deaf or what? Just fu - AAAAAAAHHHH"

I pressed the sharp knife in his thigh . The sharp tip piercing his soft flesh with the red liquid splashing and dripping everywhere decorating the tiles below.

Next day

Rakesh pov

Sun hit my face and i can hear the alarm ring for more than 3 times now. I tried to move but I stopped when I noticed an arm holding me tighter."I never expected the devil to sleep like a angel" I whispered. She looked at me immediately. " Shut up and off the alarm." She said in her morning raspy voice almost like whining. I chuckled and picked her and pushed her inside the restroom. "Hey yah let me sleep." She shouted from inside. "Nah get ready let's go to school." I said for which I get replied by something breaking inside. I opened the door . As she rushed to the bed and covered her with blanket. 5 mins please is the last words she said before taking a nap.

Time skip same day

Deeya pov

I went to school with Rakesh. We were smiling all the way to school. I felt happy with him. But my smile faded when lia called me. I threw my phone on the mid road and looked at it with anger in eyes. " Awww my baby is so adorable when she is angry." Rakesh said. I looked at him with a confused look. " No problem I will buy you a new phone. Now let's go. " He said with an assuring smile. " I don't want to go. I am sure I will turn like last night if I see Ranjith and Lia." I said for which his smile faded. I started at him and sat down to pick the phone pieces.

" Don't tell anyone about that. Then you know what will happen to you." I said slowly . "Ofcourse I won't" he said. I took the sim card from my phone and stood up. I looked at Rakesh before I could say anything he held my hand and pulled me inside a cafe. We sat on a couple seat in cafe. I didn't care about all these romantic stuff he is trying to do. I can't move on from Ranjith. " one Cold coffee and one hot choco please " he yelled as if he owns the place. The hot choco arrived first and never in my life i thought something this small would lighten my mood.

' is it for me ? ' i asked Rakesh unusually my voice was excited. He nodded his head as yes. As i was sipping my hot choco and admiring the cafe.  My eyes fell on the television. I quickly looked down not wanting hear that news. But poor me forgot to close my ears. ( She isn't a idiot. Deeya is just tensed .)

News reader

15 yrs old high school student named Ranjith went missing.

... ____________...

What happened to Ranjith ? Why would Deeya agree on staying with Rakesh ? Why didn't grandma ask about anything ? Isn't Rakesh so clingy and lovely around Deeya ? What happened that night ?

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