NovelToon NovelToon

Who Am I?

Episode 1 {Meeting Inu}

{Inu Ren is currently in Y Market, she is working there as a Cashier}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
That will be 3.50 ma'am
*hands her the money with exact change*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*takes the money counting as she places it in the register*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*she bags up the woman's belongings, handing them to her*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Have a wonderful evening Hun
*taking the bag she smiles* Thank you
{The woman leaves as the other Cashier walks in, indicating that it was the end of Inu's shift}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*after changing in her regular clothes in the locker room, she walks out of the market*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*sighs* Time to walk home
{Inu pulls out her mobile, putting on some music after plugging in her headphones}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*She hums along with the music as she walks* To love me better~ 🎶
{She arrives home, but the place is silent letting her know her mother wasn't home}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*sighs in relief* I can hide in my room before she gets here
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*happy with her idea she quickly goes to the kitchen grabbing some snacks from the cupboard before heading to her room*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*locking the door she settles down on her bed eating silently*
{Inu finished eating, and she decided to take a nap since she was tired from work not realizing she would sleep through the whole day}
Name: Inu Ren (FL) Age: 18 Job: Cashier at Y Market Likes: Reading, Swimming, Puzzles Dislikes: lies, cheaters, betrayal, two faced b****es Bio: When she was young she went through a lot of abuse (will possibly be revealed in future) she is now 18 and going through a tough time she is currently working to try to do better for herself until (soon) she meets her Ex
Just so you aren't confused he isn't her Ex when they meet this will be years before it happens
anyway! Have a good one and see you in the next episode!
{To Be Continued}

Episode 2 {Alcoholic Mom}

Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*The sound of glass shattering after a few selected words woke me up*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*sigh* She is back
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*getting up and walking out the door* Mom.. what are you doing?
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
*looks over at her* ah... d.. darlimg
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*sighs, I take my mothers hands and lead her to her bedroom* Mom come on, you need rest
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
*suddenly irritated and yanks away* No! I want anoder shot!
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*trying to stay calm and not trigger my mom's angry side* Mom you need rest, you have work tonight remember?
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
*Angry, backhanding Inu across the face* Shut the ***k up! I'm a grown *** woman!
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*My head forcefully went to the right* Seriously Mom?..
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
*smacking her again* Shut Up!
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
Amai Ren (FL Mom)
*takes a bottle of vodka to her room slamming the door*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*rubbing my left cheek as I sigh again* I just wanted to help you...
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*looking at the floor I see a broken shot glass on the ground*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*sighing I grab a broom and sweep it up, dumping the glass in the dumpster outside* Hopefully I got it all
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*before I could go back inside someone covers my eyes*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*smiling a little* Adrik
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*chuckles* How can you tell?
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*Rolling my eyes* You are the only friend I have, remember?
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*ruffles her hair* Yeah I forget how much of a Loner you are
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*Pokes his rib while I pout*
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*jumps like he's been shocked* Hey, no fair ninja hands
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*crossing my arms I look away from him* that's what you get for making fun of me
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*getting on his knees he bows* Oh mistress Inu!! Forgive me for being a brute!! (dramatic voice)
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*giggles* ok, ok I forgive you
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Come in I'll make some coffee
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*he jumps up excitedly* Yes Inu's famous coffee 🎶
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*opening the front door I let Adrik inside, my finger against my lips and pointing to my moms room*
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*nods his head as he pretends to zip up his mouth*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*softly giggles leading him to the kitchen where they could talk*
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*sitting at the counter* Is she at it again today?
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*Sighing sadly* Yeah... I tried to get her to rest but..
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*noticing her redden cheek* She hit you again?
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*subconsciously touches my cheek* yeah, my fault for pissing her off
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*his eyes darken deciding not to say anything knowing she will defend her mom*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*makes my cold brew coffee for both of us*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*his mood changed instantly* Your coffee is the best!
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*looking at her* You work tomorrow night?
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*nods* yeah but I get off at 11
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Perfect, I'm throwing a party and i want you to come
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Nothing too big just to chill with some old friends
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*thinking* hm.. yeah I'll join you, I'll head there after work
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*he dances in his seat* yes!!
{Adrik leaves after his coffee due to work, Inu goes to bed since she has to work tomorrow evening}
{To Be Continued}

Episode 3 {The Party}

{Inu's alarm went off at 4pm}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*I reach over pushing the snooze button on my Alarm* Time to get ready for work
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*I get up off the bed and head to the bathroom doing my morning routine*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*after thirty minutes I'm dressed and ready*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*taking off from my room I yell* I'm leaving for work mom!! Make sure you don't miss work!!
{Inu walked out the door and rushing to work}
{Inu made it to work after fifteen minutes, She worked hard nonstop till finally her shift ended}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*Walks out after getting changed into the outfit I chose for the "Party"*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*walks briskly and quickly to my besties house*
{after an hour she made it to her besties, there were multiple people there she knew and didn't know}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*looks around for my bestie*
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*walks up to her and covers her eyes from behind*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*smiling* Adrik
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*he sighs* You need more friends girl
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*turning, hugs him tightly* Why would I do that when I have my bestie~
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*feels proud* You are right, no one can resist this beautiful face
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*jabs him in his side* Don't get to cocky
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*he laughs at her words* Ok ok I'll calm down
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Will you introduce me to everyone here?
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*he bows* of course Lady Inu (dramatic tone)
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*laughing I pat his head* You are something else
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*he introduced her to many people*
Adrik Night (FL bff)
Adrik Night (FL bff)
*Finally he gets to the last person* I believe you remember Kuma from high school?
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*I bow in greeting* It's been years Lee
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*seeing her made his heart throb* Ah, if it isn't for the famous Inu who everyone knew but could never get close to.
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*blushes* I'm just an introvert, that's why I had little friends
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*Chuckles* That's alright, you knew my ex, so you understand why I couldn't be your friend at the time
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*remembering who he was talking about my jaw clenched* Right.
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*was about to leave with my bestie until Lee grabbed my hand*
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*nervous* Can we talk more?
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*nodding to Adrik I stay with Lee* Is there something the matter?
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*He pulls her closer* I just wanted to say that you are gorgeous, and I'd like to get to know you more.
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*blushes* Oh, ok...
{They talked all night getting to know each other, hours went by and people slowly dissipated due to how late it was, Inu was planning to go home}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*I get up off the ground, dusting the dirt off myself* Well, I should get home before my Mother worries.
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*takes her hand*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*looks back at him* Is something wrong?
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*he shakes his head* No No... I was going to ask if you wanted to join me
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*tilts head* Join you?
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*he smiles* Well my family bought a new home, and they want me to stay in it for a week
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
would you like to stay with me?
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Like some vacation
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*Thinks for a while* Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*he smiles happily* Great! My truck is over there
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*she looks where he is pointing seeing a small white Ford Ranger* It's cute
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*he Chuckles* It's a piece of junk, but it does its job
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*smiles as I follow him to his truck*
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*he opens the passenger door for her to climb in*
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*climbing into his truck my heart races* ~It's ok, you have known him since your freshman year of high school, he isn't some rapist~
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*gets in on the driver side after shutting her door and walking to his side getting in*
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*She nods too nervous to respond out loud*
{Kuma Lee drives for a while and as the time passes Inu becomes uneasy the further they went}
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
Kuma Lee (FL EX)
*takes her hand gently* Hey, don't worry, it's just the house my parents bought is pretty far
Inu Ren (FL)
Inu Ren (FL)
*she smiles nervously* Ok..
{To Be Continued}

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