NovelToon NovelToon

My Love Towards You

Episode 1

Lincoln high school this is a boys named jihoo he is a freshman with no friends or siblings
This boy is around 19–20 years old his height is 5’5 over the past years he has been getting bullied by his EX “so called friend”
Seller: come to my shop we have dumplings soup and more of others §sees jihoo§ oh hi jihoo the same order?
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Yes please
Seller: are you going to try to make friends this year you’ve been looking so lonely
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
No I don’t think so me having is not a thing for me when try to make friends they start bullying me so no I don’t think so
Unknown female
Unknown female
Well you listen to me don’t worry about anybody that tells you what to do just try to make friends. I know you will and here the dumpling is for free. Make sure to have a wonderful day.
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Wow, thank you and I will try to have a good day
On his way to school
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Wow, this place is so big it’s bigger than my old school
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Oh, what is that guitars?
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
I’m gonna go check and see how much they are
Unknown male
Unknown male
What’s up wanna buy a guitar? It’s only $53
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Never mind change of plans that’s way too expensive. That’s my whole life savings-
Unknown female
Unknown female
Oh my God I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you look what you did you made me bump into him
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
No, it’s OK
Unknown female
Unknown female
Hi,wanna be friends? I am Aubrey by the way and this is Justin and Jacob
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
I’m jihoo nice to meet you
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
Oh, that’s such a cute name
Jacob min
Jacob min
Aubrey you’re being too dramatic come on we gotta get to our club by the way what club are you in?
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
Yeah clubs you didn’t know about clubs did you just transfer here
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Yeah, it’s actually my first day and I’m sort of lost my classes
Jacob min
Jacob min
Don’t worry it’s our first year here too
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
Don’t worry you’ll get used to the school time
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
Me and Jacob are in the martial arts club and Aubrey she’s an arts
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Is martial arts fun?
Jacob min
Jacob min
Totally dude it’s so fun I finally learn how to kick Justin in the face
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Well, in that case, can I join the club?
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
Yeah of course
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Who are those people?
Pretend they are in uniforms
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
Oh, then they’re the popular boys and nobody would like to mess with them because it turns into the F4
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
They’re gonna take revenge on you and everything well, like sort of
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
They just gonna banned you from the club that’s it even if you’re not in the club
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
They are the sons of the presidents
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Bell rings

Episode 2

Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
What classes do you guys have?
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
I have biology
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
I have science
Jacob min
Jacob min
So do I
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
I also have science
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
Lord why do I have to be alone
Aubrey zeze
Aubrey zeze
See at this stop in 45 minutes
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Okey bye?
Justin Kim
Justin Kim
Come on guys or we’ll be late the teacher is very strict
In science
Unknown female
Unknown female
So class the person next to you is your partner
Unknown female
Unknown female
And by the way we have a new studeent
Unknown female
Unknown female
Sir come up here and introduce yourself
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Hi I’m Jihoon but I go by Jihoo I’m 19 I just here from China
Unknown female
Unknown female
Thank you now you may go stand next to Sebastian. Sebastian please raise your hand he is right there the guy in black
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Okay *smiles*
Unknown female
Unknown female
{ he is so sweet}
Unknown female
Unknown female
He is lucky he get to stand next sebby baby
Unknown female
Unknown female
Who the fûck you calling baby he is mind
Unknown female
Unknown female
No he is mine
Unknown female
Unknown female
.teacher:he is nobody so go and work?
Unknown female
Unknown female
Yes mama
Unknown female
Unknown female
Now let’s get started grab your blue mixture in to the bowl only half of it
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
*Clueless *where is the blue one?
Sebastian Kay
Sebastian Kay
Right here
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Ooh thanks
Before I continue the story, I just wanna let you know that in the story jihoo has a condition where something Cold get on his hands. He needs like special treatment.
Unknown female
Unknown female
Now, grab the green mixture and put just a tiny bit
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Oh, this is such a cute color
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
* pours it into the bowl without looking*. { gets on his hand}
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Ow ow ow *falls on the floor while holding his hand *
Sebastian Kay
Sebastian Kay
Are you okey? *holding his back*
Jihoo walker
Jihoo walker
Pretend they’re both boys

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