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My Destiny


In Age 382, on an island away from the city of Dore, was a jungle with all kinds of wild animals. Nine years ago, in that very same jungle, lived a baby who seemed to have appeared from thin air. The baby was then picked up by a man named Tiger. Tiger raised this kid like it was his own and he taught him how to hunt and how to survive in the jungle. During their time together, Tiger named the boy, Jaguar, due to his attachment to jaguars. One rainy day, Jaguar wandered the jungle looking for Tiger, but he wasn’t to be found. Jaguar then finds Tiger’s leaf bandana as he starts to cry. Jaguar then puts the bandana on as he tearfully says, “One day, I’ll make it out of here and I’ll be a hero just how you wanted. To make sure I have a piece of you with me, I’ll wear this all the time and won’t let anything happen to it. I swear Tiger, I swear.” Seven years later, Jaguar was laying in the dirt crying and holding his stomach. A storm has been going on for the past five weeks and hasn’t let up. Jaguar and a few animals were trapped with no food or water. “I haven’t eaten in weeks, damn. If I don’t eat no food or get any water in about a week, then I’m done for.” Jaguar says. Trees then start to break down and fall on Jaguar as his blood slowly leaves him. Five days then passed as the tigers and jaguars were taking Jaguar away from the jungle. The jaguar carrying Jaguar tosses him closer to Dore as he falls with the other jaguars and tigers. The tigers and jaguars swam in the ocean all the way to Dore. Jaguar wakes up for the first time in five days as he sees he can't see the jungle and that the animals are dying. “What’s going on? Are you guys okay? Where are we?” Jaguar asks. The tigers and jaguars then die as Jaguar goes into shock and cries. “No, no, no, no, not again. I can’t lose you guys too. I already lost the other two. You were the only family I had left.” Jaguar says tearfully. One of the jaguars seemed to still be alive as it struggled its way to Jaguar. The jaguar then carves “Forever,” in Jaguar’s arm as Jaguar passes out. The day passes as three teens walk past where Jaguar is and then notices Jaguar. One of the teens picks up Jaguar as they all run to a hospital. One hour passes as Jaguar wakes up in a hospital room. “Wh, where am I?” Jaguar asks. “Oh, you finally woke up. You gave us quite the scare, but you’ll be fine. With the injuries you had, you should be resting for another couple of days. However, it seems that in just another hour, you’ll be fine.” A doctor says. Jaguar jumps out of the bed and tries to attack the doctor. The doctor dodges Jaguar as he hits him in the neck. Jaguar is then knocked out. “The way he attacked me, it was weird. He attacked me as if he was hunting me down. He must've grown up in some distant jungle or something. I wonder how long it was. It might lead to how he was put into this state." The doctor says. Another hour passes as Jaguar wakes up again, but this time strapped down. Jaguar struggles to escape as he screams, “Get me the hell out of here! I don’t know who you are, but I won’t let you kill me!” “Calm down, boy. We’re not going to hurt you in any way. We’re the ones that saved you. Please, just calm down.” The doctor pleads. Jaguar then calms down as he asks, “What do you want with me?” “We just want to know what happened to you?” The doctor replies.

