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I Am Not Who You Think I Am

just a dream ?

I can hear it, the sound of water crashing the stone near the ledge of a beach and when I open my I eye all I can see is a breathtaking sunset and the sky is blushing red with a hint of orange is this is what people call peace ? And that is when I hear this soft, yet a voice filled with elegance calling my name

''Estelle~ come here ''

A woman I can tell she is beautiful though her face is blurred for some reason I want to hug her and never let her go, for some reason I just want to stand there listen to her talk the whole day.

Suddenly everything starts shaking, cracking sound can be heard the beautiful woman turns toward me weeping and suddenly starts choking me shouting


I opened my eyes to come to know that it was just a dream, my whole body was drenched in sweat as I rose up from my bed and made my way to the shower after I was done with shower I stood in front of the sink mirror while wiping off the steam on the mirror due to the shower I looked at my refection and told my self

"good people can't get their job done, someone need's to be the villain to get the job done and you my dear are the villain, so don't hate your self."

I stared at myself for quite a long time that's when I hear a knock on my door I asked"who's there"

The person replied "your secretory who else" it was a mannered speech but if you listen closely you can feel a hint of attitude, I told him to come in.

If a normal person looks at him, they will see a charming young man with a poker face but for me. He has been with me since I was a kid as my butler / secretory Jacob who I treasure and trust.

I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth I am Estelle de vil mikaelson one of the mikaelsons twins when I was born .......and my twin brother people congratulated for being blessed with us. my father Albert mikaelson is a great person some might say but for others he is a nightmare.

The name Albert in German means noble and bright I can't be sure about bright, but my father is noble for sure whenever I was with him, I could feel it that the person I am with is noble like a lion his presence will definitely make you bow to him with respect without knowing yourself.

I am not sure about my mother, we never talk about her whenever my twin brought her up father would remain silent. My father is not a talkative person to start with, but you will feel the chill in the air whenever we speak of mother.

As Jacob entered my room he told me "well miss congratulations for becoming 16 years old this year and master has sent a message saying that the admission process for your new school has been done you can start attending from tomorrow."

I replied, "well it was fast as expected of dad. So is there anything on my schedule today?

He told me that I have no meeting you might be wondering what meetings could a mere 16 years old would attend, well I am not what people think I am neither is Jacob nor any one of my family.

the outfit

There are three types of view in which people see the world in which one of them is white. While some see the world in grey

Who are we kidding, a world without evil? well that is impossible since every creature has a bit of evilness in them which they hide. Maybe a hero won't be so full of glory when we know his intrusive thoughts, or maybe the villain won't be that bad as people thought of him to be if we know his story.

The third type of person is a person who were born evil now I personally don't believe in that, but some people have their brain wired differently it is psychological or biological who knows they are just different

I was sipping coffee when my twin Alex barged in my living room and suddenly hugged me and said, “I can't believe it, we are turning 16 !! You know dad is throwing a party for us, I don't even know what to wear, help me pick a for the event”.

The moment I heard the word party I froze and looked toward Alex, I stared at him Alex was confused and tilt his head and asked me what's wrong that's when Jacob whispered in his ear

“The party was supposed to be a secret because know “

Alex looked at me with a small pout on his face which was so cute that I wanted to pinch his cheeks so badly, ugh why is my brother so cute.

He asked me, “why don't you like the formal parties, but you love to party with your friends”

I replied “well sweetie I know this might sound weird, but I don't know myself, I-I just feel out of place whenever I go to these parties. “

Now how can I tell him that all people in this party are different from him, he doesn't know.

The way they stare at him and how they wear a mask around him and pretend that they like him, but I have notice how they look at him with disgust in their eyes because he is different from all of us.

I told him, “hey Alex, how about you go with Jacob to shopping”

he asked me why, and I replied “well….you know you both are men, and he will be able to pick a better outfit for you than me “

I Could see the disappointment on his face and how much he wanted me to pick his outfit, but I don't want my brother to find out my secret. I was different from the start but I just did not know it back then but now I know. That I am a pure-blood Tribrid (Witch, Werewolf and Vampire) i know this might sound crazy, but the whole world is crazy it all started with my grandmother she was one of the most powerful witch ever existed she was not the strongest, but she was one of them!

The witch council.


The council of witches was created to keep every supernatural being in check. My grandmother was one of the five heads of the council, it was said to be the group of the strongest individuals. Aside from the first head which god knows how old is he?  All other 4 heads are par to each other in terms of power. The first head has been the same since the establishment of the council.

It is said that all the witches in council must be a female and that to prevent the mixing of such powerful blood they marry their offspring within their community.

It is one of the unwritten rule that must not be broken off no matter grandmother Stella, she fell in love with a vampire, not any vampire but an original vampire. Who has lived for more than two thousand years since she was head over heels for my grandfather Robert. It is a well known fact that vampire can't conceive. She took the matter in her own hands and decided to borrow the power of mother nature and had my father.

When the council got the news, they were enraged, as a result they stripped her of her title and banished her to England. She was warned to not use the power of nature again for her own use knowing that she wants a one big happy family, she still used the mother nature powers and had my uncle Michael

This time, the council did not step back. They took the matter in their own hands and sealed her powers and haunted her down to put her in a sleep of eternity so no one could do the same thing she did. It was a warning to every witch to not do the same thing that my grandma did. They hid her body where no one can find her.

My grandmother adored my dad and uncle, but I can't say the same about my grandfather, since when he got the news about what had happened he disappeared completely. My father doesn't talk about his past, but I knew through my uncle that my dad does not have a good relationship with grandfather. Well one thing is for sure that my father has some family issue. Not going to brag about it, though.

Back to present

it was an evening ball and preparing for it was a hellish nightmare since Jacob always wants me to look spectacular because he has some bet going on with Alex's butler. I don't know what is going on between them, but because of it, I have to go through so many bathing oils. I was literally drenching my self in them, which gave me this weird feeling like my skin can't breathe. If that was not enough, I have to get a hair smoothening. It was still not enough for him, he had to go further I had a face massage, manicure, pedicure name it, and maybe I have got that done on my birthday.

He even starved me for a whole day so that I can look stunning, well I hate to admit it, but I was looking like a hot piece of cake which everyone wants a slice of. It was a classy wine coloured dress which fitted to my body. Like it was made for me it was off shoulder dress. Chelsea above Ankle leather boots in white colour to match with it, a pair of diamond earrings and a black blazer hanging on my hair was tied in a tight high ponytail just like Ariana Grande. The only difference was that my hair is blond and not dirty blonde, pure blonde. My makeup shouted mature women, with a bright red lipstick and only a bit of highlighter and bronzer. No makeup on the eyes only was fabulous.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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