Beginning of True Life

Jaguar explains what happened to him as a tear shed from his eye. “It seems like you had it rough, but you're fine now. Unfortunately, your home was destroyed during the storm and you were the only survivor. All the animals were killed and that Tiger guy you mentioned was nowhere to be found; sorry.” The doctor says. Jaguar looks at his right arm as he sees the word, “Forever” carved into it. “They’re not dead. All the animals that I grew up with, the animals that were my family are still alive and well, inside my heart. This word carved on my arm, “Forever,” means that they’ll forever be with me every step of the way. With that being so, I’ll always fulfill my destiny that I'll make for myself and become a hero. Then, I’ll go further than that and become The Life Spirit.” Jaguar says. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, kid. Becoming The Life Spirit is very difficult to become. I don’t know much about becoming one, but I know it takes hard work and dedication. Considering that you lived in the jungle for your whole life, you don’t have what it takes to become The Life Spirit.” The doctor says. “I know all about it thanks to Tiger, but I’m not concerned at all. I’ll become a Jr Hero, then I’ll work my way up. Don’t worry, I’ll remember you for saving my life.” Jaguar says. “Well, if it wasn’t for these three people, then you’d probably be a goner.” The doctor says. “Hey.” The teens say. “Who’re you?” Jaguar asks. “My name is Lizz, he’s James, and he’s Arlonzo.” Lizz says. “Hi.” James says. “Oh, well, hello guys. Since you three saved me, just want to say, thanks.” Jaguar says. “No need to thank us. We’ll have to get used to that anyway since we want to become Jr Heroes.” Lizz says. “You guys want to become Jr Heroes too?!” Jaguar excitedly asks. “It’s been our dream since we were about five. Ever since we were saved by…” “Lizz, shut up!” Arlonzo angrily says. “What’s with that one?” Jaguar asks. “He hates it when I bring up his father. That’s the man who saved us when we were young, but he had died in the process.” Lizz explains. “I told you to shut up, Lizz!” Arlonzo angrily says. “Hey, take it easy, Arlonzo.” Jaguar says. Arlonzo walks up to Jaguar and picks him up by the throat as he says, “Listen here, animal, you don’t ever in your life tell me anything.” “All I said was take it easy.” Jaguar strainfully says. “I don’t care what you said. As a matter of fact, don’t even speak to me. We’re not friends and we’ll never be friends. I only saved you because these idiots wanted to. If it were up to me, you’d be long dead. It seems like you want to become a Jr Hero and The Life Spirit too, but let me just give you some advice, stay out of my way. I’m going to become The Life Spirit for my reasons and this year, I’m not letting anyone get in my way, not you or that bastard, Johnny.” Arlonzo says. Arlonzo then drops Jaguar on the ground as he storms out.


What’s with him?” Jaguar asks. “He’s on the unstable end, that’s all. Anyway, look, the doctor says that you can leave the hospital and I know that you have nowhere to stay, so come with us.” Lizz says. “I will once I find my clothes.” Jaguar says. “Do you mean those leaves or whatever?” James asks. “Yeah.” Jaguar replies. “Well, I kind of threw them away.” James says.. “Why the hell would you throw my clothes away?!” Jaguar angrily asks. “They were leaves, so I just threw them. You're in the city now, so we can buy you actual clothes.” James says. “I don’t care where I am! Those clothes are the last memory of Tiger, and if I can’t get them back, then it’s not going to end well for you, James!” Jaguar menacingly says. “Are these yours?” Lizz asks. “Yeah, they are; thanks.” Jaguar politely says. “How can his attitude and tone of voice change that fast?” James thinks. Jaguar then changes his clothes as he says, “Okay, now you can take me.” The three teens then go to Lizz’s house as Jaguar asks, “What are all these things?” “Those are buildings and lights. Those are a bunch of other things you’ll learn about while you're here.” Lizz says. “What’s this?” Jaguar asks. “This is where me and my family live. I’m going to see if you can live with us since you have nowhere else to go.” Lizz replies. They enter the home as Lizz runs up to her mother in the kitchen. “Mom, can I ask you something?” Lizz asks. “What is it?” Her mother asks. “Can this boy live with us?” Lizz asks. Her mother then looks at Jaguar as her face expression turns to fear. “Lizz, you get that boy away from this house now!” Her mother screams in fear. “Elizebeth, what’s wrong honey?” A man asks. “There’s that thing in the house!” Elizebeth screams. Lizz’s father walks into the room as he attacks Jaguar. Lizz’s father kicks Jaguar in the face, sending him flying through the window. Jaguar crashes outside screaming in pain as Lizz screams, “Dad, how could you?!” Lizz then rushes to Jaguar as she asks, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Jaguar painfully replies. “Lizz, get away from him now!” Her father demands. “No. Jaguar has done nothing. He just came into the city a day ago. He used to live in that jungle you went to before until a storm hit and destroyed it. He was the only one that survived there and now he’s looking for somewhere to stay. I’m not going to let you hurt him just because of the monsters he comes from. He’s not like them, and I think it’ll be best if he doesn’t know.” Lizz says. “The monsters I come from?” Jaguar asks in confusion.

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